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~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 08-26-2014 03:47 AM

Todd followed her closely, keeping his guard up. He had never been around so many people at a time, in such a confined space. It would take a lot of getting used to. He sat down across from Jess and looked at the folded, laminated paper that listed all of the food he could get there. Reading wasn't something he had ever done, so it surprised him slightly that he was able to. Frowning in concentration, he read over the menu. "I can read the words, but I do not understand what they mean. I know the word chocolate, and I know the word milk, do they relate to each other?" He asked. He really couldn't choose something, since he didn't know what any of it was.

Palmoun 08-28-2014 05:12 PM

Jess chuckled when she heard him and smiled at him, "sometimes things mean exactly what they say. Like Chocolate milk is exactly that, chocolate in milk. I actually tastes really good in my opinion." She said as she smiled at him and then wondered if she should order for him, "If you like I can recommend something for you to eat. I mean you haven't been able to experience a lot of things, especially food, so I can show you what you may like." She said and hoped that he didn't mind. She wanted him to enjoy his stay outside as much as possible but she didn't want to come off as annoying or ordering him to listen to her. He had been ordered around enough.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 08-29-2014 03:03 AM

Todd frowned, shaking his head. "I still do not understand what chocolate milk is." He said. Her explanation didn't make any sense, it only repeated the question. "Is it milk that has been turned to chocolate, or chocolate that has been turned to milk? Or a mix of the two? Is it a food, like chocolate is, or is it a drink, like milk?" He questioned further. There seemed to be a lot of things that this item could be. Sighing, he handed the menu to her. "If you would, please. I do not know these things, and I do not know what I like or do not like. Or if I am even supposed to eat."

Palmoun 08-31-2014 06:25 PM

Jess smiled, "well you will be able to understand what it is once you get it." She said as she smiled at him, "It is drink but it has chocolate in it so that it tastes like chocolate." She said as she tried to figure out how to explain it. But she was sure he would be able to understand better once he got it. Looking at the menu she decided to go with something simple and smiled when the waiter came over, "We would like a glass of chocolate milk, a cup of coffee, and then we will have your famous grilled ham and cheese for him while I go for your pancakes." she said happily. Once the waiter left, she smiled at Todd, "I am sure you will like their grilled cheese here, I don't know what they do to it but in my opinion it is the best grilled ham and cheese you can find."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-01-2014 02:40 AM

Todd shrugged, taking her word for it. He didn't know what it was she was talking about, or what any of it tasted like, so he really had nothing to go off. Instead of asking, he decided to sit and look around the place while he waited. He worked on picking out individual smells and trying to figure out what they went to, and even had a surprising amount of success. When the waiter finally came back with the food, Todd tried the chocolate milk first. "Oh! I understand now. A drink, like milk, but with chocolate in it. It is very good." He said, resisting the urge to drink the whole thing at once. Next he turned to the sandwich, which smelled...interesting. He bit into it, and instantly regretted it. "This is not good at all." He said, after forcing himself to swallow that first bite.

((Sorry...Wolfie hates any ham and cheese combo, and she's not feeling too good at the moment, so she just couldn't make Todd like it.))

Palmoun 09-04-2014 03:44 AM

((it is okay, there is no need to say sorry))

Jess smiled when she heard him after drinking the milk and was busy putting cream and cuter in her coffee. "I thought you would like it. Chocolate milk is one of those things that I think few people dislike. I know I still like it." she said and then sipped her coffee before putting more sugar in it. Though when she heard him, she couldn't help but laugh a little bit, "that is okay, people like all different types of food. Here, why don't you try this." she said as she pushed the pancakes in front of him, "If you like that we can trade food and if you don't we can always order something else that you might like." She said as she smiled at him and hoped that he didn't get discouraged from eating. If he wanted to experience normal living, eating was a important part of that.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-07-2014 03:41 AM

Feeling slightly distrustful, Todd went to take a bite of Jess's food. He stopped with the fork about halfway to his mouth, looking as if something had just occurred to him. "If I do not like this, and you order something else, won't that cost you more money?" He asked, remembering something about money being exchanged for goods. "I do not wish to inconvenience you in such a way." He added. Still, the food on her plate smelled good...didn't that mean it would also taste good? Not waiting for her answer, he took the bite, and instantly his expression changed to one of total shock. "This is very good!" He exclaimed, seeming to have forgotten about everything else.

