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p o p p e t ♥ 09-18-2013 01:22 AM

I love the black dress and the polka dot top! I love red with polka dots. [yes]

GwenaHikari 09-18-2013 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1772146298)
*blinks blinks* Why are we suddenly in Halloween theme? XD lol. I thought we are in... autumn theme...
oh well, typical me, being a foreigner to not relate Halloween to autumn. *chuckles*

I have yet to see a COMPLETE PREFECT octagon, whatevergon, shape in the precise angle. Put aside that argument of shape names. I just wish to point out that, everyone can IMPROVE, there is no limit in perfection. You can be satisfied at any stage you want, it is totally your freedom. I find that it is easier to improve when you 'feel' motivated or the need for it. Some people take it slow, some want it fast. Follow your own pace.

In the influence of cartoon and simple clipart, spiderwebs overall shape can be nice perfect whatevergon or round. But the main point is, it curve inward. It is the its identity. It can be a slight curve or a deep curve.

And that is one awesome round. Maybe only that angle. XD
But notice that the outerring of it is not round, it is pointy. When dealing with pixel size this small, the OUTERshape is more important than the individual detail at the centre. In any possibility, the smallest cobweb you have, it could have the same shape resembling a snowflake like the instead. Don't try to fit in small detail in a small pixel. You see, if your bigger shape already shown it detail/identity as a cobweb, people would think that the smaller shape is the same thing even though it is just the outershape.

Just like why I thought it is a symbol because that is the closest related thing I had seen before in the Baji short. Human always thought of similarity of things they had seen.

---------- Post added 09-17-2013 at 10:06 PM ----------

oh and for the shirt.
how about seam? big fat seam.
*chuckles* Ribbon for males. XD

See now I don't think of Spider webs curving inward....actually the ones I've seen do the opposite O.o They go out, not in. Meh my only goal is to create nice pixel outfits, that are at least good enough for menewsha. I don't do perfection, because honestly perfection is an "end" its the highest point of "insert thing here" And its honestly unrealistic attempt anyway, as no one is or can be perfect.

I always try to improve even if I can't be perfect, as I can at least try to be better than I currently am! [:)] I mean when I first attempted pixeling, I pixeled a horrid pink dress lol I restarted pixeling after/during the ship wreck event and my stuff looks a ton better...without even practicing between the pink dress and the new stuff! And I'm sure as I practice and get suggestions I'll improve even more! As long as people enjoy my designs I'm happy.

And I follow my own pace no matter what [cool] I'm not like anyone else and I'm cool with that! [;)]

And yes halloween is a fall thing (in the states anyway), its actually only 43 days away provided I counted right.

My motivation for everything I do: "You try you fail. You try you fail. But the only true failure is when you stop trying" I heard that in a movie and its stuck with me ever since, it shows that failed attempts can't stop you, but not bothering to keep trying - will!

and I don't know how to do seams, I'll have to study/practice how to do those [oops]

---------- Post added 09-17-2013 at 10:31 PM ----------


Originally Posted by p o p p e t ♥ (Post 1772146878)
I love the black dress and the polka dot top! I love red with polka dots. [yes]

My sister loves the black dress too! Yeah polka dots are awesome! Reds, pinks, etc are my favorite colors so I work with those a lot! [;)]

xuvrette 09-18-2013 05:30 AM

seams... are just dotted lines... not so difficult.

I didn't see a lot of cobwebs in my life, whatever cobwebs I see are on pictures and TV. I am sure there are weird exception everywhere, nature is amazing to the point that they categorize tiger as cat. -__-;; The only few that I see, is pointed. triangular at the corner of the ceiling.

No one can be perfect, though, high expectation is better than LOW easier reach goal.

GwenaHikari 09-18-2013 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1772147333)
seams... are just dotted lines... not so difficult.

I didn't see a lot of cobwebs in my life, whatever cobwebs I see are on pictures and TV. I am sure there are weird exception everywhere, nature is amazing to the point that they categorize tiger as cat. -__-;; The only few that I see, is pointed. triangular at the corner of the ceiling.

No one can be perfect, though, high expectation is better than LOW easier reach goal.

Actually you need both: a high expectation goal and a lower expectation goal - otherwise you get bored, burned out and frustrated with the higher goal (especially if its so I high, you may never actually reach it lol). Low goals give that sense of accomplishment and keep you reaching toward your higher goal. Kind of like when I started learning Japanese, at first where I wanted to go with it was incredibly low and superficial (even though I ultimately had a higher goal in mind ), because when I first started, I didn't really know what I really needed to do in order to accomplish my higher end goal but having them (as silly as they were) those kept me focused on at least trying and I have over time modified the lower goals to better achieve my higher Goals are like a tower or a pyramid they build on each other lol Thats why a mix is best, cause if you only have easy goals you'll keep running out of stuff to work toward, but if you only have high goals they'll be annoying to chase after, need to have that balance.

Here is some cobweb practice I've done (to try out other styles for the pants) They are kind hard to see because of the light background but spider webs are kind of obscure anyway right? lol

xuvrette 09-19-2013 04:19 AM

Why is it... so blurry? @. @ *dizzy*

I don't call easier to reach goal as goal, they are just milestone to me. Like getting to the final goal, I divided the art into few stages. Every completion of one stage is a milestone, time for a break. I am a lazy person, so I prefer to NOT do a lot of things, get it right the first time.

