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EltiaskWolffe 07-01-2014 04:49 AM

As usual, Protegée blocked his path. Wolffe was about to shove her aside as he usually did with pests like her, but what he didn't expected was the amount of strength she used to totally stop his right hand in midair and himself in his tracks. A low growl came from the depths of his chest, but before he could use more of his strength, he was pushed backwards by her. He stumbled back a few steps, taking his time to regain his balance, before hearing her speak again. The hunter laughed ironically, raising his arms over his head and walking in circles on his spot. He then shot a glare at Ferris, standing behind Protegée, before returning his gaze to her.

"I don't give a for what I said before. You have no right whatsoever to stop me from having revenge," Wolffe spoke angrily as he waved his knife in the air, aiming it directly at Ferris' chest, "and, let's be honest about this, my dear. If I really lost control over myself once more, I wouldn't give a damn for you." His eyes moved once more to Ferris. He stared at him for a second before smiling darkly. "Just take a look at him right now, lovely," his voice had a certain mocking tone in it, quite characteristic of a hunter after his prey, "his whole being reeks of fear. Can't you see it?" He laughed once more darkly before locking his eyes on Ferris', not moving a single inch. "I will know why, Ferris. I will get my answers, and if I have to rip them from you one part of your being at a time, I totally will."

He turned sharply to get his bow and quiver. Swiftly, he locked the quiver behind his back and hung his bow from his belt, though he turned around once more to stare at them both. He wasn't moving at all, now that he had them where he could observe them in his domains. "I will kill you, you damned hypocrite."

K-chan10307 07-01-2014 02:28 PM

And if I lose control of myself one more time, I might just end up killing the both of them. The thought flashed into Melanie’s head, knowing the stark truth of it all. Eltiask may be dangerous, but he can control himself. Melanie couldn’t. A fear rose up in her. It was the same fear that kept her up at night as a child. It was the same fear that dominated her existence when her parents died. I can’t let anyone else here die.

She turned her glare to Eltiask first. She was really starting to hate the way he mocked her. Quiet as he was, he was still their biggest threat. He cared nothing for her, and her being alive would get him nothing. In the beginning she felt sorry for him. She even feared him. But now, she just didn’t want to be around him. His quiet was confusing, and there were already too many secrets among the three of them.

“Okay, you stop calling me ‘lovely’.” That word held so much mockery, it stung. She really shouldn’t be paying attention to whether or not her physical appearance appealed to the aesthetic palette of someone trying to kill her.

She turned to Matthew, who was now snarling at Eltiask, knowing full well that he had the potential to ruin all his plans. There was fear in him, but Melanie could see that it wasn’t of him. It was of failure. What was success going to get him? Why was it so crucial to his plans? Plans that I have to figure out. “And for the love of god, stop calling me ‘Rose’.”

“Sorry Rose, it’s the name on your fi—”

“It is not the name on my file.”

“On my file and my assignment, in big bold letters. But of course if you hate ‘Rose’ so much, maybe I should rip a page out of Hawkeye’s book and just call you ‘lovely’.” The mocking tone from Eltiask was echoed in Matthew. Melanie wanted to punch the both of them and be done with the two of them. She missed her house. She missed her dark room. She missed her brothers. Goddamn, I just want to go home.

Matthew ignored Melanie’s glare, just satisfied that his assignment was still unharmed. Failure wasn’t so close just yet. She was crucial to the final part of his own transformation. The damned lab had to change their minds at the last minute, throwing him into a new experiment. No, he was far from the perfect killer. But he was damned good, complete or not.

Melanie heard his thoughts loud and clear. His anger at Eltiask weakened the points of his mind that he was clearly taught to hide from her. In his mind was a bubble full of secrets. That was where she had to aim to find her answers, she knew that now. But what does he need me for?

Matthew flashed his own grin over to Eltiask. “Bring it on Wolffe-y boy. You want upperclassmen? You’re about to get schooled.”

EltiaskWolffe 07-02-2014 05:38 AM

Wolffe heard Ferris' taunt and growled lowly. Yes, that was precisely the Matthew he remembered: a rather prepotent student, and human being, with the strange ability to charm people with his whole manners. The hunter had identified this potential days after he started studying, yet never approached him due to his own reasons. However, Ferris did approach him, most of the times to taunt him in the same fashion he was taunting him right now. That routine kept on until one day he grew fed up of his taunts and, in fact, tackled him down to the ground to beat him down. That, though, didn't happen mainly because he was quickly pushed aside. Of course, the one who took all the blame was himself. Ferris then approached him differently, asking to be his friend. Sadly, Wolffe believed this and his whole life went even more downhill after that. Years had passed since he last recalled those memories. Why were they even coming back to his mind?

The hunter growled lowly even more, crouching right in front of them, his eyes flickering from Protegée to Ferris and back. He needed to decide what to do. Ferris' fear was intoxicating, luring him closer until he could kill him. Whenever he inhaled, he smelled his fear. He wanted to hurt him, his whole mind was demanding him at least some of Ferris' blood. To get that, though, he had to go through Protegée, and that was a completely different story. There was something about her that, somehow, made wonders on his rage. If he kept staring at her for more than a moment, his rage would steadily disappear. Due to his current situation, he obviously avoided her gaze.