Palmoun 09-11-2014 04:37 AM

Jess smiled when she heard him and nodded, "yes I do suppose it would cost me a little bit more but people need to eat and it is better to eat what you like. So don't worry about it, eat what you like." she said as she smiled at him and then watched as his faced seemed to brighten as he at the pancakes. Smiling, she couldn't' help but laugh a little bit, "pancakes are the few things in this world I find that just about everyone likes." she said as she pulled up the ham and cheese and took a bite out of it. "so go ahead and eat your fill. If you find your still hungry we can always get more." she said as she smiled at him.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-11-2014 04:57 AM

It was only after he had swallowed a few bites that Todd realized he had been missing something all this time. It was a feeling he had known from the very beginning of his existence, and so had never known anything else. The empty feeling that caused odd grumbling sounds to emit from his abdomen every so often. He had never had a name for this feeling, but now that the feeling was being eased and replaced, he knew it had been hunger. And the much better feeling that replaced it...he didn't have a name for that yet, but he liked it. "I did not know that I was so unhappy until now...I hope to never feel that hunger so badly again." He said, finishing the pancakes within a minute. He then realized another feeling that he had never known before, as he drank his chocolate milk. Thirst, he recognized, the need for some kind of liquid in his system. He wondered if normal humans could survive as long as he had without food or drink. Was that part of his makeup, that he could survive such a long time?

Palmoun 09-11-2014 01:54 PM

Jess smiled when she saw him eating and knew that she would make sure he got regular meals now. Even if he could make it with our food a little longer then humans it didn't mean they shouldn't feed him, he was still living. "Don't worry, I will make sure that you don't have to be hungry again. I will talk with the others and convince them to give you meals." she said but knew it probably wouldn't go over well. They didn't see him as something that needed food but she would try to fix that. Even if they didn't agree she would still find a way, even if it meant those meals came out of her pocket. Finishing off her food as well, she smiled, "but before we go do you want anything else to eat? we can even order something to go if you like."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-12-2014 02:34 AM

Finishing the last of his chocolate milk, Todd thought for a moment. He put the glass down and shook his head, then seemed to reconsider. " mentioned something about an...appall ply?" He tried, obviously meaning apple pie, but getting it wrong. A puzzled look crossed his features for a moment. "No, that's not right...aerial fly? No, no, it was...snap ball spy? Augh, that's not it, either!" He was getting frustrated at himself. The way he was "programmed" so to speak was such that his memory should never fail him. Another way that I am a failure, I suppose...

Palmoun 09-12-2014 05:01 AM

Jess smiled when she heard him and had to hold in her laughter as she heard him try to remember it. The more time she spent with him the more time she only saw him as a human then a weapon and humans were flawed creatures. He was no different from her. "It is called apple pie and yes, we can get some of that." she said as she smiled at him, laughing a little bit, "and don't get so frustrated. Sometimes people have problems with remembering something. Somedays I can remember what my birthday is, for some odd reason i always mix it up with my brothers." she said as she smiled at him, hoping that he didn't feel too bad about the mix up.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-14-2014 03:03 AM

Todd shook his head. "I...okay. I suppose it's not that bad that I forgot. But I will remember apple pie next time." He said sulkily. He looked up at her again. "What is a birth-day?" He asked, searching through his memory. He was sure no one had ever mentioned this before, so it made him feel a little bit better that he didn't remember it.

Palmoun 09-16-2014 02:50 AM

Jess smiled at him and when the waiter came over to them and took their plates she ordered them two slices of apple pie. Though when she heard him, she found herself pausing as a slight sadness filled her. "A birthday is a day you celebrate coming into this world and it usually happens every year." She said as she looked at him and knew that if he felt bad about not knowing what apple pie was he might feel bad about the birthday thing too. When the waiter passed them again, she quickly pulled her over and whispered something into her ear before letting her go. She then smiled at Todd, "it is usually a happy occasion and there are sweets and ice cream and presents." she said as she looked at him.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2014 03:10 AM

Todd was quiet as he turned this new information over in his mind. "Humans come into the word through childbirth. So, the day of their birth would be their birthday. And they celebrate that same day every year?" He asked, just to clarify. It made sense, he supposed, that humans would celebrate the day they came into existence. "With a world like this one to come into, I can understand why it would be a happy thing. I know that a present is a thing given freely, usually to commemorate a happy occasion. But what is ice cream?"

Palmoun 09-16-2014 04:44 AM

Jess smiled when she heard him and nodded, "that is exactly correct, everyone has a birthday. Some families even recognize their pets birthday." she said as she looked at him and smiled. He always caught on fast and knew it was because of what he had been programed to do. But she couldn't' help but think that he was acting like someone who was just remembering how to live or was over coming amnesia. "and Ice cream is milk but in a solid form but it can taste like a lot of different things. You will be able to try some soon." she said and then smiled as she heard clapping. Soon all the waiters came over and placed a piece of hot apple pie in front of Todd with ice cream on the side before placing one in front of Jess. They then started to sing happy birthday to him while other customers cheered. "I figured that even though it is kind of late that you still deserved some birthday time." she said once the waiters were done.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-17-2014 02:53 AM

Todd was about to answer when there was a sudden commotion. He watched in shock as several people showed up and started singing to him. The amount of noise was overwhelming, and he couldn't understand why they were talking so strangely, since he had never heard music or singing before. Jess seemed calm, and even happy, which was the only reason he didn't jump up and run. " organized that? What was that? Those people...what were they doing? Why were there so many of them? The noise...was like some kind of attack..." He was pretty shaken, being someone who had never been surprised and didn't know how to deal with it.

