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Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 12:59 AM

She clung to him, pulling herself into him. SHe was frightened of this "ball idea"! She nodded but pulled even harder to his arm. She gazed up into his face as if to say "Don't let me go!"

"Aiden, I have this really bad feeling. SOmething's not right!" she said as the walked up to the house.

Slade White 12-26-2007 01:11 AM

"Oh, calm down. You're wrinkling my suit," he said, turning to her. "Nothing's going to happen to you, not while I'm around. We'll be fine, the only people in there are a whole bunch of rich people; they're not gonna hurt you."
He allowed her to continue clinging to him, walking up to the door with her on his arm. He knocked politely a few times, stepping back a bit to not be in anyone's way. Pushing a stray lock of hair from Cherry's face, he smirked a bit.
"Don't look so sullen," he said. "Try to have some fun."

Someone came to the door, and Aiden snapped back into an upright position. A small, elderly-looking maid ushered them inside. The floor was picture perfect, unscathed marble. Aiden's brow line raised; he was rather impressed. He nodded to the woman as thanks, and he led his friend into the ballroom. There were a few hundred people, or so it seemed, snacking and dancing a bit. Everyone looked so regal; so perfect, it was almost unreal.

"See?" he whispered to Cherry. "There's nothing to be worried about. Let's go mingle."

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 01:17 AM

Cherry had this terrible feeling something was wrong but when Aiden said that no one would hurt her while he was around she completly forgot her worries.

"Yes, we'll mingle!" she said, gaining confidence.

Slade White 12-26-2007 01:27 AM

The two wound around the room like a chain; through the flocks of people and tables of food. So many people commented about the two looking 'so cute together', it stopped disgusting Aiden. He, actually, began seeing where they were coming from. He and Cherry were so dreadfully different, but he knew they kind of.. completed each other. Aiden would never voice this thought aloud, though, and he would never act on it.

A slower song, then, begun spieling in the background. An older couple pushed he and Cherry out, into the middle of the ballroom floor. Everyone cleared the middle, making a circle around the two childhood friends. Aiden's face, immediately, turned a light shade of cherry red, finally having some color on his pale face.
"Oh, no, guys... we don't..." he looked at Cherry. "We can't... dance..."

He knew as soon as he said that, that Cherry was thinking differently. The girl loved getting him out of his element and pushing his buttons as long as she could. If he wasn't in a public setting, he would slice the girl in two if his will allowed him to. His blue eyes shot around the room once more; people were edging him on and smiling. His face showed that he lost his cool; this really wasn't Aiden at all.

"Okay, let's get this over with," he whispered violently into the nape of Cherry's slender, enticing neck. His eyes flashed red for only a moment, and he stood upright very quickly.

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 01:34 AM

Cherry grimiced. She was quite used to picking on Aiden but this was a bit awkward for her and Aiden seemed angry. She swayed and swirved to the song, as graceful as falling feather in Aiden's arms. She wondered if they would ever be a couple like all their wathcers had said, but she knew that Aiden could not and would not ever love her. He just didn't see her in that way. SHe was too plain for such a regal prince. Just then she got her bad feeling back.

"Aiden!" she whispered. "Something is wrong! I can feel it!"

Slade White 12-26-2007 01:44 AM

"Cherry," he whispered into her once again. "When I let you go, run behind me. Don't make it obvious until you actually have to move, okay?"
As he stared into her eyes, his eyes flashed a blood red once more. They, then, completely turned red; his pupils nothing but slits. His upper lip twitched, revealing that his fangs had grown at least three centimeters.
"You had to find out sooner or later, huh?"

His fingers were now clawed, and slightly digging into the skin on her arms. Her pale skin tore to his whim like paper; as he smelled her blood, he was afraid she'd convulse again. His taloned fingers, then, let go of her. He waited for her to vanish from sight, and, he snarled rather maliciously. Thick, curling horns sprouted from his skull, resting in his hair almost photographically. If it weren't so frightening, it could almost be taken as something beautiful. His mother, the Vampire, and his father, the half-demon were alive inside of him.

"Now I see," he said, his voice noticeably deeper; raspier. "Now I see why you monsters brought us here!"
Everyone in the room sunk into the floor; a few dog-like beasts emerged from the many doors decorating the room.
"Hold onto me, Cherry, and, whatever you do, don't let go."

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 01:51 AM

Cherry went pale when she smelled her own blood, when her best friend's eyes turned red and as horns grew from his head, but she did as she was told. Grabbing onto him as tight as she could she burried her face into him, hiding herself from... those monsters?
Why had Aiden called them monsters?!

"Aiden!" she cried from her posistion against him. "What's happening!?"