Wolffe analyzed his situation coldly, fixing his eyes on Ferris. He wanted him dead, but if he still was a little bit like the upperclassman he once knew, his whole mind was built upon ego. Slowly, he stood up and brushed off some of his hair from his face. He grinned widely at him before speaking mockingly, completely ignoring Protegée. "Sorry, I might noth ave heard correctly, but you want me to waste my time with you? Please, Ferris. You're nothing compared to me. You only survived because all your friends were there to pull me away, but now..." he let his voice linger for a second before smiling wickedly once more, "I doubt they will be of any help."

K-chan10307 07-02-2014 03:12 PM

Those words got to him. They piqued his annoyance to a point that it rose through the anger. From his memories, Melanie knew that Matthew was the guy who got his power from numbers. He was always the guy with the crew looking after him. It was something he hated. The attack from Eltiask when they were younger only proved that he was nothing by himself. That’s what pushed him to be so ruthless now. He no longer did team assignments.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that.” Matthew’s hand inched closer to his concealed weapons.

Melanie knew that Eltiask was telling the truth though. He was much more powerful than Matthew. She could feel their power emanating from them, and despite Eltiask’s quietness, his power was much more overwhelming. He could actually kill him.

“Stop it,” she insisted again. This time she added a mental push to her voice, forcing the suggestion into their heads. Of course she came up against barriers, but she pushed against them anyways. Twenty minutes of a headache would be worth it if they just calmed down. She wanted to spend at least a little time of the day not fighting for her life or worrying for anybody else. She remained standing between them, but she knew it was futile if they had the capacity to fight her mental suggestion. Both of them could easily just throw her aside. Or I’d get hurt for being directly in the line of action.

“Rose, stand down,” Matthew said quietly. His rage came off in waves. His mind was weakening and she could see the bubble of secrets again. If she pushed a little harder, she’d be able to burst it and finally get her answers. But that would also leave the two of them in a weakened state, and Eltiask could easily kill them then and there. No, it would be better to wait for a time where they could be alone.

EltiaskWolffe 07-02-2014 03:55 PM

It worked. Wolffe felt his annoyance bubbling under the anger coming from Ferris. His lips curved into a smile in a discrete way, and his eyes sparked with a darkened light for a second. His mind quickly noted Ferris' movements and, in response, his left hand hovered over his bow. He left it there, hanging in suspense, as if to make his point clear. Truthfully, his objective was to drive Ferris into a frenzy derived from feeling less that Wolffe himself, something the hunter knew very well he could achieve relying solely on his words. If Ferris went int overdrive, that would give him the alibi he was looking for to kill him right there on the spot. "Since when do you need alibis, Wolffe?" He shook that thought off his head, focusing on enticing Matthew even more. His mind was racing at marvelous speeds, carefully choosing his next words.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Ferris. Even though I don't give a damn about all the weapons you might be carrying, pulling out one of them would be a very poor choice. See, even though I carry two weapons, I don't need them at all. The choice is merely symbolic, something you might never get the chance to do. Can't you see it? Even now, after all these years, you still need something with you to feel safe. I wonder what it's like, you know. Have you ever felt safe anywhere?" Wolffe shook his head as a sarcastic laugh escaped his lips, totally directed at Ferris. He took his bow and flipped it open, gently tracing his finger up and down the strings. "You know, our story remains unchanged. Seven years have gone by since I erased myself from your world, and yet I'm still better than you, Ferris. Isn't it sad?" The hunter flipped his bow once more, placed it on his belt, and laughed darkly at the soldier.

It was odd, though. After Protegée had spoken, he felt something tugging inside his mind, as if pleading him to stop. However, he quickly brushed it aside. His whole mind was set on enticing Ferris, on making him lose his cool. For that, he was going to do whatever it took.

K-chan10307 07-03-2014 12:14 AM

He was near the breaking point. His anger had boiled over. “That’s it,” Matthew growled. He grabbed Melanie’s arm and dragged her over. “I was going to wait like they told me to, but you…you just had to go to China. Had to go digging up buried secrets. Well now, no more waiting.” Melanie struggled against him, but his rage had given his strength a boost. Matthew put both hands on either side of Melanie’s head, bringing their faces close, forcing her to look into his eyes.

The anger that was only palpable through energy emission suddenly started flowing through her. His emotions made his memories even stronger and that bubble that she wanted to burst before was just so close. In her fear of this new hostile situation, she pushed against it. The bubble popped and the secrets came roaring into her head. She saw a leopard with grey eyes. It jumped at her. Melanie tried to jerk back. She knew that it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real! Matthew refused to let go. “Oh no, you’re not holding back from me now.”

“You were with me in Indonesia,” she realized. He was following her even then.

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself,” he snarled. “I wasn’t there for you then. It was all going according to plan. Finish taking your pictures and be back in America. I would have picked you up and that would have been the end of it. But no, you had to go to China. Had to find your roots.”

