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JessehBoo 08-31-2010 02:50 AM

Remembering the kiss the woman blushed, remembering it was a moment she knew Isaac loved her no matter what. No matter how she looked or anything like that, he love her. "..Oui, pas du tout.." Though she loved remembering all these cherished memories, they made her also remember her life now. And then she thought about what would have happened if they stayed together...would they be married? ...have kids..? Cammille looked into Isaacs blue eyes with her own amethyst ones, still pondering the question before answering his. "Well, you know about my father...and my mother is fine. Still designing wedding gowns in Paris." Smiling the woman remembered being small and giving her mother her own dress ideas, and a few of them inspired some of her mothers greatest dresses, though of course much more detailed then her child scribbles.

Palmoun 08-31-2010 03:16 AM

Isaac smiled and loved remembering those memorys now. He hardly did in australia since he was always working but with her he remembered. He remembered to slow down and have a life besides work. He remembered how wonderufl love it and how he missed it. He remembered everything about her and all the memorys of her. Part of him wished they had stayed together but that was in the past. She probably had someone else, someone better then him and who deserved her more.
He then smiled when he heard her, "that is great, I remembered that she loved doing that." he said and remembered how she talked aobut her mothers dresses. He remembered how she had said she always wanted to wear one when she got married. "so what kind of activitys are you into now? I mean do you rock climb or anything like that?" he asked and wondered if they could do anything together.

JessehBoo 08-31-2010 03:28 AM

Cammille sipped her coffee and nodded. "I did some rock climbing..and you wont beleive it but i sky dived. The adrelaline is addicting i must say." The woman blushed and smiled. "Im pretty sure you remember be falling alot, so i dont do many..."coirdination needed" sports." It was then that the womans phone rang and she held up her finger in the "one minute" gesutre. It was trent and her heart sank yet she answered anyway. "Bonjour?" "Hello my love how are you?" The corner of Cammille's mouth twitched into a frown as he said "my love" yet she brushed it off. "Im alright and you?" "Just missing you, and hoping we can go out to dinner when you come back." "Oui, Je voudrais que beaucoup me joindre à vous" (Yes, i would like very much to join you) "Je ne peux pas attendre mon amour" (i cant wait my love) "Au revoir" Cammille shut the phone close and felt her heart in the pit of her stomach...

Palmoun 08-31-2010 03:45 AM

Isaac was about to say something when he heard her phone and watched her. He saw how her mood had changed, "is everything okay, Cammi?" he asked you could hear the worry in his voice. Even after all these years he still got worryed about her over the slightest things. "who was that who called?" he asked and you coudl still hear the worry in his voice. Was it someone from her work? did something happen to her parents? was it a ex boyfriend or soethig? all these questions whirled around his head and she was the only one who could answer them.

JessehBoo 08-31-2010 03:53 AM

"Fine...just my...boyfriend...He calls now and then." She was quiet, she thought Isaac would hate her now...She could see he was worried and it made her feel worse. Here he was worried about her when it was she who had someone. A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned foward onto the counter, resting her head in her arms. Cammille wanted to crawl into a hole and die. After all these years she sees the man who was her first love...and she had someone. And not just someone, a good someone. He was kind...sweet...but now that she was with Isaac again she felt something with him that she never felt with Trent...

Palmoun 08-31-2010 04:17 AM

Isaac looked at her and his heart sunk completely. she had someone else in her heart now, she would do nothing to stop that. "well that is what boyfriends do." he said and smiled a little bit. He hoped that they could still be friend even thought his heart broke more at the thought. "if you remember I use to call and text you all the time just because I could." he said and missed that. He missed talking to her and now that he was he wished that he still was doing that. But he had to get use to the idea that she was with someone else.

JessehBoo 08-31-2010 04:36 AM

"Yeah..." The more she thought of the past the more she wished it was the present. Sure she had Trent...but what she had with Isaac she could never have with another guy...first love...pure love.. A small tear escaped the woman's eye on the wide of her face that Isaac coudl not see. Wiping it discretely on her sleeve she turned and faked a smile. "You were a clingy boyfriend" she teased. Truely she loved everything he did, and craved it now. "I should head home soon...My dad needs me.." Her voice had a hint of sadness. She really didnt want to leave him...

Palmoun 08-31-2010 04:47 AM

Isaac frowned when he heard her, "if you really have to go can I at least walk you home like I use to." he said as he looked at her and smiled. "and you may be Right about me clinging to you but you nevr complained about it." he said as he stood and smiled at her. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her now. He didn't want to let her go just yet for he feared if he did he would lose her forever. He didn't want to lose contact with her again and would make sure of that.

JessehBoo 08-31-2010 05:02 AM

Cammille nodded and stood putting her hoodie on. "Bye Mrs. Lowe!" She said with a smile and the woman waved goodbye to her as she took another customers order. The bell dinged as they left and there was a fresh blanket of snow around them. The snow was barely falling but Cammi was still for a moment, Admiring the beauty of the scene. The womans hand that was closest to Isaac dangled at her side as the other was in her pocket. "I've always loved the winter here...there so beautiful.."

