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Euphonium Panda 05-20-2018 06:12 PM

Amaranth stopped for a moment when the creature yelled for them to stop, barely moving out of the way in time when it ran at her. She stumbled on her landing, looking to the creature with fear and pity in her eyes. "What do you mean 'Stop it?'" She asked, putting her weapons away to show she didn't mean any harm anymore. "Why are you here? We are simply protecting our land and if we can help each other then no one has to get hurt!" She exclaimed, hoping the creature would understand and be willing to work with them. Her only goal was to figure out what was wrong with her forest, and if this creature was peaceful she may have a chance to find the source and remove it. She jumped to the roof of a building and looked the creature straight in the eyes, looking for any sign of malice or benevolence.

She kept her guard up, hoping she was right to get so close, but she wanted things to work out and if the creature was able to think for itself then there was a chance to save it. She knew her tension was visible, but she hoped it would work to let him know she still meant business if he took another swipe at her.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-21-2018 08:02 AM

Once Gemini was sure the villagers were all a safe distance away, she swiftly returned to where her companions were. It seemed their attacks had failed, but they weren't trying again. Something felt off, and she realized as she skidded to a stop that the creature seemed to be in pain. "What is wrong, stranger?" She called to it, moving as close as she dared. "Talk to us, if you can. We do not want to fight if we do not have to, but we will defend if we must. Tell us, why are you here? And what is troubling you?"

Kat Dakuu 05-21-2018 05:10 PM

For a second, the creature looked at Amaranth, its eyes shifting to a far duller yellow color. His shoulders slumped as he took a step forward, almost pleading as he lifted his hands not for an attack, but maybe in a prayer? However, a second later, the eyes blazed a fever yellow again and he whipped around to face Gemini. The voice the came from the never moving mouth of creature sounded as if it emerged from a nightmare, or the realm in which nightmares first began. "Why I am here?" he laughed, or at least the tone seemed male, considering the armor hid any physical indicators. "I did not come. I was-" The creature let out a sharp cry that didn't match his previous voice. Sprinting away almost with the same blurred speed as before, the creature ran for the opposite side of the courtyard in order to put distance between them. There he stopped, just off from where Roshan originally stood.

Shalya considered to shake her head, not even thinking to call out to their other ally in this fight. This was wrong. All of this felt wrong and yet she couldn't connect the pieces that would give her a clear line of action. Should she fight or should she intervene? All her years of experience felt like nothing compared with this. And yet, she felt like the solution was just on the tip of her tongue.

Mikio 06-13-2018 07:27 PM

Elyas closed the heavy oak door of the stone cottage that he resided in with his uncle. He took a deep breath and exhaled, clutching on the strap of his black messenger bag that was slung over his right shoulder. Then, he started the long trek down to the bottom of the hill.

A faint mew disturbed his peace. A small black cat was rubbing herself against his trousers. Not again, he thought. Since saving the cat from drowning, almost two months ago, Elyas had found the sapphire-eyed cat sitting on his doorstep everyday without fail. The cat would follow him everywhere and when he went swimming inside his uncle's pool, the feline would sit patiently on the edge, waiting for him to finish. In the evenings, when he went flying, the cat would attempt to follow him but would eventually collapse in exhaustion, yowling for her master's return; for he was simply too fast for her to catch up with.

Elyas looked down at Irys, a ghost of a smile forming on his lips. He reached down and scratched the feline behind the ears before resuming his journey.

He reached the tavern and pushed the door open. He closed the door behind him, leaving the cat pawing at the door. Sorry, little guy, he thought. There was a heavy atmosphere around him as the guests chattered amongst themselves feverishly. He shot a look towards the bartender. "The usual, please," he muttered, making his way down the crowds of people to a secluded spot at the back of the tavern, near a wall. He took a seat, pulling his bag over his head and placing it on the chair beside him. He pulled open the flap, retrieving a weathered book. Inside it were a series of crumpled pieces of paper and some photographs relating to his latest case. He scratched his head, eyes fixated on the documents as he tried to drown out the loud conversation around him.

