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Flink 05-10-2007 10:26 PM

It's not Friday yet! WHOO!

Flink would like to join. ^-^;

Nightingale 05-11-2007 04:30 AM

CrinkledStraw: Bwuahaha, we shall see :3 The poor seas that we shalt traverse X3

FlinkPamingo: Indeed it isn't :3 I sent the test, as I believe you noticed~

Hatch 05-11-2007 12:28 PM

Poor seas? I think you mean poor people that sail those seas. *goes off into crazy laughter as she walks off stage*

Nyree 05-12-2007 04:19 AM

Wow! Look at all the fellow pirates! *voodoo dance* Happy to have you all aboard ^-^

Nightingale 05-12-2007 06:52 AM


Just a few minutes before the application period ends ^^

Ah, I spy a Nyree! *tackle*

Nyree 05-12-2007 06:53 AM

*is tackled* -_-... This is why I just lurked for a good while there *wiggle wiggle*

Nightingale 05-12-2007 07:16 AM

The application period has ended!

The captain and I have talked quite some on the applications we received for the pirate crew. There were a lot of good writers for such a short prompt ;_; We based our comments partly on writing, and partly on character. We're looking for certain characters to make up our crew, and hope to see how they grow during their time on our ship ^^

And so, please meet our crew ^^

The Silent Doll
Noir Kalenthiel

Please send a detailed description of your characters' physical appearance and whatever else information you can provide, if you haven't already. ^^

As I said earlier, there were a lot of good writings. We'll be accepting applications again in the future after we've established things, so please feel free to keep checking in. Also, you can still RP at the tavern (listed on the front page) to get a feel of your character and whatnot.

If you want to know what the others wrote for their tests, I'll leave it up to you guys to post your own entries if you want to.

We'll start roleplaying shortly, then. After I get the character descriptions, I'll begin a thread in the RP section of Menewsha.

When we begin to rp, please remember you can post in this thread still about anything, such as wanting to do future plots with one another or suggestions, etc.

The sea is but our backyard, and who knows how vast the seas of Menewsha are. Lets see what we can wrangle up, hmm?

Nyree 05-12-2007 07:20 AM

Thank you all very much for your wonderful replies! Please feel free to continue to lurk and give us your ideas; as Nightingale has already said, we'll be doing this again shortly. Thanks again ^-^!

To our new crew:
Welcome aboard, ye scurvy dogs! See on the ship soon enough, methinks. Till then! *salute!*

Noir Kalenthiel 05-12-2007 08:15 AM

Thank you so much, cap'n! *salute*

Flink 05-12-2007 09:37 AM

Flink is surprised. o.o Congratulations to the other two who made it in.

She'll get to work on the description and all right now. ^-^

Laveris 05-12-2007 11:07 AM

xD Gratz to the new crew! Hope we shall be meeting you at sea in the near future... :wink:

The Silent Doll 05-12-2007 06:35 PM

Oh, wow; I can't believe I made it! Wow, I'm so tickled. Looks like Ekundayo's brought me good luck!

Thank you so much, I'll send her description to you tonight!

EDIT: Okay, I will send it... tomorrow; I realized I'd only drawn up her face. I'll get a sketch done, I promise I'll have it done by tomorrow. Sorry!

Nightingale 05-15-2007 05:09 AM

The RP thread is now up! Please make sure to introduce yourselves ;3

Chaitealatte 05-22-2007 07:49 PM

<__< ... >__>

*munches Nightingale's ears and looks around*

Nightingale 05-29-2007 07:40 AM

Chaaiiii! *pounce*

Salutations :3

Noir Kalenthiel 05-29-2007 09:54 AM

I am so sorry I haven't answered! I had been on a trip the past few days!

Chaitealatte 05-29-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nightingale
Chaaiiii! *pounce*

Salutations :3

Salutations and celebrations! :3


Nightingale 05-29-2007 10:34 PM

Noir: Don't worry about it ^^ As long as we know you didn't fall off the face of the planet X3 Yay for being on a trip though =o

Chai: Ooo, celebrations of what? <3

*is licklicked* Xo *pounce* *nibblenibble*

Nightingale 06-05-2007 06:47 AM


To crew and non-crew X3

I wanted to try something new with our RP. This will be posted on the front page as well, but thought I'd draw attention to it here first X3

Guest Program

I'd like to offer a proposal to see how people like it.

I was thinking about starting a guest program for those who are new to roleplaying or feel they need to improve their skills.

It can last a week or two (depending on how often posts are made, etc) and can give a chance for a less experienced RPer to gain more practice and experience. They would be a sort of come-and-go characters to start with.

I'd start them out by giving a character sheet to fill out, go through it and make sure it's editted as needed to fit into the RP, and let them hop in the RP in some manner that would be pre-discussed (we can't have drifters everytime, now >.<)

I have a friend I'd like to do a test run with if everyone likes the idea. I want to hear feed back about this ^^

The Silent Doll 06-05-2007 08:16 PM

Hm... well, I don't mean to offend anyone or be a stick in the mud but I'm not really sure...

On one hand it is nice to help out new roleplayers, I agree on that point-- however I would'nt want to have far too many of these in the roleplay at once, or did you mean that there would be one at a time? I don't mind that so much.

