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Hidden Cupcake 07-04-2014 07:40 PM

Nate stopped for a moment, turning to tell bell-boy that 'yes the last time he checked he was human' when he was quite rudely interrupted by an arm in his chest and his back against the wall. This guy had a very bad habit of interrupting him.

And then he could barely breathe, that man's arm pressing hard on his ribs and causing him to wheeze every now and again. Then bell-boy was...was he smelling him? Nate managed to wheeze out something, a half-formed insult or another.

The pressure let up after that, causing him to suck in a breath. "Ggh...yeah I can...I can hear it," he panted, glaring down at the rather annoying fellow pinning him to the wall. "I have ears don't I?"

Then bell-boy explained. He explained that humans shouldn't be able to hear, shouldn't even be aware of it. And Nate felt something curdle in his stomach.

"I...I'm pretty sure I'm human..." he muttered, looking away. " I am...I am human. There is no question to that."

There was a twitch out of the corner of his eyes, a movement. His eyes flashed over but he saw nothing. Because there was nothing there. It was gone he had made sure of it. It had curdled and screamed and melted into the floor of his kitchen he had watched it. He had killed it. He was positive. It was dead.

He didn't realize his breathing had become erratic until his head swam. He gasped slightly, sucking in large amounts of air in an attempt to even it out. "Human...yes...yes human..." he mumbled quietly, more to himself than the man on his chest. Trying to convince himself.

Kry 07-04-2014 08:10 PM

Bell sniffed at the man again while he spoke, then shrugged. "You smell human." The words were spoken slowly, almost as if Bell didn't really believe it himself, then shook his head. "You're just an odd human then." The vampire did seem to believe that, though the word he wanted to use was 'insane' or maybe 'crazy'. "It doesn't matter I suppose, it just surprised me." He was frowning a bit when the man's breathing became rather erratic and he let go immediately. Taking a few steps back. "Yea, you're just odd. My name is Bell, by the way. Though you called be 'bell-boy' earlier. I figured you'd heard my name from one of the others, not that you actually heard all that jingle jangle." He waved his hand, as if for emphasis of the noise, making the bells tinkle almost furiously with the fast motion. He didn't do it long, only for that emphasis.

Still there was nothing else to do about it. Such a revelation had surprised Bell, but now he was over it. So a human could hear him? That was just one he couldn't sneak up, that was all that meant, really. At least to him that was pretty much all that meant. He remained standing there though, a few steps way, watching the man almost intently. "Well, I might not kill you if you're still here when I get back, but I really don't like humans." The vampire stood there, watching that man, just a hint of concern at the edge of his eyes. A little worried when the man's breathing had become erratic, so Bell lingered instead of just being done with things and hurrying off.

Skulduggery 07-05-2014 10:02 PM

Jereth nodded at Rose, "Sure thing." He simply said, already knowing where to get some candles. "I'll be right back." He told them, before heading back upstairs to his room. He went to his bedside immediatly, and grabbed an armful of candles.

As he walked down the stairs once more, something came to his mind. A faint thought, but one anyway. Trying to balence the candles, as well as plan out his next move if they went along with it, he almost dropped everything several times. Maybe time to stop thinking with his hands.

He reached the kitchen once more, and put the candles on the countertop one at a time. "Joys of being magic, you always have spare candles." He weakly joked, before looking towards the werewolf and the human. Looking back at Rose, his hair falling off of his pointy ear, "I could try and fix the wolf, you know. I've been working on a new trick.. I mean, yes, it's probably quite unpleasant for her, but I could do it."

Hidden Cupcake 07-06-2014 02:57 AM

Nate tried desperately to even out of breathing, taking in long breaths through his nose and exhaling out his mouth. It began to work, his breathing starting to even out. He noticed a few seconds later that bell-boy removed himself from his chest. How polite.

He lifted a hand, scratching at his chest before he nodded, confirming he heard the other's name. "Y-yeah...yeah...I'm Nate," he muttered, flashing the other a shaky grin.

He took another calming breath before he nodded again, this time to himself. "I'm uh...yeah I think I'm gonna take up that offer on coffee...need...yeah need a drink..."

