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Cows Go Moo 01-13-2015 06:07 AM

"Calm yourself," Branimir commanded, "you may be human but you are still a man are you not?"

He sighed for a second as he regained his composure.

"You are here because the forest opened herself to you. Assuming you are as uninformed as you say you are you are either in need of sanctuary or are on a journey much like the other human who entered some time back. You were wounded when I found you so I brought you into my lodge for treatment."

Branimir's gaze never wavered despite the mix of emotions that must have been on the other person's face. Seeing a child transform into a full-grown man was not ordinary in the human world and often humans called it "magic". They had a similar word here, although with a different connotation.

"Despite what you may think, I've done nothing to harm you and you are free to leave any time that you so choose."

In a gesture of good faith he whistled and two pixies brought a cup of warm water to Gabriel, leaving it on the nightstand next to him before flying through the window.

"I am merely Branimir, guardian of the Glades."

Lunna Dea 01-15-2015 08:37 AM

“Calm myself?” his voice wavered as he spoke. How was he to calm himself with things changing on him from one moment to the next? Things like that just did not happen to him… or for that matter to any human that he knew of. Here he had been getting upset that some child was being left in the wild and it turns out that its not human. Granted he might want to look into children that are left in the wild when he got back to civilization. For how could this creature turn up looking like a kid and humans accept it. “would have been nicer if you had walked out and changed not just do it right here.”

“what do you mean ‘Assuming I am as uninformed as I say’? How could I not be uninformed about this place. There is nothing out there about this place other then some girls half mad ravings and those were in her journal which her parents shared with my friend because they are scared she is hurt.” Clamping his lips shut he realized that it might not be wise to tell this creature anything that he might know, which was not really much. Then the rest of Branimir’s words sunk in. the memory of the pain echoed in his flesh. He winced and then patted himself all over trying to find the wounds. Finding them patched up he gave Branimir a confused look.

“I was being shot at… they kept fallowing me…” his voice got a far off sound to it as he lost sight of what was around him and the memories filled his mind. “Who hired them? Why were they hunting me?” hearing the cup being set down he reached out for it and plopped back down on the bed. His hands shook as he took a sip of it. He was in shock. The loss of blood and the realization that someone wanted him dead on top of seeing the Guardian change was just to much for his mind. The water slouched in the cup, a few drops fell out as he tried to take a second sip. His heart raced and his breath came in quick intakes.

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