Palmoun 08-31-2010 05:11 AM

Isaac nodded as he looked around and smiled, "yeah it is.." he said softly and stopped himself from saying anything he regreated. She was with someone else, he couldn't make a move on her. He would love to but he couldn't and it tore himself up inside since he knew. He then sighed and looked up into the sky, "you know the snow holds many memorys for us." he said and remembered everything he did with her and now wished it would stop. It was painful to know he could never be with her again no matter how much he could be. He then smiled down at her, "And I never want to forget those memorys." he said but quickly stuffed his hands into his pocket before he did anything.

JessehBoo 08-31-2010 05:23 AM

Cammille blushed and linked her arm around his and stayed like that as they walked. "I know...Me either.." The rest of her life didnt matter...this was all that she cared Resting her head against his arm, as she was a bit shorter then him, she closed her eyes as they walked, trusting him to lead her foward. "I remember how on one snowday i got snowed in at your house and your mom made us cocoa...and we had a fight over who got the last marshmellow cause there was an odd amount." She smiled as she remembered the memory.

Palmoun 08-31-2010 02:26 PM

Isaac smiled as he headed down the street with her. He laughed when he remembered the marshmellow and looked down at her, "and if I remember correctly that fight ended with me giving you the marshmellow." he said and smiled as he walked. Part of him would love to kiss her right here and now but he couldn't. She had someone else in her heart and if he kissed her he could lose her as a friend. So he would stay in the friend zone for now. He then smiled at another memorys, "remember the time I took you ice skating." he said as he looked at her.

JessehBoo 08-31-2010 07:00 PM

"And i fell flat on my butt?" The girl laughed as she recalled the memory. She had remembers it was the first time she ever skated and she fell right down. Cammille looked up at Isaac, he was more handsome then she remembered...and she couldnt get over it. It was then that her phone rang, yet it didnt ring long, the person hung up quickly. Perplex the woman took out her phone, it was Trent...again. "One second.." she said quietly and took a few steps away as she pressed callback. "Bonjour?" Cammille froze...the voice was a woman... "Qui êtes-vous?" (Who are you?) Her heart was now im her stomach, she was hoping this was a mistake...he had lost his phone and this woman had called the last number...or it was a co-worker...anything... "Je suis petite amie de Trent. Qui êtes-vous?" (I am Trents girlfriend. Who are you?) The womans eyes were watering as she stood frozen. She could hear Trent in the background, and her heart wrenched. "Qui est-ce mon amour?" (who is that my love?) she heard him ask the lady. Cammille hung up....still frozen in shock.

Palmoun 09-01-2010 05:58 AM

Isaac chuckled when he looked at her but then heard her phone and let her go and call her boyfriend up. But then he saw her face and be knew somethig had just happens. "cammi? What happened?" he asked her softly and found himself wrapping a arm around her like he use to. She fit right into his arm like always and he pulled her close. "did something happen with your boyfriend?" he asked her softly and you could hear the worry in his voice as he questioned her.

JessehBoo 09-01-2010 08:46 PM

Cammi didnt move as Isaac pulled her close, her eyes were blank and hollow. Trent was cheating on her..while she was away...but had this been ongoing? Those late nights at work? The nights out with the guys? Were they all lies? Tears started going down the woman's eyes as her phone ringed. She didnt want to look at it, it was probably him making up some excuse... "C...can we go to your place...i..dont want my dad to see me like this..." Cammilles voice was quiet as she leaned against Isaac, wishing she had never left...that she had went with him all that time ago...

Palmoun 09-01-2010 09:22 PM

Isaac looked at her and knew that her boyfriend had just done something. "yeah, we can." he said to her softly and you could hear the care in his voice. He was really worryed about her and he pulled her closer to him. He lead her towards his house and once they where there he opend the door quickly. "everything is going to be okay." he said to her softly as he entered and then gently wipped her tears away as he looked at her and then pulled her inside.

JessehBoo 09-02-2010 04:25 AM

Cammille nodded and kept close to him as they walked to his house. She felt numb and lifeless, she had had her heartbroken...again...The ring on Cammilles ring finger filled her with digust as she saw its gem shine as they entered his house. She nodded as she heard Isaac's caring voice and sighed as she felt the warmth of his house. As he felt his hand on her cheeks she reached up and cupped her hand over his.

Palmoun 09-02-2010 04:42 AM

Isaac smiled at her and left his hand there with hers for a little while. He then took her hand into his and looked into her eyes, "come on, lets go sit down before my mom sees you or else she might just tackle you." he said to her softly. He wished beyond anything else that she didn't have a boyfriend or else he would kiss her now. But he just lead her over to the couch and sat her down. He then heard his mom, "Isaac? is that yo-" she stoped as she came into the room and saw Cammi. She ran over to her and smiled, "it is nice to see you again." she said and hugged Cammille and nearly crushed the life out of her. "but what is the matter, hon?" she asked with a motherly voice. Isaac looked at Cammill eand kept her hand in his, "I dont know but I would like to know." he asaid as he looked at her.

