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-   -   Coming out of the Shadows to offer FREE Avi Art! (

Shadami 10-30-2016 01:06 AM

wooo free art. xD

Naisou 10-30-2016 05:11 AM

Yes free artz! Lemme know if you want current avis or something else. [;)]
Is Shadami a potato hoarding alien? And what skin is that? I likey..

I just finished with a ghost investigation. Some people got some cool pics of orbs and such... I wasn't so lucky I don't think. :(

CosmicFoxKitty 10-30-2016 05:19 AM

Hello! I'm CosmicFoxKitty, CFK, Ashtyn, or well I realize now I have many names on this site x.x
I am also an artist! Huzzah!

Lilianaire 10-30-2016 05:22 AM

Chatty conversation with a side of free avi art?

*pulls up a chair and plunks down in the thread xD*

Man if I had the time I'd do an art thread. Haven't done art for people on Mene if for-freakin'-ever :P

CosmicFoxKitty 10-30-2016 05:31 AM

Most events I don't even post, I just draw...
But I'm currently unemployed, not by choice, we moved...

But yea usually I post "Either I stay and chat or you receive art, cuz life is crazy"
Most people just want art xD

And the others understand normally

Lilianaire 10-30-2016 05:42 AM

Yeah, I totally understand that. I guess in my case right now it's a matter of making the time for it. I'm unemployed myself, too, at the moment. Only partially by choice, as my last job aggravated my depression/anxiety and eczema to the point where I was a nervous wreck and a walking scab. :/ So I chose my health and left that hellhole; now that my mental and physical health is back under control, however, I'm finding it difficult to get back into the workforce :/

CosmicFoxKitty 10-30-2016 06:14 AM

Ahh, that's good thou! Baby steps :3
I'm not entirely sure I understand eczema, like I know it's involving the skin and commercials arent informative because I guess you'd know about it if you have it so that makes sense. I am weird and am now embarrassed slightly so I'm moving on.

Changing environment is key to getting healthier mentally like most of the time, so I applaud you for quitting! I hope things will start looking better for you :3

Lilianaire 10-30-2016 06:27 AM

I hope so too :) (and basically my eczema is partly inflamed by my allergies, partly inflamed by stress. And seeing as I was in a high-stress environment, it flared up almost all over me :( but it's very much under control now~)

Have you liked the place you've moved to so far?

(Forewarning, I'm heading for bed, so I might not respond until sometime tomorrow ^^; )

CosmicFoxKitty 10-30-2016 11:25 AM

Hahaha, I went to bed, but I only had 3 hours of sleep [sweat]
That's good though that it helped to leave.

Eh, I love Oklahoma, it's the state most similar to Texas I've noticed, so it feels more like home.
We are staying with my husbands grandparents right now due to circumstances

*Hime* 10-30-2016 11:48 AM

Only 3 hours!
I would not function

CosmicFoxKitty 10-30-2016 12:17 PM

I'm not wanting to function. Tbh.

Shadami 10-30-2016 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1773752417)
Yes free artz! Lemme know if you want current avis or something else. [;)]
Is Shadami a potato hoarding alien? And what skin is that? I likey..

I just finished with a ghost investigation. Some people got some cool pics of orbs and such... I wasn't so lucky I don't think. :(

nice ! i hope it was fun.

I am making illegal tippy :D potato tippy :3 since that is a thing. its real.

its stone skin with lion feet and hands, and the zombie dirt skin splotches.

Ancasta 10-30-2016 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty (Post 1773752959)
I'm not wanting to function. Tbh.

I feel every bit of this on a spiritual level.

xuvrette 10-30-2016 02:25 PM

I saw the word, Art.

Shadami 10-30-2016 02:29 PM

Everytime i see this thread on my tab i read "Coming out of the shad" and i just facepalm... (the rest is cut off)

Ancasta 10-30-2016 02:35 PM

Haha, I don't have enough room on my tab bar to see more than icons.

(I have a slight problem.)

Naisou 10-30-2016 02:36 PM

I rarely get much sleep, I'm a night owl but I have to wake up early for work. It's a no win situation.

Shadami: ahhhh, it was the zombie dirt that was really throwing me off. I thought is was all one thing. Awesome layering.

hahahahahahaa. coming out of the shad....we're gutting fish in here, didn't ya know?.......or not...cause I can't fish.... (unless there is a different definition of shad that I am not aware of...if so disregard...)

Ancasta 10-30-2016 02:39 PM

I had that problem too, re: night owl getting up early for work. Now I work graveyard shift and whilst I have 99 problems, waking up with the sun isn't one~

Naisou 10-30-2016 02:53 PM

Yea, I need a new job...but I dunno what I actually want to do for a living. ugh

I don't know what to make Demetri wear for his mysterious show...

salvete 10-30-2016 02:55 PM

*gives love to naisou's thready*

Lilianaire 10-30-2016 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty (Post 1773752959)
I'm not wanting to function. Tbh.

Oh man, I wouldn't want to function after only 3 hours either xnx

Nephila 10-30-2016 03:44 PM

Did somebody say.... fweee? XD

Ooo la la!

Naisou 10-30-2016 05:44 PM

*poofs back in* I haz found an outfit sooooo.....

who and what to draw next?!?!?! *searches around*

Shadami 10-30-2016 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1773753497)
I rarely get much sleep, I'm a night owl but I have to wake up early for work. It's a no win situation.

Shadami: ahhhh, it was the zombie dirt that was really throwing me off. I thought is was all one thing. Awesome layering.

hahahahahahaa. coming out of the shad....we're gutting fish in here, didn't ya know?.......or not...cause I can't fish.... (unless there is a different definition of shad that I am not aware of...if so disregard...)

thank you <3

and *points at name* people drop the Ami. and call me shad...

Naisou 10-30-2016 09:51 PM

ohhhh, heh heh [sweat]

on a different you have anything you'd like me to draw for you Shadami?

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