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Lejic 06-01-2008 08:02 PM

I think she means for like, gold not real life money Lilith. She's suggesting that they sell 40-50 for a cheap price I think.

Lilith W 06-01-2008 08:10 PM

Ok, now I understand. That would be cool but people would just buy them to sell them. I think that would be pretty nice though if they had something like that.

Angel XIII 06-01-2008 10:26 PM

Ohh, that would be nice!
Though if that happens, I think it should only be one set per buyer and it shouldn't be first come first serve. That way the admins can maybe avoid selling to the exchangers who would just sell off their discounted set for profit? >.<

M i n u x e 06-01-2008 10:36 PM

Having a system like that would definitely be a great help to the economy and decrease the demand for new CIs.
It would have to be one set per person and people wouldn't be allowed to buy a set using their mules just to be fair.

I also hope to see the Giving Back auction soon, I was waiting for that auction to buy my Queen's Crown but I was lucky enough to find a seller before it opened.

Bombshell 06-01-2008 11:06 PM

What about those who do trades with CIs for items not gold? This month I'm a bit worried that the items I'm wanting to trade for CIs would be considered "too much" for what the CI seems to be worth. I don't want to anger people with what I'd like for a CI, even if I'm paying with real money for a CI to get an item.

Caroline 06-01-2008 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lejic (Post 3302092)
To be honest I think games are more or less "earned gold". Yeah some people make even 1k off it in a day but then what about art? If posting is the only way to earn gold, then other services would need to be closed down too.

I think the inflation is natural - the giving back auction will come back soon anyway, that should keep it so that newer members get a chance to get items. *nod*

I don't understand why people keep comparing the games to art or other ways of earning gold. The art shops don't bring excess gold into the system. Artists and their customers do business with existing gold and items. Sure, people who play games "earn" their gold, but it comes at the cost of the Menewshan economy's stability and the activity of the forums -- which is really what the site is about. Games should be an addition to the forums, something fun on the side, not the main focus.

& The CIs exist to fund real money for the site. XD Selling them at a discounted gold price defeats their purpose.

Popcorn Gun 06-02-2008 12:41 AM

This is something new....

Is anyone else saddened at how expensive newly realesed sets are getting sold for now?

About 8oog!
I remember when I first joined up....sets went for 5oog.
The value of dollars being equal to the value of gold...

Le siigh....
How things change...

Angel XIII 06-02-2008 01:32 AM

Hmmr...I guess it does somewhat defeat the purpose of selling the CIs to make money for the site.
How about this then? [Not saying it'll get implemented, but just an idea to throw out there.]
At the beginning of every month, the admins will pick out a "Menewshan of the Month" [[helpfulness? activeness?]] and award them with a set of that months CIs for free. ((or extremely discounted price if you guys prefer)).

And yes, I'm kind of sad how much inflation has gripped Mene's economy. I remember being here when sets went for 500g, and I'm somewhat irritated I never visited the marketplace then, so I have barely any CI sets at all. xDD

aeriise 06-02-2008 02:43 AM

Thank you Caro! So true. Goldcap, plox!

.Crazy Ikikki 06-02-2008 04:02 AM

Yes, what I was trying to say is sell a set per person at whatever limit they set for people.
For instance, they set 20 people as a stopping limit to sell the Cis cheap to them and then the shop is closed.
And it won't include mules of course, just 20-50 so individuals.
It would lower inflation and smooth out the people who aren't so lucky in getting a set.
Like for instance, they can also restrict it to people who don't have the sets already.
The mods/admins will look and make sure who has the sets already and who doesn't when they ask for one.
Then that will be a double whammy towards the inflation other fellow menewshains are doing to their neighbors and have to lower their prices and stop doing what they are doing.

And thats a great idea too, Angel. I'm just not too sure where they'd put that presentation at since the Admins choice takes up the rest of the vacant space on the home page.

@ Popcorn// There are still some going for 600-650, but those sellers either come on late or sold them ahead of time before June 1st ever came. :yes:

Lejic 06-02-2008 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Caroline (Post 3306098)
I don't understand why people keep comparing the games to art or other ways of earning gold. The art shops don't bring excess gold into the system. Artists and their customers do business with existing gold and items. Sure, people who play games "earn" their gold, but it comes at the cost of the Menewshan economy's stability and the activity of the forums -- which is really what the site is about. Games should be an addition to the forums, something fun on the side, not the main focus.

& The CIs exist to fund real money for the site. XD Selling them at a discounted gold price defeats their purpose.

