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Woofie267 10-06-2017 04:40 AM

Coulson stepped back a bit to give them a little more privacy.

"This is not in your job description," he murmured. "Mostly, I wanted you to see, so that you know if you ever need the knowledge. And it was a good opportunity to introduce you to Thor."

"Ah." Callie's expression cleared somewhat at that. Definitely not as many as she'd been thinking. "Sounds like you need someone to watch them."

Mageling 10-10-2017 03:10 AM

Valerie considered that for a moment.

"Sir, I get the feeling there's going to be a lot that's not in my job description," she replied quietly. "What's the plan for this particular thing?"

Harry waved a hand.

"Merlin has that covered," he said. "The surveillance system here is the best he could put together. No, what I was considering was more of a... personal touch." He glanced at her. "How good are your covert interrogation skills?"

Woofie267 10-10-2017 05:51 PM

Coulson smiled at that. "Keep him here," he murmured. "So long as he's contained and can't do any damage, that's all we need to do. We need to know why he's here and not on Asgard, but Thor isn't talking yet."

Callie blinked once. "Natasha deemed them adequate," she said after a moment. "Not good enough for any kind of long term deep cover mission, but barring that..." She trailed off and shrugged.

Mageling 10-15-2017 01:46 AM

"Is this the part where I try talking to him, sir?" Valerie asked cautiously. "Or should I wait for him to come to me?"

Harry nodded, considering that.

"If you can, I'd like you to talk to some of them," he said. "Not all at once, but gradually. Try to find out what they know."

Woofie267 10-27-2017 09:41 PM

"Give him a bit of time," Coulson advised after a moment. "Don't push, just get to know him if you can."

"Will do, sir." Callie nodded to acknowledge that. Shouldn't be too hard.

Mageling 10-27-2017 10:59 PM

Valerie nodded. She could do that.

“Shouldn’t be too hard, sir,” she said.

Harry nodded.

“I’ll leave you to it, then,” he said.

Woofie267 10-27-2017 11:02 PM

Coulson nodded. "Take your time," he agreed.

Callie nodded and let herself out. She had work to do, after all.

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