JessehBoo 09-03-2010 09:58 PM

Cammille remembered Isaac's mother, she loved that woman to death. She was like Cammi's second mother, especially since her mother wasnt around. Though she also knew that his mother worried about her alot, and felt that it was a good idea to stay out of sight. When she sat next to Isaac, Cammille hide her face in his chest silent as tears went down her cheeks. However once she heard that familiar maternal voice the woman looked up. Within 2 seconds the woman was crushing her with a hug and Cammi struggled to breathe. "Its good to see you too Mrs. Vental" she managed to say quietly with the small amount of air in her lungs. When she let go she took a big breathe and looked from Isaac to his mother and back to Isaac and sighed. "Can we not talk about it now...?" She looked at him with pleading eyes.

Palmoun 09-04-2010 03:31 AM

Isaac looked at his mom and a silent conversation went on for a minute. His mother hen nodded and smiled at cammile, "okay dear if that is what you want." she said and then stood up. "now then I am going to go and make some cookies for the both of you. Your welcome to come help." she said and then went off. Isaac kept a arm around cammi and looked down at her. "you could see all the care and love he had for her as he did. "your welcome to talk to any of us." he said to her softly and wanted to kiss her head like he use to but stopped himself. Instead he rubbed her arm affectionately, "now then let's get rid of this sadness and help my mom bake." he said since he remembered that made her happy.

JessehBoo 09-04-2010 03:36 AM

Cammille nodded and leaned into Isaac affectionatley, kissing his cheek and rising off the couch, still holding his hand. When he rose as well she walked with him to the kitchen and wiped her tears away, smiling at Isaac's mother. "So what cookies are we making?" she asked, leaning on the counter facing her and looked around the familiar room. She remembered when she was younger and her and Isaac would cook together, most of the preperation ending in a foodfight of some sort.

Palmoun 09-04-2010 03:44 AM

Isaac mother smiled as she pulled out somethigs, "we are making my special home made chocolate chip cookies." she said but then frowned as she looked into the cabinits, "but it looks like we are out of chocolate chips. "she said and then looked at the two and smiled, "do you two think you can start the cookies while I quickly run to the store to get the chocolate chips?" she asked and Isaac nodded, "sure we can mom." he said and still held her hand in his. It felt nice and he could still feel her lips where she kissed him on the cheek. His mom nodded and smiled as she picked up her purse, "now don't destroy the kitchen like you did before." she said right before she left and Isaac called after her, "we will try not to." h then smiled at cammi, "come on, let's get started."

JessehBoo 09-04-2010 04:06 AM

Cammille giggled as she commented on their past destructions. "Yeah, but no promises." She commented and glanced at Isaac and smiled, adding a wink. Waving to Mrs. Vental she walked over the radio in the corner and put on some music. Tuning to a good station she gasped at she heard "Light The Fuse" By Phone Calls From Home and turned it up. Listening to it she started to hum and dance a bit as she made her way over to the fridge and got the eggs and milk out "With my lungs filled deep. One last chance to breathe. The timing was right. I waited all night for them to leave. I'll move in close. Try to make you smile. With charming lines. I'll steal your time for a while." she sang as she started to crack the eggs into a bowl as she spun and danced. Grabbing Isaacs hand she danced and laughed, singing alone with the song.


Palmoun 09-04-2010 04:27 AM

Isaac laughed as he danced with her and completely forgot about he cookies. All that mattered now was that she was here and laughing with him again. When the song ended he had pulled her close to him and he was looking deeply into her eyes. He didn't know what to say or do but his heart knew what to say. "I am still your fire." was what his body was screaming for him to say bit he stopped himself. She had someone who was better for her, a guy that could gig her everyhing she ever wanted, he was just some guy who had been lucky to have her in high school. He then smiled, "we better get back to the cookies." he said softly and hid his sadness completely.

JessehBoo 09-04-2010 04:45 AM

As Cammille stared into Isaac's eyes she realized she wasnt just singing the song...she was singing to Isaac...The words were perfect...She was his fire...she couldnt stop thinking about him...and though it has been one night since they reunited...all the feelings from the past came back. The feeling of his arms around her...she didnt want him to let go. Tell him...Tell him! she mentally screamed at herself. Slowly the woman started to lean in but when he said they should get back to cookies she froze and blushed. "Y-Yeah...i guess we better.." There was some sadness in her voice as she walked over to the bowl and poured the flour in. As it puffed out she let out a cough waving her hand to get the white puff away from her, the front of her shirt now covered in white powder. "Figures.." she mumbled...After the next song on the radio ended "1234" by Plain White T's came on.

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