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Ivvy 06-21-2009 07:49 PM

@ Wendy ahh yes naps are good. I was up for three days setting up stuff.. and last night err this morning I hit the bed and did not look

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:51 PM

@Ivvy: Three days!? Oh my gosh, I've never been able to stay up past two days, so I don't know how you managed that. Lots of caffeine and sugar I can assume. XD

Hyda 06-21-2009 07:52 PM

D: Ahh yeah that's how it is too... they talk to you a little bit.. but when you do start to get to know them, they just ignore you. e_e and forget about you. That has happened to me a bit.
Aw really?! Yay a new friend~ ^____^

Ivvy 06-21-2009 07:54 PM

Yes and lots of computer key I had a lot of stuff I had to get done and several deadlines that hit me >.< Just not enough time in the Though I think I may turn into a Dr. Pepper or maybe

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:57 PM

@Hyda: Yeah, there's just too many distractions / other people on there . . . while a lot of people isn't necessarily a bad thing, when there's so many around making a ruckus, it's kind of insane and people just sort of go off somewhere else and leave you in the dust. e_e I haven't been to Gaia since 07, I'm sure it's only gotten worse since then. :x

And yesss, glad to friend you. :3 That's why I love events, it's a great way for people to come out of the woodwork and just hang out and talk and make friends.

@Ivvy: Hey, turning into a Dr. Pepper is NEVER a bad thing. It's one of my favorite drinks, after all. XD Pocky's delicious, too. :3 <3

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:03 PM

Wendy: I'm still on Gaia, and I'm scared to even go into the forums. D': But I agree with you there... and the mods don't do much about those that make a ruckus, even if you report people. My first account got hacked and it took over a year for that to get solved... I don't know how many reports I sent.

:3 Aw I'm glad you friended me as well!~ Haha yeah. I'm a little shy, even on the internet.. and events like these are great. It pulls us shy/lurker folk out of our shells~ ^__^ What kinds of things do you like to do? I see you draw? I love art. x3

Edit: Pocky sounds really good. o3o I haven't had that in a long time. -sigh- But since I do not have Pocky at the moment... I shall make Ramen Noodles. ^3^

Hatake Ayumi 06-21-2009 08:05 PM

*licks thread on a stick*
Delish. So what's up peeps?

*throws marshmallow peeps in the air for all*

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:06 PM

:-O The thread is delicious? Awesome! xD'
Not much is up with me. I was lurking, but I've decided to stick around here.... and woot, my ramen is done~ yummm

Hatake Ayumi 06-21-2009 08:07 PM

I'm a thread omnomnomer. What can I say. Though this one tastes a lot like kettle corn...

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 08:09 PM

@Hyda: Yeah, I had a friend whose account got hacked, and they didn't even shut it down after that. Then my account got banned cause they said I was botting gold when I was only paid for a commission with gold that had been botted by a person two people down via a trade or some crap like that and they said we were in affiliation and permanently banned me. Bull.

I'm shy, too, don't worry. XD And Ramen sounds wonderfullll. My sister keeps her Pocky safe, and I only get a stick on occasion. We have some Ramen downstairs, but I shouldn't spoil my dinner. :x

@Ayumi: HAHA. XD Not much, hon. Good to see you, though. :D *Huggles her peep instead of eating it* By the way, I meant to ask you . . . is your username anyway related to Kakashi? XD

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:09 PM

lol O no I may get eaten if I turn into DR Pepper or pocky then. >.<

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:09 PM

A thread omnomnomer? xD Now that's something I haven't heard of before. I like it. 8D
Heh at least it tastes like something good... I'm glad it's not... asparagus or something. o_o''

Ivvy: I wouldn't eat'chu.... Or would I? >-D Ehehehe... -cackle- Just kidding. xD

Wendy: That is a bunch of bull. You had nothing to do with the whole botting process... but the fact that you had the gold .. that just.. wow. Way to fail Gaia. xD

:o I would have never guessed that you were shy too, though I guess online it's hard to really tell. xDRamen is wonderful, though the only kind I actually like is the chicken flavored.
-gasp- She's a pocky hoarder? My brother tries to hide things like that..... but I always find out where he keeps them. xD Ahem. I mean. I don't raid his stash of yummy cookies and everything. xD & it's all good. You will still have ramen so when you are hungry, it'll be there. :3

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 08:11 PM

Hahaha. All this talk of food is making me SOOO hungry, and I don't know when dinner will be ready. In fact, no one's gotten here yet, and I don't even know if dinner will be ready for another two hours. e_e; Might need to get a snack or something in the meantime.

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:13 PM

lol yeah I am on a snack attack myself.. would love if some chips appeared in front of me. >.<

@ Hyda.. you woule eatz me?

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:14 PM

xD Sorry that we're all making you hungry. Carnivals just remind me of food. There's popcorn and cotton candy and hot dogs and all of that. (I gave in to my temptation to eat something lol hence the ramen I'm eating now) xD

Ivvy: Me? eatz you? No way... I would never.... I have my ramen! >D You are safe for now. :p

Hatake Ayumi 06-21-2009 08:14 PM

Haha, yeah, I used to like Naruto (not the kid, the show/manga) and I fell in love with Hatake Kakashi, Nara Shikamaru, and other members (except Sasuke and Naruto and Pervy Sage and Orochimaru.... I should stop listing now... xD ).

So I stole his last name and some random time I found out my japanese name (supposedly) and Ayumi sounded good, so... *shrug* Put them together (and what do they make? [guess where THAT came from]) and it sounded ok and I got attached to the name.

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 08:15 PM

Carnivals remind me of food too. I wouldn't mind some hot fresh funnel cake and popcorn right now, actually. @_@ My cherry Pepsi isn't tiding me over well. Might have to run to the pantry to get some Cheez-its SOON.

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:16 PM

Oh yeah.. I haven't had funnel cake in a loooong time. @_@ Haha we're all having a snack attack now. x3

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 08:18 PM

Hmm, we should visit the Snack Attack store, then. XD Oh god, my jokes are bad.

But yeah, I'm gonna run downstairs to get a bite to eat, I should be back in a few minutes. :)

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:20 PM

Wendy; XD!!! That was actually pretty funny. & alright~ enjoy your snack : D

Hatake Ayumi 06-21-2009 08:21 PM

*is hyper from blueberries*
I'm still hungry tho.
Ignore any rambling and such.... I SWEAR IT IS THE SUGAR TALKING... even though they were just blueberries.

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:23 PM

lol Now I want to make ramen. >.> I shall hold off till I have my keepsake But hey ramen... nom... hehe snack attack shop.. or watch Lilith Ws tent she is going to have some circus themed items and that may include

Hyda 06-21-2009 08:24 PM

I never knew blueberries could make one hyper. xD Shows how much I know. lawl

Ivvy: Ramennnn is yummmyyy. oo a tent with food in it. Hmmmm. xd

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 08:24 PM

I come back bearing Cheez-its. :3 My mom's making spaghetti sauce for the spaghetti downstairs and it smells wonderful. @_@

And MMM, BLUEBERRIES. Yesterday I dissected a few actually to find out that the interior of the blueberry is actually WHITE, not purple or blue like people think. :O

Hatake Ayumi 06-21-2009 08:27 PM

... I already passed biology, No more dissections till senior year me thinks. So I don't CAREEEE, they just be TASTYYYY.

Haha, It's been a while since I last ate cheez-its.
Now I wanna go down stairs and get something to eat but I'm in my work out clothes from after my shower and biking and my brother and his friend are down stairs and they are only kids and I'm not really fond of kids.

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