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Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 05:55 AM

Kaelin looked at the class and kept her hand on her dragon's head, she nodded to his statement then sighed softly, she wasnt about to add more competition, but knew the answer. She decided to go against what she thought and shyly raised her hand, she was wondering if she was allowed to just shout out the answer but decided to wait until she was called on.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 06:04 AM

Shiori leaned near Kaelin and whispered in her ear. "Let's see if the others can get the answer first okay?" Shiori said in a whisper. Shiori called on each of his students that rose their hands. However, each student was unable to give Shiori the final answer he needed in order to give a student 30 points. "Hmmm, well how about I ask Kaelin the question, Kaelin would you please answer the question?" Shiori asked nicely.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 06:14 AM

she giggled and hopped to her feet, placed her hands behind her back then let out a small sigh "um. In scientific terms it's called Mercury Sulfide, but that's just the remake, um, it's properties? I'm not quite sure of that Priest Shiori, but, i do know that it can be used for certain anti-ceptic reasons, it can be used for certain sexual reasons" she blushed and sat back down "um, and something else that i'm forgetting" she tapped her chin, just then, anzerot ran back over to it and tried to tackle the jar once more, she caught him by the tail and giggled "if one drop hits a female or male dragon, their hormones will go crazy. Oh and it can be used as certain incensce reasons as well as varnish and like i have previously mentioned, medicinal reasons" Kaelin smiled triumphantly just as she did one of the male students shook his head looking rather frustrated looks like i'm a teachers pet she whispered to her small dragon and giggled again as he clawed at the table to get to the jar "oh you little silly you"

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 06:24 AM

"Very good, Kaelin. That's a total of 50 points." Shiori smiled as he rubbed Kaelin's head. "I'm glad you're keeping up with your studies, Kaelin. Well done!" Shiori said. "Now moving on to basilisk fangs, who knows about basilisks? Tell what you know and I'll give you ten meal tickets for the academy's cafeteria!" Shiori said as he pulled out the meal tickets from his pocket. "Meal ticket give you students free lunches correct? If any of you can answer this question, you'll get these meal tickets." Shiori said with a smile.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 05:15 PM

Kaelin giggled once Shiori had rubbed her head, she then wrinkled her nose and murmered something under her breath 'Basilisks? oh, arent they giant serphants with unbelievably poisonous fangs?' she blushed from embarrassment then rubbed the back of her head. Once Kaelin had whispered this, Anzerot leapt to the top of Kaelin's head and ruffled around in her hair, making himself a bed out of her mousy brown hair, then, it dawned on her, why not let another student answer a question? She giggled then nodded "i love my studies, why wouldnt i keep up on them?" she whispered

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 05:53 PM

Emelith stood in the far back, watching Kaelin talk to the teacher she dispised so much. "Honestly, I take notes all the time, and still that guy never notices I know the answer to every question he asks. I'm sure he hates me back." She turned her attention to her huge notebook and read over what she had written, hoping Kaelin nor him would notice she was evesdropping. "I don't see why she is getting noticed so much... she's not really that pretty, but I guess not all gorgeous girls get noticed. I'd rather pay attention to my studies, but he doesn't care. He never pays attention to me, so why am I worried about being seen."

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 06:09 PM

Kaelin stood to her feet and looked back at Emelith with what looked to be flaming blue reptillian eyes "excuse me?!" she shrieked, just then, Aodhagan began to roar outside of the classroom he was angered by such outrageous antics "i do the work and carry a good attitude, that's why i get noticed" she growled angrily "and if you know so much you wouldnt hide it now would you?" her eyes narrowed, once she did this, Anzerot whimpered and curled further into her hair, he was a momma's boy and would act in such a manner

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 06:14 PM

"Crap," Emelith said. "I should learn to keep my mouth shut huh?" she looked at Kaelin, falsely smiling. "I never did anything to that guy, I do the work, I don't talk to him, and I take more notes than the entire school put together." She opened the book and showed Kaelin all her notes. "So yeah, it really ain't my fault, is it?"

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 06:19 PM

"well maybe if you were a little bit more curtious then he'd notice you, i do the work and memorize the notes" she growled and held out her laptop with about eight different files on just dragons alone "no wonder you dont have any friends" Kaelin murmered to herself "if you hate him, then dont choose the class, there are other classes you know" She rolled her eyes, pulled Anzerot from her hair and craddled the now whimpering dragon "shhh little one, it's okay" she whispered to him in a tender voice "i dont know what your problem is, but you need to get over it" Kaelin could be a harsh person if she needed to be one, and truthfully, at this time, she needed to be harsh to help herself get over such childish antics "and if you took the notes then you would have raised your hand and answered the Basilisk question, now wouldnt you?" Kaelin sneered

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 06:25 PM

"That's not the thing," Emelith said. "I'm taking all the classes, and all the other teachers love me. I've memorized every single thing I have learned, and I may know more than some of the teachers. I bet he never noticed how talented I am. Who needs to act curious when you know everything. It's just that teacher that bores me..." she said yawning and reading over her notes in case there was to be a test.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 06:31 PM