He gave the other a shaky look when Bell stated that he probably wouldn't kill him. Though he still hated humans. That caused Nate to chuckle, a smile splitting his face. "I'll keep that in mind.." he muttered, shaking his head as he straightened himself out and began to make his way shakily down the hallway.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-09-2014 07:26 PM

((Sorry for the disappearance guys! I've had a bit of depression that's keeping me from doing much at all. But I think it's on it's way out, and I will be around again! :)))

So the beings who lived there, didn't even know who the other man was? And he just kept showing up there? Katerina thought it strange for a moment, but then wondered if perhaps, he was just like her! Maybe he was just studying these creatures, too. Maybe.

A tall man with light blonde hair appeared in the kitchen, and he had pointy ears. Was he maybe, some kind of elf? It was clear to her that humans weren't exactly safest here, and that none in fact lived here. Katerina's gaze fell back onto Rose. Then what was she? And she was talking to Kat, too.

"Hm? Oh," she thought for a moment. How to explain it all? "Well, my brother and I have been researching and following supernatural incidents and occurrences for a few years. There was a real big cover-up in Farefield a few years back, did you hear about that? I've been traveling while he's kind of, home base. Most people think we're crazy, so he's fallen back from being very hands on."

"He called me a few days ago with a lead on this place," she waited for the woman's expression. "I was actually incredibly shocked to find that anyone actually lived here. And," she put her hands up in defense with a smile, "I really didn't come here to harm anyone! I just needed to know..."

She took on somewhat of a childish and sheepish look then. She did feel bad for intruding, and of course for hurting someone, not that it was her own fault that that vampire and his pet were psycho. "I'd have given, anything to find a place like this," she said. "I really hope... you don't make me go...", she said, expression hopeful.

Hidden Cupcake 07-10-2014 03:44 AM

He wasn't that far from the kitchen now, Nate moving faster as he managed to straighten himself out, breathing normalizing.

Only for him to come into earshot of the kitchen and for his breathing to skyrocket again.

He had heard her, that one word echoing out of the door like a slinking swarm of flies. Farefield. Farefield, Farefield, Farefield. It echoes in his skull, bouncing around like a scream off trees.

He was in the doorway before the woman (which one was it there were two - three? couldn't tell vision was tunneling again - and it was impossible to tell who had said what) had finished speaking, staring into the kitchen with a look akin to one a man on death row would have; resigned and cold.

"What," he hissed, voice low and sharp, "do you know about...Farefield?" The word left his lips like sludge; slow and foul tasting. Like a poison.

((I'm sorry to hear you're not having a very good time. I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better though! And Welcome Back!))

Q U E E N 07-11-2014 10:03 PM

"Interesting..." Rose looked at the woman with scrutiny. Farefield, huh. Rose did remember something happening in a town with that name, but couldn't recall what. So now Rose knew what the human was doing here. She didn't seem dangerous at all, and she had shot the werewolf only out of self-defense.

Admittedly, it was odd for a human to seek out supernatural beings. Usually, they didn't care at all, and if they knew, they wanted to stay as far away as possible. That's why Castel Nosferatu was located in such a secluded area. "You know..." Rose lowered her voice so that Bell would not be able to hear her words, because she knew this would upset him. "...I can help you out. Obviously, there are no other humans here, but you're welcome to stay. I promise we don't bite."

Rose glanced at the doorway after hearing Bell talking to the strange man who hung around a lot. She then spoke again to the human. "Anyways, there are a bunch of spare rooms upstairs. You can...bring your brother here as long as he doesn't cause any trouble." She gave a half-smile and a shrug. After all, this place was quite boring when there was nothing to do. Helping the humans with some research couldn't hurt. "I'm Rose, by the way. A vampire."

p o p p e t ♥ 07-12-2014 12:09 AM

Katerina's face lit up like a kid in a candy store. But quickly another wave of nausea took her. She really couldn't stay in this kitchen. She would certainly stay with the invite, and would be calling her brother as soon as possible.