Again I really apologize if I seem like I'm just not agreeing for the sake of it! I just don't want for the roleplay to get too crowded or anything.

Also, Nightingale, I'm so sorry but I'd earlier forgotten to mention where exactly Ekundayo's tattoo was; since there's nothing there, on her right arm? It'll probably be hard to see it against her dark skin, though, if all of them are black! That's why I made her tattoo's bright orange.

Nightingale 06-05-2007 08:49 PM

Noo, it would only be one at a time. The point of having tests for you guys in the first place was to keep it limited from being overcrowded X3 And there'd be breaks in between guest visits.

If you guys are rather uneasy with new RPers, perhaps the guest visits could be limited to friends who are less experienced RPers? Like each crew member can alternate between who brings the guest in (again, one at a time with breaks in between).

And don't feel like you're being a stickler or anything X3 These are the type of comments I need to hear about so I know whether to try and implement it or change it etc.

The arm is fine *nodda* I'm going to do the drawings sometime after the island excursion, so making note on references whenever works ^^

Tsubasa Rose 06-05-2007 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nightingale
Guest Program

I'd like to offer a proposal to see how people like it.

I was thinking about starting a guest program for those who are new to roleplaying or feel they need to improve their skills.

It can last a week or two (depending on how often posts are made, etc) and can give a chance for a less experienced RPer to gain more practice and experience. They would be a sort of come-and-go characters to start with.

I'd start them out by giving a character sheet to fill out, go through it and make sure it's editted as needed to fit into the RP, and let them hop in the RP in some manner that would be pre-discussed (we can't have drifters everytime, now >.<)

I have a friend I'd like to do a test run with if everyone likes the idea. I want to hear feed back about this ^^


The Silent Doll 06-05-2007 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Nightingale
Noo, it would only be one at a time. The point of having tests for you guys in the first place was to keep it limited from being overcrowded X3 And there'd be breaks in between guest visits.

If you guys are rather uneasy with new RPers, perhaps the guest visits could be limited to friends who are less experienced RPers? Like each crew member can alternate between who brings the guest in (again, one at a time with breaks in between).

And don't feel like you're being a stickler or anything X3 These are the type of comments I need to hear about so I know whether to try and implement it or change it etc.

The arm is fine *nodda* I'm going to do the drawings sometime after the island excursion, so making note on references whenever works ^^

Well, yes, I am a little uncomfortable with it, I guess--I do like the friends idea but that'd be limited to you guys, as I don't know much of anyone on here. Infact, I usually only post in the roleplay section!

Either way, I'm sure everyone else will like the idea, even if I'm a little weird over it. It is a good idea, I agree on that, as there are people who need help improving on their roleplaying... that and it could help with the crew meeting some odd characters along the way.

If any of them are male though Ekundayo will be ticked, as she can't stand men! Lucky she got into a crew made of women. XD

Nightingale 06-06-2007 12:46 AM

(Ah, and don't let Tsubasa Rose scare you off >.> She only laughs evilly just a couple of times a day <.< Not at all because she's my evil guinea pig >.>)

If you feel more comfortable with the friends version then we can work on that as the idea. If everyone is uncomfortable with it then I'd probably not implement it X3; I think it could be fun, though, since a variety of characters can become involved and our own charas would get to see how they'd react.

It can also be set up so it's like one person a month, so it wouldn't be all that often and the focus would still be about the Pheonix crew. If you don't really know anyone, you can invite someone from an RP you like, even if they are already pretty skilled? That way you can at least participate with someone you semi-know for fun.

*snickers* Yeah, I'd feel sorry for any on-board males X3 They'd have.. a bit of trouble >.> *pokes her own feministic character* Alushia isn't quite against males (they make money, after all, and where there's money, there's pirating to be done >:3), but she loaths patriarchal society types.

I was thinking that if we did go ahead with the idea, then I (or someone) could also do a critique of the guest's posts so that they know specifically what to work on.

For a lame example:
she walked to the bridge and walked up to the side.
she (("she" needs to be capitalized)) walked to the bridge and walked ((try not to use the same word twice in a sentence; it will sound repetitive)) up to the side.

Like that, only, not like that exactly X3 The general idea of that.

Tsubasa Rose 06-06-2007 01:01 AM

I beg your pardon! guinea pig!

8) Well hey, I make guinea pigs cool.

So anyway I had an into that I wrote: its ok to laugh - I do.

Alright well I could do an edit to my previous post, however, seeing as beautiful The Silent Doll posted after me, I shall do it right.

Hello! I am the friend, or I guess more appropriately "the friend" that my beloved Nightingale mentioned (or at least I hope I am lol otherwise this may be incredibly awkward and crazy.... yes, well, moving on...)

I'm currently not able to fully join any RP of my choosing. However, being the dove that she is, Nightingale gave in to my desire to make a cameo (if you will). However, I in no way wish to impose upon you gracious hospitality (or patience, i realize my speech can be quit lavish at times). So please have no second thought towards me, whether or not i'm able to meet yous charming acquaintences, I merely stop by to say: Salutations! (I'd bow to but thats a bit over the top, and it would be a terrible blow to my ego.)

Most Assurdly Yours
Tsubasa Rose

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