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Clorissa 12-26-2008 02:32 AM

hi there, Rylynne

` Pocky 12-26-2008 02:33 AM

O, I didn't know that Xenon was highly explosive.
I will have chemistry starting in February. Last year my chemistry class didn't teach us much about the elements further down on the table xP

I am going to go eat dinner now, I'll be back later <333333333333333

Rylynne 12-26-2008 02:35 AM

@ Clorissa : How are you today? :> <3

@ Pocky : Have a good dinner then~ =D <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 02:40 AM

Have a nice supper :D

Rylynne - I'm okay. Kinda stressed, but okay nontheless.

Rylynne 12-26-2008 02:43 AM

@ Clorissa : Stressed? :< Why so? =O


Hugs are proven to relieve stress~ :3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 02:45 AM

Ry: Just a long day. relatives, angry children, the whole nine yards.

Rylynne 12-26-2008 02:56 AM

@ Clorissa : Ohh, I see. =O I do hope that you're able to relax soon then. :3 <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 03:04 AM

I'm feeling a little better now :D
Mene's a good stresskill

Rylynne 12-26-2008 03:06 AM

@ Clorissa : That's good then~ =D

I never thought of Mene as a way to relieve stress though. ^^;; That could just be me though. xDD;; <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 03:24 AM

Well, sitting down here and just talking to nice people is fairly calming, I think, at least.

Rylynne 12-26-2008 03:29 AM

I see, I see. :3

Well, then I hope that my talking to you helps relax you then~ ^^ <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 03:48 AM

Hehe, sure :D

What're you upto?

Rylynne 12-26-2008 03:51 AM

Me? Just posting around here till it's time for me to eat lunch. :> It's almost 12 noon anyway. ^^ <3

And yourself? =D <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 03:56 AM

Aussie? :O

Being ridiculously bored.
Anything interesting on your mind to talk about?

` Pocky 12-26-2008 03:58 AM

Back from dinner!!!!

Yayayayay you two posted a lot while I was gone <333333

@Clorissa: No, she is from the Philippines. It's close to Australia though.

Rylynne 12-26-2008 03:58 AM

@ Clorissa : Nope. ^^;; Asian. :> In the Philippines~ 8DD;;

And umm, right now? Not really. ^^;; I'm too hungry to think of something right now. xDD;;

Edit: @ Pocky : Welcome back from dinner, Pocky! =D And lolz, you answered before me. xDD;; <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 04:02 AM

Oooh. Neatplace!

Minu, do yoouu have anything interesting on your mind? :3

Rylynne 12-26-2008 04:04 AM

@ Clorissa : You should try and visit the area for a summer vacation during April or May, when it's summer here then. :3 We have the best beaches. =P <3

Clorissa 12-26-2008 04:05 AM

if I only had money, and the ability to leave the country D:

Rylynne 12-26-2008 04:14 AM

Well, I'm just saying that you keep the idea in mind. :3 We need more tourists here~ 8DD;; <3

` Pocky 12-26-2008 04:37 AM

@Rylynne: Yup I did!
O well I hope you eat lunch soon then!!

@Clorissa: I don't think I have anything interesting on my mind...
I am just posting in a few places like I have been all day ^^"

Well I hope you can go on a trip to the Philippines some day.
It is a great place to visit.

@Rylynne: It's too bad that I don't get to go there during those months. I have to go during July/August when its reaaaaal hot :gonk:
I haven't gotten to go to the really nice beaches yet either.

Rylynne 12-26-2008 04:38 AM

@ Pocky : Yup. :3 I hope so too~ 8DD;; I can smell it already... :drool:

And you should consider the Philippines for awesome beaches. >8D We're a tropical country, after all. ;3

` Pocky 12-26-2008 04:52 AM

O wow, it's super tempting when you can smell the food!
It sucks to cook when you are hungry because the smell is sooo overwheliming :gonk:

Ya, only makes sense that you have great beaches.
Although all the awesome ones are many hours away from Manila so it is a pain just to get to them.
I only hear stories from my mom about how great they are ._____________.

Rylynne 12-26-2008 07:18 AM

OMG. I agree. D: It also sucks that you're not allowed to touch the food yet, even when it's already laid out before you on the table. @_@

And yeah, the awesome ones aren't in Manila, sadly. :< But, if you take the time to go around, then you'll really get to enjoy the experience. =D

Some beaches though are only 2 hours or so away from Manila. :3 But, most of the really exotic beaches are in their own respective tropical island paradises, so, that can't be helped. 8DD;; <3

Your mom knows the beaches here then? :> <3

Hatake Ayumi 12-26-2008 02:24 PM



I am back for a bit... Ya know before my dad pulls me off of here to do geometry...

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