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IcetheArtist 09-27-2018 09:11 PM

TaiyoTsuki: Yes! I have returned after almost 2 years [hug]
I missed everybody so much ♥
I'm updating the front page of my hangout as well
I wanted to add LGBT+ as a conversation starter
I don't think I was Identifying as Demisexual at the time or maybe I Just didn't want to talk about it?
Idk but I saw your title says Asexual and honestly that's what made me think about it

TaiyoTsuki 09-28-2018 07:46 AM

I don't actually know if Mene has an LGBT+ hangout, honestly ^^;. And yeah, I'm ace. And angry. And in need of caffiene if I want to stay up till five XP

IcetheArtist 11-21-2018 02:36 AM


Antagonist 11-21-2018 02:39 AM

*pokes thread* Hi there. [ninja]

IcetheArtist 11-22-2018 01:40 PM


Hello there ^w^
*Stares at Negative gold*

Antagonist 11-22-2018 02:16 PM

Yeah, my gold count glitched after I bought something from the Marketplace. It's supposed to be somewhere around 2500. No idea if it'll get fixed. [headdesk]

IcetheArtist 11-25-2018 09:31 PM


Lol Yes It's been Fixed now
How was your holiday? (If they had holidays recently where you are)

Antagonist 11-26-2018 08:22 AM

We don't have Thanksgiving here so it was just another average day for me. ^^

We did have an election day on Saturday which was fun; it was chaotic everywhere.

hummy 11-26-2018 01:00 PM

all the Christmas lights look beautiful in the snow flurries <3

Antagonist 11-27-2018 12:20 AM

A lot of shops are selling Christmas things already, which, given that we don't have Thanksgiving in between Halloween and Christmas, makes sense. [XD]

hummy 11-28-2018 03:02 AM

Yeah, a little over a month of way. Wow, where has the year gone?

IcetheArtist 11-28-2018 08:11 PM

Yea fall went by super quick T^T
I didn't even really get to enjoy Halloween

Antagonist 11-29-2018 12:18 AM

Time really flies these days. [gonk]

Amane 12-02-2018 03:25 PM

Noooooo, I missed another chance to see negative gold!

Back in the day when Mene was a bigger name, I knew a girl who accidentally broke a rule in RPs and had a ton of long posts deleted. Her gold was several thousand in the negative. We loved her.

Antagonist 12-03-2018 01:55 AM

Wow, and gold making was a lot harder back in those days too. [:O]

Amane 12-03-2018 03:01 PM

She eventually did pay back the debt. It's a shame she's not around anymore.

Man, I wonder how many people would be in the negatives if Mene let you buy stuff you couldn't afford.

Antagonist 12-04-2018 12:23 AM

...I'd be in the tens of thousands in the negatives. [lol] Maybe even millions if I can buy all the super expensives like those 2007 Valentine's items, etc. [sweat]

Amane 12-04-2018 06:53 AM

Maybe I would've bought a queen crown for 100k way back in the day and then cried unicorn tears when I got where I am now.

Antagonist 12-04-2018 07:46 AM

100k?! Are the crowns that expensive?

I remember some of the really rare ones going for something like 200k. [gonk]

Amane 12-05-2018 12:00 AM

The original 2007 king and queen crowns? Yes. The queen crown is the 100k one.

Antagonist 12-05-2018 12:21 AM

Wow. I had no idea the Queen's Crown is that expensive. The past prices in the Marketplace made me think it was around 80k at most. [gonk]

TaiyoTsuki 12-23-2018 11:11 PM

Yeeeep XP. And the MP still isn't fixed...

But, FOWN! *dances through throwing snow*

marnie 12-28-2018 06:34 AM

you could always makes a RAK SHRUBBIE WISHIE

TaiyoTsuki 12-29-2018 07:04 AM

I probably should at some point....

hummy 01-02-2019 09:09 PM

you still have time, but first come first served, ya know?

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