Matthew’s green eyes became grey, resembling the leopards she had studied on her trip to Southeast Asia. She was linked to him mentally, seeing what he saw. His vision had changed—seeing heat now instead of just colors. Suddenly the smells of the forest became so much more acute. The hidden memories flashed over to her. Her eyes flashed amber, glowing as she lived the part of his life that he had hidden from her.

“You chose leopard? Wise choice. We’ll begin altering your DNA immediately.” Finally, he would be powerful enough to go alone on his missions. He would have the skills of the majestic cats. His strength would increase tenfold.

“You signed up for the pairing experiment! Read the fine print, of course your abilities are muted!” He had knocked over many computers and lab tables upon finding out. “We had to see if pair bonding specimens would make their abilities stronger. Eventually we’ll roll it out to see if pair bonded couples with abilities can deliver special offspring.”

“You mean I go through all your bullsh-t to find out that all I’ve worked for depends on if some girl decides I’m cute?!”

“She’s evaded capture for a very long time. You bring her back and we will train her to be the perfect killer with you. You’ll train her yourself. She’s your catalyst. We pair bond you and you get everything you’ve ever wanted.”

He was tired of their crap. He would find her, train her, and use her to get his powers. Then he would leave them, doing what he wanted, and take their prized experiment with him. No more running around like a lapdog. They would be perfect assassins, getting top dollar for their kills.

“They didn’t know how strong you really were, Rose.” A laugh bubbled up. It was sinister. For a moment, Melanie swore she saw his face shift into that of a leopard for a second. His body visibly changed. His muscles expanded and his gripped tightened, adding a very strong physical pain to the mental. His rage was no longer controlled, it was animal. She felt nails like claws digging into her skin. Blood trickled down the side of her head.

“Please stop,” she whimpered.

“You were so strong. You could have been my perfect companion. We would have been glorious, but you’re so fu cking afraid of your own goddamn shadow. But guess what babe, I don’t need you anymore. Sucks though, you were pretty cute. But so fu cking weak.” He tossed her to the ground as if she weighed nothing.

The impact with the ground knocked the wind out of her. Melanie tried to breathe but her head hurt so much. Matthew walked to her and landed a swift kick to her gut. “Now look at you. You’re nothing.” She knew his thoughts. They were connected completely now, after that ordeal. He hated that even in his final transformation, he was so weak that he needed her. He hated her for being so weak. “They needed you,” he hissed at her. “And I fuc king suffered because of it.”

EltiaskWolffe 07-03-2014 12:52 AM

Wolffe's mind went into overdrive suddenly. Something buried deep down under layers of concealed memories bursted into his consciousness, taking control of his actions. He observed Matthew as he took Protegée's head in his hands, somehow knowing what his former comrade was trying to do. He also knew, though, there was little he could do to prevent it from happening. His mind rushed, focusing on what he could do to stop him right there and then without giving him a chance to escape. A low growl escaped his lips as the hunter crouched out of instinct, not realizing what his body was doing while his mind still analyzed the situation. He could see Ferris' body changing, becoming similar in appearance to his own. At the same time, he felt his feral rage growing by the second. Of course, that was what he was after for so long. "Even after I got dragged into the whole experiment, he still felt threatened by me..." A short grunt came from Wolffe's lungs while his right hand hovered over his knife. He unsheathed it and held it firmly, still observing Matthew's movements. When he tossed Protegée to the ground, the hunter growled angrily. Yes, she was a burden, but still the real issue was between former comrades. There was no need whatsoever to drag into the equation innocent people.

"You suffered because you have always been weak, Ferris. You know that," Wolffe spoke angrily as he leaped forward and tackled the former Marine to the ground, survival knife held tightly in his right hand. He was surprised at the amount of strength Ferris was using to push him away, yet it was nothing he couldn't control. A few seconds into the brawl, everything became a blur of fists, kicks, hair, and even uttered curses. The hunter felt Ferris clawing at his skin, just like a feline would do. This fact sent him into a feral frenzy he had never experienced, punching and kicking with a strength he never even knew he possessed. At one point, he heard the typical sound of bones breaking. His eyes wandered to Ferris', only to find his pupils completely dilated in pain. He quickly scanned his face and found the source of the cracking: his jaw. With his left hand, he punched once more on the same spot. Matthew stumbled backwards, unable to articulate properly. Wolffe used this to his advantage, tackling him down once more and pinning him to the ground. Even though Ferris struggled to break free, and Wolffe was having a hard time trying to keep him there, the hunter managed to subdue him.

"Listen well, you sonuva," Wolffe said as he held Ferris' hands with his left hand, quickly placing his knife over Ferris' throat, "You want to know what really sets us apart? I never asked for this. I went into the program expecting nothing because life never gave me anything. In your obsession to become better than everyone else you've found your doom. Can't you see it? You're still no match for me, even with all your enhancements," Ferris struggled once more, trying to break free. This time, though, Wolffe pressed his knife deeper until blood began to flow freely from Ferris' skin. A dark and sinister smile curved the hunter's lips when his mind registered once more fear coming from Ferris. Now it was fear of him, of the man he used to torture seven years ago. "Your story ends here, you pathetic try of soldier. You never had the guts to fight someone alone, you never knew how to stand up for yourself. Pathetic," Wolffe then took his knife and dig it all the way down in Matthew's neck. Blood came gushing out of the wound, a bright red blood which mirrored Ferris' intense heartbeats. The hunter repeated the process on the other side of his neck before raising his knife and showing it to Ferris before he finally faded away. "It's over. Even after all you put yourself through, you were never enough."

