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0ri0n83 02-24-2011 10:08 PM

Rainer sat there in the office. Three figures came into the room. They were the two people that picked a fight with him earlier, and Riley. Riley sat next to him and saidSeems like we are a bit of trouble huh?" Rainer looked at Riley and sighed as he said," I guess it looks that way. Rainer saw the other two boys get up and go through to the principal's office. The door was closed and Rainer waited. The time passed as the door opened again and the two walked out through the principal's office. The principal walked out of the office and he motioned to Rainer with his finger. Grabbing his stuff he walked into the office where he sat down.

The principal sat down behind his equally large desk and looked at Rainer. It made him look really uncomfortable.
"Rainer, you know why you are here. Why do you continue on fighting the other students and causing trouble?" Rainer nodded to this. It was the same song and dance with this guy. The principal looked at him through his horn-rimmed glasses as he said," Have you heard anything that I have said?"Rainer looked up at the principal and nodded his head. The principal continued to talk like he wasn't even there. Rainer nodded to everything that was being said, and decided that he had had enough. Standing up he looked at the principal and said," The only reason you tolerate me here and give me slaps on the wrist is because my father donates so much money to the school and it's school board. You don't care about me!" Rainer stormed out of the office and out of the room as he went stalking out into the hallway.

X3_iRawr_X3 04-01-2011 01:04 AM

Riley blinked, hearing him shout and moved toward the office doo before Rainer finally ran out, the door almost hitting him in the face. "W-wait! Rainer!" He didn't care about what the principal had to say anymore, he followed. "W-wait..." He wasn't very athletic so he was begining to run out of breath the longer he chased him. Howeve he would continue on to help his new friend, even if he ended up passing out. Riley would reach out as if trying to grab him, however he was far ahead of him and was no use. "Rainer!! Stop!!" He shouted loudly.

(Sorry about late reply. Computer had crashed)

0ri0n83 04-01-2011 01:29 AM

((That's fine, I understand that sometimes these things happen, and I figured that if you wanted to not do this RP anymore you would tell me)).

Rainer was beyond angry. He had enough of this stupid school, the stupid students, and most of all the idiot, moronic principal of the school. He briefly heard someone calling his name but he didn't pay it any mind, until he heard it a second time. Turning on his heel he turned around to see someone was chasing after him. Upon closer inspection he saw that Riley was chasing after him almost out of breath. Standing there he looked at the other boy and said,"Yes, Riley? Why are you chasing me?"

X3_iRawr_X3 04-01-2011 10:30 PM

Riley took a deep breath and looked up at him. "Because I'm worried about you...what happened in there?" Riley was always such a worrywart. He ws trying to catch his breath, and when he finally did, he stood up straght. It was obvious that Riley was short, especially compared to Rainer. Riley looked at him, trying to give him a serious look, but his eyes wre filled with worry.

0ri0n83 04-02-2011 02:03 AM

Rainer looked down at Riley as a smile spread across his fine features. "You worry too much, even for a complete stranger." He looked at Riley as he bent down and said,"It's nothing too serious. I just got into trouble again, and the principal did one of those you should know better pitches to me, and I guess I got very mad," said Rainer as he looked at the ground. "Like I said nothing too serious." The bell rang signalling that the class was over and that there was one more class until school let out. "I guess that means I am off to History class." Rainer stood up as he went running down the hallway towards his class.

X3_iRawr_X3 04-03-2011 06:43 PM

Riley blinked, watching him leave. He may be a stranger, but wht he didn't know is that Riley worried about evryone else first, never himself. Riley sighed, heading for his class, which was P.E. Yes, P.E. was his last class of the day, which wasn't all bad. He dressed in his shorts and t-shirt and was tol to do fifteen laps around the gym and such stuff like that.

(Sorry its short)

0ri0n83 04-04-2011 05:13 AM

Rainer slid into his seat as soon as the bell rang. Sighing he looked through the syllabus and sighed again as he placed his head on the table. He had completely forgotten to study for the quiz that they had on World War II today. He was always proficient in this class though, and he always had high marks. He knew that he would do well on the test, and then he knew that as soon as he was done that he could leave for the day. The test was placed in front of him, which he finished within the first half of the class. He turned the test in and walked out of the classroom, and out towards the gym where he liked to sit in the bleachers as he drew things. It was decently nice outside so that meant that the P.E. class should be outside for the day training for their endurance run. As he rounded the corner Rainer saw Riley in his P.E. uniform and licked his lips. Riley had a perfect body and the rather short P.E. uniform was doing the boy justice. Rainer went to the bleachers where he sat as he brought out his sketchbook and began to draw.

