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Emma Corrin 05-24-2008 09:08 PM

ox3tyi: Nope -- just replied to your PM :3

Nani: It's okay -- I'm on an antibiotic for it :3
How are classes going?
I'm SO glad to be getting out of school on the 12th -- Summer can't come soon enough xD
Mainly because I might be able to get my license in July :3
As were you Nani-chan! <3

Yukie: Of course!
We'd better hope my future husband will go along with all these plans we come up with xD

ReiyukaE 05-24-2008 09:11 PM

I want to help dress her up~! You can stuff her in Asian garbs, and I'll give her a glamoury punk style. <3

Morien 05-24-2008 09:14 PM

Ah! Nice to meet you then, Yuka-chan! You can call me Morien (or Mori) if you want! I usually go by this name, but Nani or Nanariel is fine, too. :3 The internet is so confusing, and I have too many names. :P

Emma: Classes are going well! I'm actually taking some summer courses so I'll be completely done and graduated in December. But they're loads of fun so far, so I'm enjoying myself.
Oooo! Your license! <3 That will be awesome!! Plan on driving anywhere special on your first time out?

ReiyukaE 05-24-2008 09:16 PM

Morien it is, then. I like it, a lot. ^-^ I have the luck of being Reiyuka pretty much everywhere, so it doesn't matter too much, in general. ^-^

Eek, driving a car. ;-; -hides- I hate driving.

Exchange 05-24-2008 09:16 PM

Thank you~

Morien 05-24-2008 09:22 PM

Thank you! Hee hee... I used to be Morien on Gaia, too, but then had an identity crisis and changed it for no good reason. Ah well. That's excellent!

Out of curiosity, what does Reiyuka mean?

Emma Corrin 05-24-2008 09:26 PM

Yukie-chan: Sounds like a plan ;D
But driving is so much fun!
At least I think it is xD

Nani-chan: Oo -- are you excited to graduate? What are you majoring in?
I'm wicked excited to get it -- I would drive to Belgium but they haven't made a bridge long enough yet ;.;
Stupid technology.. so slow yet so advanced at the same time xD

So then my 2nd choice was Wisconsin or Mississippi to see Aero or Adam, but I could never afford those ;.;

So I'm probably just stuck driving my brother to the beach all summer xD

It really sucks living in a small town with no where to go 'cause the nearest mall is about an hr away ;.;

ox3tyi: No problem -- thanks again! <3

Morien 05-24-2008 09:33 PM

I'm actually finishing up my Master's in Library Science. So I can be a librarian!!! <3 And yeah, I'm pretty excited to finish up. I'm just kind of tired of being in school. Heh. So it will be nice to actually get out and make money instead of giving it to other people all the time. Ha ha!

LOL! Ah.... so true so true. It would be nice to just be able to drive anywhere! But the beach sounds so nice!

We have one that's about a quarter mile's walk from where I live, but you have to walk down about 500 stairs, so I'm not exactly thrilled about going down there. Well, going DOWN is not the problem. It's coming back up... :P

Wow!!! That kind of makes it hard to go to the mall and hang out, doesn't it? T_T Poor dear.

ReiyukaE 05-24-2008 09:33 PM

Reiyuka means "Polite, fragrant flower". But I didn't chose it/combine it because of that. Only figured it meant that about a year ago or something.

Driving should be fun, but I keep thinking about what might happen. I'm terrified of hurting somewhere.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. G'night!

Morien 05-24-2008 09:37 PM

Good night, Yuka-chan! I hope to see you again sometime!

Emma Corrin 05-24-2008 11:12 PM

Nani-chan: Oo!
That sounds fun!

Yeah -- the beach isn't that great though -- it's not really even a beach xD
There's hardly any sand and what's there is horrible and more like dirt/mud -- and just up river people bring their dogs into the river ;.;
It's SO nasty~

My brother only goes to hang out with friends who camp there xD

That would be horrible!
Why so many stairs?

