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Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 12:08 AM

"I see, have you been feeling this way for a while now? Or did you start feeling this way today?" he asked and started to check her pulse then her blood pressure. He could tell she was very confused and that was normal. He was writing down the numbers onto her file and then grabbed his stethoscope.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 12:16 AM

Kiki looked at him and said "i haven't been sleeping very well doctor." Kiki looked at him and didn't want him to know she kept seeing this man in her dreams he might think she is a bit crazy.

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 12:24 AM

"Not sleeping very well? Why is that? Are you afraid of sleeping?" he asked as he started to listen to her heart beat. She seemed perfectly healthy so he wasn't sure what could be causing a problem for this girl. If his wife were here maybe she could help him out but right now she was busy with another patient as well. Azriel sat in front of the TV and watched the cooking channel. He liked to write down recipes and try them out with his mother at times.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 12:41 AM

Kiki looked at him and said "i have been these dreams of a man with blonde hair and blue eyes he looks like angel and all he does in my dreams is looks at him and tries to touch me." Kiki looked at him and she was scared of sleeping she worries about who that man is.

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 12:48 AM

Doctor Lorne listened to here and wrote a few things down then smiled at her. "A man with blonde hair and blue eyes that just looks at you...does this man have long hair or short hair? Does he look angry, sad?" the doctor asked. This was an interesting case only because he never thought he'd be depicting dreams with a patient ever. Azriel started to get the urge and frowned. He couldn't just go out and kill someone, in his state he was extremely dangerous and the only people who could help him were his parents but maybe it would be best to wait for his brothers and sisters to return home?

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 12:56 AM

kiki looked at him and said "he had long hair he just looked at me liking i belong to him or something doctor i could tell he is having some problems but i don't know if he is real or not." Kiki looked at him and looked down she was holding her hands and she was a bit worried about her dream and worried if her brother was looking for her.

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 01:04 AM

Doctor Lorne chuckled and shook his head. "I think we all have problems and you don't belong to anyone unless you want to." he said softly. "That's one of my sons you're dreaming about which I find odd since I don't think you've ever really met my son, but I can easily introduce you to him." The doctor said softly. Azriel turned off the TV and left the house, he was running to the hospital, he needed his father or mother to feed him now before he went off and killed someone.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 01:12 AM

Kiki looked at him and it was his son that she dreams about she never meet him why is that she wonders. Kiki looked at him and nodded but then smiled at him and said "thank you doctor for listening to me i was too scared if i told you this you might think i'm crazy."

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 01:35 AM

Doctor Lorne was about to answer her when he heard his son. "Father! Mother!" he yelled. A nurse approached him, Sweetie your parents are busy you'll have to wait." she said. "Don't touch me! I need to speak to them about...s-something important." he answered. The doctor excused himself and walked out to the lobby where he saw his son. "Get my wife here now!" he ordered and approached Azriel. " need to relax. You haven't eaten have you?" he whispered. Azriel shook his head and growled as his mother quickly ran over to them. "Oh dear, get him to a room." she said and they took him to the same room that Kiki was in. Angeline saw her and smiled before looking back at her husband. "This will do for now." her husband said as he grabbed a syringe with morphine to calm down his son. "Azriel look at me dear." Angeline said as she looked at her son and noticed his now red eyes. "He needs to eat." she said to her husband.

"I know, I don't know why his brothers and sisters didn't help him." the doctor said as he checked the needle. Azriel groaned and tried to break free of his mother's hold but he couldn't and he gasped when he felt the needle pierce his flesh. His eyes widened and he let out a scream of pain but he started to relax which was good. The doctor put a band aid over the spot and sighed softly. "We can get him some food later." he said and smiled. "This is Kiki Itsuki. She has been having dreams of our son here it seems." he said. Angeline was surprised and chuckled as she looked at the girl. "You have?" she asked and held out her hand. "I'm Angeline Lorne. I'm a doctor here and this boy is my son." she introduced and shook Kiki's hand before looking at Azriel. "Azriel say hello." she said softly as she smoothed out his hair.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 01:46 AM

Kiki saw the doctor left she heard noises and it must be the man she saw in her dreams and the doctor son and when they came in the room and saw him and knew it was the same man she saw when she was walking home from school the other day. Kiki saw what they did to him and they knew what was best for their son and she worried about him and she saw the lady came to her and she knew she was dreaming about him and she smiled at them and looked at him and said "Hello I'm Kiki i remember you were sitting somewhere when i past you when i left my school the other sir." Kiki said calmly to him.

