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Anoni 04-06-2007 11:15 PM

@ Kimmy: Pho's just rather thick. :mrgreen:
*gives you some jah leung* *__*

Pho 04-06-2007 11:16 PM

ah ok...
i don't get a lot of things. XDD it would help if you explained P:

noo, no chocolates for me ;-;
i used to get those mini cadberry (sp) chocolate eggs... those aren't too bad. XDD

did you get any? :o

ohh that's true! i wants a cutie baby girl like youu *0*
i'm not THAT thick... maybe ><;;; gah

kimcheeboo 04-06-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Anoni
@ Kimmy: Pho's just rather thick. :mrgreen:
*gives you some jah leung* *__*

mmmm..... :mrgreen:

*gives anon some bak wun fung jau* 8)

omgee~ pho wants a baby? o.o!! *thinks for a moment* well it is that time of a year xD teh bunnyfication

Winnsome 04-06-2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Anoni
@ Pho: You know what you want! You want a cutie baby. xD

@ Winny: Whinny ay? Do you secretly want to be a horse? ;) :mrgreen: That'd be a cute name for a horsie. ^^
It's Autumn here, so maybe that's why! xD But it was fully sunny the few days before.
I guess He goes through this every year? xD

Lolll, that would be. xD My history teacher wants to name her horse (if she ever gets one, aha) Trotsky, so she can go Trot, Trotsky! XD (History fanatics FTW!)
Oooh, Autumn... @__@ Autumn is so warm where I live. XD But yeah! I guess Jesus lived in the Northern hemisphere. >__>

kimchee I'm doing okay. x] Doing cheeemmmm (and preparing to pig out on chocolate). Youu?

kimcheeboo 04-06-2007 11:22 PM

@pho: well if being treated as a girlfriend, its like treating a guy like another girl (ever watch queer eye makeover show?), and i think you get being treated as a lover is, huh xD :mrgreen: lols

@winn: im about to go prepare some stuff for dinner.... dunno what to eat today, nor do i feel like cooking ;____;

Anoni 04-06-2007 11:25 PM

@ Pho: Yes you are, you know you are. :mrgreen: <33 I try to help you. ^^
What if I make a cutie boy instead? xD Will you bash me? ;-;

@ Kimmy: Rofl, that time of the year. xDD *gives you some char siew bao* :mrgreen: <33

@ Winny: I didn't mean it, I'm sorry! ;-; I don't get that historical reference, but Trotsky sounds like such a cute name! *__* <33
Where do you live? :o Near the equator? xD

Winnsome 04-06-2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pho
noo, no chocolates for me ;-;
i used to get those mini cadberry (sp) chocolate eggs... those aren't too bad. XDD

did you get any? :o

Those are good, with the really delicious centers? O:

I haven't gotten any yet. D<
I won't be getting them until the after-easter sale. :lol:
But then, it's pig-out time! xDD <3

kimm Don't cook, microwave! XDD Takeout! x]
Modern society's choices are endless. x]]
But cooking is great too...
Hmm.. perhaps something quick and easy? A salad?

Anoni 04-06-2007 11:27 PM

Cadbury chocolate is yuckky! </3

kimcheeboo 04-06-2007 11:32 PM

@anon: well it is spring already, well... for the northern part of the globe xD;

@winn: haha, i wished it's that easy @____@;; *doesnt have modern kitchenware & electronics*
*too tired to cook* xD



Pho 04-06-2007 11:34 PM


Anoni 04-06-2007 11:34 PM

I figured, if it was Autumn here. xD Aw poor Kimmy. :o Go eat ermm yum cha. x.x *shot*

Pho 04-06-2007 11:35 PM

aiya... i still don't get it? XD

hmm nope, i don't think so. it's just the regular little chocolate eggs with the hard candy exterior? XD ><;;; not the ooie gooie ones that look like eggs on the inside P: those are MEGA sweet

haha, i do that for some christmas goodies *shot*

yay ^^

well you said you wanted to make that first anyways. XDD I wouldn't bash you!!! i don't care what you make. P:

Winnsome 04-06-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Anoni
@ Winny: I didn't mean it, I'm sorry! ;-; I don't get that historical reference, but Trotsky sounds like such a cute name! *__* <33
Where do you live? :o Near the equator? xD