X3_iRawr_X3 04-04-2011 03:17 PM

Riley didn't notice he was there right away. After his fifteen laps, he placed his hands on hs knees, trying to catch his breath. "Hey Riley!" Called out one boy, holding an extra white towel. "Want a towel?" Riley smiled. "Thank you!" He caught the towel that was thrown to him. He placed it on his head, and then grabbed a bottle of water that was usually upplied. His ivory eyes smiled as he smiled towards his friends. He chatted amoungst them before something caught his eye. It was Rainer. "Hey!" He smiled and moved over to him. "What are you doing here? Are you skipping class or something?"

0ri0n83 04-05-2011 01:26 AM

Rainer looked up from his sketching as he looked at Riley and said,"No, O I am not skipping class. I got out early because I finished my test early." As he moved to adjust his legs his sketchbook fell to the ground and flipped through the air as the book landed in front of Riley's feet face up. Looking down Rainer saw what page it had flipped to. It had been a picture of Riley when he happened to be at the same pool as Riley was one day. That was one of the rare ones that he had actually had the time to color. The picture showed Riley in the water as the light glistened off of his body and against the the rest of the pool. He glanced at it as he ran up to go and grab the sketchbook that landed on the ground. As he got up he was sputtered out sorry and accidentally locked lips with the other male.

X3_iRawr_X3 04-05-2011 11:35 AM

Riley smiled. Atleast he wasn't cutting class. Riley opened his mouth to say something, but then he noticed the notebook. It was the same one that the two guys were messing with however it wason a different page. Riley was trying to make out the page when then notebook was taken away. Riley began to look up when he suddenly felt Rainer's lips on his. His eyes widened. "What?" is what he thought to himself. He pulled away. "S-sorry...." He blushed. The reason he did is because he actually liked it. The bell rung then and he stood up. "See you tomorrow..." He smiled before runnig off. He wasn't sure how to react. It was probably just an accident but he liked that kiss. Even if it was accidental.

0ri0n83 04-05-2011 05:45 PM

Rainer wanted to sputter apology after apology after he saw the other male leave, but he didn't want to say anything about it either because he wasn't really sorry about it. He watched as he saw Riley go running off towards the locker room as he smiled to himself, but then he heard some snickering behind him as he turned around and saw a group of girls giggling at him. "What!" He glared at all of the girls. "It was an accident," Rainer went stomping away as he gathered his things and left. Why was he getting so defensive about something like this. It was an accident, right?"

X3_iRawr_X3 05-18-2011 06:25 AM

Riley kept running untill he was out of breath. He dropped down onto the sidewalk and covered his face. He knew it was an accident, but why did he have butterflies in his stomach. Why were his hands shaking. Why is his heart pounding. He didn't understand it. He puled his hood over his head, trying to hide his blush and left for home. Once home he headed straight for his room, locking himself there for the night. He sat on the bed, trying to get his mind off of what happened today.

Sorry this post is late. My computer crashed. I just got it fixed.

0ri0n83 05-23-2011 07:56 PM

((That's fine. I recently got my account hijacked, so it's all fine.))

Rainer continued to make his way home when he stopped to take a breather. It was true that he had run about 4 blocks straight to get home, but he why was his heart beating so fast? Shaking his head he gathered his thoughts as he made it the rest of the way home at a brisk walk. Going the extra blocks to get to his house he opened the door to be greeted by his mother. He glanced at her and gave her a smile before he went upstairs and slammed his door closed. He didn't want his mother to see him like this. He went to his bed and turned the T.V. on as he watched it, trying to sort out through his jumbled thoughts.

X3_iRawr_X3 05-23-2011 09:10 PM

As night approached, RIley decided to go on his nightly jog. He put on his black jacket before pulling up the hood. "Mom! I'm going for a run!" He called out before running from the house. His mom didn't like him running at night. There were alot of creeps out, he was just too innocent to believe that. However nothing has happened yet, so she was a little more easy than she use to be. RIley ran down the street. His only lights where the road lights placed at every home. However soon he was where little light could be seen.

0ri0n83 05-24-2011 02:17 AM

Rainer didn't leave his room that night, but decided that to clear his mind that he would go out for a jog. It was pretty late at night, so his mother was already at work, seeing as how she worked the late shift at the hospital. There was a note on the table saying that there was food in the fridge. He smiled as he looked at the note. They had become a lot closer, ever since his father had died, even though they were both really busy. Walking back to the front door he put his shoes on, grabbed his bright yellow hoodie and slipped it on before walking out the front door into the night. He started out at a light jog, but then he broke out into a run.