Wolffe kept pinning Ferris' body to the ground for a few time, making sure the bastard had indeed died. He couldn't feel pulse or breathing, and he knew his mind had already faded away. Still, he was willing to take the extra time to make sure that lame human being was finally out of the game. Five minutes after he last perceived Ferris' fear, he let go of the body and moved aside, resting his back agaist a nearby tree trunk. His knife fell to his right, still dripping rubies, yet he made nothing to get it back. He was still trying to process everything, to understand what had just happened, when he remembered Protegée. "Oh, crap." Shakily, he took his knife, cleaned it on Ferris' clothes, and stumbled all the way to where she was lying. The hunter hesitated, not sure what he was trying to do. Alive? Yes, she was alive. Aware of his presence, though, he didn't now.

K-chan10307 07-03-2014 01:24 AM

Melanie tried to sever the connection between her and Matthew but everything happened too quickly. She felt the rage in the two of them, paralyzed momentarily by the strength. Then the fighting happened. She felt every hit that Matthew endured as clearly as if she were being attacked rather than him. Melanie curled up in a ball, her hands coming up to protect her face. They didn’t help. It hurt to move. No matter what she did, she could not separate Matthew’s experience from her own body.

Cold fear suddenly took over. The knife was against her throat. Then it went in. Melanie shouted. Her neck was fine, but she still felt the pain of the cold steel cutting into her. She couldn’t breathe. There was so much blood, so much pain. She couldn’t help the tears that came out. Her pupils glowed, going white. She felt so cold and weak. Once again, she felt the life slip away from her, her own life wanting to follow.

She laid there, her eyes wide open, with tears streaming out as her connection to Matthew ebbed away with his life. Her neck stung and her body felt bruised. The ability to breathe returned first. She gasped, inhaling as much as she could into her lungs. It’s funny how you much you don’t realize you treasure air until you can’t have it anymore. Her eyes stopped glowing, going from its inhuman white back to gold, finally returning to their original dark brown. She was barely aware of her surroundings. Instead, she remained in fetal position, hiding her head in her arms and started sobbing.

EltiaskWolffe 07-03-2014 06:21 AM

"You know, if you wanted to, you could end everything here and return to your normal life once more..." His inner voice echoed gently in his mind as he stared at the woman lying motionless in front of him. It was right. If Wolffe truly wanted to, he could just kill Protegée there. However, his mind gently whispered something else behind all the chaos he had in there. "People will start looking for the aircraft. You need to get out of here." The hunter nodded in agreement, and as he was about to stand up and walk away, his mind wandered once more to Protegée. He could leave her there and worry not about her survival, right? There was no need to worry about her, wasn't it? He hesitated for a moment before sighing and picking her up from the ground with ease. "You, Wolffe, are a stupid individual."

The hunter walked steadily through the rainforest, heading to his lair. He still wasn't sure why he had picked Protegée and was taking her to his most private domains, but his mind was busy trying to organize the memories flowing steadily into his view, memories he hadn't recalled in years. He tried to shook off the whole ordeal, yet he wasn't able to. When he least expected it, he found himself in his lair. Wolffe opened the door carefully and placed her on the couch, wondering if she would make it through the day. "Well, she better get through this. I'm not looking after her, I can't do it."

K-chan10307 07-03-2014 03:25 PM

Through the haze in her mind, Melanie felt herself being carried, although she was vaguely aware of what was going on. Her mind slipped into unconsciousness.

Melanie snapped awake, sitting up from the couch she was in. That proved to be a bad move as suddenly blood started rushing to her head. A couch? Walls? For a moment she thought that she dreamt the whole ordeal. She thought she was home, and the plane crash had never happened. She didn’t watch four people get brutally murdered before her eyes. She didn’t die with two of them. She didn’t live two days in absolute terror in pain.

But she realized then that she definitely wasn’t home. At least it wasn’t her home. Melanie briefly wondered if she was dead, and this was her afterworld. After Matthew’s death, she knew she was left weak and unprotected. Did Eltiask kill her in her moment of weakness?

To her shock, she realized that no, she was still alive, but she wasn’t home. She felt Eltiask’s quiet presence. His thoughts didn’t bombard her mind like the rest of the world’s thoughts did. She could feel what he felt, but not in a way that overpowered her ability to deal with emotions. Melanie glanced at him, her confusion apparent in her gaze. “Why?” she asked. Why do this? Why let her live?