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 02:19 AM

Azriel looked over at Kiki, her scent was all over this room right now. "Hello.." he said quietly and frowned. "We're going to have to call home and talk to these kids." Angeline said to her husband. "I'll call the house now and hope that they're home." he said. "Father don't..." Azriel started. "Esther and Angelica went shopping. Magnus, Oliver and Dimirti left to watch a zombie movie. I couldn't go with any of them because...well you know." Azriel explained. "I'm calling their cellphones." his father said and excused himself. Angeline sighed softly and ran her fingers through her son's hair gently then looked at Kiki. "How long have you been dreaming of Azriel?" she asked.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 02:33 AM

Kiki looked at them and listen to them talk for a while and saw Azriel was not looking her much does she really bother him or something. Kiki looked at her and she blushed a bit about how long you been dreaming about him and said "i been seeing him a few weeks now i haven't had much sleep for a few days." Kiki looked at her she was being shy about it she never talked about it towards anyone not even to her brother.

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 03:13 AM

"Azriel, Kiki has been dreaming about you dear. Isn't that nice?" Angeline asked. Azriel looked at Kiki and smiled nervously, "Why?" he asked. "Well sweetie no one ever knows why dreams happen but this isn't a coincidence. I think you two are meant to be friends. You always say you want a friend remember?" Angeline reminded. Azriel nodded, his now red eyes looking at Kiki. "Yes I remember.." he whispered and rubbed his arm where he had gotten the shot. "Are you still hungry dear?" his mother asked and Azriel nodded. "I will be fine." he said and then his father came back inside. "What did they say?" Angeline asked. "They're all going to come here to take him home." his father answered and looked at Kiki. "Are you feeling better?" he asked and looked at Azriel. "Could you go and get Kiki a cup of water from the lobby?" he asked. Azriel nodded and stood up and left.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 05:33 AM

Kiki looked at him and saw the red eyes and something worried her but she tried not to think about it. Kiki saw the doctor came back and saw Azriel left and went to get her some water and said "oh yes i'm better may i ask will Azriel be alright doctor?" Kiki looked worried she was very worried about him. Kiki then thought of her brother and said "did you call my brother that i'm in the hospital?"

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 05:52 AM

Doctor Lorne looked at his wife worriedly but smiled at Kiki. "Azriel will be fine. He...he just needs to get something to eat is all. Being the youngest in the family, he often forgets." he explained. "Don't worry dear, I had a nurse call your brother. He should be picking you up really soon." Angeline answered. Azriel filled up a paper cup with water and starred at it for a while before walking back to Kiki's room and holding it out to her. "Drink. It will help." he said quietly and watched as his father finished up some paper work. "Well then, I think we are done here Kiki. If you do start to feel bad again, be sure to come see me or my wife here okay?" he asked and then gave her a card. "Or you can call us, we'll always answer both phones. This is the work phone and this is our house phone. If for some reason we aren't working when you call or come in, you can always call us at out house phone and we'll help you." the Doctor explained. Angeline smiled. "Dear you go on and take a break or work on another patient. I'll wait out in the lobby with these two until they are picked up." she explained. Doctor Lorne nodded and excused himself. "Come my dears, let's wait in the lobby." Angeline said as she led them to the lobby.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 06:04 AM

Kiki looked at him and was a bit worried but tried not to show it and smiled and saw him coming back and takes the cup of water and she drinks it slowly and smiled. Kiki looked at the doctor and he gave her his card if she needed to speak with them again and she smiled and saw he needed a break and his wife was right. Kiki took off the covers and slowly got up and she was a bit weak still but she was strong enough to walk until she gets home. Kiki got her bag and she followed them to the lobby and looked at the hospital and then looked at Azriel and she thought he was handsome she blushed a bit and then saw a group of kids in the lobby area and thought they are his family and then saw her brother.

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 06:17 AM

"There you are Azriel!" his sister said and shook her head when she saw his red eyes. "You all should be ashamed of yourselves for leaving your little brother all alone!" Angeline scolded her other children quietly. Angeline looked at Kiki and smiled. "I suppose I should introduce you to my children. This is Magnus, he's the eldest. Then it's Dimitri, then Oliver. And over here are my girls. The oldest is Angelica and then it's Esther. Kids this is Kiki, she's Azriel's new friend." Angeline introduced. Magnus had dark eyes like his father and the same dark hair, he looked at his mother in surprise. "Are you sure?" he asked. "He's behaving dear. Now take him home and make sure he rests and drinks plenty of water. Your father an I will be home in an hour or two." Angeline ordered. Esther smiled up at Kiki with her bright blue eyes and long but curly blonde hair. She then looked at Azriel, "Come brother let's take you home." she said and took his hand and the group of children started leading Azriel away. "Magnus restrain your brother, I'm not sure how long the morphine lasts." Angeline warned and Magnus easily grabbed his brother's wrist. Before he was out the door though, Azriel looked back at Kiki and smiled sadly then looked away and followed them out.

Angeline sighed softly and looked at the male that stood there. "I assume you are Kiki's brother correct?" she asked and smiled. "She's free to go. Make sure she stays hydrated and that she doesn't stay up too late. Sleep deprivation can mess with the brain and that's never good." she informed.

