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mariellan 01-17-2009 09:05 PM

truffles sound really good. i do wish stirx was here. she missing out on some fun. well have to tell her all about it when she gets back on.

Jenova4 01-17-2009 09:06 PM

Oh yes, Earl Grey lemonade is just that. Brew some Earl Grey, and pour over Ice in a pitcher with lemon juice and sugar. It's wonderful when done just right :)
Others just blend Earl Grey and pre-made Lemonade, too.

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:08 PM

Eh? Me? Oh I'll be fine ^-^
I do have to work tomorrow but I'm too wide awake D:
I'll try in a half an hour or sooner. I'm not sure yet.

I am comfortable though x33 I hope I'm not too heavy for you!

O: True! I miss her really. I wonder why she hasn't been on. I have left her a profile comment yesterday, yet I haven't received a reply yet D:

Lemonade.... From tea..?
Sounds odd x33 Mimi should try that one time ;;>_>

mariellan 01-17-2009 09:08 PM

i've never heard of Earl Grey befor. i think il try some if i ever find it.

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:10 PM

It's a very good tea ^-^
Yet whenever I feel bad, I just drink english tea blend really. o.o;;

My faves are fruits x33 Especially tropical ones, strawberry and cherry.
Oh Oh! And Cinnamon's a good flavour also x33 And the green and white tea they make these days <3 A white tea with lychee in it x33 Sooo delicious! <3

GrannyJ 01-17-2009 09:12 PM

The Earl Greyer tea is quite nice. I believe it's from Republic of Tea?
We have a nice shop here that has many different teas, but I seem to stay with my favorites. There is also a brand name called STASH that has a double bergemont that I like quite well. The Numi brand of Earl Grey is also nice, along with Gevalia.

Mimi dear, you are as light as a feather.

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:17 PM

xD On here I am.
In real life I weigh about..113 pounds?
I'm not sure though. Over here we speak of kilogram x.x;;

I keep trying new tea flavours. I've only disliekd two so far, which were melon and the other one I don't know the english word for DX Please forgive me for that.

Jenova4 01-17-2009 09:18 PM

Granny - They have a tea lounge here down the street from me where they mix and brew their own blends of tea. It's lovely =3

mariellan 01-17-2009 09:22 PM

i love going to tea parties. its so much fun. i did it like a summer ago with my friends i was outside in a garden. it was bautiful

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:24 PM

O: Jenova you must be awfully lucky x.x;;

I wonder why we don't have those around. We have alot of coffeeshops though. Perhaps too many xD I don't like coffee unless it's cappuchino with 2 cubes of sugar. Which is a lot of sugar xD

GrannyJ 01-17-2009 09:25 PM

I went to a tea place in the Mall of America with my sister. I believe it was called Teavana.

They have so many different teas. Some of them tasted quite strange, others were wonderful.

There was one that was called Earl Grey Cream. It had some kind of flowers in it that I've never tasted before. Such a delightful tea!

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:26 PM

O: Sounds delicious!
DX I want tea places also!

-Pouts slightly, sipping my tea.-

Jenova4 01-17-2009 09:28 PM

Ours is called Kalesia Tea Lounge. You can order their tea online here. They also host workshops on how to blend tea and bring stale teas back to a good flavorful life. They also have a rose tea that is *quite* good.

mariellan 01-17-2009 09:30 PM

i love tea even though i don't drink much.

GrannyJ 01-17-2009 09:32 PM

This reminds me of a book I read. I believe it was called "The Friday Night Knitting Club", or something close to that.

It was about a group of ladies that met at a yarn store every Friday night. While they did do some knitting, most of it was to just chat. They talked about their lives, thinks like that. Some of the stories were very moving.

mariellan 01-17-2009 09:38 PM

i like the book "joy luck club" it was really good. i read it like three years ago. i might read it later i don't know

GrannyJ 01-17-2009 09:44 PM

I had heard of that book. I'll have to get it.

Well dears, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to leave you for awhile. I must do some shopping.

I'll leave the tea kettle simmering on the stove. Please feel free to have another cup of tea and continue your chats!

Good night Mimi dear. I know it's near your bedtime now over there.

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:46 PM

o.o;; I only read dutch books you all wouldn't know I suppose xD
But if you would know some, it's called Rendez-Vous. I loved it.

It was about a woman in jail in france. She was with family and moving to France, and the woman falling in love with a guy that works for her husband. They get a secret affair but it's tearing her apart since she's craving for the young man, and not her own man. In the end some vague thing happens which I cannot recall and the young man goes to jail by telling a lie, so she gets out, since she cant even remember what happened. Yet through all the misery and love and very graphic parts in the book, the plot's so cute...

Sorry for the late reply. ^-^ I was recommenting my friend's profile ^-^We talk about a lot in one comment so it takes time to reply XD

Edit: Baizz Gramma! To be honest it's far past bedtime for me. It's 10.50pm yet I'm still wide awake DX

Guivre 01-17-2009 09:50 PM

Congratulations on your new thread.

*Leans back, sipping delicately on her cup of orange 'tea'.*

mariellan 01-17-2009 09:51 PM

i have to go too but ill be back on latter. maybe an hour or so. bye bye for now

MimiYoshi 01-17-2009 09:52 PM

Hello's Guivre ^-^ Nice meeting you.

Edit: I'm going to sleep now. Baiizz<3

FuzzyPipecleaner 01-18-2009 02:04 AM

Yay~! :3
I love Granny's cookies.
*stuffs cookies into mouth*

MimiYoshi 01-18-2009 03:29 PM


Gramma!!She ate all the cookies D:

-Will be on later on more, isn't quite feeling well after working today. Didn't get enough rest +.+ -

Heiyuu 01-18-2009 03:38 PM

Oh, what a morning. And I'm going to have either The Highwayman or Aqualung stuck in my head today.

GrannyJ 01-18-2009 04:13 PM

Good morning everybody!

I need to drink my first cup of tea this morning before I'm fully awake.

Hello Guivre and Fuzzy - welcome to our little tea party.

Mimi dear, and Mariellen and Heiyuu, it's wonderful to see you this morning.

I'm afraid it's a little too early yet for cookies for me. I'll have a nice orange scone instead. Would you please pass the plate?

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