Menewsha Avatar Community

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Goblin Maiden 07-18-2010 08:51 PM


Yes. There is. D8 It shows up on MY computer. Hmmm.


Emma Corrin 07-18-2010 08:54 PM

That's all I get each time you post it :/

Goblin Maiden 07-18-2010 08:55 PM

OHHH. It's to stop their bandwidth from going up I bet. XD Sorry. Does the link work, at least?

Emma Corrin 07-18-2010 08:56 PM

Like I said - each time you post it, that's what I get xD
So no, the link does not work either~

Goblin Maiden 07-18-2010 08:58 PM

Okay, just gimme one Jareth, with a side of hawtsome, his hand outstretched towards the viewer of the picture. Anything else is up to you. :3 Is that okay?

Emma Corrin 07-18-2010 09:07 PM

Sure xD;
I'll see what I can do~

sadrain 07-18-2010 09:09 PM

-flops by-

Emma Corrin 07-18-2010 09:17 PM

Hihi sadrain :) <3
What's up?

sadrain 07-18-2010 09:38 PM

Getting ready to sleep, I supposes. XD;

Emma Corrin 07-18-2010 09:45 PM

Haha - I wish I could sleep :(
-still hasn't been sleeping well-

sadrain 07-18-2010 09:48 PM

Aw, I am sorry, Emma. D:
Well, I have get p in 6 or 7 hours... @_@


so bye sbyes!

Estrella 07-18-2010 09:50 PM

Lol. The image just told me that I got pwned. xD;;

Emma Corrin 07-18-2010 10:03 PM

Okies haha
Sleep well sadrain :)


That's what it tells me too haha

Neh neh - what did you want drawn Estrella?
-saw your trade-

Roachi 07-19-2010 12:04 AM

Ahh so that's what it was LOL. Nah i ain't gonna kill you, if you wanna spend your gold that's your business lol.
I spent 13k on commons xD

Emma Corrin 07-19-2010 12:06 AM

No butt-bashing?
No time-outs?
No feeshing?
I'm in the clear?
SCORE~!!! <333 :boogie:

Estrella 07-19-2010 01:29 AM

This avatar, if you want to.
Or I can pick an OC of mine...

I don't really care. xD;

Goblin Maiden 07-19-2010 01:32 AM

YAAAY. *Mai huggle-glomps Sissy* I'm so excited. * 3*

...Why, when I asked for Jareth with a side of hawtsome, did I suddenly get a mental image of him shirtless? O___o;;; Whatever, so overrated. Men are waaaay smexyah in formal ball attire! *Mai nods*

Man, I want to open my own thread here, but I don't know what to do for it. D8

Emma Corrin 07-19-2010 01:44 AM

Estrella - Up to you :)

Mai - Hehehehe :boogie:

Goblin Maiden 07-19-2010 01:48 AM

*Mai jumps up and starts magic dancing along with Sissy* Whoo-hoo!

Emma Corrin 07-19-2010 02:14 AM

YAYYY! :boogie:
-watches a chicken run around-

Loneata 07-19-2010 02:42 AM

hey there chica
I didn't even know an event was happening lol.....

so what are you up too lately lol

Emma Corrin 07-19-2010 02:47 AM

Pretty items :D <3

Nothin much really - just trying to get tired so I can hopefully sleep soon :yes:

Estrella 07-19-2010 02:59 AM

This avatar's fine then.

Loneata 07-19-2010 03:00 AM

hmmm what items are out for this event if any girl?

Liztress 07-19-2010 03:18 AM

*snuggles* Hello Emma dear. I want some art but not sure which of the items you might have. Let me know which one you don't have and I shall fill out the form.

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