Slade White 12-26-2007 01:58 AM

He said nothing; instead, he reached for Cherry, taking her bare thighs in his hands. He made sure she kept her arms around his neck, and her legs locked around his lower body. Sure she would understand to hold on, Aiden ran at one of the dogs. They weren't your normal, everyday dogs. Oh, no. They were, at least, as tall as a six-year-old child.. on all fours.

There were four beasts in total. As he drew back a taloned hand, he remembered the last name from the invitations.
"No way!" he said, striking the beast with his fist. It just snarled, hopping back up to attempt a bite into the flesh of Aiden. "Cherry," -he grabbed the dog by its throat- "Your... your biological parents hosted this party."

((is this an alright twist? haha.))

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 02:00 AM

"My what!?" Cherry screamed as she held on tightly to her friend. "What are you talking about!?"

((I love this twist!))

Slade White 12-26-2007 02:15 AM

"No time to-" he grunted as the dog wriggled away, another jumping at him from an entirely different angle. "-Explain."
As he was fighting the four dog beasts off of he and Cherry, Aiden began thinking. If Cherry's parents were able to wield, and effectively use, this type of black magic, they had to be something other than human. It made his stomach tie in knots, and he lost his balance for a split second. He caught himself, though, and started to fight with vigor.

He had no idea what Cherry could be, but the potential she held was endless.
"You didn't know your parents, Cherry," he said, hissing as his shoulder was sliced open. "But my parents did. They were, once, good friends, until your parents snapped. My parents found you a new home. They told me your biological last name, but it didn't hit me until now."

A roar exited his usually quiet lips as he finally brought one of the four beasts down. He was huffing a bit; kneeling over in a pool of blood. Hoping Cherry wouldn't faint, he moved over quickly.

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 02:21 AM

Cherry began gaging. The smell of blood in the air was terrible and on top of that, she really didn't know who her parents were. What was going on?
SHe had been sure that her parents had been nice kind people. Her mother; a doctor, her father; a lawyer. It had seemed like she had the nicest life. A rich best friend who, though he acted mean, cared alot about her, an average, happy childhood... Now her best friend was turning into a monster and he was fighting monsters to save her... She smiled. Same old Aiden.

"Aiden!" she gasped. "Put me down! You're getting yourself hurt over me!"

Californiaswimmergirl 12-26-2007 02:30 AM

Ohh... This looks intensive!!!

You can continue... i just felt like commenting...

Also, if you need (somone to roleplay) an extra character I'm always here to help! :D

Slade White 12-26-2007 02:36 AM

"Shut up! I'm not putting you down!" he said, staring at her coldly from over his shoulder. "I won't let anything happen to you, I told you that!"
He stood upright, bobbing forward a bit due to dizziness. He inhaled slowly, through his nostrils, and composed himself. If he let himself fall, something would, inevitably, happen to Cherry. Maybe her parents just wanted to meet her; that's what good parents would want, yeah? Yeah. They just wanted to see what had become of their beautiful daughter.

Aiden pulled his tie from his collar, wrapping it around one of the beast's neck, and he mounted it. The dog growled underneath Aiden's weight as it was getting the life strangled out of it. He glanced back, watching the two remaining beasts circle him. Why weren't they attacking? As the canine below him went limp, Aiden stood slowly. What was going on?

The remaining duo disappeared into thin air, and the double doors atop the stairs opened slowly. Smoke dissipated to reveal a tall, stern couple. Cherry's parents?
Aiden slowly put Cherry down, quickly letting his arm shoot out. He held her hand, locking fingers with her. He held her tightly, but gently enough so his talons wouldn't cut into her skin. He looked calm, as always; even composed. He didn't know how he did it, really, especially after something as hellish as this.

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 02:40 AM

She looked at Aiden for a few moments, then to the peole staning in the doorway. Who were they!?

"Aiden...?" she whispered.

Slade White 12-26-2007 02:41 AM

((Er, Clair, should we let her play your parents? 'Cause I'm not really feeling up to it, unless you are.))

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 02:42 AM

((I say we get Aiden and Cherry out of there! I have an idea for Cherry, but you'll have to post as Aiden first!))

Slade White 12-26-2007 02:48 AM

"Should we leave?" he asked her, eyes of pleading red staring at her. "It's up to you, Cherry. This is your battle..
He coughed a bit, a small amount of blood littering his lip. Licking it up quickly, he stared back up at the couple. They stood with a creepy, intimidating sternness that even Aiden was no match for. He blinked a bit to get their cutting stares out of his head.

"Make a decision..." he said, nudging her a bit.

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 02:54 AM

Cherry starred up at the couple. Into their faces and that's when she saw the woman's eyes, her eyes!

Cherry screamed. "No!" She was over come by fear and grief. It seemed her whole life was coming apart at its seems when suddenly there was no gound beneath her feet. She and Aiden were falling into a balck hole that sunk deep into the floor. She clung to Aiden, screaming in terror. She squeezed her eyes shut and suddenly, it was all over.

