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Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:09 PM

@ Mulch - You treat her well or I'mma bite you. And a bunch of rabid Rattata bit me, so you don't want that.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:10 PM

XD Are you saying you don't WANT your rabies shot?

Murchu Volpe 10-31-2009 11:11 PM

Yes, kit...
Iunno what to make it, but 'll figure it out by the time you get yours set up I guess.

@Anna: Trying to treat her well, I do love her. <3 Cause no, I don't want rabies plzno. ;o; I have enough diseases of the brain as is.

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:12 PM

@ Cryssy - D: Lol. I can threaten people with it until I get it, can't I? <33

@ Mulch - /noms on your arm

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:15 PM

Matt: Mm... I'll be setting up shortly. I think I'll do set up now except that post and deal with it when I finish the fortune teller image. It shouldn't take that long since I resolved to work at the small resolution.

Do what you want. I can't stop you, I won't force you, and I don't want to boss you around. You make me feel like the bad guy whenever I get testy. =A=

Annachu: I suppose so~. XD For halloween only! Then we're healing you and you can have a lollipop.

Murchu Volpe 10-31-2009 11:19 PM

Kit: Hai...
Don't want to make you feel like the bad guy, I just get sulky when I realize I am wasting time. Just easily drawn into more relaxing things after working all week, but I want to be as productive here with you as anywhere, 'cause it's important to me. Getting testy with me's usually the only way to get through. >: *baps self with newspaper and animates while you set up*

Anna: T___T Now I have to get the shot tooo~

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:20 PM

@ Cryssy - ;w; It has to be a really big lollipop.

@ Mulch - You suffer with me.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:21 PM

Matt: Mmm... I still feel frustrated and uncomfortable now. vov

Anna: The ones from the event store? XD

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:21 PM

@ Cryssy - xD; B-But! Pixels aren't very edible, are they?

Murchu Volpe 10-31-2009 11:22 PM

Crys: M'sorry...

Anna: DDD: Well.. well... nuh! *sticks tongue out ineffectually*

oHsoDemandinG 10-31-2009 11:22 PM

*slides into thread* Soooo.....I wonder.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:23 PM

Annachu: What would you prefer? >o>

Matt: It's okay. vov

oHso: Wonder what? :ninja:

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:25 PM

@ Mulch- >: /noms on leg

@ Cryssy - D: I- I don't know!

Murchu Volpe 10-31-2009 11:26 PM

Kitty: I never like hurting my Crys-kit in any way... v_v m'glad we've gotten so much time together this weekend despite power outages and suckage..

Anna: Well if I'm already rabies-ridden, go ahead. *pats head* :3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:28 PM

*gets Anna a subscription to Lollyphile* :drool: I want one so badly. <--- no creepy underage girls, just candy.

Matt: I know. And me too. *chuus* Hate that you won't be on the good majority of the event.

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:29 PM

@ Mulch - xD Its possible that I didn't infect on you first bite! /shot

@ Cryssy - owo Candy?

oHsoDemandinG 10-31-2009 11:30 PM

I wonder.....what the thread is about. YAY FOR NOT KNOWING!!!

Murchu Volpe 10-31-2009 11:31 PM

Cryskitty: Hate that too, but for now, *snugs*. <333. Doing my best to soak up our time together..

Man, "No underage girls, just candy." should be their tagline.

Anna: I-it's possible.. D: But I'd still have to get the shots anyway so nuh!

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:32 PM

@ Cryssy - xD WASABI LOLLIPOPS!? /whimper

@ Mulch- owo Oh. Good point!

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:34 PM

Annachu: YES! CLICK! They all look so yummy. ;o; Matt's gonna get me a subscription one day, aren't you Chuchu?

oHso: Haha. Well hopefully all will be revealed within the next two hours. I'm rushing to finish all the text and art.

Matt: Yessu. *kisskiss*

XDDD It really should! I'll tell them on facebook some time.

Edit: Anna: XD You don't have to get those ones!

Dystopia 10-31-2009 11:36 PM

@ Cryssy - ;w; Who would eat thoooose. </3

Murchu Volpe 10-31-2009 11:39 PM

Cryssu: <333 I sure am gonna get you a subscription. O: Just you wait~ That, or a Mr. Gabriel Theeckat will mysteriously gift you with one. <_<

Anna: 8D Now don't give too many people rabies or I'll make you eat wasabipops~ *learned her weakness* >3

oHso: Not meaning to ignore ya in my responses, I just get overwhelmed replying to everything. So hey there and welcome~ <3 As Crys said hopefully all will be revealed before long. x3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:42 PM

Annachu: Crazy people? @___@ I want the bacon ones. XD!!!

Matt: What about if a Mr. Gabriel LeBeau gifts me a lolipop, ifyouknowwhatImean. ;DDDD *shot to death*

oHsoDemandinG 10-31-2009 11:42 PM

Its ok Murchu. I understand. I was thinking myself how rude it was of me to not say hi to anyone. *ashamed*

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2009 11:44 PM

oHso: Don't worry about that, hun. <3 We're easy going.

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