Oh -- and is it still okay that I call you Nani-chan?

Yukie-chan: I know how you feel -- I just try to look above that yet be very cautious -- my eyes are always darting to the side and in the mirrors :3

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 06:10 AM

I wish we had malls here like you guys have... Like, where people actually hang out. O.o That's one of those quirky American things that just doesn't happen, here. Same with going on a date with someone who isn't your girl/boyfriend. Simply not done, or at least, not in my generation.

I should get back into driving, though. I need to get my license soon.

I see you has your Yumeh hairclip! Congrats! How much did you pay for it?

Morien 05-25-2008 06:59 AM

That's too bad about the beach. Our beach has so many stairs.... probably because it's a "clothing optional" beach. I mean, the land sort of formed itself that way, but it was kept like that, I'm sure, so that people have privacy.

Of course you can call me Nani! You can call me anything you want. xD

Aah... malls. I've heard that some malls have been chasing teens out so that they don't even have that sort of space to hang out. It's sad. Do you not live in the US, then, Yuka-chan?

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 07:04 AM

Nope~! I live in Belgium - tiny country in Europe, squished between France, the Netherlands and Germany; land of chocolate and fries. XD <3 That's the quckest explanation, really. ^-^

Sounds like a very nifty inlet, though, despite the stairs.

Morien 05-25-2008 07:39 AM

Wow! Belgium! Yeah, the first thing I think is-- chocolate. xD I'm totally craving chocolate right now, so that might be part of the reason. *3* Is English your first language, or do you have another mother tongue?

I'm living in Canada at the moment, though I'm moving back to the US in the winter. Canada is wonderful, and I hope to come back one day!

Yeah, it's really lovely. I haven't been down yet, but one day when I have nothing to do but go down and up the stairs, I will. :heart:

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 07:52 AM

My native language is Dutch, actually, although Belgiums' national languages are Dutch, French and German. I just happened to be born in the Dutch part of the country. ^-^

Ooh, Canada~! I have a couple of friends who live there, and it sounds amazing. Hehe, even with the piles of snow during winer. ^-^

It'd probably be an excellent exercise, too.

Emma Corrin 05-25-2008 03:15 PM

Nani-chan: ;.; I don't think I would like that kind of a beach~

Yay! I wanted to double check 'cause you're names different on here so I wasn't sure if you'd rather me come up with a nickname for this name intead xD

That's so mean!
Why would they kick them out?

Yukie-chan: Don't worry Yukie-chan, the whole going out on dates unless you're boyfriend/girlfried doesn't happen here either~
If you do, rumors get started that you're dating or having affairs xD

650g :3
And I just bought the Sweet Witch Top for 280g at the Bathhouse thread <3

:ninja: Yukie-chan should send me some Belgian candies/chocolate in her next letter :ninja:

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 04:04 PM

I think they'd kind of end up melted, though. ^-^"

Emma Corrin 05-25-2008 04:06 PM

Haha -- they might not!
My candy didn't melt.... did it? o_O;

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 04:08 PM

Nope. But the chocolates were kind of icky, in my opinion. >///< You crazy Americans put ginger in so many things, and I'm really not used to it. XD

Emma Corrin 05-25-2008 04:12 PM

There's ginger in our chocolate?! WTF?
Why would there be ginger in chocolate?

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 04:21 PM

I have no idea. But it tastes ginger-y. Like pretty much all of the sweets I tried, other than jolly ranchers and such. ^-^

Emma Corrin 05-25-2008 04:27 PM

Weird -- maybe I don't notice it because I've had them so often xD

ReiyukaE 05-25-2008 05:32 PM

Yup, probably. I think it's just the kind of flavouring they use there, and that you're just accustomed to it.

Emma Corrin 05-25-2008 06:55 PM

Most likely -- I asked my grandfather and he had no clue either xD
Now I'm going to look at the ingredients thing to see if Ginger is in our chocolate :3

Is chocolate expensive over there?

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