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Bloodyrosethorns1 04-28-2012 04:04 AM

(oops! Sorry! Terribly confused because of their enhancements)

Andraus 04-28-2012 04:07 AM

The Elder walked up to her. "No, it is not. This Planet was Given to the humans. Even if they have not taken well care of it, they deserve this more then Any race. That is why we help them. You Zior are blind, if you think that destroying them will save this world. "He said. He sounded as if he had Seen the worest of everything.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-28-2012 04:38 AM

"You listen you wrinkly mutt! I have watched the humans all my life. The world was once a peaceful and beautiful place. But then the deep hole in your heart filled itself with greed! People starved and froze to death, when others were wealthy and fat! We Zion's had watched the Earth DIE because of you! You selfish race think you are so much better than everything else! We had left the Earth be ran by you, and you decided that it was just another play-thing! Pushing everything and everyone on the planet around!", Crystali snarled, pushing the elder backwards forcefully.

Andraus 04-28-2012 04:29 PM

The Titan Held up his hand, with a Nano-forge, and Bolts of Nanites came out, a plot attaching to each of her limbs, and forcing her down. Nanites can melt the skin of a Being in the a matter of seconds, but this bolt seem'd to be used just to cause pain. you could feel every one of your Molecules crying.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-28-2012 08:01 PM

The impact knocked Crystali onto the ground. Writhing on the ground with pain, she spit,"You imbecile! How dare you set your weapon on me!" Though she tried to move her limbs, they wouldn't respond. The pain was bearable but it still really hurt. Crystali's anger boiled, making her hair glow a dim red. Zion's were a powerful race, they didn't tolerate disrespect.

Andraus 04-28-2012 08:59 PM

You saw a Impact burst send the elder back. Your Shocked to see that it's me. I seem to be at conflict. "Sire, forgive me, but this is not right. She does not deserve to be put threw this, and you know it." he said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-29-2012 06:21 AM

Crystali was deeply confused. These humans could be hunting her one moment, than saving her the next. They never ceased to amaze her. She put on a wounded and confused expression, hoping she'd be set free.

Andraus 04-29-2012 06:47 AM

The titan looked at him, and then at the girl. "fine. You decide what should be done." he said. Necro walked up to the Crystali, and took her hand. "Come on. Il escort you o-"he started to say, until a Explosion range outside

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-29-2012 03:05 PM

Crystali tool his hand gratefully. Though she was still very confused, she hoped that they wouldnt shoot her again. Suddenly there was an explosion outside. "What the heck just happened?!",Crsytali freaked.

Andraus 04-29-2012 04:41 PM

You hear the Mega-phone's come online. "Sir! Zior Model Assault force's have been sighted, and are Attacking Outpost Gamma! Requesting permission to Engage with Armor."A female voice said. The human elder looked up. ""Use everything we Got. we must defend the terra-former. Soldier, alert the Other stations to this order : Do not let them destroy this place. use every possible resource we can. We are making our final stand here."he said, then turned to us. "Get the girl into a Inferno GX fighter. Use the Stealth cloak to escort her to safty. Then return here. Thats an order."he said. Necro saluted "Yes sir!" he said, then took her hand, and started leading her to the air-bay

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-29-2012 10:22 PM

Crystali was deeply confused,'Why would they attack?! Even so, they didn't even try to contact me!!' She let herself be led by him. "What are you doing?! I can help! Why would you help me?!",Crystali screamed. She suddenly stopped and slapped him across the face. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my people! I will kill you! We Zion's are one! You kill them, you kill me!"

Andraus 04-29-2012 10:25 PM

Necro looked at her "I will only kill them if they laid a finger on you...."he said, The word's sounding strangly Romantic. He then lead her to the Fighter, and got into the Driver seat. "Diverting power to Shields, and Engine's. Taking power from weapon's." he siad.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-29-2012 10:35 PM

Crystali was stricken,'Could this mere human have taken a liking to me?!' She let the surprise seep through her expression. And numbly stared at him. Shaking her head, she thought,'What a foolish child you're being! He's a human, nothing more, nothing less.

Andraus 04-30-2012 12:58 AM

When they were Saftly Away from the Battle-field, Necro landed atop a old Building. He then stepped out, and looked towards the terra-former. "God damnit......Several hundread year's have gone into that structure, now it's going to be Washed away......Like a Tsunami wash's over an Ant-hill...."he put his face in his head. "god damnit, I just want this nightmare to end...."

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-30-2012 01:14 AM

Crystali knew he was crushed. Unlike humans, Zion's had no emotions, so she couldn't even fathom what he felt. Crystali felt she had to do something for Necro. After all, he had taken time to care for her. Walking over to him and put her hand lightly on his shoulder. "Necro, do not fret, you yourself said that you deserve this planet. Do not forsaken it now."

Andraus 04-30-2012 02:52 AM

"What is there left for me to do? Fight? We will all die. Surrender? Our last hope of Salvation will be destroyed. try to Arrange peace? Not likely. "he said, then looked at the Terra-former. "One thing you should know about humans, Crystali. Its the reason we ended up like this. We are Stubborn. Though the Answear is waving blindly in our face, we Refuse to take it, out of pride."

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-30-2012 03:35 AM

Crystali sighed,"I know." lifting his chin up, she peered into his eyes. "Though our races may be different, we are alike in many ways. Do not lose hope, create a place that is so beautiful, that even the gods will call it paradise. And your people will prosper." Looking out into the distance, Crystali realized that humans were just as fragile as her race.

Andraus 04-30-2012 03:44 AM

"Well.....There is somthing I can do, but it's risky. The odd's are against "he said. "A Nuclear weapon Is abled to Cause a EMP, which could Disable Nearby Technology. Sense the Terra-former is a Mixed breed, it can't be harmed, but when its activated, it can Send out a Pulse that will disable Weapon's and Technology, bring the combat to a Stand-still "He said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-30-2012 04:57 AM

Crystali smiled,"Now you're talkin'!" Stretching, she thought,'Well the humans might actually be able to fight back! But something makes me uneasy. Why would my people attack?'

Andraus 04-30-2012 11:43 AM

"that's the thing. I don't know. It couldn't be about you, could it? I mean, we only just brought you that you mention it...... "he walked over to her, and took the hand-cuff's off. "I'd rather you be fighting by my side, then Incapitated "he said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-30-2012 12:43 PM

Rubbing her wrists Crystali said,"Finally someone asks me. Of course I'll fight! I know my father in his right mind would attack." But how long do you think the battle will drag on?"

Andraus 04-30-2012 02:14 PM

He looked inside the Ship, and handed her somthing. It was a Zior Combat Blade. about 2 feet long, with a Blade enhanced with Nano-technology. "Here. We found this at a Crash site of a Zior Transporter. We were there Scavenging for supplies, and metal. I found this, among some of the bodys "He said.

Bloodyrosethorns1 04-30-2012 09:15 PM

Crystali's eyes lit up at the sword. Taking it gently, she ran her hand across the grip. Holding the blade away from her body, she peered down the blade. "It's very well crafted! I think this'll do.", Crystali said happily. She swung the sword, making it glow a bright blue.

Andraus 04-30-2012 10:49 PM

necro grinned, then board the ship. He started it up, and headed towards the Terra-former

Bloodyrosethorns1 05-01-2012 01:02 AM

"Ready for this?",Crystali asked with an wicked gleam in her eye.

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