Kat Dakuu 06-15-2018 08:48 PM

Braedek was surprised to see someone new walk into the tavern after Shayla left with the fox woman. It hadn't been long, but already the small town was abuzz with conversation. Most of the folk were scared by the events, but a few--now that the surprise wore off--looked ready to burst out the doors and explore. Braedek himself was more than happy to stay indoors though the way he gripped two stone mugs made it apparent just how nervous he actually felt. "Aye, Elyas," he called after the dark haired man. Shaking his head, he poured a scarlet colored liquor over rocks, watching the way it almost seemed to spark at contact with the ice before settling down to a more neutral color.

Stepping away from the bar, he headed for the table that Elyas sat at, setting the drink down in front of him. "You're in surprisingly normal spirits this evening. Did you not see the sky outside? I'm a little worried since Shayla hasn't come back yet. She went to investigate, but..." He grunted slightly, his nearly glowing eyes glancing toward the door before he shrugged, seeming to put the mood behind him. "Anyway, I'll be waiting the tables while she's away, so come to the bar if you need anythin' else. I'll bring by some bread in a bit." Turning, he shuffled his large body back to the bar, though his usual friendly smile wasn't quite recovered.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 06-17-2018 03:18 AM

Gemini flinched. She had been trying to help, but it seemed she had made the situation worse. Perhaps she should leave the talking to those who were best at it. Glancing around, she took stock of her surroundings, planning out as many routes for escape or attack as possible. They still may need to fight this nightmare creature, and she intended to be as prepared as possible. If only she had a sword with her, she would have felt much safer!

Mikio 06-19-2018 06:49 PM

Elyas watched as the large man shuffled back to the bar. His eyes settled down on the cherry brandy in front of him as a sense of unease crept over his body. He hadn't noticed anything wrong earlier - heck had he even looked up to check? He felt as if an anchor was wrapped around his brain, his latest case had really taken a toll on him and he no longer even knew day from night.

He rubbed his weary eyes and sighed under his breath, thinking back to what Braedek had told him. Shayla. The name didn't ring a bell, but he wasn't surprised at that. Elyas wasn't one to make connections and in the twenty or so years of living in the village of Basick, he hadn't made any friends. Sure, he had work acquaintances but he had never allowed himself to advance any of those relationships into something more. He didn't have time for that. His life was devoted to his job - to crack down the cases law enforcement had given up on. He was a firm believer that every problem had a solution. No case was too hard for him.

He flipped through the old book in front of him, taking a sip from his drink. The harder he tried to focus on the words, the more his mind shot in opposite directions. He felt like he was a stranger standing in the middle of a wild shooting range. Arrows darted over his head. He grimaced, raising a hand to his forehead.

If the town was in trouble, if this young woman that Braedek had told him about, was somehow in trouble, then he needed to help. And anyway, it wasn't as if he was getting anywhere with the case tonight. The dark-haired man rushed to his feet, grabbing all his belongings and stuffing them back into his bag. He picked up the stone mug and took a big gulp. Then, he took off. He placed a couple of copper coins on the bar, sliding it towards Braedek, merely giving him a nod as he disappeared out of the door.

Kat Dakuu 07-20-2018 05:02 PM

Braedek sighed as he watched Elyas rush out of the tavern again, only minutes after he arrived. "Be careful if you're going to investigate as well." Young people these days really didn't know how to fear nature. Braedek did though and he moved to the window so he could watch the phoebix boy walk away. A group of town's guards rushed past, blocking of the way that Elyas headed for a second. They ran for the town center so Braedek could only guess that was where whatever was happening went down. The sky above gave a faint pulse and for not the first time, Braedek wondered if this was the end of their world. Or at least, the end as they knew it.

At the town's center, Shayla continued to shake her head and watch. It was as if the last puzzle piece was all that was missing, but it belonged in the center. Without it, she couldn't orient the picture at all. As the devil creature growled at them, looking ready to attack again, she raked her eyes up and down, taking in the pale, twitching hands, dark armor, and the flash of pale skin just beneath the creature's hair. Eh? "What..." she started, not caring if anyone heard her or not. "What if it's a mask?" And suddenly it made sense. This creature made no sense, because he wasn't what he seemed. She needed to get that mask off. "Someone! Hold the creature still!" she shouted, already dashing forward to end this fight once and for all.