Through the nausea, she offered a smile. "Thank you. I'm Katerina," she replied. She mulled over how serious the woman may have been in saying that they don't bite here. Maybe she didn't, but she didn't trust those other two as far as she could throw them.

Then the man from before entered the kitchen. "It's you," she said. "You're okay, that's great...", but he was asking about Farefield. Katerina furrowed her brow and nodded. He seemed to be bothered by the mention of the place. Or maybe he had a concussion or something.

"Do you need to sit down?" she asked, closing the distance between them to make sure he was steady on his feet.

Hidden Cupcake 07-12-2014 07:17 PM

It was her the one bell-boy - Bell his name was actually Bell don't let the irony of it escape you Nate - had been screaming at earlier that was her voice. She was the one who had mentioned that place.

Nate watched her, lip twitching slightly as she moved forward. She spoke, asking if he needed to sit, stating it was great he was OK. She got closer, moving toward him with a mild concern in her eyes.

When she got close his hand shot out, grabbing her arm, fingers tight as he jerked her closer, face twisting slightly. He was fine. He didn't need to sit. His head wasn't as fogged as it was earlier. He was thinking straight. There was only a buzz in his ears now.

"What," he hissed again, staring at her with a nasty mix of anger and what could only be described as concer, though who it was really for is anyone's guess, "do you know about...that place..."

The word failed to leave his mouth. He had said it once enough. Just the mention a few moments ago had dragged bloody memories kicking and screaming back to the surface. His neck hurt.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-13-2014 01:33 AM

No sooner than Katerina had reached for him, his hand shot out and grabbed her. It startled her and a mix of shock and confusion crossed her features, and then concern. His fingers were digging into her skin and he seemed very bothered. "Ouch," she said aloud, hoping he'd realize he was actually starting to hurt her.

She nodded again. "Yeah," she replied. "I traveled there recently. There was a really big cover-up there a while back. There aren't many people left there." Her face turned to a look of sorrow. "Most of them were murdered, or disappeared mysteriously. But when I interviewed the people who lived there, their memories seemed to have been erased of anything ever happening. It was very strange. They all told the exact same story of sunny days and people moving away, even people who had died."

"But, the sun never shines there. And no one moved away. Whatever had happened there, happened so quickly and right under everyone's noses, up until the end anyway. No one had time to get out. There was one person though, a girl, Rebecca something. She seemed to be the only person who knew anything. But she wouldn't tell me. It was like she was protecting some big secret."

"I'm convinced it was supernatural. When I did some digging into the town's history, I found that it was built on these ley lines, that are basically just giant beacons to supernatural creatures. And that wasn't the first time something like that had happened there." She gave the information as if telling some kind of campfire story, though very excited about it.

Katerina tugged at her arm. "You're starting to freak me out a little bit," she finally mumbled. She glanced at Rose, and the other male in the room, questioning if they were following the conversation at all, but mostly wondering if they'd help her out if this guy lost it.

Hidden Cupcake 07-13-2014 06:29 AM

Nate's grip tightened, fingers curling and tightened into her skin as she spoke. Described the dreary, half abandoned town he left behind. Though the cover story thing was new to him. His gaze drifted away for a small moment, focusing on a nick in the wall.

Until he heard Rebecca's name and his eyes snapped back. She was still there? Why? She had every reason to just leave like he did, to take the shattered remains of her life and try to build something somewhere else. Granted she didn't have much to fear. There wasn't much blood on her hands or specters on her shoulders if he recalled right.

Could be wrong. Everything was a haze, a flurry of screams and buzzing flies and slick blood on his hands. He vaguely recalled her face, speckled with blood, staring at him with a look of horror.

She finished speaking, saying nothing that Nate knew or recognized aside from Rebecca. He finally nodded shakily, releasing her arm with a slight jerk.

"OK...OK good," he muttered, lifting his hand and running his hand over his mouth. "Good. Keep it that way."

He moved past her then, gently slipping past and making his way to the counter. " some coffee if that's alright. Bell-boy said it was..." His voice was shaking, uneven, scratching at the edges. His nostrils flared sporadically as he breathed unevenly. He rubbed at the base of his neck, just above where it met with the shoulder.

