Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   At the End of the Rainbow ~ much love and thanks for all my regulars. <3 Couldn't do it without you all. Red and Green Present for last at 7945! (

Silenia 02-19-2008 08:22 PM

Well, okay. :) But I'm sure to get you something in a while. xD

nescia 02-19-2008 11:25 PM

-revives the thread-

It looks I missed you before.
It's nice to run into you again.
I haven't seen you around Mene lately.

Silenia 02-20-2008 06:27 AM

Nescia: during the event I was mostly active in the event subforum and the last two days I have a damn lot of work for school.
But yeah, we missed each other again.

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:05 PM

Hey, Silenia! How are you? I'm working on getting myself a belt cause I finally got my avi dressed! XD

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:07 PM

Clair: Great. Have you got any idea yet which belt you want?

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:08 PM

Yeah, it's the black doubled belt... it's only 200g! Then I have to get the shirt of heaven for my avi!

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:11 PM

The black doubled belt? How surprising, but I actually got that one. xD So expect a trade. :wink:

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:12 PM

Oh, thank you Silenia!

dessertdesiert 02-20-2008 03:13 PM

Yay!! another new charity!!! Nikki likes lots of charities ^_^

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:14 PM

*hugs Silenia* Thank you so much! Is Stefan being rude to you?

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:15 PM

Clair: You're welcome. *updates the donated list*
Dessertdesiert (am I allowed to just call you Nikki? A lot shorter): Yeah, a new charity. :D Nice to see people around - I hope this thread will be quite active, but I know that might take a while. xD

dessertdesiert 02-20-2008 03:16 PM

You can call me Nikki, you can call me DD, Desert, dessie, deedee.. whatevery pleases you... just don't call me something random, because I might not respond to you then.

i hope your charity is active too ^_^ I don't want charities to die >.>

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:16 PM

I like your thread, Silenia. Very organized!

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:20 PM

Nikki: I won't let it die. :)
Clair: Thank you - I want to be able to find back where I posted something, instead of pushing everything into one single post. xD

dessertdesiert 02-20-2008 03:29 PM

Yay!!! for you not trying to let it so do you have a charity mule??

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:30 PM

Nikki: well, yeah, it is not only for charity, but it IS it's main reason of excistance. xD His username is Mule of Silenia, male avatar so I can get male commons as well. xD

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:34 PM

Have you seen the front page of the Travel Guide? It's all organized now!

dessertdesiert 02-20-2008 03:35 PM

Okie dokie.. that's good then ^_^

Sadly the block is almost up so I have to go >.>'

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:36 PM

Clair: Have you seen the white list? XD
Nikki: byebye. :( See you later I hope.

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:39 PM

I feel honored!!! WOW! Oh, soon I'll get that shirt!

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:40 PM

Which shirt? I didn't know you were questing for a shirt. xD

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:42 PM

The shirt of Heaven... I think that's what it's called! I really like it!

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:44 PM

How much does it cost?

Clair Voyant 02-20-2008 03:46 PM

650g, and I have 200g right now! ^_^ YAY!

Silenia 02-20-2008 03:47 PM

Oh, anyway, it's called Top of Heaven, not shirt. xD But well, here you have 75 more gold. xD

EDIT: Donated. :)

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