Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Winter Nights 2011 ~ All aboard for the train tour! (
-   -   .:~* Winter Haikus *~:. (

Acobjum 12-26-2011 01:35 AM

I am doing well.
I am now off to dinner.
I'll try to return.

Fiona_Watergate 12-26-2011 01:36 AM

OKay talk to you later ^_^

Aerinn 12-26-2011 02:11 AM

Welcome to my thread!
How do you pronounce your name?
Can't count syllables.

Fiona_Watergate 12-26-2011 02:14 AM

lol its just the letters. It stands for my name and the 08 is when I got married.


Oh and thank you. I quite like it.

Acobjum 12-26-2011 02:16 AM

I am back for now.
Those meatballs were delicious!
I ate so many!

Fiona_Watergate 12-26-2011 02:22 AM

Oh sounds yummy ^_^

Acobjum 12-26-2011 02:33 AM

I am in the mood
for some delicious sushi
served with some sake.

Fiona_Watergate 12-26-2011 02:35 AM

I really want Ice cream that's made from coconut and Vanilla bean. with hot fudge <3

Aerinn 12-26-2011 02:35 AM

Oh, I see. How nice. :)
Did you know that this is a
Thread for haiku posts? :c

Meatballs? Sounds yummy. :D
I just ate red velvet cake.
Cream was toooo sweet, though. :T

Acobjum 12-26-2011 04:24 AM

Jet Set Radio Music - On the Bowl - YouTube

Hey everyone!
Let us bust a groove and dance!
Boogie all night long!

Fiona_Watergate 12-26-2011 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770239186)
Oh, I see. How nice. :)
Did you know that this is a
Thread for haiku posts? :c

Meatballs? Sounds yummy. :D
I just ate red velvet cake.
Cream was toooo sweet, though. :T

Oh sorry I really wasn't paying attention. ><

Aerinn 12-26-2011 05:38 AM

Please do not worry!
With all the holiday cheer,
It's hard to blame you! :sweat:

Sorry, Acobjum,
But I think I'm gonna sleep.
See y'all tomorrow! :squee:

Fiona_Watergate 12-26-2011 05:39 AM

Nighty Night Aerinn, by the way your avi is really pretty. <3

Aerinn 12-26-2011 06:03 AM

Good night to you too!
Your avvie is pretty too~
Until tomorrow!

Acobjum 12-27-2011 01:32 AM

Jet Set Radio Music - Many Styles - YouTube

How is ev'ryone
doing this very fine night?
I am doing well.

Aerinn 12-27-2011 02:46 AM

Hey there, Acobjum.
I was worried this thread died. :sweat:
I'm fine, how are you?

Acobjum 12-27-2011 02:50 AM

(Adult Swim Bump) FMA Scroll (Full Song) - YouTube

I am doing well.
Going to eat bagel bites.
They are delicious!

Aerinn 12-27-2011 03:00 AM

I love Bagel Bites!
I don't buy them anymore
'Cause they're not on sale.

Acobjum 12-27-2011 03:14 AM

Coco Jambo- Mr. President (Lyrics) - YouTube

With them a special:
two dollars off, hence we bought
two box packages.

Aerinn 12-27-2011 03:19 AM

Marvelous indeed.
I want to buy Bagel Bites
Or some Hot Pockets. :sweat:

hummy 12-27-2011 03:19 AM

may i post without haikus?

Acobjum 12-27-2011 03:21 AM

Haikus are better.
They take much creative thought.

Surprised Kitty (Original) - YouTube

Aerinn 12-27-2011 03:22 AM

Well, it's the challenge.
You don't really need to, though
It's nice if you do. :yes:

Acobjum 12-27-2011 03:54 AM

Madonna - La Isla Bonita (Audio) - YouTube

How went your Christmas?
And what are you planning for
coming New Year's Eve?

Aerinn 12-27-2011 03:59 AM

It was pretty nice.
I got bored after a while
at Christmas dinner. x_x

And for New Year's Eve
Fam'ly gath'ring at my house!
It's a tradition. :yes:

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