Q U E E N 07-13-2014 02:51 PM

The vampiress zoned out of the conversation that the human and the strange man were having and tried to remember why the name of the town felt so familiar. Oh, she thought. A flicker of recognition passed her face. Katerina mentioned the town being built on some supernatural beacons, and the fact that the people there disappeared mysteriously. That was the town that... She tried to remember what she knew of the incident, but couldn't recall what it was exactly. Rose knew that something pretty terrible had been going on there recently. The last time she'd passed by Farefield, it had been a century ago. It had been sunny and everyone was friendly. In other words, it seemed like a normal, quaint little town in the middle of nowhere. She did remember some supernatural beings fleeing from that town and coming to the Castle for a while, but had forgotten who they where and the reason for their escape.

Rose was startled when the strange man took hold of the human. It didn't seem like he was going to hurt her, but he certainly could if he wished to. The man seemed to know of Farefield, Rose noted. Almost as if he had come from there himself. As Katerina told the story of the town, more and more started to flood back into Rose's mind. The human mentioned other things happening in Farefield, which sparked Rose's interest. "What else happened there?"

"About that town..." Rose turned to face the strange man as she snapped back into reality. He seemed to be nervous or anxious, and was breathing pretty heavily. She glanced at Katerina to see if she noticed his strange behavior before talking to him. "Do you know something about it?"

Kry 07-13-2014 09:09 PM

Bell had finally made his way to and out the front door without anymore interruptions along the way. He stood on the porch and stared up at the sky for a moment, as if to judge how much light might press through the gloom and fog. Though usually there was never enough sunlight to drive away vampires. Bell had decided to take a trip into the village, he was hungry. He could feel the pull and burn in his veins, that need for fresh, pumping, vigorous life blood. He licked his lips for a moment, then whistled. It was a sharp, high pitched whistle.

Not long after Bell had whistled, Red came trotting to him from around the castle, eager and pleased to see his master. Though not quite so eager once Bell sent him inside and upstairs to put on decent clothing for walking around town in. When Red returned to him from inside the castle, the vargulf was wearing tight pants that hung low on his hips and a tight black sleeveless shirt. His hair had even been brushed, which Bell quickly worked that length into a single braid down Red's back. Red was even wearing shoes. The two started down the path that would take them to the village proper.

Hidden Cupcake 07-16-2014 05:03 AM

Nate's eyes flashed over to the fair-looking woman, eyeing her for a quick moment before jerkily shaking his head. " to know," he muttered, looking away quickly.

Images flashed in his mind; dark trees and darker bodies, black blood slicking mud and wood, a view from above a stiffness in his chest wood just beneath him he felt like he was floating then with a blood soaked forest floor beneath him, Rebecca and another one what was her name he knew it he did but he could not remember, a too large wolf, a vampire...

He shuddered violently, shaking his head again and making his way to lean heavily on a nearby counter. "N-nothing...nothing to know..." he stuttered, staring at the counter he was leaning against with the interest of someone who wanted nothing to do with the current topic of discussion.

"Leave it at that...l-leave it alone..." He shouldn't have said anything, should have just left at the mention. He had opened a door and any prodding they did would be his fault and his alone. He could hear the flies again, buzzing incessantly in his ears. One walked lazily over his fingers and back onto the counter.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-16-2014 03:01 PM

Katerina made eye contact with Rose when the vampire looked at her. She definitely noticed the strange behavior. When Rose asked him if he knew something about the place, he denied any knowledge. Well, that wasn't the truth.

He clearly knew something about it or he wouldn't have asked, and certainly wouldn't be having this reaction to the small discussion about it. But, Katerina would leave it be, for now at least. She'd more than likely ask him about it again later, when he seemed, better. Katerina had her suspicions about the place, but he knew something she didn't.

She looked at Rose again when the man leaned against the counter as if to say she was giving up. She gave a light shrug. "Okay," she said. "Well I wanted to thank you anyway," she said giving him a friendly smile. "That purple haired guy is really hostile. If not for you, who knows what would have happened."

