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ladyumbra 12-21-2007 09:29 PM

*slips into the thread*

Tesel 12-21-2007 09:39 PM

Oh, I hear Navidan does beautiful artwork...

*looks around the gallery*

Perhaps one day I can have myself drawn. In action, of course. ;)

Navi 12-21-2007 09:43 PM

Thanks Circa! And thanks Tesel - you're looking quite fashionable! :o

*waves to everyone and tosses snow around* ^^

meilin 12-21-2007 09:46 PM

-ponders snagging one of those sketch slots-

Tesel 12-21-2007 09:48 PM

Why thank you Navidan! You are looking quite festive as well. I do like those pants. I'm glad both ladies and gentlemen get to wear them. *smiles* I do prefer pants over a skirt -any day-.

Navi 12-21-2007 09:49 PM

Ahh... everything is good here now - I took a breather from Photoshop which was making me frustrated/angry and snappy at my husband and then he started doing it too... but now we ate and everything is good. Yay.

=3 They'll be up throughout most of the event I'm sure meilin, if you're unsure at the moment. ^^

Navi 12-21-2007 09:51 PM

I agree Tesel, I'm in a "pants mood" recently. Though I do have a fondness for skirts as well. I jump back and forth between them. At the moment though, I'm loving these! My goal is to get all the items by the time the event is over. I think it's a big goal since I probably have to raise about 10,000 gold. *faints!*

ladyumbra 12-21-2007 09:51 PM

*is sure* Could I snag one and then go grab a refernce pic?

Navi 12-21-2007 09:55 PM

Sure can Umbra, I'll put you in the first slot. =3

ladyumbra 12-21-2007 09:58 PM

ref pic :
Do I send a trade now or just donate the gold when it's done?

Navi 12-21-2007 10:01 PM

Whatever you'd feel most comfortable with, I don't mind. =3

Lovely character. o:

ladyumbra 12-21-2007 10:08 PM

Will donate afterwards then since I'm most used to that way.

Ty she's a B/C char on gaia of mine.

Melody 12-21-2007 10:34 PM

Once I finish my holiday outfit I'll see about getting a slot >.< I want to change her shirt but I dunno what to change it so phooey.

Sizzla 12-21-2007 11:00 PM

It's Ti! XD

I should have Rhea drawn maybe...

*thinks about what other commons she needs to buy*

I love so many of them too Navi. Our pixelists make me happy. :D

Navi 12-21-2007 11:21 PM

*glomps mel* Heya - ohh yes I don't know what you'd change it to either. D:

@Siz: They are all so great, I love the aurora scarves. * A* Can't wait to see what the event items are. =3

Melody 12-21-2007 11:44 PM

Navi! I've sent you your Christmas present <3
and since I am happy with my avi at the moment I would like to steal a slot for one of your sketches <3 it will be the avatar I have now if you want me to post a picture of it I will <3 and I'll be sending you 200 gold once you see this and acknowledge it XD

Lore 12-21-2007 11:47 PM

< < Crap. Now I regret spending my gold in the event store. ; ; Pretty aaaaaaart.

*licks the pictures* .. > > That's claiming, you know.

Navi 12-21-2007 11:53 PM

Thanks Mel, I'll put you down in the slot. ^-^ I'll have something for you too, later. o: **EDIT** *sniffles* Thanks so much. <33

Thanks Lore. <3

I fixed Photoshop, I just had to reinstall it! ^_^ *continues to work on her breedables now!*

jellysundae 12-21-2007 11:56 PM

Navi! *snugs*
You look adorable in that outfit ^_^

Melody 12-21-2007 11:58 PM

yay for fixing photoshop!
I just sent you the gold. Though i forgot to put in a message but you went from 400 something to 600 something :P I swear I sent it XD
I look forward to the arts! <33 adn you're quite welcome!

Navi 12-21-2007 11:58 PM

*hugs jelly tight* Thanks hon, I love that jacket you have on as well. ^_^ The commons are so pretty. * 3*

How are you doing?

*laughs and hugs mel* Thanks sweety, yeah I got it. =3

Melody 12-22-2007 12:03 AM

*hugs back* lol just making sure.
I am going to be off for a while. need to find something to feed the kids for dinner >.> grilled cheese? lol

meilin 12-22-2007 12:06 AM

-drops back in after getting some things finished- Hi~

Sir D . L O Van Lobsters 12-22-2007 12:07 AM

*Pokes around*

Hoe hoe hoe dlo in duh howze.

yanyan13 12-22-2007 12:09 AM

  • :OO Navidian's art is so pretty :D

    that's sexual harassment... xD

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