EltiaskWolffe 07-03-2014 05:01 PM

"Don't even ask me that," Wolffe replied sharply as he stood up and walked down a small corridor, "I already have to deal with all the mess you created in my mind, and I don't plan to deal with your own existential crises right now," his voice grew steadily in volume as he disappeared. He turned to his right, into the bathroom, and after taking his clothes off, he stepped into the water. The hunter inhaled deeply, trying to relax for a moment under the water's embrace, though he couldn't truly find himself at ease with someone else in his lair. He scrubbed thoroughly his hair and skin, removing traces of dirt and blood from the whole hunting, in an attempt to focus on something else than the constant stream of memories entering his mind. For a second, his eyes caught the crimson color of the water under his feet due to the blood paintings he had made on his skin earlier that day. A small sigh escaped his lips as he stepped out of the shower and tied a towel around his wais, exiting the bathroom. "I hope you don't take too much to recover, we're leaving the island soon. That is if you want to come with me, of course," his voice rang clearly through the house as he went into his room, where he chose a a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. His hand ran through his hair in an attempt to control it, though it was in vain. He walked back to the living room, where he sat in front of Protegée, and observed her intently.

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. They will be looking for me, and I'd rather not have to face them once more."

K-chan10307 07-03-2014 11:58 PM

“I’m fine,” Melanie replied, turning to face Eltiask. “The only side effect of dying is nightmares. And because of that, I cannot wait to be gone from here.” She fell silent, watching him, not really knowing what to say. “And I didn’t mean to make a mess of your mind. That’s never happened before until you. I usually live their life again; I don’t ever stir up memories.” She felt weird talking about this.

Her parents never really knew about her abilities. They thought she had a neurodevelopmental disorder, although all the doctors denied that. Neither did her family or friends. People just thought that she was a complete loner.

“This is quite an impressive home, but where are you going after this? And who is the ‘they’ that you are referring to?” Melanie had her home, but she realized that she might have to relocate as well. After all, Matthew was sent after her. “Wait, where’s my bag?”
She hoped that he took it with him because if he hadn’t she would have to go back to that horrible place and get them. Matthew’s dead body flashed before her eyes. Melanie rubbed her neck, feeling a burning sensation there.

EltiaskWolffe 07-04-2014 01:32 AM

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't care how you're feeling right now or at any given time. All I want to do is disappear once more from their radar. I've done it once, I can do it as many times as I want to," Wolffe stood sharply once more, this time heading to what he liked to call his backyard. He inhaled deeply as he took out his knife, grabbed a random piece of wood, and began to sharpen it. His hand moved swiftly over the wood, removing excess wood which fell to the ground with a soft thud. The hunter felt uneasy. The foundations on which he had built his whole world were slowly shattering to a million tiny pieces, and he knew very well he couldn't put them together once more. Memories he had thought long lost were coming back to his mind, memories he'd rather kept forgotten for the rest of his life. Another silent sigh escaped his lips as his hands stopped for a moment. He raised his eyes to the skies as if asking for guidance, but he knew very well creatures like him were out of some divine being's grasp. "Your bag is near teh entrance, hanging from a tree," Wolffe sheathed his knife, feeling utterly restless. He couldn't understand why he was feeling like that, but the worst part was he didn't know what to do to make that feeling disappear.

"Don't you see it? Ferris got me into the whole experiment, and someone sent him after you. Whoever is behind your experiments and mine might be the same person after all. I don't plan to face them once more; not now, not ever."

K-chan10307 07-04-2014 02:14 AM

“Thanks,” Melanie replied angrily, irked at his sudden tone. She pushed herself off the couch and made her way to the location of her bag. She looked through it, making sure all of her documents were there and there had been no damage done to her camera and memory cards. Eltiask may not have had a life, but she certainly did. She found her journal, skipping to the very end.

Matthew had been right about her trip to China causing many problems. Originally she was supposed to be in Indonesia to do research and take picture of the leopards that inhabited the rain forests there. Her brother was in Thailand, so she made a visit to him there. Towards the end of the trip, Melanie had grown curious over her birth parents, and did her own research to find more information on them, Her brother, a genius with computers helped her to hack several information databases before dragging up a very hidden birth certificate stating the name of her birth mother and the village in China she had been born in.

She decided to visit the village, meeting many of the villagers and living with them for a good month. She picked tea with them and built up a great rapport with many of them. Then she started to pry, looking for details about the circumstance of her birth and adoption. It was relatively easy because she could easily search their minds and memory. That’s when the sketchy details came to light.

Her journal chronicled her trips around the world to different wildlife habitats. It was well worn with sketches of the animals she did research on, along with her observations and musings. In the Yunnan village that she stayed in, she kept a log of all the information she learned about her situation. She flipped to the last page. She pieced together sketches of the strange men that came into the village and stayed there during her birth mother’s pregnancy. She wrote down the names that the villagers remembered and the stories they told them.

Eltiask may have had memories about his own experience with the experiments, but Melanie didn’t. From what she saw in Matthew’s mind, she knew that she was specially bred for the experiments—her birth mother was selected for her enhanced natural talents. Her birth father…she had many theories about the true identity of him. She endured the experiments as a child, but that was all she knew. When she was adopted, she couldn’t remember anything about the first five years of her life. She was haunted by nightmares throughout her whole childhood, but her memories were repressed.

Her trip had alerted whoever was watching her over the years. And so they sent Matthew. She didn’t want to face the people who sent him either, but she needed to know about why she was this way. She realized that this entire ordeal had been her fault. Once again, she had caused many deaths. Oh god, she thought sadly.