In the time that she spoke she'd taken a few steps toward him as to not have to raise her voice too loud for him to hear. "So thanks," she said with that friendly smile. Then she noticed the fly and her olive green eyes dropped to it. It was just crawling across his hand, and it was gross.

"Uhg," she said to him and to Rose. "The flies are getting pretty bad in here." Katerina assumed the flies were from the deer carcass, that was no longer in the middle of the kitchen, though much of its blood was. Her face paled again at the thought of it, and a dull throbbing began in her head. She really couldn't handle the smell or sight.

"Forgive me Rose," she said, "I can't stay and help you clean that up." A wave of nausea hit her again and for a moment she looked like she might lose her lunch. "I'm going to go call my brother, excuse me." She was already halfway to the door on that note, and soon she was gone from sight.

Katerina exited the large estate to her car in the drive. Her cell phone was somewhere in the car, and the fresh air would do her good. She wrenched the door open and slid inside, leaving the door jarred. She dug around for her phone, but found that it was dead. She grumbled a little bit, but soon reached into the back and grabbed a bag. Inside it was a phone charger, along with clothes and other necessities.

She grabbed another bag, this one with various protection things, some weapons, others were herbs and such, and her laptop. She sat there for a moment with her bags in her arms, blinking up at the estate. She was really here, and so were they. Katerina felt giddy inside, but reminded herself to stay professional.

Kry 07-16-2014 09:16 PM

Bell and Red were already out of sight on their way into town when the human came out to her car. Bell would have been angry to see she wasn't leaving and only getting things and bringing them into the house. His house. His safe haven from humans. The vampire assumed the woman would be gone when he and his pet returned. She would either drive away on her own, or someone would eat her. He licked his lips, the hunger was burning very strongly now and they were nearly into to town. He made some small talk with his vargulf, but mostly the trip was a silent one, only punctuated by the tinkling of bells that surrounded Bell. The vampire was feeling rather aggressive, a bit moody. Feeding would probably help calm that down quite a bit.

Q U E E N 07-17-2014 12:03 AM

Rose took a quick glance out the window to see that Bell and the vargulf were heading towards the small village, probably to get something to eat. After such a debacle, the purple-haired vampire was surely aching for some fresh blood. She tended to get like that when she was feeling particularly angry or fired up.

The female vampire eyed the stuttering man curiously before deciding to leave him be. It didn't look like he would be very dangerous now. In fact, he was on the verge of death after being beaten up by Bell. Bell was certainly skinny, but he could pack a mean amount of power in a punch.

He certainly wasn't telling the truth about not knowing about the town, but Rose didn't want to push him any further. He was shaking, and looking as if he was having an anxiety attack. "Do you want some water?" Not knowing what else to do, Rose offered him some hospitality. She watched in a mixture of intrigue and slight disgust as flies buzzed around his bloodied face and one landed on his finger. Rose grabbed a roll of paper towels and placed them on the floor, letting them soak in the blood on the floor.

"Alright," Rose nodded as Katerina headed outside. "I'll be in here tending to this..." the vampiress gestured to the blood on the floor and grabbed a can of air freshener from a cabinet. "...mess." Just thinking about this was giving her a headache. Before the human walked out the door, she warned her about Bell. "Just so you know, Bell isn't going to like it when he comes back and finds you and your brother here. I try to be friendly with humans...he obviously doesn't."

Rose turned back to the male, who still seemed to be in a state of distress. She poured him a glass of cold water before picking up the bloody towels and disposing of them in the trash can. The fair female grabbed a towel and got on her knees to scrub the blood out of the floor. She spoke to the shuddering man while she got to work. "I'm not going to kick you out because you're probably just going to end back up in here anyways, but nobody here knows who the heck you are and how you got here. You're not fooling anyone by saying that you know nothing about that town, either."

p o p p e t ♥ 07-17-2014 08:22 PM

Katerina exited her car with her bags and headed up to the large mansion once again. She mulled over Rose's words. Maybe she wouldn't call her brother right away. Maybe Katerina would try to get on the purple haired one's good side, and then call her brother. Though she couldn't very well lie to him. She'd just have to step carefully around his questions then, when he called.

