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Andraus 09-11-2013 03:59 AM

"Yes, and no. I was planning on Interrogating you, then killing you. "he said, bluntly. It became obviously that this guy was a 'no-bullshit' type of person. He took his work very seriously. "After we get enough members, we need to make ourselves known again, proving we still exist......and this is only one city, we got a hell of a long way to go. "he said. He then wrapped the Weapons in a Simple, oiled cloth. He then put them in the trunk, and put hand-cuffs on her. He then said aloud, in case any spies were hearing. "Your coming with us, Irish spy! Think you could fool us? Let's take alittle ride, shall we?" he said, with a smile. He then gave her a wink, indicating that this was just an act, in case they were being watched.

Putting the Girl in the Car, he waked up to Dimitri. "Call Sera's, and tell her to get her ass down here. We got a Priority-One asset, we can't take any chances. "he said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-11-2013 05:30 AM

Vixen watched her beloved weapons being wrapped up, but she took comfort in the fact that they were being treated with care. She looked sharply at the man in front of her, and nodded. "I figured it would be something like that. But be assured that I have no intentions of being killed tonight, or any time soon." She said. She then allowed herself to be cuffed and placed into the car. She realized that most of it was for show, just in case there were spies around. She was relatively sure that she hadn't been followed, but one could never be too careful. Vixen decided to stay quiet. Adding any more dialect to the act would just make it seem planned. Silence, in this case, was the best way to go about things.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-16-2013 03:56 AM

((Gothika_Knight: Wolfie's not sure, but she thinks we're waiting on you.))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 09-30-2013 04:29 AM

((Andraus: we letting this die so easily...?))

Andraus 09-30-2013 04:56 AM

(Gemini: Going to ping her once, and if she doesn't post, we'll continue on.)

(Shikabane Hime: )

Shikabane Hime 10-02-2013 06:28 AM

[Gothy said she is sorry and it won't happen again]


Vladimir looked towards Joseph and kept his usual grin. He watched as the young people got into the car and Joseph walked to him and told him to get Seras to where they needed to be, which was by the car. Vladimir chuckled softly, grinning a little as two fangs became visible. “Domnul meu, as much as I try. I am afraid that Seras went on ahead towards the base. She said she was going to make sure no one was following us and it is hard to do when sitting in a car.” He stated then turned around, walking towards the driver’s side of the large car.


In the far distance there stood a man in an alley, he had white hair, blue eyes and a long red coat like Vladimir. He blinked lightly watching far away. Watching the once idoled Romanian Boss’s son speak to, who appeared to be, a leader to a different gang. The man moved back into the alley and made a mad dash towards his hangout. He wanted to be alone and normal he would lie and saw he was looking for the new Nephilim boss but was unsuccessful. The man dumped on a dumpster and slowly climbed onto a fire escape and into an abandon house, the man then ran through an open door to a more private place, a place his brother use to train. The man’s name was Dimitri Dracul, the son of The Romanian mob boss and the younger brother of Vladimir Dracul.

Dimitri sat on the floor of the old practice room, remembering the times he had with his older brother and how he taught him to be the name he is today. He even remembered something he didn’t want to...the day big brother Vladimir betrayed their family. He was told to never think or speak to his brother again, he sighed heavily and placed his gun, the Jackal of Dracula, next to him. He wanted some time to himself and remember the good memories he had with his brother.

[I forgot to put this in his bio but Vladimir's canines are longer than are supposed to so it makes him look like a vampire. Nothing major, just a tiny fact I forgot.]

Andraus 10-03-2013 06:55 PM

"-sigh- Fine, but this will make things difficult. "he said, he then wrapped a blind-fold around the girl. "Sorry, but I don't exactly trust you enough to let you know where we are holed up. "he said to her. He then got in the Drivers side. "Dimitri. I assume you recognize this girl, from your days with the Romanian Mafia?" he asked.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-04-2013 03:58 AM

Vixen didn't complain as she was blindfolded. She understood why it had to be so. "No apologies necessary, I understand. Just remember that I don't trust you, either." She said, then fell silent again. She heard another man's voice, and felt a small satisfaction knowing that she had been right about being watched. She heard her captor ask something about the Romanian mafia, and her ears perked up. The man may have known her mother, and maybe even known Vixen herself as a child. She wouldn't know without seeing him, but since her father had cooperated with the Romanians many times, it was entirely possible. "Perhaps you knew my mother. Rose Brennan? I'm looking for information on her."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-09-2013 03:46 AM

((Shikabane Hime: Andraus: Wolfie is not letting this one die! *Pulls out defibrulator* CLEAR!!! *ZzZtt*))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-12-2013 03:27 AM

RAAAAAAARRRRRRGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Andraus 10-13-2013 04:42 PM

(~Wild Spirit Wolf~: Gothika's having personal problems right now, so she might not be able to post much)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-14-2013 04:00 AM

((Oh, okay. *Virtually hugs Gothy* Wolfie hopes things get better!))

Andraus 11-20-2013 06:55 PM

Gothika_Knight:Shikabane Hime: can you post now?

