Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Summer Days: Day at the Zoo (
-   -   Shion/Tehrin's Alpaca Petting Zoo [art contest!] (

hummy 08-06-2018 12:39 PM

cattle prode?

Zephi 08-06-2018 03:04 PM

Hey what? Cattle prods? D: I thought we were talking about cute and fuzzy alpacas and stuff

hummy 08-06-2018 03:14 PM

*giggles* those things HURT
keep them away from the children

Zephi 08-06-2018 03:47 PM

Yeah that wouldn't be a very good mix omg xD

hummy 08-06-2018 03:52 PM

no it would not
*rrubs cheeks*

Zephi 08-06-2018 03:53 PM

@.@ are you saying this out of personal.experience? :o

hummy 08-06-2018 04:20 PM


Zephi 08-06-2018 04:53 PM

Oh yikes. Sorry :(

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 06:08 PM

No prodding the babies. Only pets and snuggles (if they will let you)

Zephi 08-06-2018 06:10 PM

Shin I think your avi is a successful version of my fail avi lmao

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 06:18 PM

Shush! Your avi is not fail. :3

Zephi 08-06-2018 06:22 PM

When I only put all the good things I had on... yeah... there wasnt much of a plan

hummy 08-06-2018 07:07 PM

yeah, shush

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 07:17 PM

It's still sparkly! I missed the wings in my long absence from avatar sites. T_T

I just had some delicious sushi and summer rolls.

hummy 08-06-2018 07:23 PM

which wings? glad you enjoyed your sushi

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 07:27 PM

The big gold ones and the little white ones! I love wings!

I need to work on items on my own site. but I will be popping in to respond or post.

hummy 08-06-2018 07:29 PM

oh, what site?

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 07:32 PM

Avaricia. I own it and do a lot of the items on it. I'm working on reviving it since it's been dead due to me working so much. I resigned from that job and I work a graphic and design job from home now so I have more time to devote to other things that I didn't before. I was working something like 60-70 hours a week and it was insane. ;_;

hummy 08-06-2018 07:34 PM

oh, good luck! feel free to private message me a link when you are open

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 07:36 PM

I'm on dragoness129's avatar site list thread in the computer/games forum!

It's open (been open for years)! Just pretty slow at the moment. Don't take time away from the event on the last day. XD

hummy 08-06-2018 07:37 PM

oh, okay, thank you.
is it slower than mene?

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 07:40 PM

It is. Mostly because I've been too busy to work on items. We went through a process of completely overhauling the avatar bases and having to redraw all the items. So without new items, people lose interest. But people do pop in for events or when things are going on. :) It can get about as active as Mene is right now during events.

hummy 08-06-2018 07:45 PM

oh that isn't too slow at all =3
I hope your site takes off now that you have time to devote to it

Shion Uzuki 08-06-2018 07:47 PM

I hope so too! I'm reworking my comic into a fully-fledged graphic novel. So I want to tie both together and make it the social site/community for the books. :)

hummy 08-06-2018 07:53 PM

oh that sounds exciting

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