Kilia 07-28-2018 02:28 AM

Sadly Roshan got snagged by a burly large male that was trying to protect them from the creature as they headed away from the area. It took everything for the wolf to get free and head back to the area a bit to late but early enough to hear that the blond needed to grab the creature that fell from the sky. The wolf shifted into their canine form, running full force towards the black and red being. Jumping with all the force they could muster before clamping down on the back of the creatures neck enough to not be thrown off but not hard enough to pierce the skin. Grey eyes looked towards the Druid as she rushed forward to do what she needed to do while the creature was now distracted with the wolf that was clinging to its’ back. Roshan was doing everything they could not to hurt the creature but also not to be thrown away like a piece of trash as well.

Mikio 07-28-2018 09:20 PM

Elyas stepped out of the tavern and a soft breeze welcomed him. He pushed his bangs away from his eyes as his little cat meowed and brushed against his ankles. He sighed, scratching the feline behind the ears briefly before walking towards a cluster of crowds in the distance. Irys ran after him and attempted to climb up his trousers in the clumsiest of manner. The raven-haired young man stopped and scooped up the little cat in his hands. She mewed happily and climbed on his shoulder, licking the boy's cheek.

"Hey, stop that," Elyas giggled. "There's no time for this. We must go and investigate what's going on..." he started, his face filled with worry at the sight of the two town guards blocking his path. He tried to look past their shoulders but they kept moving in front of his view. Elyas frowned, his eyes narrowing.

"Sorry, sir. We cannot permit you to cross this area," one of them said.

A horrible growl filled the air, causing the guards to turn their heads around for a split second. Elyas took this opportunity to push past them. He ran as fast as he could and he reached the crowded spectacle a moment later. He uncurled the cat from around his shoulder, placing her on the ground. She hissed at him and he shook his head apologetically before pushing past the terrified crowd. He stopped as he spotted a wolf pouncing on a devilish-looking creature. His eyes widened at the sight unfolding in front of him. He reached his right hand inside his trench coat and clasped his fingers around his fire sword.

Kat Dakuu 07-28-2018 11:42 PM

Shayla saw the wolf pounce the creature they fought, relief flicking in her mind far below the seriousness that drove her forward. Roshan--as the wolf undoubtedly was--managed to join the fight, so she felt no fear that she lost a friend already or was abandoned in a fight. She wouldn't fault someone who ran away, but she didn't need that right now. Now, she needed loyal allies.

Not slowing down as she reached the creature, she reached out and grasped hold of one of the horns. The creature thrashed, but even though it had started to shift away from Shayla, the force of the wolf that had barreled into him seemed to keep it still. Or at least still enough for Shayla to brace her feet and pull. For a wild second, she felt sure that he theory turned out false and she would die. She would die right now and take Roshan down with her because the wolf being dared to help her. But, after one last yank, she felt the pressure she'd been fighting give way. Shayla stumbled back, black sculpted leather and horn still in her grasp.

The creature fell to the ground, collapsing into a little pile with a pained cry that didn't sound the least bit demonic. No, nothing about him looked demonic at all. Black hair fluttered around his tanned face, eyes so pale they almost looked white in the weird darkening sky of El'Saria. Shayla looked down to the mask in her hand, shocked at the sharp contrast between its twisted features and the smooth ones of the being at her feet. She'd been right. Somehow, she pulled away its mask and the creature's armor disappeared into tufts of smoke that left only black rags covering the young man's frame.

"I...this can't be..." Shayla murmured, awe coloring her voice. "He doesn't look any different from us." But if that was so, then what was he and why had he come from the sky?

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 08-23-2018 04:20 AM

Gemini watched in disbelief as the creature before them was unmasked, revealing what appeared to be a young man. She stepped forward again to get a closer look. "Who or what is this? Why did it appear in the form of a monster?" She asked, looking around at the others as if looking for answers from them. "Is that a mask? Was that all just a costume? I do not understand."

Mikio 08-30-2018 10:38 PM

Elyas involuntarily took a step back as the mask was pulled off the face of the demonic creature. Now, the being lay in a heap on the ground, his human-like features visible. The crowd around him was growing wilder and wilder by the second with their frantic muttering. They exchanged wary looks, their eyes looking above at the sky and down at the man beneath the mask.