Trotsky was a Russian Bolshevik Communist. Was overruled by Stalin and died by an ice pick in Mexico after he fled. xDD But it was because it sounded like Trot. x]]
Not that cloooseee. But Southern California, so pretty much the same. Just not as hot. xD Perfect conditions much? >__>
(We start complaining it's cold at 60 degrees fahrenheit, and we start complaining it's hot at 80 degrees fahrenheit. Yuup.)
EDIT: And how can you not like Cadbury chocolates? T__T XD <3

kimm Awww. T___T What do you use to cook then?
Maybe have some crackers and cheese instead?

kimcheeboo 04-06-2007 11:38 PM

*goes rampage on pho, and dress him up like a girl with heavy makeup all over his face* xD <3
Anon dear~ i hope you dont mind me doing a whole makeover on pho right? :twisted: :wink:

*gives daan tat to anon* :mrgreen:

Anoni 04-06-2007 11:41 PM

@ Pho: I'll make you nothing then. :D

@ Winny: Ice pick.. what an interesting way to die? xD
Is it always hot in Southern Cali? :o Hm I need to find a converter *uses celsius*
I started complaining that it's cold when it's below 68. xD I like weather between 80 and 90! :mrgreen:

Cadbury chocolate tastes so weird to me? xD I'm not a chocolate fan I guess. And I like creamier ones. ><';;

Pho 04-06-2007 11:41 PM

explain it again ><;;;

whyyy nothing?!?
are you going to make it with some guy in shaghai?!?
i don't like green that much!

Winnsome 04-06-2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by kimcheeboo
*goes rampage on pho, and dress him up like a girl with heavy makeup all over his face* xD <3
Anon dear~ i hope you dont mind me doing a whole makeover on pho right? :twisted: :wink:

*gives daan tat to anon* :mrgreen:

makeup & clothes doesn't hide what he really is inside! :lol:

Ehehee xDD Iono, I'm in to sweet stuff. >__>
We do that for everything. ;__;
Why eat now when you can wait one extra day and save tons? :lol:

kimcheeboo 04-06-2007 11:42 PM

@winn: pots and pans? xD lols
I bought too many groceries that I needa perpare and cook xD *blames teh bf for being a cheapskate* :? :roll:

Anoni 04-06-2007 11:42 PM

@ Kimmy: I didn't get what you typed either. xD *shot*
Nuuu I likes my Pho as a guy! ;-; I don't like girliessss! ;-;

kimcheeboo 04-06-2007 11:45 PM

*dies* x_____x; nvm xD *dress anon as a guy and gels her hair like a guy* xDD
there, a boy and a girl :mrgreen: seems balance now o.o;

Pho 04-06-2007 11:45 PM

noope, i can't handle all that sweetness in such a small package. XDD it's way too over whelming. ><;;;; i'll need a ton of milk or something with it D:

haha, that is very true! the prices are usually cut in half and they have those psycho deals. ie. buy two for however much cheaper since they need to get rid of it asap. P:

i really don't like those regular easter eggs that teachers usually hand out... you know those lame ones that are just foiled? they have the same ones for halloween with the scary pumpkin faces. @__@;; those are gross

Winnsome 04-07-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pho
noope, i can't handle all that sweetness in such a small package. XDD it's way too over whelming. ><;;;; i'll need a ton of milk or something with it D:

haha, that is very true! the prices are usually cut in half and they have those psycho deals. ie. buy two for however much cheaper since they need to get rid of it asap. P:

i really don't like those regular easter eggs that teachers usually hand out... you know those lame ones that are just foiled? they have the same ones for halloween with the scary pumpkin faces. @__@;; those are gross

That's why you eat them with milk. >__>
Why does milk seem to neutralize everything without the icky taste of water?

Honestly, my parents went and bought a turkey after Thanksgiving (we bought one before too) and then we had turkey sandwiches for the next month or so. xDD (ever so often! Not every day! >__>)

Yeah, but teachers get paid so little, you gotta be thankful for what little they bring, eh? But the taste is so artifical. >__>
They are gross!

Kimmchee Evil boyfriend, make poor kimmii suffer! D8 <3
What can you make that would be easy?

Pho 04-07-2007 12:00 AM


Winnsome 04-07-2007 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Pho

As a girl? o.0
If you're taking about your avatar, YEAAHH!! GO NEKKID EXCEPT FOR EVENT ITEMS CUTE PEOPLE!! :lol:

kimcheeboo 04-07-2007 12:06 AM

@winn: i dunno xD i'll probably go and make either omurice or chicken cutlet with more miso soup from last night dinner xD

@pho: nuh uh, KIMMII ISH KUTE~! x3

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