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 07:04 AM

Kiki saw them and thought they were very nice she could see they cared for there brother well and she saw one of them smiled at her and she smiled at her as well. They were heading to the door she saw Azriel looking at her smiling but it was sadly she had a feeling it was bad she worried about him. After they left her brother came over and was so worried and he listen to the doctor and nodded at her and bowed to her and they both left the hospital she thought the doctors were nice. When they got home Kiki put her stuff away and was heading to her room her brother told her to sleep she won't be going to school tomorrow she needs rest. Kiki went up to her room and shut her door and went to changed into her pj and she went to window a window for some cold air and she took off her glasses and went on her bed and went to sleep again this time she is not worried about the dream.

Kiki was in her dream this time and saw Azriel and kept on looking at him and felt worried for him why give her a sad smile she was worried for him and said in her dreams "Azriel please tell me what is wrong i can help."

Evergreen Goddess 01-26-2016 07:32 AM

"Azriel you should have just come with us to the movie." Magnus said softly as they walked home. "It would have been dangerous and I don't want to make a scene or hurt anyone." Azriel answered quietly. "We know you don't, but you can't just ignore the need to feed either." Magnus answered. Azriel noticed he had left his notebook back at the room and hoped his mother or father would find it. When they reached home, they led him inside the house and gave him some water then took him to the living room where he easily fell to sleep on the couch. His older sister Angelica draped a blanket over him to keep him warm and sighed. "Poor guy.." she whispered and checked the time. "Let's be quiet to he could rest. If he starts to move you need to be ready to hold him back Magnus." she whispered.

Azriel was dreaming of being outside and sitting on the grass watching Kiki. He hoped she was okay, why had she been in the hospital. She had been dreaming of him? Was that a good thing?

xserenityxninax 01-26-2016 11:00 PM

After she slept for a few hours she slowly opened her eyes and saw it after almost noon she got up and rubbed her head and she went down to see where her brother was. Kiki got down to the living room and saw her brother making food for lunch and he smiled at her and she smiled at him and she went to sit down and watch Tv she hasn't watch tv in a long while. Kiki smiled and then thinks about Azriel she wonder how he was feeling she wanted to see him but she thought it would be a bad idea to see him. Kiki sigh a bit and just watched TV.

Evergreen Goddess 01-27-2016 02:17 AM

When Azriel started to stir, Magnus was quickly at his brother's side. "You guys!" he called his family who came out with a plate full of sandwiches. Azriel opened his eyes and launched himself at Dimitri but Magnus quickly restrained him. "Azriel calm down!" he ordered and frowned. He really needed his mother or father to get home now. Angeline walked back to the room and noticed Azriel's cookbook there. She looked at the notebook and read the newest recipe her son had written. Picking it up, she walked over to where her husband was and the two of them clocked out and quickly headed home. "You think he's okay?" Angeline asked her husband. James nodded, "Magnus will take care of him." he assured.

xserenityxninax 01-27-2016 03:09 AM

Kiki sigh and heard her brother calling for her lunch was ready kiki went in the dinning room and went to eat lunch and which it was good. Kiki went to eat slowly and she was still tired from before but her head was hurting her bad and after she finish eating her food she told her brother she is going to lay down for a while. Kiki went to her room and went to lay down again her head hurts so much. Kiki was in her dream again and she was in peace and nothing hurts her but she then saw him again and wonder why she sees him a lot.

Evergreen Goddess 01-27-2016 03:38 AM

When James and Angeline arrived home, they walked in on Magnus pinning Azriel to the ground. "The morphine wore out!" Magnus said as he looked up at his parents. Quickly, James closed the door and helped Magnus sit Azriel on the couch while Angeline walked over and held out her wrist to him. "Drink up dear." she whispered and smiled when Azriel sunk his fangs into her wrist, feeding slowly and carefully. "Did you give him water?" James asked. "We did." Oliver answered quietly from where he stood. "He'll be fine now." James assured and thanked his daughter for the sandwich.

xserenityxninax 01-27-2016 03:48 AM

Kiki was not waking up for a long time her head was hurting her and it went away after something which she knew. Kiki woke up a few hours and she rubbed her head and she sigh and slowly getting up. Kiki got up and went to changed into her normal clothes and she went down to see her brother. Her brother told her she needs to get some milk they are out. Kiki nodded and then got her bag and her cellphone and head for the store. Kiki walked to the store and rubbed her head and wonder why her head hurts she got to the store and went to buy the milk and left but someone was following her and it was gang. The gang grabbed her and took her to alley and wanted her and Kiki looked at them she was scared and she prays for someone to save her.

Evergreen Goddess 01-27-2016 04:07 AM

When Azriel was done, he pulled away and frowned."Sorry.." he said softly. "It's okay dear." she said and kissed his cheek. "M-mother could I go to the store and get some apples?" Azriel asked. Angeline looked to her husband who patched up her wrist. "Take Magnus with you." he said. Magnus nodded and walked out of the house with Azriel and towards the grocery store. As they walked along the sidewalk, they stopped when they heard some movement and talking in an alleyway. Azriel looked at his brother Magnus who motioned him to follow him into the alleyway. "Hey! I suggest you leave that girl alone!" yelled Magnus.

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