She sighed, pushing her way back in through the front door. Were there any other supernatural beings here? Katerina assumed she would find out soon enough. For now, she would pick a room, an empty one of course, and settle in and begin to make her first set of notes.

Katerina would also need to think of a way to help out here somehow. She would need to earn her keep, but in a house of supernaturals she would need to think outside the box. Perhaps Rose would have some ideas.

After a large intricate flight of stairs that branched off in two separate directions, Katerina found herself in a long and wide hall with very tall ceilings. The hall also branched off into other directions at various places. She'd have to make a map of this place.

She chose a room close off the main hall and knocked on the tall door. When there was no answer, she opened the door to a large bedroom that had no personal belongings in it. Good. She crossed the room and set her bags on top of the large canopy bed with intricately carved wood.

Supernatural beings sure lived fancy. The bedrooms were fit for royalty. Was this Rose's doing? She proceeded to unpack various things, though no clothes, not really sure if she was going to be as welcomed here by others, and if she'd be able to stay.

Some time later, Katerina was sitting on her bed. Notes were scattered around her and some books. Her laptop was open in front of her and she had a pencil in her mouth. She pushed a pair of glasses up on her nose and sighed. She didn't actually have much new information.

Katerina closed the laptop and laid back on the plush pillows, holding the pencil in her hand. That giddy feeling crept up again and she smiled. Who wouldn't? In a room like this with her life's work all around her. Today, despite earlier events, was a good day.

Kry 07-18-2014 04:15 AM

Bell, followed by Red, slipped into the village rather easily. It really was a village. To small to be considered a town, village was a rather apt classification of this place. For a while he just prowled down the sidewalk, having a bit of small talk with the vargulf. Though it was more as if Bell were conversating with himself. Red truly was a man of few words. He was hunting, but not really hunting for any one in particular, he would just take the first opportunity that appeared. It usually wasn't hard to get someone here, the gloom coupled with the long shadows of some of the buildings made concealing a kill easy, and Bell never left bodies behind.

In his opinion it was stupid for a vampire or even just a murderer to leave a body where it could be found. Especially since finding a body with two holes in the side of the neck would make everyone superstitiously jumpy, and then rumors and speculation that vampires were real would become more prominent, and then people would show up at his castle banging on the door with torches and pitchforks. Okay. More like with flashlights and guns. Bell shivered at the thought, and motioned Red down a side street that a woman had just turned down. No doubt heading towards one of the apartments down this road.

There weren't very many people out and about in this neighborhood, not that it mattered to Bell, he could easily pluck her off the side of the street without being noticed in a crowd if he wanted. He did prefer it this way though, less people milling about. It made the chances of getting caught, slight as they already were, almost nonexistent. Bell waited until she was standing in front of a door and fumbling for her key.

One moment she was standing there, the next she was gone. Bell was no longer beside Red either on that sidewalk. The vampire had struck. A hand clamping over the woman's lips, and an arm around her waist as he rushed her into the alleyway between her building and the one next to it. Deep in the shadows at the end of the alley, there he sank his fangs in that warm flesh and drank deeply of her life blood. Not long after that, Red slipped into the alleyway as well, and leaned against one of the buildings as he quietly waited for his master to finish feeding.

Hidden Cupcake 07-18-2014 06:33 AM

Nate vaguely heard the woman talk about flies and then leave, turning his head to watch her go. Flies. She sees...flies? His eyes darted back, eyeing the little insect on the counter top. It buzzed away idly.

He blinked down at it, breath coming out in little spurts. The woman who remained spoke to him then, a glass of chilly water placed next to him. Considerate. He brought it to his lips and took a shaky swallow.

"Thanks..." he muttered, giving her a slight smile as she went to wipe up the blood from the floor. He watched her idly, ignoring the buzz of the flies as they fiddled in the blood, only to buzz away again as she grew closer.

He perked when she mentioned not kicking him out and he chuckled softly, taking another drink of water. He shrugged when she told him no one believed that he didn't know anything.