“I’m sorry,” she finally said, following Eltiask to his makeshift yard. “It was my fault that they came looking for me. And now they found you too.”

But she didn’t want to disappear. She loved the life she managed to carve out for herself. She loved her job and the animals she worked with. She loved her brothers, who supported her through her parents’ deaths. She had worked so hard to obtain a life of relative normalcy; she couldn’t just give it up.

“Look, I just need help getting away from here and back to the U.S. After that, we can go our separate ways. I’ll pay for your trip to anywhere you want to go. I won’t bother you again. I’ll keep quiet about you and everything that happened here.”

EltiaskWolffe 07-04-2014 03:12 AM

"Yes, it was your fault and now they know I'm still alive," Wolffe replied harshly as he walked back into the house. A low growl came from the depths of his chest just as he was disappearing through the door, though he knew perfectly well Protegée had heard it. He was... Angered. Yes, there was anger in his being, though he couldn't precise why. He frowned unconsciously as he took his quiver and strapped it around his waist, and with bow in hand went back to the yard. He had placed several targets around his house mainly for practice, but it times like the one he was going through helped him remain under control. Ignoring completely Protegée, he raised his bow and began to shoot at the targets, loving the low sound the strings produced after he released it. The hunter inhaled deeply, readied an arrow, and shot to the farthest target he had placed. The arrow flew stealthily, getting him a bullseye. His lips curved dryly into a half smile before he closed his bow once more.

"I don't need your money, lovely. I've always looked after myself, I can do very well on my own." Wolffe glanced at Protegée for a seconde before he began to make his way around the targets, plucking his arrows carefully. "We'll need food to endure the journey, that's why we're not leaving now. I suggest you rest well. We have many things to prepare tomorrow."

K-chan10307 07-04-2014 04:58 AM

She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he hadn’t been around people in too long and forgot what human interaction actually was. But she knew he was purposefully being a jerk. “I was trying to be nice and give you compensation for the trouble I put you through. It’s called taking responsibility.” The annoyance in her voice was inevitable. He acted as if he were the only one who had hardships in his life. Worse, he made her feel small. She already knew how unwelcome she was. She spent all her life avoiding giving people pain, but she had rained it upon him.

Melanie turned, making her way through the house. If he was angry she would leave him alone. If he didn’t care, she wouldn’t make him. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head over me. Just tell me when you’re ready to go,” she called. You are unwelcome here, she reminded herself, making her way through the door. She knew she wouldn’t be able to rest. If she closed her mind for a minute, she would be haunted by nightmares. She had camped in forests and other areas many times. It made no difference now.

As she left, she bent the energy around her, masking herself. While she wasn’t necessarily invisible, she would definitely go around unnoticed. Anybody that looked her way would turn away. It did wonders when she walked through crowds. She wanted to be alone. Away from all thoughts but her own. She made her way through the forest. Death still lingered, but she knew how to navigate it so that she avoided the spots from the morning.

EltiaskWolffe 07-04-2014 04:56 PM

"Compensation, you say?" Wolffe laughed sarcastically as he followed her into the house, placing his bow and quiver on the table gently, "If you somehow find a different uncharted island where I can live in, I'll gladly take it. Meanwhile, I don't want anything else," He watched as she went through the door, not speaking at all. When he was sure she wasn't close enough, the hunter exhaled deeply. He knew very well her presence didn't disturb him. No, it wasn't that. His current mood was derived from the unorganized memories still flooding his mind, and even though he was trying his best to keep them at bay, more of them appeared out of nowhere. With a resigned glance at the door, Wolffe sat down on the couch, holding his head between his hands, and simply allowed the first memory flood his mind.

It was a lab, of that he was certain. Even though the memory itself appeared to be covered by fog, he could point out certain machines he clearly remembered from the days he spent inside the USMC's labs as a test subject. He was inside the cage they used to keep him at bay, and when he tried to move his arms, he observed the chains they used to restrain him. On the floor, he could see his own blood. Through his hair, he could see scientists talking quietly, pointing at him and then observing several reports on their tablets. He was weak, at the limits of his own life. Unable to speak, he could do nothing but listen at what they were planning for him.

"We need to carry on with our schedule," one of the scientists said loud enough for him to be able to listen, "our experiments have been a success in him. All the previous test subjects died before we could even proceed with the second manipulation, but he has endured them well. We can't risk this opportunity!" He seemed to be the head researcher, mainly because all of the other members looked up to his guidance. Wolffe whimpered his complaint, but no one heard him.

"Sir, please take a look at the subject," a young female scientist with glasses chimed in, "he is in no condition right now to continue on with the manipulation. Let him rest for a few days,"

Everyone else in the tight group of researchers stared at her, completely surprised. "You don't understand, do you? I've been waiting for years for someone like him, and I am not risking losing my project because the test subject is weak. It's better for us, he won't have strength to fight against it. Now, out of my lab. I don't want to see you in here ever again."

After that, his world became a blur once more. He could only feel pain, terrible pain, and hear his howls of agony.