Palmoun 09-20-2014 01:04 AM

Jess smiled as she watched him and knew that this had completely caught him off guard. "It is a special thing you can ask for a birthday." she said as she looked at him, "it is their way of celebrating when you come onto this earth. But it wasn't a attack, it was a celebration." she said as she looked at him in the eyes. "It is a celebration for you because I am happy that your here and I want you to be happy to be here." she said as she smiled at him. "now then, why don you try your pie, it is better when it is warm."She said happily ad hoped that she hadn't shaken him up too much, but she wanted him to experience it, wanted him to feel normal and liked he belonged here.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-20-2014 02:09 AM

Still slightly shaken, though recovering quickly, Todd nodded and picked up his fork. He wasn't sure how, but he somehow knew that the fork would be best for eating this particular food. He took a bite that was probably too big for him, started to choke on it, got it down, and smiled. "It is good." He said, cheering up. "Jess? Thank you. For taking me outside, and showing me these things. If I never get out after this, I will be happy to just remember this day."

Palmoun 09-29-2014 03:40 AM

Jess smiled as she took a bite out of her food and got worried when she heard him coughing. Yet she calmed down when she saw the smile and nodded. She was just about to take another bite out of her food when she heard him. Setting down her fork, she found herself unable to think of him as a experiment at the moment. Sure, she had thought she was looking for how he was still of use and not a failure, but right now she was human. "It was my pleasure." she said as she smiled at him and made sure she didn't frown at the idea of him being stuck in that room again, "and I will make sure that you get to come outside again. That way you can enjoy the outside even more." she said but yet wondered if they would allow it again. Just as she was about to dig into her pie again she felt her phone go off. Picking it up, the instant she put it to her ear all she heard was, "Pro. Garther, bring subject #7099 back to the facility right away. We may have figured out a breakthrough on how to fix him." Before the line went dead. Looking down at the phone, she found herself feeling a little numb. What did they mean by FIX? She then looked up at Todd, "It's time we head back." She said softly.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-01-2014 02:22 AM

Todd was watching her intently. He had heard the phone call clearly, only because of his advanced hearing. "They want to make me better." He said, trying to reassure her. "If they succeed, then I will be able to go outside more often, and it will be okay because I'll be fixed. I'll know things like birthdays and pie and I'll be able to blend in with humans. Everyithing will be fine." He finished with a smile that said he really believed what he was saying. In his naive way, he truly thought the scientists were trying to help him.

Palmoun 10-04-2014 08:09 PM

Jess was surprised when she heard him and tried to calm down. Taking a deep breath she nodded but felt sick in the pit of her stomach. If she had known spending time with Todd would do this to her she wouldn't have done it… no, she still would have. Setting some money o the table she slowly got to her feet, "we better not keep them waiting." he said softly since she knew if she didn't take him back they would come after her. Yet all the experiments they had done to him already ran though her mind, all the times they poked and prodded him. They would do the same, only worse in the hopes to make him better. Looking at Todd, she gave him a weak smile, "yeah, I am sure everything will be fine.." yet her eyes clearly shown that she didn't believe everything would be fine.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-05-2014 03:13 AM

Todd stood up with Jess and looked her straight in the eye. He saw the truth there, about what was about to happen to him. Instead of saying so, he put on a mostly convincing smile. "Right. Let's get going, then. The sooner they finish fixing me, the sooner you can bring me outside again." He said. He wanted to believe it, and so he did.

Palmoun 10-08-2014 06:14 AM

Jess smiled slowly and nodded, "yeah, lets go." she said and started to lead him out of the restaurant after paying. Yet as they made their way back to the lab, with each step her uneasiness grew. When the doors of the institute came into view she felt like she was going to puke as all the things they would do to him flashed in her mind. She didn't want him to go through it again. She would find out what exactly they were going to do and if it was bad she would make them stop, one way or another. She was so deep in though she hardly even saw Vincent come out of the institute. Looking at them, Vincent smiled at Todd and then jess, "come along, the others are getting impatient." he said before leading them inside and down to the prepared room.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-08-2014 06:27 AM

Todd walked in silence, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. The "fix-ups" that he had received in the past were never pleasant and always painful. They always left him awake during the procedure, so he would feel everything. He was somewhat used to it by now, but he still had to brace himself. It's for my own good. They're fixing me. Everything will be fine. The hollow promises he made to himself replayed over in his mind as he followed Vincent to the room where he would be fixed...again. He stayed quiet, keeping his eyes downcast as he always did. They didn't like it when he showed any individuality. He had to be subservient at all times. A loyal, obedient dog.

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