"You don't have to believe anything I say," he mumbled, watching her. "It's just safer if you...leave it alone." He eyed the glass in his hand coldly, watching as a fly landed on the rim. He stared, making no move to shoo the buzzing pest away.

"Sorry I'm always here though. It's a nice place. And it smells a lot better than my little shack back in town..."

And he wasn't lying. Permeating out of his little hovel was the smell of dirty clothing, alcohol, and grime. But also something...thicker. Heavier. Like what a butcher's waste pit would smell like if it went uncleaned for many days.

PapillonCameo 07-18-2014 10:20 PM

Gwendolyn Travis
Gwen has wavy shoulder length brown hair and pine green eyes. Her skin is a peachy pale color, with a hint of freckles sprinkled here and there. She's rather petite, standing at 5"2" and a little on the plump side, and likes traveling everywhere on her bike. She also loves cooking.

Gwen moved to the castle town from her country of origin on the lottery money she'd won on the only ticket she'd ever bought. The town's mystery enchanted her from the very beginning, prompting her hasty decision.

She had just moved into town. Quaint little place that it was, it was exactly what she'd been looking for. Though she was rather young, Gwendolyn would much rather live in a place full of charm, and with a slow place of life, then in a huge city.

The brunette loved being able to ride through town on her bike. Looking at cottages, at the cute little streets on main street and watching the people. That was probably why she noticed the man with the really long red hair disappear into an alley. It was such an odd sight, so unusual to her, that she had to investigate.

The young woman signaled her turn by sticking her left arm out, and swept across the road. Her bike bumped when she charged over the curve, and into the alley. "Aaaw, fudge!" Trust her to fall right into one of the rumors she'd heard whispering around town. Amber eyes wide, she liked her lips and tried to decide what to do. Run, or charge?

Kry 07-19-2014 04:31 AM

Something rather unexpected happened. Someone followed them into the alley, or maybe not followed. Maybe that person just enjoyed riding their bikes in alleyways. This town did seem to house some strange humans within it at times, all the gloom and grey skies probably didn't help much. Bell had looked up almost immediately, the woman in his arms, beneath his fangs had gone limp moments ago. He was nearly done, Bell often fed fast, especially inside the town. It was best to get in and get back out rather quickly. Now that he'd been caught though, this other woman would have to die as well. He pulled his fangs from his victim's neck, and let the very last drop of her blood spill out of the bite wound.

Bell had been taught that you never take the last drop, if you did, it would draw you into death along with it's original owner. The last drop was never to be swallowed under any circumstance. It could have just been a vampire's version of an old wives tale, but Bell didn't want to try to find out on the chance it could be true. His arms around the dead woman tightened and he stepped back a bit further into the shadows. Perhaps the girl on the bike hadn't seen him yet. Red did seem to be standing in her way.

Red had moved, rather quickly, stepping directly in front of the girl on the bike, one hand out to rest on her bike, as if to stop it himself if she kept going. A slight scowl on his face. Had they been careless? Usually no one saw them, he was frowning a bit, but he didn't even glance over his shoulder towards Bell on the off chance that if the girl hadn't noticed the vampire some feet behind him, she would if he looked. Red's eyes narrowed a bit and he growled slightly.

"Go away." There was a bit of a growl in his voice as he spoke, giving her bike a slight push with the hand that rested on it. Bell would want this woman did if she had seen the vampire, Red knew that, and he was fine with that. Though it would be best not to kill too many people in one day.

PapillonCameo 07-19-2014 04:38 AM

Gwen frowned. She could run, but she couldn't charge forward. Not with the man's hand on her old fashioned, but new made, fendered bike. It was such a nice candy apple red color, brand new and without a scratch ... She would hate to see it in less then pristine condition. "No." She shoved the bike forward a bit with a push of her feet.

Hurting the man was really the last thing on her mind. "What's going on over here?" Gwen, petite though she was, nodded with confidence towards the back of the alley where the other man was hiding. The woman's limp form had worried her from the first. She ignored the growl completely. Preferring to try and stare the redhead down instead.