Shikabane Hime 11-29-2013 04:02 AM

[*hugs Wolfy and Andy*]


Vladimir Dracul
Vladimir nodded once, he then turned his head and walked to the driver side of the car and climbed into the car. It was there, he turned around making sure everyone was in there sitting and ready to go. It wasn't until he turned around, hearing Joseph ask if he knew her and the young girl speak to him, asking about her mother. Vladimir blinked lightly and tilted his head lightly "You do look familiar my dear. That name also sounds very familiar. Ahh~ yes, I remember her I believe. When we get to where we need to be, I will let you ask a few questions." He said in an regal manner. It wasn't unusual for him to speak like this, it was how he was raised. Vladimir pressed the gas and started driving along the road, as he drove he tried to remember a woman by the name of Rose Brennan. He closed his eyes slowly and continued onward to drive. He was doing on a daily basis, it was nothing new to people who knew him well that he drove with his eyes close, a talent he had learned from an uncle, nothing too bad.


Seras Victoria
The young blonde girl stood in front of the hideout, well she was in a tree that was close to the hideout. She had put her rifle away and was relaxing in the tree, waiting for the car to appear over the horizon. She started playing with her hair as she fixed her clothes, it was almost impossible due to her rather large torso. "This is going to be a long day." She said softly, blinking her piercing blue eyes staring past the blonde bangs she had over them. Waiting patiently for the large black car and the people in it.

Andraus 12-03-2013 08:00 PM

(~Wild Spirit Wolf~: she did it :D)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 12-04-2013 04:48 AM


Vixen nodded, satisfied with the answer. She had waited a long time for answers- she could wait a while longer. "Very well, thank you." She said graciously.

Andraus 01-03-2014 12:13 AM

(Sorry I took so long. ~Wild Spirit Wolf~: Shikabane Hime:

Vixen would feel her being pulled out of the car. She then would hear metal steps, along with the punching in of a key-pad. After the door behind both Vlad and Joseph was sealed, Joseph removed the Blind on Vixen, but kept the cuffs on. Just a precaution. Joseph expected, if she wanted to, she could easily break them. It was just to make sure he had a sign that she'd cooperate. "Vlad. Go to the Comm Room. I want All Nephilim Squads to check in with reports. IF there is increased activity, then I want to know about it. "He said.

Joseph then brought Vixen to the Computer Database. He then un-cuffed her, and sat at the Computer. He put Filters on Most of the Operations. All data that was deemed 'Unimportant' was blacked out. Trying to hack it would be pointless. The Computer had a program running that, if a File was Compromised, that they would flood the file with junk data. Whatever was hacking it, would have to clear it out, giving the Security systems enough time to lock it out.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-03-2014 03:53 AM

Vixen walked quietly, making no fuss. Though she took careful not of her surroundings once the blindfold was off, it was just a precaution in case she needed to run. More habit than anything else. She could have broken out of the cuffs at any point- that was child's play for her- but she left them as a show of good faith. Once she was seated and uncuffed, she rubbed at her wrists where the handcuffs had chaffed a little and quietly waited for her "host" to be ready.

Andraus 01-03-2014 04:55 AM

He Entered a password, and brought up case files, Duty Rosters, Survalliance footage, etc. "I'm watching you. I don't trust you. For all I know, Your going to put a bug in the system, allow back-door access into the data banks. "he said. His paranoia was understandable. His group was hunted to near extinction.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-04-2014 04:17 AM

Vixen nodded. "I understand completely. Father often does the same. He trusts no one- not even me." She said with a wry smile. While it hurt her that her father didn't trust her, she found it ironic that that very distrust had caused her to turn against him. Now he really couldn't trust her. "All I want are answers. Since all signs point to my mother's involvement with your organization, I feel that this is the place to start."

Andraus 01-04-2014 05:08 AM

Joseph typed in a key-code, and the blanks were removed. He typed in 'Rose Brennan'. It came up with Data-files, Video Surveillance, Birth records on Vixen, and one thing Vixen would be interested in: Her last assignment with the Irish mob, which got her killed. "Hmm.....I wonder if you'd like to see this. "He said. The File was Heavily encrypted. Obviously, people had made past attempts at destroying the record. Joseph typed in a different key-code, and it was unlocked.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-05-2014 04:16 AM

Vixen perked up. "See what? What is it? Something about my mother?" She asked, betraying a rare bout of emotion. As soon as she realized her slip-up, her mouth snapped shut and a mask slid over her features. You must never show any emotion, Siobhan. It is a weakness you cannot afford. Her father's voice rang out in her mind.

Andraus 01-05-2014 07:57 PM

Joseph turned off the computer, after copying the files onto a Hard-drive, and locking up the originals. He then held it up. "You want Info you need? Then we're both in a position where we want something. "he said. He then went to the screen, and brought up an Image on Siobhans father. "I'm going to pose as your 'Rescuer', to your father. Your going to play along, and help me get close to your father. Once I'm close enough, I'm going to kill him. "he said, not bothering to mince his words. "I'm going to give this to you. In return, I want your father in a casket."he said, holding it up.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-06-2014 05:25 AM

Vixen sat back and crossed her arms. In truth, she fully intended to do as he asked, but she wanted to make it clear that she would not be ordered around like some common lackey. "Information for an assassination job? It's a bit uneven, don't you think? After all, this is practically a suicide mission. I'll cut to the chase here. I don't trust you. Though the evidence points to my mother wanting me with this organization, I can't be fully sure until I see proof: in other words, the information you hold there." She looked at him sharply. "I am not a person to be handled lightly, sir. I need to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my mother worked here. Otherwise I can't be sure that you're just using me. And I will not be used." She said, her accent thickening as she dropped her "blending in" act.

Andraus 01-06-2014 05:34 AM

"I said I intended to be it to you first, fire child." He said, the nickname now sticking with him. He the. Tossed the hard drive to her.

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