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Eastriel 09-03-2009 07:55 AM

Brian - Thankyou so much for your support!

@Roachi - Hello to you too ^^ (Your avatar is amazing, should definatly get admins pick ^^)

@Jean- Hello! And thankyou!

@Kitten- I see you! D< *Tags*

@Rainbow- Thankyou very muchly!

Kitten Disaster 09-03-2009 08:58 AM

O: Oh noes! You got me! D:

Hey, you want to come lurk in my new AMV thread? :3

Eastriel 09-03-2009 03:23 PM

ohhh i'll lurk if you want kitten <3

Kitten Disaster 09-03-2009 03:39 PM

Eastriel 09-03-2009 04:27 PM

I'll check it out kitten, I wish I had more people to chat to here. o.o''

white2fire 09-03-2009 05:29 PM

Hey Eastriel! Looks like your quest is going rather well.
How's your day been?

Eastriel 09-03-2009 05:32 PM

It's going quite well yes^^
My days been tiring. yours?

white2fire 09-03-2009 05:34 PM

I just woke up about 3 hours ago. So I'm not tired or sleepy anymore XD
I have to drive my brother to soccer practice in a couple hours though. >_> I'm not a big fan of drivng.

Eastriel 09-03-2009 05:37 PM

I'm not old enough to drive. Heh.
Nice dream avi by the way, oh! And I;d like to thank you for staying and chatting! ^^<3

white2fire 09-03-2009 05:40 PM

You're welcome! ^_^
Thanks, I'm almost done. I only need about 2000g or something. :)
Well, I'm still working on the license. I have a permit and my dad's making me drive everywhere so I can practice. Yeah, the license is still in the making, even though I'm already in college XD

Eastriel 09-03-2009 05:41 PM

I start 'college' [it;s called 6th form here] in a few days. ^^ I still have a fair way to go till my quest is complete unfortunatly.

white2fire 09-03-2009 05:45 PM

Yeah, But you should be able to get the items soon enough. It didn't take me too long. (Cause I post a lot) But if you're good at any games, play them so you can get 500g a day. I even play the one's I'm not good at cause I get bored sometimes. XD

Eastriel 09-03-2009 05:50 PM

I rock at attack of the fan girls and Harbour fishing. I get my 500 a day always. My sisters top scorer at chopper challenge. (samphire) But her computers laggy so it;s easy because the helicopter moves real slow.
What lessons are you doing in college.

white2fire 09-03-2009 05:53 PM

Well, I'm going for an acting degree (or was) I'm actually not planning to go back cause to me it feels like I don't need a degree for my field. That and I took every beginner course so I know the basics of it. All the other classes I need are 1 or 2 credits. And I have to fit in 12. That's like 12 classes a week and I don't feel like doing that. >.<

Eastriel 09-03-2009 06:07 PM

So your doing drama?
I'm doing 4 subjects. Flim studies, drama, art and english language.

white2fire 09-03-2009 06:11 PM

Correction, I was doing drama. Now I'm not doing anything. >_>
I basically took the classes that encompassed everything about theatre. Like stage design, intro to sewing, intro to acting, and a couple of english classes. And I feel like that is enough. American education is terrible.

Eastriel 09-03-2009 06:18 PM

Ah, yeah i;ve heard that from several people. Also your healthcare apparently.
I hope to go in to set design when i'm older, how about you?

white2fire 09-03-2009 06:20 PM

Ummm...As far as I'm figuring It's either a writer or an actor.
Yeah the healthcare is both bad and good. Bad cause taxes don't pay for it. Good because we don't have to wait for days to get a splint for a broken bone.
I can say that both have their pluses and minuses.

Eastriel 09-03-2009 06:26 PM

Yeah, isn't barrak trying to start up an NHS?
Ah I see, I'd like to venture in to writing, at a later stage, hence why I took english language, and i've left the option of acting open by taking drama thoguh i'm more of a creative person so i;d say set and costume design would be perfect for me.

white2fire 09-03-2009 07:14 PM

I have no idea what obama is doing but his theory of "change" is a joke. He'll take our change gladly. (money wise)
I've actually been drawing a lot lately and I'm keeping that open as well. I'm one of those people that does have a talent (or at least a liking) in most areas of the arts.

Eastriel 09-03-2009 07:16 PM

I don;t know if I have a talent. People say I do, I just do what I like.
Whats your favourite play.
And tbh;; your government is way better than ours atm. xD

white2fire 09-03-2009 07:20 PM

Well I haven't seen very many plays, but so far my favorite is "Into the Woods"
The whole play part I and part II. I mostly love it because of the fact that whenever I explain it to someone it like "...and then there was part II."

Before I say anything else what does tbh mean? (I'm not that big on chat speak >_>)
Anyways I only keep up with the stuff my dad tells me so I feel no need to look at much else. (It's all he talks about)
Where do you live anyways?

Eastriel 09-03-2009 07:25 PM

I'm british ^^
Tbh- to be honest. I don;t use a lot of chat speak, only stuff like tbh, ffs, lol, g2g and brb. And I use them sparingly. xD
I've not heard of that play, my favourite (judging by the few i;ve seen) would be either Sweeney tood, starlight express, or a midsummer nights dream (the indian version) I love sweeney todd so much I went to see it twice.

white2fire 09-03-2009 07:29 PM

Okay, now it makes sense ^_^
In a way yes our gov is better cause we don't have camera's that are relatively useless. Apparently you're cops don't look at video when there is a crime. >_> Good grief.

I like Sweeney Tod, but I'll only watch it once in a while. I like dark and morbid but the ending was just O_O. Out of Shakespeare I like Much Ado about Nothing.

Eastriel 09-03-2009 07:34 PM

Ah now that is a lie, our police are obsessed with camera's. xD So yeah.
Our governemnt is crap because of who;s in charge. I cannot wait till the next elections. Anything got to be better than Gordon Brown, he;s the talk of all the comedy shows it's hilarious what they say about him.
I'm not too much of a fan of shakespeare.
And I like sweeney todd because it is dark, it;s not like your conventional musical where everythings happy and there's a happy ending so I like it. Another favourite of mine would be the rocky horror picture show, I can;t wait till it comes to a theatre near me! ^^ Also i;d love to see chicago.

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