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Son Zack 01-03-2009 11:56 PM

tamer- Yeah! I haven't spent a single yarn this whole event... the commons are pretty cheap, and I figured the rest of my team would think the same. Mreh...
Ugh! I can't believe YELLOW is beating us!

Yeah, totally. It'd be cool if we won in posts or something, but I don't think that's gonna happen, frankly.

Tamerthanthou 01-03-2009 11:59 PM

I KNOW! I bought the most expensive ones at half off and figured if I ever wanted anymore, they're pretty cheap so... And I'm not even that wealthy!
How can Yellow beat us????
Well, we were winning the posts for a while but...

Anglie 01-04-2009 12:00 AM

I'm gonna miss the event

Tamerthanthou 01-04-2009 12:01 AM

:cry: The event's over and I didn't realize!!!!
I didn't get to donate all of my yarn!!!!
And I had 43 buckets of snow! I could have gotten another set...
Why didn't I realize????

M i n u x e 01-04-2009 12:01 AM

Ya it is pretty saddening to come in last place for this ><;;
I did do my best and donate a lot though.

Son Zack 01-04-2009 12:02 AM

Angle- Me too!

Tamer- Yeah! WTF is with that greed-supporting nonsense anyway! FAIL, RED TEAM
Aww, that really, really sucks.

Ughhh it's over Dx

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