She opened her eys again to find herself standing on the roof of an apartment building. Aiden stood next to her.

Slade White 12-26-2007 03:00 AM

Aiden took a long, ragged breath as he was able to see again. Cherry was safely fashioned in his strong arms, and he held her to his body. His chin was atop her head as she wiggled around in confusion and discomfort. He couldn't protect her from something like this, not something emotional. Releasing her from his grip, he stayed close to her.

Aiden had no idea what to do; he really, really didn't. These people were disturbed, and, on top of that, they were powerful, manipulative; anything you could think of. The demon/human/vampire hybrid stared down at his friend, his lip twitching upon smelling more of her blood. Something was happening to him; the urge to feed was coming on as strong as if he were a full-blooded vampire. Was it her parents' doing?

"Calm down, Cherry. We'll be alright.."

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 03:03 AM

She looked around in confusion then she remembered something.

"What are you, Aiden!?" she asked with disgust. She starred at him hard.

Slade White 12-26-2007 04:21 AM

"What am I?" he asked in a mocking tone, stepping away from her as if she slapped him in the face. "Cherry, what does it look like? I am a monster."
His horns sunk back into his head, making a disgusting noise upon doing so. His eyes, canine teeth, and claws remained the same, though, due to his Vampire half being harder to control. Instead of letting his anger further, he stared down to the gash in his arm. His eyes flashed blue, as if he were trying to become 'normal' again, but he failed rather miserably.

"Something completely life-threatening is going on, and you're concerned about what I am?" he snapped, crossing his arms. He didn't blame her, but he felt insulted. He was already self-conscious enough without this girl's help. As if he hadn't said anything to her at all, Aiden crossed the concrete flooring. Where were they? As he made his way to the edge of the platform, he gazed down, over the wall. He hopped back, almost falling down onto his backside.

"W-We're at least five stories high," he mumbled. He looked over his shoulder at his company, who still looked at him as if he were horribly disfigured. He gulped down a lump of nerves in his throat, looking down at the hand that had torn her skin. His red eyes trailed upward as he attempted to stare into the sky. He knew he needed to protect Cherry, but a part of him was afraid of her stare; of her hatred. She was all he had left.

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 11:19 AM

Cherry walked over to her friend and took his hand. SHe starred up at hinm with determination. SHe just had to know.

"No, Aiden. I need you to tell me. What are you?" She asked. "Please, Aiden. If I'm ever going to understand what is happening, if I'm going to help you fight this battle, then you need to open up and tell me what you are so I understand..." she trailed off. Did he hate her now, did he hate her because she had discovered what he really was?

Cherry reached up and took Aiden's chin firmly in her hands. She pulled his bottom jaw, opening his mouth a bit, and touched one of his sharp teeth.

Slade White 12-26-2007 10:29 PM

Aiden hissed and recoiled like an angry feline as she prodded one of his fangs. He swatted her hand away with one fluid motion, turning his back to her. A sigh begged to exit his lips, and he allowed it to do so. He turned a bit, looking at her once again.
"Cherry, I told you," he murmured. "I am a monster. Technically, though, I am half vampire; a quarter demon; a quarter human. I suppose you could call me a 'mutt', hm?"

"And it's extremely unwise to poke at my fangs, due to the fact they're sharp, and, if you bleed, I'll want more. It's as simple as that," he concluded, looking away from her. "I am not important right now. We need to find a way to get out of here, and, better yet, we need to find out how we got here. I'm not risking anything more by talking. Now help me find a door, or something."
He walked away from her once again, checking the concrete they stood on for a latch, a sign; something that could potentially help them.

He may have been a beast, but there was no way he could stick a five-store jump, especially with a girl on his back.

Clair Voyant 12-26-2007 10:32 PM

Cherry's hands curled into fists.
"You know what else you are!? A donkey; for being such an ass!" she cried. "Aiden, why didn't you tell me sooner!? I'm your best friend! W're supposed to tell each other everything!"

Slade White 12-26-2007 10:47 PM

"Damn it, Cherry!" he snarled, his neck popping as he shot around to look at her. "How are we 'best friends', huh? 'Cause you tag along where ever I go? What have I ever told you to make you believe we're 'best friends'? As kids, maybe. I'll give you that. But when we were kids, all 'best friends' meant was that we played in the sandbox together! It's not as simple as that anymore! Nothing is that simple anymore!"

He looked away from her. He wanted to instantly apologize, but why should he apologize about the truth?
"Honestly, I have no idea why you've put up with me for so long. I never talk to you, I treat you like shit, and I always make you get out of my house." He looked at her, eyes of red fading into a pale blue. "I tried SO hard not to care about you, and I tried equally as hard to get you away from me... so you wouldn't see this side of me. Apparently, nothing worked."

The corner of his mouth twitched; he wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his tux. Turning around, he continued checking for a way out.

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