"then get a freaking tutor!" she shrieked "doze off during the class if you hate it so much!" Kaelin was about ready to jump over the desk and deck Emelith in the face at this point, but, decided for Shiori's sake, she should stay calm and keep her cool. She and Emelith had been friends up until this year, and it broke her hear to hear her speak like this about one of her closest friend. Shiori had taken her in when she knew nothing "stop acting like such a brat and maybe then he'll notice you" Kaelin growled again, once she did, Anzerot whimpered and burried his head into Kaelin's stomach, hopeing to escape the anger and tension in the class room. Kaelin sighed then pulled the small dragon up from her stomach and held him close "shh it's okay little one"

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 06:38 PM

"Just becasue the teacher hates me I'm not going to let my studies slip." Emelith said. "I respect him, but he doesn't respect me, which is totally cool. He doesn't know who wrote 'Shiori sucks' on the school walls." she giggled at that memory. "Those were the days..."

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 07:29 PM

"you brat" she howled as Aodh roared from the hatrid flowing off of Kaelin, she was definately not someone to enrage, but of course, she was enraged and what could anyone do now? Aodhagan quickly pinned her to the wall as Anzerot stood infront of her, keeping her from attacking anyone. She struggled against the dragon's grip, roaring and growling low in her throat. Her eyes flared with the flames of a dragon's wrath

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 07:32 PM

"Wow," Emelith said. "Losing control like that sure sounds fun," she turned her back away from Kaelin, "OH," she turned around and faced Kaelin once more. "Kaelin, this will be our little secret... or you may just regret it if you say anything." She turned her back once more and went to her desk to study her notes.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 07:38 PM

Aodh continued to growl, but, just when he did she seemed to calm down little by little "regret it? Bah! i'll regret nothing if it's by your hands!" Her voice deeped a bit more vicious than need be, why would their friendship end so quickly? Kaelin had always wondered why but couldnt get over the fact that Emelith had turned into someone she despised. Anzerot stared up at his mother then let out a premature roar, Kaelin then picked the small dragon up into her arms after pulling herself free from Aodh's strong grasp. She wrapped a free arm around the dragon's neck and pulled him into a slight hug, she had embarrassed herself once again because her anger had taken control of her "sorry about that Priest Shiori, please forgive me" She bowed to him out of respect and regret "I will need to talk to you when class is finished though if you dont mind. It's rather urgent"

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 07:57 PM

"Ah," Emelith said under her breath, "You think he'll believe you. I have nothing on my record, they'll think nothing I could do would be malicious. The staff love me, and they always will... even if he believes you, I have the other teachers on my side. Oh, but why have you turned into such a good two shoes. Nobody loves a teachers pet, and acting that way around Shiori... that ought to be a sin. He's a nobel teacher, I'll give him that, but his teaching ethics suck. Sometimes I just wish they'd replace him... but then, he has taught me a lot. Maybe I am wrong, maybe he does have good ethics, but I can't let Kaelin know that, she thinks I hate his living guts. I'm so not going to tell him though, he doesn't pay that much attention to the real smart one. Sometimes though I wish I had the guts to show my talents though... and make Shiori listen to me. Yes, I will make him listen no matter what, and if he refuses to aknowlegde... well... I'll get him back for good."

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 08:10 PM

"That's it" she growled, jumping back to her feet and ran towards Emelith, she jumped atop the young woman and raised her fist, which was now encased with crystal, since she was able to convert ice into crystal, she could be considered lethal "say goodnight" she growled, hopeing Aodh wouldnt interrupt her this time "i dont know what you problem is all of a sudden Emelith, we used to be best friends since sixth grade, what the heck happened?" Kaelin's eyes filled with a unique mixture of rage and depression as she crashed her fist down onto Emelith's face but stopped just a few shy inches "you know what, you're not worth it" she sighed and shook her head, she's thankful that she had set Anzerot down onto the table next to Shiori "he's a nice man, i remember when we all used to hang out together, then he got a teaching position and you started to hate him, i am going to talk to you about this after class whether you like it or not, people will believe me about you, even if it means that i have to go against each teacher here, they will believe me that you're a real person beneath it all, that you're not just some little goody-two-shoes, you have rage just like all of us"

She was clearly upset once she sat back down, Anzerot pawed at her and poked his head under her arms after she folded then onto the table and put her head down 'i miss having her as a best friend.. why did she have to go and do this?' as she whispered this to her small dragon, tears pushed down the sides of her face.

Emelith Xiuhcoatl 07-30-2008 08:20 PM

"Dude, it's not that I have anything against her it's just that she suddenly got so attached to Shiori," Emelith said. "I mean, he is an awesome guy in some senses, but he didn't have to become a teacher here, it's pointless for a guy with his talents. There use to be a day when I thought he was the greatest guy on the planet but now... he seems to have turned cold around me.... so cold that I can't help but feel that he has started to hate me. Sometimes I wonder whether it's because there is somebody he likes... he was a great guy... but now," Emelith sighed, "I just don't know who he is..."

