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xuvrette 12-24-2014 12:53 PM

Streaming? Wonderful! That is so productive.

Happy Christmas Eve people.

Seito 12-25-2014 01:05 AM

*skips through the thread*

Mythos 12-25-2014 03:28 AM

Xuv: It really helps me to focus and make sure I'm making what the requester wants x3

Thank you, Iro! *accepts trade*

When people go to bed I can work on the phoenix!

xD Hi Seito~

Seito 12-25-2014 03:30 AM

Mythos! *noms* <3

blueblackrose 12-25-2014 03:33 AM

*rolls in*

I'd like to get art, but I have a quick question. If I pay you twice the amount or a little more could I get couple art?

xuvrette 12-25-2014 03:38 AM

Seitoto is spotted here too!

Hi, Rosese~

Seito 12-25-2014 03:45 AM

Seito is everywhere :P No not really.

xuvrette 12-25-2014 03:49 AM

Tell me the secret how you can be everywhere! that is such cnovenient skill.

Seito 12-25-2014 03:57 AM

Kage Bunshin. owo b

xuvrette 12-25-2014 04:00 AM

LOL. You watch those ninja shows?

Seito 12-25-2014 04:02 AM

Of course ;P
They're ninjas!

blueblackrose 12-25-2014 04:06 AM

Hihi, I'm only half here. *tis still wrapping presents*

xuvrette 12-25-2014 04:10 AM

What? Still wrapping? how many more?

Mythos 12-25-2014 04:21 AM

Yes- but at the moment I don't have any slots open. This will probably change after tomorrow wraps up and I won't be busy IRL :3

Iro 12-25-2014 04:22 AM

Mythos still owes me refs. *grabby hands*

On that note; MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

xuvrette 12-25-2014 04:31 AM

Merry Christmas~! Does Iroro celebrates Christmas?

Mythos 12-25-2014 04:37 AM

Merry Christmas!!
I don't have any art for him but here's two photo references for Ty -- hair/face, body shape. At some point I had imagined him wearing one of these but generally he's into trendy, layered, outdoorsy looks. :3

xuvrette 12-25-2014 04:39 AM

Art trading?

Iro 12-25-2014 04:40 AM

*saves post for future reference*

Not really, not yet, xuv. I've a gathering to go to with my former school friends later. Apart from that, I'm pretty much celebrating on my own. :)

xuvrette 12-25-2014 04:42 AM

not YET?
Half day has already gone!
Do you have day off tomorrow?

Iro 12-25-2014 04:43 AM

Probably not. [lol]

blueblackrose 12-25-2014 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1773109907)
What? Still wrapping? how many more?

Yes...I'm always up half the night wrapping on the night before Christmas. [gonk]

I still have too many, lol.

Originally Posted by Mythos (Post 1773109989)
Yes- but at the moment I don't have any slots open. This will probably change after tomorrow wraps up and I won't be busy IRL :3

Alright and thank you.

Mythos 12-25-2014 04:52 AM


:3 I hope it's nice~
Sadly I'm ducking out now. Family time is going to be running on for a while still and it's already past 11 PM! *hugs* I'll talk to you all later!

xuvrette 12-25-2014 05:01 AM

:/ Rosese always leave to the last minute to wrap presents? XD

Iroro. working now isn't it?

blueblackrose 12-25-2014 05:04 AM

Sadly yes because I'm usually finishing my shopping on Christmas Eve. It's a really bad habit, lol.

All times are GMT. The time now is 11:44 PM.