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Shadami 04-24-2016 02:11 AM

yeah it was probably me. locusts! that's what i wanted. pretty sure i put locusts in the tumblr post... i think..

what are the big beetle ones that go click click click.

Bearzy 04-24-2016 02:13 AM

Haha, both are clicky beetles but more importantly, locusts eat everything in sight. A plague of locusts is like a plague of starvation.

Shadami 04-24-2016 02:15 AM

but they're like a grasshopper aren't they? what's the big beetle that's always SCARAB. nevermind i figured it out ^^

Bearzy 04-24-2016 02:16 AM

Yeah that's true they are a bit like a grasshopper! And I never would have gotten that!

Shadami 04-24-2016 02:22 AM

well i'm pretty sure scarab is what i meant all along. but i said locust. xD

hilarbees 04-24-2016 10:45 PM

XD That conversatiSCARAB! <3 XD XD

Also. Pokemon thread. I'm ready for this.

Shadami 04-24-2016 11:05 PM

Right I based to get my point on to the Pokémon. Threaded. Sorry tablet type

I type what j think no. Censor

hilarbees 04-26-2016 01:45 PM

Haha, I have no idea what you're saying Shadami. You're speaking in tabletese!! But yay! Pokemon! My 3DS FC is under my username ^^v

Shadami 04-26-2016 11:08 PM

I.. don't even know what i was typing... ummm

i think it was something about having to get to the PC or something.... so that i could get my DS since it was next to it??

did you grab mine already? i'll grab yours in a minute ^^

omg. this is not the thread i though it was. hi My own tumblr thread and not Roachi's pokemon thread *facepalm* i was saying that I was going to pink you into the Pokemon thread and that my tablet was refusing to let me type that. . .

wow..... and i believe "screw this! coming to my computer." was my thoughts

BUT, i type and just type. I don't censor myself when i talk. so SCARAB as i remember the word can completely happen in the middle of my typed sentences. xD

---------- Post added 04-26-2016 at 09:51 PM ----------

Todays featured avatar
I decided to feature Roxxxy: today for her lovely oriental avatar which is so filled with grace and beauty. It jumped out at me. i found myself looking at it and admiring it .

hilarbees 04-27-2016 11:07 AM

XD I gotcha! <3 Yeah, sorry I posted similar things in this thread and the Pokemon thread haha

Shadami 04-27-2016 12:15 PM

well i was getting tired. usually i double check which coversation i'm replying to first. xD

Roxxxy 04-27-2016 01:57 PM

Oh my goodness!! [oops]
Sha, I am beyond flattered!
I actually had no idea what Tumblr was, so I had to click the link and find out :B

Shadami 04-28-2016 12:27 AM

its one of those social media sites where there's a lot of fandoms and such. xD i just am trying to get menewsha things more actively across my followers dashes in hopes to lure people in :3

and you're welcome [blush] I just was having fun with this. its not like i'm famous or anything. >.<

---------- Post added 04-27-2016 at 08:55 PM ----------

Featured avatar of the day

First time since i started doing this. I actually chose a moderator today! Nephila: has such a beautiful avatar that pops out at me every time i see it. She had to get picked.

Nephila 04-28-2016 01:15 AM

Oh thank you. :)

Shadami 04-28-2016 01:18 AM

You're welcome :D

Shadami 04-30-2016 02:59 AM

lunanuova: is todays featured tumblr avatar. Found them in the game threads and the avi just jumped out at me. I love it! color scheme got to me for some reason. And that mirror item that i don't know :O loves it!

Tumblr links

lunanuova 04-30-2016 09:49 AM

Thank you Shadami, that's so sweet! I'm so glad to be the featured avatar. I didn't know about these tumblr blogs!

Shadami 04-30-2016 11:49 PM

Well it's my blog. its a new thing I've started since returning from my hiatus to show that I love menewsha, and to try to get more of the world to see menewsha and discover the awesome community that I have. ^^ and to bring old users back ^^;;

Today's newly featured avatar is Velvet: with her romantic cherry blossom sunset! Perhaps its the love in my heart for my husband and the lonely feeling I have that he's just left for another 5 days before i can see him again. But I was extrememly drawn to this avatar. It's beautiful . The colors flow beautifully. <3 just love it.

which btw. what IS that mirror item? i can't place it for some reason.

Velvet 04-30-2016 11:56 PM

Aw thanks, Shadami!!

Shadami 05-01-2016 12:06 AM

you're welcome velvet ^^

Shadami 05-04-2016 01:33 AM

okay.. so i was still choosing featured avatars, but when the event started i just failed to get in here and link them. so here are the links now.

Today's featured Avatar
fireprincess: is the cutest gardener right now! The feeling of animal crossing with the merging of the multiple colors and the cute little sign. just *fan squee* it's so adorable. I love it!

Yesterdays Featured Avatar
Star Valo: so excited to see her back, than suddenly she changes avis and *jaw drop* omg i love it! course i am a sucker for black and red. but its pulled together so beautifully. So she gets a spot in the featured avatars as well. :D

Two featured avatars yesterday?oops
Inzanebraned: has a mystical... no fantasy-esque setting. It's almost like a romantic vacation glass cabin. Either way, it jumped out at me and took my attention so it also took a spot in the featured avatars.

fireprincess 05-04-2016 01:43 AM

Oh my gosh! This is so cool!!! Thank you [eager]

Star Valo 05-04-2016 10:44 AM

Awwh, love you Shadami [heart]

Shadami 05-04-2016 12:54 PM

*hugs* you're welcome guys. It's just something fun i'm doing to get menewsha out there and seen more often.

Inzanebraned 05-05-2016 09:14 AM

Wow! Thanks for liking my avi!
I haven't done tumblr...but I used your links to see....thanks, again!
I feel all special n stuff! Lol!

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