Who was this man and what had made him into the creature he was before?

Elyas retrieved his hand out of his trench coat, taking a few steps towards the ragged young man on the ground. He shot a look towards the blonde, slender dryad beside the man and then at the wolf opposite him. He was surprisingly calm and as awake as ever, despite his apparent exhaustion earlier. It seemed that this event had really shaken things up within him and the young phoebix felt a growing sense of excitement glowing inside him. His senses had heightened and his fingertips felt like they were on fire.

He took a deep breath. Whatever was going on, he was determined to find out.

Kat Dakuu 10-04-2018 03:14 PM

For a minute, Shayla just looked between the mask and the creature it had come off of. She knew the others looked to her. Silly, so silly. She wasn't a fount of knowledge and though she decided to take charge on this little venture, she wasn't some sort of official leader to them. The thought that she had somehow fallen into that role anyway struck her once again. "I...don't know," she managed, voice soft against the background noise of the crowd. They could believe this turn of events no better than she.

"Hey," she started, turning her eyes down to meet those of the young man whose strange white eyes hadn't settled only anything, just glancing around in a dazed state. His eyes sharpened, landing on Shayla when she stepped closer again, the mask hid behind her back. Whatever affect it had on the young man, she didn't want it to start up again. "Who are you?" Through the added shouts that could only mean that the guards closed in on them, she watched the young man open and close his mouth before finally speaking.

"I..." He shifted, trying to pull himself to his feet, but failed. With a small huff, he dropped his hands into his lap and just continued to stare. "I don't know. Where am I?"

Before Shayla could really gasp out an answer, the city guard finally reached their location and started to surround the little group which seemed to include a dark haired man she hadn't noticed stepped closer until now. Had he come to help or was he associated with the city guard? She met his eyes for a second, wondering what he thought of all of this.

One of the guardsmen started to nudge them all back with an arm. "We've got it from here. I need you all to sit by the fountain so we can take statements. We'll take this...creature into custody." For a second, the guard's face clouded with contempt before he schooled it away again, waving his arm toward the large fountain they stood near, indicating that they should wait as if they hadn't been the ones to 'save the day'. Shayla just shrugged though and went with it. However, she did keep the mask with her, at least until she knew what the fuck had just happened.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-08-2018 05:45 AM

Without thinking, Gemini put herself in between the guards and the confused man. "You are not going to take him anywhere. He is obviously confused and probably frightened. At least give him a chance to collect himself before you throw around words like creature." She growled. The guard's tone and unfortunate choice of words had struck a nerve with the kitsune, and she wasn't about to let someone like that take over in a potentially delicate situation. "Besides, we are the ones who protected everyone while you took your sweet time getting here. You'll not shove us off to the side so easily."

Kat Dakuu 04-18-2019 04:56 PM

Shayla lay a hand on Gemini's arm, trying to calm this kitsune. "I...I do agree with what you say, but it may be for the best to let the guards do as they say." She sent a sharp glare to the guard who had spoken so harshly before. "However, do not think we will leave. You will take this individual before the council for a proper judgement and we will be called upon. It is rash to make judgements about people, is it not? A different fighter may have just run their blade through their enemy, but then where would we be, not knowing who we went against? A different fighter would be dead."

After a long moment of staring each of the guards down, she stepped back, pulling Gemini along with her. The fountain left them yards away from the guards and their previous opponent, but she knew they could close that distance again if need be. The guards had their reasons for acting tough though. No one knew what they dealt with and the air still carried a sense of unease. Glancing up, she saw that the portal still cut through the sky. And the mask....just touching it made her feel wrong. She tucked it into her skirts regardless, because she certainly wouldn't let anyone else have it.

The stranger who fell from the portal looked no less confused as the guards surrounded him, binding ropes around his wrist. He didn't resist, but whatever conversation the guards murmured didn't carry over the crowd's murmur. Just before the guards led him away though, he glanced over his shoulder, white eyes wide and imploring at the two by the fountain. Then he was gone, dragged away into the crowd.

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