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Britti 12-21-2007 08:47 PM

I wouldn't know considering I haven't gotten one.

But Jen said in the banner.

Archer 12-21-2007 08:48 PM

Really? Way the heck up there? x.x Okay, I'll keep an eye out for them now. >O

nekonekonya 12-21-2007 08:48 PM

The banner up top. And my browser just errored so I think I missed another snowflake. D:

And thank you SangALee! I was just coming up with something random to make quickly. XD'

Britti 12-21-2007 08:48 PM

Actually, mine just flew down my page... Like a pop-up, but not a pop-up... Kind of like the trunks and boxes and stuff from Gaia...?

Archer 12-21-2007 08:50 PM

I just got one too! :DD It scared the hell outta me but that's okay.

OMG you guys, I just got addicted to the song Umbrella. D:

Edit: I just got one posting this, and then another trying to edit this post to say I got another one. XD

Britti 12-21-2007 08:50 PM

umbrella like Shinya's umbrella, or that J-pop umbrella?

nekonekonya 12-21-2007 08:51 PM

Please tell me you mean Dir en grey's and not that stupid Rhianna or whatever the hell thing it is. DDD:'

And I finally gave in and put on pants... >>;

Britti 12-21-2007 08:51 PM

Thank god you have pants now.

And screw you Archer, I still only have one. ):

Archer 12-21-2007 08:51 PM

No, the Umbrella that's like the 3rd top song or something. XD I am ashamed, but I love it so much! XD

Britti 12-21-2007 08:52 PM

I wanna listen! Gimme a link that is not... a download link.

Sugar Rush 12-21-2007 08:52 PM

I want all the blue items XDD and the gowns *3*

nekonekonya 12-21-2007 08:53 PM

I wanna ghost your crown Brittikins. Plzplzplz. Lolz.

Britti 12-21-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Darkgirl101
I want all the blue items XDD and the gowns *3*

I think I'm going to get the gowns and the purple and blue set... Or all of them... Except for the green one. Maybe. >>

edit;; It looks like crap with the Astro Halo. o: Just for the record.

Archer 12-21-2007 08:54 PM

Here you are Britti. The lyrics are really sweet. <3

And I can see why you would like the blue ones, Darkgirl. XD! Although all of colors in the aurora sets are beautiful.

Britti 12-21-2007 08:56 PM

I had hoped you were talking about that J-pop song umbrella; I didn't know who this was by--I've heard it before... It's like a DDR remix or something, too. This song just fails, mainly because that entire ELLA ELLA ELLA shit annoys the fuck out of me.

Yeah. >_> Sorry.

Archer 12-21-2007 08:57 PM

lol The Elle elle elle is what hooked me in the first place. XD FINE I'll enjoy it all alone! D:

Sugar Rush 12-21-2007 08:57 PM

Filter, Britty i renamed you filter for my own retarded reasons XD

Arch,same goes for you XD

But yea D: i want all the items but but not the ugly ones >_> XD

Britti 12-21-2007 08:57 PM

You're damn right you'll enjoy it all alone! Daaamn.

edit;; Are you callin' me Filter 'cause of my filthy mouth? X:

Archer 12-21-2007 08:59 PM

Looks like you renamed us a lot of things. XDDD

But what does filter have to do with anything? Explain please. :3

Britti 12-21-2007 09:00 PM

Hmmm, remind me to get one of the gowns before they shoot up to their original price, okay? I'll buy one first before I go after one of those sets. >o< I'm glad we have a week for this. <3

Sugar Rush 12-21-2007 09:01 PM

Filter XDD I barely know you ;D so i can't say yes to that

Arch XD ok,so i live in england right,and we have this thing called a "Britta filter" it makes water really clean or whatever ANYWAYS! XD she reminded me of that :3 so she's now filter

Archer 12-21-2007 09:01 PM

Are you gonna get the crown too? I'd get one if there was a darker version of it. :( I don't ever see myself wearing light blue.

Edit: OOHH The Britta filter. XDDD I get it. That's funny!

Britti 12-21-2007 09:03 PM

Oh, we have those filters over here... But I like my nickname! ): Britti is awesomesauce.

I will definitely be getting the crown... I love it to death. Because it is a crown.

Archer 12-21-2007 09:04 PM

Yes, you're very attracted to crowns, aren't you? XD

Britti 12-21-2007 09:05 PM

I really am... I have no idea why I like crown's so much. <3 But I do, so I will have it! Muahaha~.

Which gown should I get? The frostbite or deep freeze one? Also known as the light blue and dark blue gowns, respectively.

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