X3_iRawr_X3 05-24-2011 03:19 AM

RIley continued running untill he bumped into something large, making him fall on his but. "Oh I'm sorry..." He rubbed his butt as he stood up and looked at the man he bumped into. The man was pretty buffed. He looked to be about twenty. "Oh no, you can't just apologize and it be all owe me one..." The man grabbed Riley's wrist hard, pulling on him. "Ouch. Hey stop it...tha hurts." He tried to pull away, but the man decided to knock him out by banging his head against a light pole. The man then kissed the sleeping boy's lips. "I've been watching you you will be mine..."

0ri0n83 05-24-2011 03:48 AM

Rainer continued to run as he heard the sound of a scuffle. It was pretty dark, but it was light enough that he could see that there were two figures in front of him. One of them looked like he was holding the other one, and by the looks of it h was doing it against the others will. "Hey," he said as he came running up to him. In the failing light of the night he could see that it was Riley in the other male's arms. "Riley!" he yelled as he glared at the person who was holding him. "Leave him alone." he said as he got into a fighting stance. He had taken 4 years of Tae Kwon Do, so he hoped that he wasn't too rusty when he was sparring against the other male. Not to mention that he needed to make sure that Riley would be safe.

X3_iRawr_X3 05-24-2011 04:10 PM

The male held RIley as the other male ran up. "Who the hell are you?" He then laughed when he took a fighting stance. "Who are you? The karate kid?" The man then used his free hand and grabbed him by his collar and shoved him down onto the ground. "Stay away." He then turned around and began to walk off.

0ri0n83 05-25-2011 01:51 AM

Rainer narrowed his eyes as he eyed the other male. His eyes shifted over to Riley, and that was all that it took for him to drop his guard. He found himself falling to the ground hard. Rolling with it though he managed to get up as he saw the other male walking off with Riley still being held captive. [B]"Let him go!"[B] he yelled as he went charging after the man. He knew that Riley was probably going to be end up being hurt in this scuffle. He wanted to minimize that though. Sweeping forward he kicked his leg out so that he could sweep the other male's legs out from under him. Hopefully this would knock the male over.

X3_iRawr_X3 05-25-2011 02:01 AM

The male was surprised when he found himself falling over, dropping RIley. Riley's unconcious body rolled from him. The male frowned. "Fine, you can have him, for now...but I will have this boy...even if it kills me!" He then stood up, running away. That is right when RIley began to regain consiousness. He rubbed his head, which had a huge bruise from when the male knocked him out. "Huh? Rainer...what happened?" He rubbed his eyes.

0ri0n83 05-25-2011 02:24 AM

He watched as Riley's unconscious fell to the ground with a soft thud. He bit his lip as he saw the other male's body fall there. Getting up from the ground he saw the other male, whoever the heck he was, go running away down the street. "Get out of here,"said Rainer as he continued to glare as the other male retreated into the darkness. He heard some movement and saw that Riley was coming around. Kneeling on the ground he propped him up in his arms as he looked down. "Riley," said Rainer as he looked down at Riley. "You were attacked by someone. Are you injured at all?" He continued to ramble on, but then paused as he thought about what the other male had said about how he would get Riley if it killed him. "I will always be here to protect you," thought Rainer as he hugged the other male suddenly. "I will never let anything happen to you ever again. That I promise you."

X3_iRawr_X3 05-25-2011 04:09 AM

"Attacked? Me? But why?" He didn't think about it much. When Rainer asked if he was hurt. "My head hurts...I think I have a bruise...but..." He stopped, feeling Rainer hugged him. "Rainer..." Riley was still sort of out of it. Riley placed a hand on Rainer's cheek. "I'm okay...calm down..." He smiled, trying to comfort the other male.

0ri0n83 05-25-2011 04:24 AM

Rainer was glad that Riley was at least responsive to him. That meant that there was no concussion or anything. Pulling away from the other male he looked at him and smiled. "Never again," said Rainer. "I promise to you tonight that I will do whatever I can to make you safe." Getting to his feet he pulled Riley up to his feet and into him as he hugged Riley again. "Where do you live? I am walking you home, unless you want to stay at my house tonight. Since it's closer. It's a Friday, so there is no school."

X3_iRawr_X3 05-25-2011 03:45 PM

"Can I stay at your house? I don't think I can make it to my house." He looked up at him. He thougt Rainer was such a good friend. "Thank you..." He said with a smile.

(sorry its short)

0ri0n83 05-25-2011 05:46 PM

((That's fine, it happens))

Rainer looked at Riley and smiled. He was just so cute when he was shy. "We should hurry though, before it gets any colder out here," said Rainer as got up and began walking. "Can you walk or do you want me to carry you? I can do either, just depends on your comfort level."

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