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Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:01 AM

@ Omi - >o> Is that Abel I see in that sexy siggy of yours?


My skin is pretty dark, but I never use sunblock or anything. Then again, I have no life and I Never go outside, anyways. >o>

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nalin Sun (Post 3434350)
*smiles at Linden* That's best. Cover such as hats assist when you can't help it... And I don't know how many bottles of sunscreen I go through in a year. *chuckles*

I can't stand sun screen.. I don't like the way it feels on my skin. It's so uncomfortable.. I can try hats, and glasses and stuff.. but even then, it only takes five minutes for me to start turning red.

I tend to wait until it is dark out before I go swimming, if I do plan on swimming.

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:06 AM

xD Luckily for me, I don't go outside often. If I did, I'd probably end up dying from skin cancer. ;.; I take such bad care of my poor skin.

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:09 AM

I suffered from a heat stroke once.. After that I tried my best to not be out in the sun much...

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:11 AM

o.o; How did that work out?

Nalin Sun 06-23-2008 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Alexander Linden (Post 3434384)
I can't stand sun screen.. I don't like the way it feels on my skin. It's so uncomfortable.. I can try hats, and glasses and stuff.. but even then, it only takes five minutes for me to start turning red.

I tend to wait until it is dark out before I go swimming, if I do plan on swimming.

There are different sorts of sunscreens you can use... Many brands now try to feel less greasy or sticky on your skin... You may be able to use those without discomfort. *smile*

However, staying out of the sun in general when you can works as well... As long as it doesn't interfere with your daily life and having fun. *tilts his head slightly to the side, smiling*


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 3434398)
xD Luckily for me, I don't go outside often. If I did, I'd probably end up dying from skin cancer. ;.; I take such bad care of my poor skin.

You can always start at any time, though. *smiles* Don't make me worry about you. ^^;

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:17 AM

I much prefer going out at night. But I don't really need to go out much during the day anyway, so it's not really a big deal.

@ Dizzy: Well.. Um.. I was very sick the rest of the day. You really don't want to know the details.

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:18 AM

@ Nalin - Paaft. You'd die if you spent your time worrying about a reckless, senseless person like me.

@ Alex - Doesn't sound fun. ._.;

Sakura_Madison 06-23-2008 02:22 AM

*comes with a cute one piece suit. But has a long summer dress over it*

Hello everyone. *waves*

Nalin Sun 06-23-2008 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Alexander Linden (Post 3434492)
I much prefer going out at night. But I don't really need to go out much during the day anyway, so it's not really a big deal.

@ Dizzy: Well.. Um.. I was very sick the rest of the day. You really don't want to know the details.

*winces* I've been sun-sick a few times myself... It's very much not fun. ^^;

It's a good thing that you don't have to be out during the day much. Particularly since you prefer it. *smile*


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 3434500)
@ Nalin - Paaft. You'd die if you spent your time worrying about a reckless, senseless person like me.

*makes a sort of face, his eyebrows drawing together and frowning* Mm... ... ^^; I could always wish that you'd be more careful, though... ^^;

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:26 AM

@ Nalin - A fruitless desire. ;.;
>o> Anna is too reckless for safety. D8 Shame on her.

Nalin Sun 06-23-2008 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 3434582)
@ Nalin - A fruitless desire. ;.;
>o> Anna is too reckless for safety. D8 Shame on her.

*shakes his head* Ah - it is a shame. u_u;

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:33 AM

@ Nalin - Mebbe if you kissed her, you could talk her into being good? *is probably going to get shot dead by half the people around her now, ahaha how's that for danger?*

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:34 AM

@ Nalin: Not fun at all. I've had times where I've burned my legs to the point that it hurt too much to walk. I really can't handle it.

Yes, I am glad for that too. ^^

I'm sure your outside a lot when you aren't working at the flower shop though, right?

@ Dizzy: Don't say things like that. People care about you.

XD Asking Nalin for a kiss now.. hehe

Candiie 06-23-2008 02:35 AM

comes out of nowhere and shoots anna~
"crap. missed by a mm." XD

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:39 AM

*sweat drop*

What's with the random violence??

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:39 AM

@ Alex - Yes. And I care about me, too. But being a teenager means I'm immortal. :P *lying through her teeth, haha*

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:42 AM

Being a teenager makes you immortal? *raises an eyebrow*

I wish I had that sort of idea when I was still a teenager...

Dystopia 06-23-2008 02:44 AM

@ Alex - Shush, don't ruin my fun. XD

Candiie 06-23-2008 02:44 AM

@alexander: don't worry! XD
it wasn't a real bullet. just hard candy shaped like one 8D /shot shot shot

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:46 AM

@ Dizzy: Fun?

@ Candiie: That still could have hurt!

Sakura_Madison 06-23-2008 02:51 AM

*without being noticed, she runs off*

Candiie 06-23-2008 02:53 AM

you've gotta be joking right alexander?

btw, good night 8D~
-goes to sleep-

Alexander Linden 06-23-2008 02:56 AM

*shrugs* lol

Good night, dear. ^^

Nalin Sun 06-23-2008 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 3434652)
@ Nalin - Mebbe if you kissed her, you could talk her into being good? *is probably going to get shot dead by half the people around her now, ahaha how's that for danger?*

^^; *takes Anna's hand and places a chaste kiss on the back of it* I do wish you would consider being more careful...

*manages to avoid being accidentally shot by flying candy/bullets*


Originally Posted by Alexander Linden (Post 3434667)
@ Nalin: Not fun at all. I've had times where I've burned my legs to the point that it hurt too much to walk. I really can't handle it.

I'm sure your outside a lot when you aren't working at the flower shop though, right?

Goodness, Linden... You should make sure to cover up your legs when you go out next time, if you don't like to wear sunblock. ^^;; That sounds incredibly dangerous!

When I'm not in the flower shop, I'm usually in the greenhouses... and then I'm either outside taking care of the plants in the outside growing areas or in the Menewshan Town Hall Gardens. ^^ Thus the long sleeves, *he fingers his rolled-up sleeve* pants, sunblock and hat. ^^

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