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finx15 05-14-2017 09:47 PM

"Well have you thought of challenging him?" Belle asked out of curiosity. "If you want to I got your back."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-16-2017 02:19 AM

Rosemary blinked. Clearly the thought had never occurred to her. "I...I mean, it's allowed. I change on the full moon, so I qualify as a legitimate pack member. And the rules state that any pack member can challenge the Alpha for their position. All I have to do is fight and win. But...that's the problem. I got the change, but I didn't get the strength or speed. My father is bigger, faster, stronger, and more experienced than me. And I'm not allowed any help, I think...I'd have to check that one." She shook her head. "Females almost never take the Alpha position, and a Halfling like me...I just don't know if it's possible."

finx15 05-16-2017 11:22 AM

"I'll help you get stronger!" Belle promised. "We can work on a strategy to kick his butt or get close!" She smirked a little. "And if you can have help you do have a shapeshifter who would do anything."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-18-2017 02:01 AM

For once, a look of hope entered Rosemary's eyes. This might actually be possible, now that she had friends who were willing to help. "Yeah...yeah, okay! I'm willing to at least give it a try. It's worth it if there's a chance I can change things for other halflings like me."

finx15 05-18-2017 01:26 PM

"I'm going to work you harder then you've ever worked before so be prepared." Belle squeezed her hand gentle. "We can start in the morning."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-20-2017 01:52 AM

Rosemary nodded again, beaming. "Thank you, Belle." She said, giving her friend a quick hug. "I should get some sleep. It sounds like I'll need it."

finx15 05-20-2017 09:37 PM

"I'm going to make muscles hurt that you didn't know about." Belle grinned and headed off to her own bed.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-22-2017 01:34 AM

"Sounds like sex." Rosemary blurted out, then blushed and ran into her room.

finx15 05-22-2017 01:10 PM

Belle started and stared after her after a second she laughed and headed to bed. About seven hours later before the sun had come up she shook Roses' shoulder. "Wakey wakey." she grinned.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-23-2017 01:23 AM

Rosemary grumbled but sat up, her hair falling around her face messily. "This better pay off." She said grumpily.

finx15 05-23-2017 02:50 PM

Belle lifted her out of her bed and set her on her feet. "Come on lazy pants get dressed. We are going to start with a light warm up." she already had on jogging cloths.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-26-2017 02:06 AM

Rosemary gave a half-hearted growl, but went to get some comfortable running clothes from her dresser. She pointed to the door, silently signaling for Belle to leave so she could get dressed.

finx15 05-26-2017 06:41 PM

Belle laughed and went to go stretch out. She started her morning routine while she waited for Rose. She sat on the floor with her legs crossed and closed her eyes taking deep breaths to clear her mind of all that was swirling around.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-29-2017 06:30 AM

Rosemary left her room a few minutes later, looking only slightly more awake. "You're radiating calm, I could feel it from in there. Almost fell back to sleep." She said.

finx15 05-29-2017 01:54 PM

"Meditation is good for your mind." Belle stood up. "Its a good way to start or end your day." she stretched out. "Ok first stretches." she loosened everything up. "Follow my moves. Just me you don't want to sprain a hamstring when your running."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 06-01-2017 01:27 AM

Rosemary shrugged. "Maybe I'll give it a try sometime." She said, moving to stand next to Belle. "Show me what to do, sensei." She said, half-sarcastically.

finx15 06-01-2017 02:19 PM

After a few minutes of stretches Belle grinned. "Now for the fun." she opened the door. "We jog." she leaped off the porch and started jogging letting the silence of the cabin calm her mind.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 06-05-2017 02:48 AM

Rosemary actually perked up at this. Jogging, or really any form of running, was a favorite hobby of hers. She blamed the wolf side of her. She followed, jogging alongside Belle without any trouble at all.

finx15 06-05-2017 02:13 PM

After a while Belle stopped. "Jumping jacks next!" she started doing jumping jacks as fast as she could.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 06-07-2017 02:20 AM

Rosemary followed suit, though obviously she couldn't match the other's speed. She was starting to sweat now.

finx15 06-07-2017 02:13 PM

Belle kept up with the jumping jacks then stopped. "Now for push ups." she dropped to the ground and started doing just that."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 06-10-2017 02:24 AM

Rosemary followed suit, refusing to complain. She could handle this. Push-ups were clearly difficult for her- while her legs were strong, her upper body strength was severely lacking.

finx15 06-10-2017 04:19 PM

"hmm...I have a better idea." Belle stood up and lead the way to the kitchen and dug out cans of beans. "Start using these as weights for now I'll send for my dumbbells."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 06-13-2017 01:22 AM

((They went running how did they get back inside suddenly))

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