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 08:30 PM

Kaelin sighed then shook her head staring into her small dragon's eyes "i'm okay" her voice trembled, she couldnt understand why exactly she became so attached to him, maybe becaue Shiori was the only other Dragon-born she knew about, the only one to actually teach her about her Dragon Lineage, or perhaps it was the day that the three had gone out onto the town to have some fun and innocently ended up laughing and playing different cames the entire day, but, she would never have that feeling again, to feel wanted, to feel like nothing could ever go wrong. She lost her best friend, but gained a new one. He could never replace the hole Emelith left in her heart, but, he had gained a new place.

Anzerot pulled Kaelin's head up from her arms and hugged the side of her face. His small claws didnt dig into her flesh, but just clung to it gently, how could this have happened to her? She created so many dragons, all magnificant in their own ways, and yet, all of them came to her rescue when she really needed it. She was truely thankful for this. As she sat with Anzerot clinging to her face, Aodhagan watched Emi closely, he wasnt very sure about her intentions and wasnt too happy to see Kaelin acting the way she had. She had only been like this only a few times in her life time, two of those times were when she was just a small child.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 09:40 PM

((Wow, hell brakes loose when I'm not around. Yikes!))

Shiori started to feel a little uncomfortable. "Uhm---I--uhh, now ladies please don't fight or get angry. Kaelin, Emelith I'll talk to both of you after school alright? For now, let's just continue with class." Shiori had felt a guilty conscience when he was ignoring Emelith but it's not like he wants to ignore her, it's just of what had happened during the summer vacation. Teachers are forbidden to have a relationship with their students. "Oh dear, Emelith I especially have to talk with you. If that's okay that is...." Shiori said in an awkward tone.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 09:47 PM

[*nodds* sorry!! :sweat: ]

Kaelin nodded "Yes sir" she whispered and sunk back down into her chair and raised her hand sheepishly yet again "Basilisk's are lare serphants with a very poisonous secretion from their fangs" she sighed then nodded, trying not to seem much like a teacher's pet, but couldnt help it, she liked being who she was. She struggled to rub the tears from her eyes, and failed. Anzerot continued to cling to her face, trying to cheer her up, but, everytime he did this, he whined and licked her face "momma is okay" she whispered to him then set him back to her shoulder.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 09:57 PM

((Aww, it's okay. It gives me things to type about. Though the fighting is a bit extreme.))

Shiori looked at Kaelin. Shiori pulled out a cloth made of cotton and wiped Kaelin's tears. "Please don't cry! It's too painful to see you cry." Shiori tilted his head to the side in a cute manner. Shiori held Kaelin's hand and placed the candy he made from the materials on her hand. "Here you go, I'm sure it will make you feel all better. Please try it!" Shiori smiled.

Kaelin Devereux 07-31-2008 02:46 AM

[hehehe, told you, Kaelin is easily angered, and since she's based off of me >_> <_< :sweat: just imagine if i were to be angered irl]

Kaelin smiled softly then placed the candy in her mouth, it definately caused a smile to form "Thank you" her vioce trembled as she weerily rubbed at her eyes. Anzerot rubbed his head onto hers again then clung to the side of her face again, he whined then snuffed at her, he was obviously worried as well "painful?" she looked up at Shiori with a small frown then scratched the back of her head rather nervously "i'm sorry" she wasnt sarcastic nor was she angry, Kaelin was just, worried and regretful.

See, Kaelin was usually a fun-loving girl, but when it came to Emelith and her childish 'i dont like him because..' antics, Kaelin always became rather angry. She couldnt quite understand why, she wanted their friendship to last forever, but the summer before their enrollment to this school, Shiori had ceased his contact with Emelith, since he did get a job as a teacher, he wasnt allowed to have contact with anyone like that, other than hanging out as friends and what not. So, instead of consuming herself with drama, Kaelin remained friends with Shiori and always hoped that Emelith would follow.

Rion Nagase 07-31-2008 02:58 AM

"Class, lets just start the process of making the candy, please jot down notes in this process first ok? Oh and make sure you get your safety goggles and gloves. You'll need them for this, trust me." Shiori said as he glanced at Emelith and then he frowned slightly so that no one could notice it. "In order to make this candy you'll have to start by heating basilisk venom which is on the basilisk's fang, and mix it with faerie dust, mind this part can get tricky. Faerie dust tends to have weird effects on people when it directly touches the skin. It tends to give you hallucinations. Remember class try to balance the ingredients, that is the ways of alchemy. Once the venom turns violet, add dragon's blood. A few drops should be fine." Shiori said as he showed them how.

Kaelin Devereux 07-31-2008 03:05 AM

Kaelin pulled Anzerot off of her cheek and set him back to her shoulder. She sat, writing down the notes, and every so often looking from the obviously Saddened Shiori and to the spiteful Emelith, her eyes began to tear up again once she made two more glances at the two, but, she was able to hide the tears which had formed "cool" she enthusiastically whispered, watching the rest of the class following along with him, Kaelin then waited for someone to allow their curiousity to run them and try to taste some of the basilisk venom, but, was glad to see that no one had done this.

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