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LillieRose 09-14-2017 08:11 PM

That's the thing. The two of us would be able to afford living on our own but my in-laws wouldn't be. They have constant expenses, I think because of the kids? And their collective income between the two of them is less than what my hubby and I earn. So having to pay $100 more for rent than what they are paying now is quite an expense for them.

Besides, they are the only family we have here in New Zealand, so might as well stay together.

But I will have to implement some new household rules, because the kids need to start learning some responsibility.

LiviInLove 09-14-2017 08:27 PM

True, but also you are not responsible for your brother and his family either, but if you can find a bigger place - that works for you all, then that sounds like a good deal. :)

Yes, that seems like a very reasonable thing - to start some new rules.

LillieRose 09-14-2017 08:58 PM

I understand that, but I can't feel not responsible, as they're the only family we've got here. ^_^

We want them to be comfortable. So hopefully, it will work out.

Absolutely, one day, the two of them will no longer live with their parents, so they need to learn how to behave when they move out. They might end up renting a room with other people, so they must know what is expected of them in those situations.
E.g.: not raiding other people's food. xD

LiviInLove 09-14-2017 08:59 PM

I can get that - but they are also adults, in charge of their own lives. But I can totally get that.

Exactly! They need to learn how to live with others, and be helpful and not take others things like that. Hopefully, they'll be okay with the new rules.

LillieRose 09-14-2017 09:17 PM

I know you can. [hug]

I hope so too. I intend to be quite strict. xD

Okay, I might disappear for a while, I have a pile of invoices to do for the jobs we did this week. >.<

LiviInLove 09-14-2017 10:19 PM

Have you talked to your brother about your plan to implement more rules around the house with his kids? How does he feel about it?

No worries, I'm here but not here myself -- got all the kiddos now -- the two oldest are done with school, so I've got my hands more full than I did when it was just me and the twins.
Plus I'm still trying to do laundry -- mostly just folding, but Soph "helping" and by "helping" I mean unfolding things I've already folded. >.< I might just wait to do this part until the kiddos are in bed tonight.

hummy 09-14-2017 10:25 PM

*leaves chex mix*

LiviInLove 09-14-2017 11:10 PM

Mmmm!! Yummy chex mix! :D [boogie]

Kory 09-15-2017 02:31 AM

I haven't had chex mix in a long time...
But you know what I am craving?!


LiviInLove 09-15-2017 03:52 AM

I'm currently craving chocolate cake.
And we have none. [gonk]

Kory 09-16-2017 04:35 AM

I was never a fan of chocolate cake,
It's just too rich for my palette. [sweat]

But I hope you were able to enjoy the chocolate cake! :D

LiviInLove 09-16-2017 04:55 PM

Oh I never got any. So I wasn't able to enjoy it.

LillieRose 09-17-2017 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1773974266)

*leaves chex mix*

*pokes* I do not know what this mysterious chex mix is. O.o

But I will be happy to share some Spicy Bhuja mix. ^_^

LiviInLove 09-17-2017 08:28 PM

You can have the spicy things - I'm not a fan of anything that's too hot myself.

This is Chex Mix. [yes]

*noms on a lemon poppyseed cupcake*

Kory 09-17-2017 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by LiviInLove (Post 1773974766)
Oh I never got any. So I wasn't able to enjoy it.

Oh no. :(
Sorry, Livi.

Is there any other treats in your home that you can enjoy?

LillieRose 09-17-2017 09:20 PM

Ooooh, interesting.

The Bhuja mix is not overly spicy. They're chickpea and pea based snacks. ^_^

I would say that they are flavoured with ginger, which is why you get this sort of tingly feeling in your mouth when you eat them. ^_^

LiviInLove 09-17-2017 09:39 PM

Ava: Eh -- not really unfortunately, we try not to have too many overly sweet things at home.

Lillie: Oh that sounds interesting. Maybe I'll have to try to find myself some so I can try them out - and if I don't like them, I'll just give them to my hubby. :P

LillieRose 09-17-2017 11:08 PM

You won't know until you try 'em. ^_^

I didn't think I'd like them, peas are not my favourite thing in the world, but surprisingly, I do like these snacks. xD

Kory 09-18-2017 12:58 AM

I hate peas, so I doubt if I would like that snack.
But I like crunchy things, so I might like it... And I LOVE ginger. :D

Sometimes I like getting vegan sushi just to eat the pickled ginger on the side. :d

Aw, that sucks, Livi!

LiviInLove 09-18-2017 04:28 AM

Just a heads up - I may not be on much for awhile.
My hubby broke his leg today in a stupid accident so it's down to me to do everything as we figure out how we're going to make this work. Things are going to have to change because I need help with the kids and he's not much help right now. >.<

hummy 09-18-2017 05:55 AM

so sorry, Livi. [hug]
I hope he heals well.

LillieRose 09-18-2017 06:23 PM

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear that Livi.

I am sending you lots of good vibes to help with his recovery. ^_^

Kory 09-18-2017 08:57 PM

Also sending good vibes his way! :(
That sounds really painful!

LiviInLove 09-19-2017 04:50 PM

Thank you to all of you.

Thankfully it's only a hairline fracture - but he's to stay off it for the next 6 weeks (which is going to make Halloween interesting with him on crutches) - but he's back to work today (crazy man insisted he was fine to drive himself - he made it there fine, he texted me to let me know), he was off yesterday due to doctor's appointments and such. Yesterday was so stressful - the girls were at school, but we had the twins with us for his appointments. Wrangling two wiggly 7 1/2 month old twins while trying to pay attention to what's going on around me -- exhausting, I tell you! >.<

Kory 09-19-2017 06:04 PM

It's good that the injury wasn't too bad,
Still sucks that he can't use his leg for a while, though. :(

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