GwenaHikari 09-19-2013 04:31 AM

I don't know why its blurry. O.o When it comes to art I'm usually a one hit wonder, which means I do it well once and that's it lol Whenever I try to duplicate artwork by hand it looks nothing like the original lol - I don't seem to do that with pixeling though which is good.

I'll practice more with webs and show em off, the blurriness might be, because I accidentally saved it in jpeg, than realizing that opened it in paint again and than saved to png..the quality might have degraded from the original save.[sweat]

xuvrette 09-19-2013 05:53 AM

JPEG mess up the simplest square!!!
It is a destroyer of pixel art!

GwenaHikari 09-19-2013 06:18 AM

I know right! I never really noticed the diff between jpeg and png until I started pixeling, now its really obvious! Now I png unless I accidentally jpeg lol [;)]

Here hopefully this is better web practice

I "was" going to leave the person naked and just do the webs in the corner but than I was like "why not?" lol so she ended up with a web inspired outfit of sorts!

xuvrette 09-19-2013 06:58 AM

It looks so much clearer and tidier and nicer.

Did you ever observe how the 米shape of the web spread? The web in that shape is connected to surface or support.
Currently, that corner web look a bit... kind of... not right.

As for the clothes... Is the pant one same piece?
I like the irregularity of the web. In comparison, the cobweb is a bit too tidy...

GwenaHikari 09-19-2013 07:48 AM

Its kind of like pants with webish top xD I know strange idea lol hm well the corner webs are connect to the imaginary "corner" O.o So they should be fictionally supported. I like tidy lol So my cobwebs are too "neat"? They need to look...messier? O.o

xuvrette 09-19-2013 08:34 AM

I think they are too neat, for one thing.

I don't think the cobweb would look so quarter round wish in the corner.
It is about how it hangs from the ceiling with only two perpendicular sides.
Cobweb among the tree is different, because the spider can have support from all angles. But ceiling or corner of ceiling the most you have is 3 sides.
So in perspective of the avatar angle, the cobweb won't drop like that. It would be askew...
Kind of like a round lamp, do not look round in eyeview.

GwenaHikari 09-19-2013 09:41 AM

Well here's a slightly reworked set: I changed the webbing on the pants most notably.

xuvrette 09-19-2013 02:32 PM

By the way, there is this 3 slanted lines... what are they?

I think this version looks much more convincing.

GwenaHikari 09-20-2013 02:01 AM

Random decoration pretty much xD faked rhinestones maybe I don't know lol Fabric stripes *shrugs* it just seemed cool lol

xuvrette 09-20-2013 05:21 AM

I am not sure about those stripes...
Fabric stripes? How is it attached? Is it print on? sewn on?

GwenaHikari 09-22-2013 07:02 AM

Um, sewn on maybe? o.o

xuvrette 09-22-2013 10:30 AM

I think they have to curve a bit to match the curve surface of the lower leg.

Maria-Minamino 09-22-2013 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1772148919)
Well here's a slightly reworked set: I changed the webbing on the pants most notably.

Hello there Gwena! I like the idea of the outfit you have right now.

I see you've been working on the spider and spider webbing on the pants. I would personally first work on the shading of the pants. Take off the webs and spider for now and shade the thing first. Then add back the spider and the webs after that is done. The idea of the pants is very cute! People would definitely be interesting in spider web pants. But notice how the menewsha palettes all use 5-6 shades. So I would first concentrate on the pants first and look at menewsha pants that have already been made for reference on shading. Then add the spider and webs back on :) Keep up the good work!

GwenaHikari 09-25-2013 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1772153030)
Hello there Gwena! I like the idea of the outfit you have right now.

I see you've been working on the spider and spider webbing on the pants. I would personally first work on the shading of the pants. Take off the webs and spider for now and shade the thing first. Then add back the spider and the webs after that is done. The idea of the pants is very cute! People would definitely be interesting in spider web pants. But notice how the menewsha palettes all use 5-6 shades. So I would first concentrate on the pants first and look at menewsha pants that have already been made for reference on shading. Then add the spider and webs back on :) Keep up the good work!

That's the sad thing Maria, this is after me trying to shade them xD I'm THAT bad at As a designer I'm awesome, when it comes to shading.....I'm horrid! But'll try to look at some of menewsha's pants and see what I can do.

I tried to use 5-6 shades in it xD yes..I'm that bad

It probably should be noted, I use paint to pixel (I have gimp but I don't like it xD least not for this anyway)

Maria-Minamino 09-25-2013 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1772156546)
That's the sad thing Maria, this is after me trying to shade them xD I'm THAT bad at As a designer I'm awesome, when it comes to shading.....I'm horrid! But'll try to look at some of menewsha's pants and see what I can do.

I tried to use 5-6 shades in it xD yes..I'm that bad

It probably should be noted, I use paint to pixel (I have gimp but I don't like it xD least not for this anyway)

I actually also use Paint :) I prefer paint to be honest :D

GwenaHikari 09-26-2013 08:54 PM

Paint lovers unite! (not to be confused with people who like wall paint! xD ) Paint ftw!

And I'm still trying to work on that shading, but my first attempt was bad, with capital b lol

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