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Kat Dakuu 02-20-2015 11:46 PM

Even though he let out a loud groan, Percy nodded. "Whatever. I blame you when I get burnt though. I will haunt you!" He started kicking the trash together in the least damp part of the basement he could find. Getting the tender for a fire wouldn't be the hard part. Keeping it all dry and going would take skill. "What I wouldn't do for some gasoline right now..." he muttered before motioning for Kallen to light their little bonfire. He didn't want to be the one to do the honors when things went terribly wrong. Kallen could be to blame for this stupid (but still the only) plan. Despite the basement being ill kept, he hadn't managed to collect a pile much bigger than one hand tall and two wide though. "You think that's enough?"

Naruto forever 02-21-2015 12:34 AM

Kallen laughed. "Sure thing," he said, "I wouldn't mind being haunted anyways." He didn't show any signs of being nervous, and he really wasn't anyways. Even if the entire cell did burst up in flames, Kallen was sure he could think of a plan to at least get himself out. If he couldn't get Percy out...then oh well. But the main plan was still to get the two of them out of there. Kallen knew he would need help, so he was going to use it. He grabbed Percy's lighter, fingering the metal in his hand as he looked down at the pile of garbage.

He nodded at Percy, kicking the uneaten food into the pile as well, hoping it would help giving more of a smell to the fire. The pile was close enough to the door that the smoke would go into the hallway outside, but far enough so that the men would have to step into the room. Kallen lit the lighter, and without a second thought threw it into the pile of rubbish. "Hope you won't miss that thing," Kallen said afterwards.

As the fire continued to grow larger and larger, Kallen felt his heart start to beat just a little bit faster. It must have been at least ten minutes by now, give or take some, and no one had shown up. Kallen had heard some concerned mummers but nothing too serious. If the men didn't come in, he'd have to think of a plan quick. Just as he was bringing his sleeve up to his face though, a loud shout was heard from outside the door. There was a few more seconds of unintelligible shouting before the was burst open, and two men came running in. "What a perfect coincidence," Kallen laughed, glancing over at Percy. Without any warning Kallen ran forward, tackling one of the men to the ground. For once he was happy with the number of brawls he used to get into. He may not be strong, but he definitely knew how to fight to win.

Kat Dakuu 02-21-2015 12:59 AM

The fire didn't look like much. Nothing like in the movies. As Percy watched it grow though, the smoke increased, making his eyes bleary. He stepped tot he side of the door as much to get used to it as in preparation if and when people decided to come save their butts. Just as he started to have doubts all over again, Two men rushed in. He almost missed it with the fire distracting him. Out of the way as he stood though, they ran past and Percy pulled the shard of plastic from his pocket. "Take that idiots!" he snapped before jumping on the other guy from behind.

Momentum caused them both to tumble to the ground, feet away from the fire, but Percy didn't have the size to brawl properly. He stabbed once, missed, got pinned to the ground. "Shit!" He jabbed the little shard into the other man's stomach and pushed him away where he lay gasping and cursing. Percy backed up a few quick steps, the adrenaline making them jerky. "Oh man! Holy shit! I hope you don't mind if I stab them!" he exclaimed in a rush of breath.

Naruto forever 02-21-2015 04:59 PM

Kallen gave short laugh, one that sounded no different from a toddler laughing while playing with toys. "As if I'd care," he said. He had no feeling towards either of them, no attachments. For all he card, they could both burn to death. Kallen quickly swiped the gun from the man he was fighting with, giving him a harsh hit on the head with the but of the gun afterwards. The man staggered, and almost fell but somehow kept his balance. "Ok, so you're not that drunk are you?" Kallen hummed, "Whatever." The man still seemed to be dizzy from the hit on the head so Kallen quickly looked over at Percy and began to make his way to the door.

"Get his gun and get out," he said. It wouldn't be long until some of the others came, and Kallen didn't want to have to fight against an entire group of people. He didn't think he and Percy would be able to do it. Once Percy was out of the room, Kallen closed the door softly, hoping that it wouldn't make too much of a noise as he did. "Ok, now what?" he asked Percy, "Which way do you think we should go?"

