Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Summer 2014 ~ The wedding is here! (
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linapoo 08-01-2014 02:32 AM

oops I vanished XD
murder? D8 oh noess

Dystopia 08-01-2014 02:42 AM

wb Buubutt.

asdf I want art but no firebirds. ;___;

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:02 AM

A junkyard might not have been so terrible for a quirky wedding, although the smell...They had theirs at the actual garbage dump because three years prior, that was where the couple met for the first time. And rumor was that her wedding dress cost a whopping $7,000.

Dystopia 08-01-2014 03:11 AM


I... I guess I can see why that might... Be... Romantic...

They couldn't have made do with the place they first kissed or first had a date or anything like that? [gonk]

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:16 AM

What if the garbage dump was all the above?! (`o`)!
I can barely stand it when I drive within a mile of the garbage dump, much less actually being on top of garbage for an extended period of time to have a wedding ceremony.

Q U E E N 08-01-2014 03:16 AM

Hey there ouo

Congrats to Vicky and Mr.Mayor! :D

Dystopia 08-01-2014 03:18 AM

@___@ I'm not fond of bad smells either. And to drag a wedding dress there!

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:20 AM

Well, when you've got money to blow and you're kind of an odd duck, I guess that's the way to do it.
I was chatting with someone who likes to think and plan her future wedding fairly often. Even how he would propose was carefully considered.

Dystopia 08-01-2014 03:40 AM

... Isn't how he propose something he should plan not her? XD

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:46 AM

Not if he wants her to say yes, is what I imagine. //trying to stifle laughter
It sounded very movie-esque the way she described it by seasons. Winter in a horse-drawn sleigh, spring in a meadow of flowers...While all very lovely, I can only hope that whomever marries her endeavors to fulfill that fantasy. And honestly, if he does, it's going to mean that they make a marvelous couple.

Iro 08-01-2014 03:50 AM

*creeps in*
Liinaaaa [insane]

Dystopia 08-01-2014 03:50 AM

. I guess that's true enough...?

Ionno. If you want to marry someone, I don't think it should matter how they do it.

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:54 AM

It's a fantasy of youth, really.
Just don't make it a garbage dump, ahahaha!

It's lovely to see you again. Your signature is always a delight.

Dystopia 08-01-2014 03:56 AM

@___@; I might be miffed if someone asked me to marry them in a garbage dump.

Iro 08-01-2014 03:57 AM

Hello, jupiter! I'm glad you think so! I should find a cake set later for the wedding ceremony. [lol]

What's this about marrying in a garbage dump? O_o

linapoo 08-01-2014 04:01 AM

eee hello Irororo and QUEEN <3333

yes, what
garbage wedding? XD
so not vogue -shot-

jupiter 08-01-2014 04:02 AM

It's not necessarily the most picturesque setting, I'll admit.

Iro 08-01-2014 04:04 AM

The scents must be quite memorable too. [lol]

linapoo 08-01-2014 04:04 AM


(Lovely avatar! :) In all honestly, you make some of my favorite avatars on Mene. Always enjoy your creations!)

fireprincess 08-01-2014 04:07 AM

Congrats to Vicky and mr. mayor

Lina [glomp]

jupiter 08-01-2014 04:12 AM

I really like his backgrounds, too.
Ah, everyone has such lovely backgrounds! These new items are terribly clever, and they give avatars such dimension.

Just thinking about that smell makes my knees a little weak and my throat tighten.
So I'm going to think about something nice, like baking cookies.

linapoo 08-01-2014 04:25 AM


hey fireprincessss <33 long time no see :D

yesss the backgrounds are great :D
especially when you start piling midground and foreground items too
such great harmony~

jupiter 08-01-2014 04:27 AM

Oh, I know! And with events like this, I get to see all these wonderful outfits in a concentrated area.

Iro 08-01-2014 04:27 AM

Aww Thank you, lina and jupiter! [heart]

Yeah, the new options for backgrounds are just spectacular! I've been on semi-hiatus for a long while, so me playing with background and foreground layering is a very recent thing. Lina's current one is particularly gorgeous. <3

linapoo 08-01-2014 04:31 AM

yesss, God Bless mene and it's wonderful items

but Iro, you've also pulled off a great background! you lookin so fancyyyyy <3 i can hear classical music playing XD

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