K-chan10307 07-04-2014 06:03 PM

The forest, thankfully, was quiet. When Melanie was a young, and being around people became too much for her, she always escaped into the woods by her house. This scared her entire family until they realized that she had the uncanny ability to navigate the woods and for some reason, wild animals never wanted to hurt her. After that, they let her alone. This was why her own house now was on the edge of the woods. It also explained why she was damned good at her job.

Even from very far away, she could feel Eltiask’s distress. His memories flashed in her eyes. She sighed, wanting to offer comfort. However, she knew that whatever she offered would be turned away with a mean look and cruel words. Decided against going through the feeling of being unwanted again, she wandered deeper into the forest, pulling out her camera in case she came across wildlife.

The life that she had grown to love would be in danger the minute she stepped home. Steve Marks, the social worker in charge of her adoption, had strangely kept in touch with her family and her despite the fact that she was full grown and no longer in need of one. He had a strange influence of her parents’ decisions. He was one of the men who visited her birth mother, as well as one of the men who spoke to Matthew about her. He would know that Matthew has failed, and would be coming after her. Melanie pulled out her journal, jotting down a note to keep an eye out for him.

Melanie climbed up into a tree, resting her back against the trunk, allowing her legs to swing from the branch. She was tired from this ordeal and wanted nothing more but to sleep. Usually when it became too much, she would resort to drinking her way into unconsciousness, but unfortunately she would not be able to have that here. Instead, she forced herself to stay awake. Sleep deprivation had nothing on her terrible nightmares.

EltiaskWolffe 07-05-2014 02:59 AM

Between the waves of memories he was reliving and the sensations his body was experiencing, Wolffe's eyes suddenly shot open, sporting an unnatural golden shade. He frowned deeply, concerned at the strange scent he had picked up. It was faint, yes, but definitely there. Two different emotional storms gathered inside his mind. One of them was definitely furious. Someone else had invaded his island, and that truly annoyed him. The other one, for a change, was completely terrified and worried. What if whoever was on the island was looking for him? What if the scientists had finally managed to point his location? Unwillingly, the hunter began to hyperventilate. He could feel his blood rushing through his blood vessels, as well as his senses heightening by the minute. "I have to get out of here." Swiftly, he took his quiver and strapped it around his chest. Also, he picked his survival knife and bow and locked them both on his belt. He rushed into his room and grabbed the first bag he could find. He placed his few belongings inside, which included clothing and spare parts for his bow, and then rushed to the woods. The current situation was part of the few which could instill fear in the hunter's mind, not because of who was hunting him, but of what they could do to him.

Wolffe was rushing through the rainforest, pushing aside gigantic leaves and dodging low branches. His heart was beating out of control, and as he moved through the island, he could catch their scent event stronger. "No, they won't get me again. I'll die before that happens!" The hunter changed his direction, heading to the Western side of the island. Seven years ago, he had arrived by boat to his island, and he had hidden it on the Western side of it. Now, he only hoped the boat had been able to weather the passing years. That scent... He knew he had encountered it before, but couldn't point exactly when or where.

K-chan10307 07-05-2014 04:36 AM

Stark fear. It was the one thing Melanie knew the best. However, this time it wasn’t coming from her. She heard his thoughts loud and clear. Cold fear does that to a person. It leaves their mind in a weakened state, vulnerable to everyone to take advantage of. Melanie jumped out of the tree, expertly landing on her own two feet. She was able to track the fear emanating off of Eltiask and follow him that way. She took off into the forest, heading to where he was.

That was when she felt the others. Melanie paused for a moment, taking in the presences of the men entering the island. That was strange. Considering Eltiask’s first reaction to visitors, it was a surprised that this reaction was so different. Then she heard their thoughts. There weren’t too many people, so she sifted easily through what they were thinking. They’re after us, Melanie realized with horror. No, they can’t find us!

Then, angrily, Is he planning on leaving without me?! She was not going to let that happen.

For once, Melanie’s weird abilities could help. She saw Eltiask’s moving form and caught up with him. His panic wrapped around her, but now was not the time to be weak. When we leave, I can mask us, she informed, sending the thought into his mind.

EltiaskWolffe 07-05-2014 05:07 AM

"Just hurry up," Wolffe whispered as he came to a sudden stop. The trees finished right there, revealing a bay hidden from view by the cliffs surrounding it. The hunter ran his right hand through his hair, his eyes quickly scanning the terrain so he could find once more the way down to where the boat was. With each second passing, that damned scent increased in intensity. Now he could remember perfectly well where he had found it first: the USMC black ops' laboratory. The scent came along with many memories too: the multiple needles fixed inside his body, the sight of their sinister smiles as they kept on doing the experiments, the weird scent of sterile material, the drugs they forced into his body, the unbearable pain of all the procedures, the hunger he faced sometimes for days in his cage, the chains which held him in place... Wolffe closed his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply in an attempt to control himself. It wasn't working. His eyes shot open once more and, as if pointed out by a god, he managed to locate the route down to the boat. "Follow me, quickly!"