Well, I'm an artist, I'm not about to go look down on commissioning, don't worry. I do agree that art perhaps is more community-y than games which have no interaction with others, yeah- but to really "change the economy" people would need to spend hours and hours in front of that little flash game screen just to earn a few k. They don't put any more into the economy than artists do, really. It's not like they earn 10k a day.

I don't play the games, really - perhaps snake now and then but I make what, 10g per week from them? I do agree that they should be a side thing but I don't think they're "destroying the economy".

I do agree with you about the CIs, I was just pointing out what the other person said about the staff selling them, I didn't agree with them on it~

Anoni 06-02-2008 10:27 AM

@ Lejic: Artists don't add gold into the economy because they're being paid with gold which already exists in the economy. On the other hand, games are actually injecting gold into the economy because gold is being created. They're quite different, IMO. XD

Lejic 06-02-2008 03:10 PM

That's true, I hadn't thought about it that way. Hmmm.

Kongouseki 06-02-2008 06:36 PM

i mostly earn gold from selling some of my items. and even then i rarely do seeing as the prices tend to go up the next day on most items. so some are holding the items that leads to low supply that many want to buy

i dont post much since i really dont have many friends T_T and i suck at the games so the most i earn a day is 2oG.

usually prices for the CI sets are high when they first come out. near the middle of the month, the price starts to lower.

and what about having a submit button on the games? instead of the game automatically giving you your score and gold. that way, people can decide which scores they want to submit and that way, the games can be limited to about 5-10 plays per game

Chidori 06-02-2008 09:01 PM

I think they should just make a system that only lets you earn like 150 gold a day maximum for the games. i mean thats what people earned a day in fishing we also fished with a mule so we made about 300 gold a day, and then after you earn that much you can just play for fun. And selling ci's to 20-50 people will inflate the ci's of that month by a lot, and they will be extremely rare, and that kinda defeats the purpose of menewsha. which is making money by selling as many pixel items.

M i n u x e 06-02-2008 09:05 PM

@Chidori: They actually mean selling the CIs for gold to 20-50 users, the CIs can still be purchased in the Contribution Store by anyone during the whole month.

Eroy 06-02-2008 09:06 PM

I think they meant in Juru's shop, Chidori... for gold. In addition to having people pay cash for the monthly collectibles if they choose to contribute.

Chidori 06-02-2008 09:24 PM

oh. i see. sorry about that. i didn't wanna read that really long post.
tetris gives off more money than the other games btw.

Rainy 06-02-2008 11:02 PM

Really? Snake gives me more gold at a faster rate xD

Paprika 06-03-2008 12:03 AM

Its so crazy that the june sets are already 750g+ x.X;;

CI's used to be 600g D:

Winter Wind 06-03-2008 12:40 AM


I personally think there should be a cap on how many times each game can be played, it would seriously slow down inflation.
I don't have much time, but with the half-hour I can use for Mene, I can make about 1k.

And if we cap the number of times to say...5x per game, that would slow down inflation because there wouldn't be so much free loose gold in the forums.
Also, games do take away from community time, I've noticed that the forums are a lot less active, and the people I used to chat to are online but are playing games.
...including me.

And there aren't so many CI sellers anymore.
I think some people are scared that one girl who's buying all the Marches might suddenly start hoarding some item that they have for a high price, so they're keeping them just in case.

Melissa 06-03-2008 03:15 AM

I like the games. I don't have a lot of time to post and read topics, so I'll just take a few tries at Chopper Challenge and get about 20g. They are a good way for people without time to make gold.

Winter Wind 06-03-2008 03:24 AM

Yes, but see, it takes away from the community aspect of the game.

The community part is also part of why we don't have a marketplace.
It's so people can chat and buy stuff, rather than people jump onto games and put loads of loose gold into the system.

I understand that some people just don't have time to chat/post, but then, I'm not saying obliterate the games, I'm just saying to cap them. So it'll hopefully stablize the overall economy.

wish 06-03-2008 03:28 AM

how about capping the AMOUNT of gold we can make to 500g a day from games?

so that it's fair for the people who gets 10g a game vs people who get 50g a game.

everyone ends up with the same if they do decide to sit there and spend their time in front of the computer.

blueblackrose 06-03-2008 05:46 AM

I agree with Wish. If they cap the amount of gold you can make verses the number of times you can play the game makes it more fair for everyone.

CI prices are insane. I normally try to get five sets each month and lately I've been lucky just to get one for myself at an ok price. It's kind of sad to see that when the new CIs are out that they have went from selling at an average price around 500g a set to over 700g a set in just a few months time.

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