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Kitti 12-04-2007 05:36 PM

@Dark: hehe hey!
im at school o.o;

@Random: aw i hope you feel better!
id love a day off from school!
Our Winter Break is coming up soon though so I guess its not so bad!

so you're a freshman in college? is it nice?
Im a senior in High School! >.o;
But I'll be 18 in 24 days!
n__n <3

Sugar Rush 12-04-2007 05:39 PM

Randeh, <_< no XD i just really like playing it and getting gold off of it would be awesome =P

Eh,I'm fairly good at cards XD my cousin used to love playing card games with me so yea

I get like maybe 400g back some days o3o all depends on my luck with teh fishies XD

Kitten, =O naughty naughty xDhaving a good day?

Eh,imma stick some junk in my shop to sell xD

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 05:39 PM


How did you know I was a freshman in college? And yea I am. It's great. xD

I don't only have Tuesday off, but Thursday as well. 8D
It's really nice, because I don't have two days of school right after each other. Also great for homework, even though I have tons and tons of it.

I'm turning 19 in about 3 months. It's not as exciting as turning 18, but still, I guess 19 is a big number. I'm soon 20. >.o

Then I'll be old.

Kitti 12-04-2007 05:53 PM

@Dark: yup naughty naughty!

@Random: the thing about you on the front page says you're 18 and are a freshman in college in Amsterdan.
(ifi read right)

thats how i knew!
but go you for turning 19! and 20 isnt that old!
when i get over 25 i think ill start feeling old >.o;

its nice you have those days off! i wish i got days off but High School is mean like that!

so what are you majoring in, if i may ask!

Sugar Rush 12-04-2007 05:58 PM

Randeh.....<______< dude....sooo not old XD


Kitten,tut tut <_<

xD woo done editing mah crappy shop items >_____> XD

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:00 PM

@Dark: xD

how old are you then Dark?

Sugar Rush 12-04-2007 06:05 PM

-Cough- <_< younger than you guys XD

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:07 PM

ah i see!


Sugar Rush 12-04-2007 06:11 PM

XD not that much younger...but still =P

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:12 PM

hehe xD

whens your Birthday Dark?

(mines coming up! >.>; )

Sugar Rush 12-04-2007 06:14 PM

Mine ish the 14th of august =P hehe

whens yers? =o

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:15 PM


mines December 28th!

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 06:34 PM

Sorry. I was off eating. xD

@Kitti: Oh that's how you found out. xD
I'm such a dork sometimes. xD

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:36 PM

thats okay!
was it yummy?

yup hehe
*ish a ninja*

i think we're all a bit of a dork sometimes!

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 06:38 PM

It was very yummy.

It was beef stew. And I love beef stew but we don't have it often. >.<

And it was left over beef stew. My mom is use to cooking for 5-6 people, but now it's only 4, we usually have lots of left overs. That's okay though because I didn't mind having beef stew twice.

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:39 PM

ooh sounds lovely!
i dont eat that too often
im not a big soup person lol

i do love different pastas though

the most we cook for is 3 unless its the holidays or something!

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 06:42 PM

Small family.

I love soups. I am very picky, but I do love soup. Usually we eat hot and sour soup because it's extremely healthy and helps if your sick or anything.

I don't like spaghetti, but I like pastas, and spaghetti sauce, which is weird. Like I really love spaghettis sauce and ramen noodles, but not spaghetti. xD

Kitti 12-04-2007 06:45 PM

its just my mom and I
and when my Fiance eats with us that makes the 3 people.

oh? I LOVE ramen noodles!
and spaghetti is pretty good
i dont eat it as much as i used to though
im big on maccaronni (*sp?)though. cheesey noodles are soo good

(im getting hungry!)

EDIT: sorry to leave so suddenly but I have to leave to go to my next class.
I should be on in about 2 hours or so!

Hope to talk to you later Random!

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 06:48 PM


I could talk as long as I want about food because I just ate, so I'm not hungry at all. xD

But I'm mad at my skirt. Dx
It won't come off. No matter how kinky it sounds. It won't come off.

Edit: Lolz. I didn't see your message. xD
Dork-ness kicked in. But alright! Great talking to you and enjoy your classes. xD

Ikarus 12-04-2007 08:59 PM

I'm back!

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 09:03 PM

Welcome back! ^^

Ikarus 12-04-2007 09:08 PM

So how are you?

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 09:09 PM

I'm good. ^^

I just finished a 7 layer cookie that my mom made, but it's too bad that it's gone. They're really really good. >.<


Kitti 12-04-2007 09:10 PM

Im back too

that cookie sounds good!

Some Random Randomness 12-04-2007 09:14 PM

It was delicious. :o

It had ground coconut, chocolate, caramel, walnuts, vanilla wafer crust and 2 other things, I just don't know what they are.

But boy was it good!

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