Kiyoto 07-20-2014 02:47 AM

✦✦ Usagi Ryouichi ✦✦

"Anything you desire to know about me, can be found here."

Sighing slightly, Usagi rested his head on his hand. His eyes stared out the window of the car as it moved along the rhoad. He was on his way to a small town, to take care of some buisiness. He was here for Levyathan, on buiseness that was more...supernatural. He was heading up to the castle within these parts, to speak with the owners on a matter. He glanced at the file next to him. He frowned slightly, and looked away. Why would Levyathan send him way out here? He knew better than to ask questions, he trusted the man. The car stopped at the edge of the limits to the area. He would be going on alone from here. Stepping out, he picked up the file, as well as his bag.

He thanked the driver, before he walked along the path. His mind on the task at hand, the owners were supposed to be expecting him but... A light sigh passed though his lips. Quite a hassel indeed, he ran a hand lightly through his hair. He paused for a moment though, a feeling coming to him from up ahead. The shadows up there were alive with the presence of three people. His eyes narrowed slightly, as he paused within the street. He was unsure for a moment if he should intrude, it was none of his business. He could feel from what was going on within the shadows, that two were not human. The female who was lingering around them was a fool, she was testing her luck.

He stepped closer, coming into view of the scene. As he had thought, there was the woman before an ally. A man stood there, the other was deeper within the ally between two buildings. He liiked at her for a moment, once more thinking for a moment if he should intervene. He sighed, he could not simply let her get into harms way. He moved closer, "a bit of an odd place to be gathering?" he spoke, making his presence known. He stopped by the female, his eyes moving to the red haired man. Usagi currently stood within a black suit, which made his hair and eyes stand out even more. He was in no condition to be getting into a scuffle with this attire, not that he could not hold his own if need be. Closer now, he could get a better idea of the man within the ally.

His own shadow seemed to turn ever so slightly, to make contact with the one within the ally. A chill ran down his spine, as the information from the shadows came flooding in through his own. So, there was a fourth party..He had not noticed her at first, since she was no longer alive. He sighed, one thought came to mind...vampire. This girl certainly was playing with fire. He looked to her, deciding to do them all a favor and end this before it escilated. "Forgive my intrusion...I was wondering if either of you could assist me" he smiled warmly, "I have just arrived and am completely horrid with directions at this would not happen to know where I might find the rhoad to the castle hmm?" Hopefully the woman would be smart enough and kind enough to take his offer and help, or the two others would make a move instead. Either way, it was an opportunity to avoid confrentation.

Q U E E N 07-20-2014 08:33 PM

Footsteps echoed as they searched for an empty room in the castle. Rose listened as Katerina found a suitable place to stay for the time being, and bent down to get the last pools of blood soaked up into the towel.

She was a vampire, but she had always preferred human blood. Animal blood was...different. It tasted like the wild and it always came with a strange aftertaste that lingered for too long. The overwhelming scent of the deer's blood permeating the air almost made her want to gag, despite the fact that she had been drinking blood for centuries now.

Once the last of the mess was cleaned up, she threw the towel in the trash and sprayed the air with air freshener, hoping that it would be strong enough to mask the smell of a rotting animal carcass. She liked to keep the castle looking clean and fresh. You never knew who could show up out of nowhere for a surprise visit, after all.

She listened to the guy mumble about leaving the issue alone and something about the place he lived. Rose sighed. Although she tried hard to keep things running smoothly around here (which included kicking out strangers), her kindness would not allow her to kick anyone out of the castle, even if they were an unknown stranger.

Looking at the male more carefully, she noticed that he was in extremely bad shape. He had fought with Bell almost an hour ago, but only now were the bruises starting to appear. Not to mention, there seemed to be flies buzzing around his head constantly, but he never really acknowledged any of them.

"You know..." Rose couldn't understand him, but she wanted to help him in any way she could. "If you ever need anything, just come find me. And it's okay if you hang around here, It doesn't matter." She was curious about his connection to the town of Farefield, but decided to keep her mouth shut for now. No need to go prying in matters that weren't related to her, after all.

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