The hunter moved swiftly down the cliffs with unnatural balance, sometimes risking his life absurdly only to reach the bottom faster. Once he reached the bottom, though, there was no land. The sea embraced gently the cliff's origins, though he knew that wasn't a problem. He kept on moving quickly, slipping from time to time, until the wall made a sharp turn to the insides of the island. "Over here," he said sharply. As he entered into the darkness, his eyes began to show once more their golden color, enabling him to see in the darkness. In front of him, the wall connected with a small stone platform, to which a Navy speedboat was anchored. He leaped forward, almost falling to the water below, and then rushed to the boat. Once inside, he threw his bag to the back of the main deck and began to operate the boat. Yes, it was quite catchy to see a Navy speedboat without signals at all, but it was the best he could get while on the run. Luckily for him, the boat still worked. The engines roared back to life and, as he moved the boat, that dreadful scent began to enter the small cave.

"They're close..."

K-chan10307 07-05-2014 05:26 AM

The boat was bigger than she imagined, but overexerting herself to mask it would be worth it. Eltiask’s fear bit into her. Without thinking, she put her hand on her arm and looked into his eyes. She sent him some warm energy. Something to help him fight the fear. “We’ll be fine,” she said quietly to him, although she knew he didn’t trust her. She easily made it to the boat and gently set her belongings next to his. Then she got to work.

Melanie was great at getting people to leave her alone. It was how she survived high school and college. “Don’t you worry about them.” Her mind found theirs. With Matthew and Eltiask, persuasion was much harder to use, because their barriers were reinforced and had been honed to withstand much. She needed to use up more of her energy with them. But these people had a god complex. They thought themselves too intelligent to be persuaded. Their minds were perfect in their opinions. If anything else they were weaker for their confidence. She subtly dove into their minds, pushing the suggestion at them. She altered their vision to making them believe that they had already searched the cave and actually found nothing. Better not to waste their time and turn around. She could see their frustration already, as they put their own vehicles in reverse and decided to search somewhere else instead.

Okay, that’s one thing taken care of.

Melanie gripped the edge of the boat, the harder part still to come. While she had the capability of making things invisible, she knew that would not be a good idea. Invisible boats still moved and created ripples. She would have to mask everything if that were the case. Instead, she manipulated the energy around Eltiask and herself first, before concentrating on the boat. The mask she created emitted a gentle persuasion to anyone who looked their way. People were rather simple like that. The message that manipulated energy gave off was that everything was normal. People tended to ignore things that seemed normal. They glance over it and move on to the next thing. “Okay, we should be good for a while,” she said gently. “I’ve never tried to mask something this big before, but I’m pretty sure I can hold it until we’re safe. Just get us out of here.”

EltiaskWolffe 07-05-2014 10:19 PM

"Don't touch me," Wolffe said briskly as she felt Protegée's hand on his arm. He quickly moved it away from her, glaring at her for a second before returning his gaze to the horizon. His hands moved expertly over the control board, aligning the various charts he had placed on top of it. One of them had a red circle in the middle of nothing scribbled quickly with unsteady hands. One quick glance at it, and the next second the hunter had shoved it to the floor. He pushed a lever next to his right hand and, as the engines roared once more, he exhaled depply. Again, his right hand went through his hair. Ever since that damned aircraft had crashed on his island, his whole life had become hell once more. Was it so difficult to get some solitude? He looked back over his shoulder to glance one last time at his island. That was when it hit him: they had no food.

"Great, this is simply great,"
Wolffe said angrily as he hit the board with his fist, "we have no food whatsoever, and we might take a while to hit land. This is awesome."

K-chan10307 07-05-2014 11:08 PM

She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him, and ended up giving into that urge. “You pride yourself on being a hunter. Go fish.” She had lived on a boat while photographing New World monkeys in the Amazon. The guide she was travelling with proved to be quite useless as they were cheated out of their food before the trip even started. She had dismissed him immediately and instead learned to survive on her own. A small smile appeared on her face as she remembered how livid her brothers were when they found out. They both managed to drag themselves from wherever they were in the world to her house to reprimand her.

The smile faded when she felt the enormous negativity coming from her travel partner. At least he knew how to navigate. He really didn’t like her. She shook her head and built up her barriers to keep anyone from getting into her mind. Melanie then proceeded to walk to the part of the ship where she would be the furthest from him and leaned over the side. Her strength was draining quite a bit, but she forced herself to power through.

EltiaskWolffe 07-06-2014 10:03 PM

"I am a hunter, lovely. As such, if I was hunting down a prey, I'd strike when they're low on resources. Vulnerable preys are much more easier to neutralize," Wolffe said angrily as he returned to the main deck and his controls, setting the speedboat on the desired course. Deep down in his mind, though, he was wishing for night to fall upon them faster. He would be able to navigate much more efficiently with their guidance, and their boat wouldn't be so easily spotted. A gentle sigh escaped the hunter's lips as he glanced over his shoulder. Protegée had gone to the far end of the boat after his last movement. He couldn't help it. "Not now, focus on escaping."

Several hours later, the sun was finally setting under the ocean. They were far away from the island, the place he had called home for seven years, and on their way to unknown territory for him. "So," he asked just loud enough for her to listen, "where are we going? I set course for the States' West Coast, but I have no idea where to go."

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