Kat Dakuu 02-22-2015 12:04 AM

Percy grabbed the gun and felt the familiar weight. He pocketed the plastic bit of dagger in case he needed it and hurried out the door. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming!" For a second, he just looked around, seeing lit halls with one bulb on the left end flickering madly. He saw doors on both sides and not much to show which way they should go. In another situation, it might be good to split up, but he didn't think either of them would get out if they did that. It was shady enough as is. Why did Kallen have to ask him?! Picking at random, Percy jerked his thumb to the right.

"Right is right, eh?" he whispered back and started off at the quickest, quiet pace he could manage. Lord knew when others would come. Once he reached the door at the end of the hall, he pressed himself to one side of the wall and waited for Kallen to catch up in case something awful lay on the other side. "Ready?" He paused, then started to count down from three before reaching for the door handle.

Naruto forever 02-24-2015 10:57 PM

Kallen smirked, but nonetheless followed Percy to the right. As they approached the door Kallen felt his heart start beating very loudly. He wasn't sure if it was out of fear or adrenaline....or both, but he honestly wished it would just calm down. It seemed as if it would jump out of his chest any second now. Kallen tightened his grip on the gun, being ready to shoot incase people waited for them on the other side.

Instead, when the door was fully opened, the room it lead to was empty. Kallen walked in, his heart now calming down but the rush of adrenaline still with him. He flicked the safety of the gun on and shoved it into the belt of his pants, making sure it was secure enough so it wouldn't fall out. He gave a small sigh when he saw that the room was connected to another hall, feeling annoyed that it may have just lead to another dead end. But upon taking a closer look he saw just a few steps around the corner. Turning back to Percy he flashed a smile. "Good job, looks like the stairs are just down there."

He carefully walked towards the stairs, keeping a hand on the gun just in case. But, just as he had suspected, there was no one there. When he was by the end of the stairs however, Kallen was able to hear voices coming from above. He mentally cursed the people, but shook it off and tried to keep his composure. "After we get up there, I know the layout by heart, so I can lead us out," he said. He paused for a second, debating his words, but continued, "The tricky thing is there's going to be people up there-obviously-and if they see us it'll be like an aggressive game of cops and robbers." Kallen stood there, unmoving. He wasn't sure what to do. He could practically envision the way out from the top of the stairs, and it shouldn't be too hard, but he wasn't sure how many people were going to be there. He wasn't so sure about Percy, but if the rest of the gang spotted him, Kallen was sure he'd be shot and left for dead. I mean I guess I deserve their anger...but still...

Kat Dakuu 02-25-2015 12:20 AM

Percy jumped when he opened the door even though no one lay beyond. Adrenaline made him jittery. He should probably keep his finger away from the trigger, but unlike Kallen, he couldn't bring himself to let go of the weapon. He kept it held down at his side as he snuck into the room. "Damn, I should be glad no one's here, but I'm gonna go crazy opening doors and freaking out at nothing," he muttered as he crept in, his back to one wall. The stairs led up opposite of him, so he had a good view to the top. Good, so they knew what the hell they were doing now.

Once he stood right behind Kallen, close enough to hear the voices above, reality crashed down. Percy glanced at Kallen, then back at the top of the stairs. It only took him a few seconds to respond. "Well, we expected it. Come on, let's go already before I have time to back out!" he exclaimed in a whisper tone. Better to get shot now than live in a basement, not knowing what his fate might be. Percy shifted from foot to foot, already ready to get out there. "Don't tell me you're scared!" Because he sure as hell would be if he let himself think about it.

Naruto forever 02-25-2015 01:31 AM

Kallen glanced at Percy with a scowl. "Of course I'm not," he huffed. Lie. He was scared, he was more than scared. But his stupid pride got in the way of him admitting to that; he didn't want to look like some wimp."Fine then," he mumbled, "Lets get it over with."

As the started to quietly make their way up the stairs Kallen's heart beat started to increase once more. Now he was certain it was because he was terrified of being shot and killed. He may be a bit reckless from time to time, but he had never done something like this, and he had never done anything where he was more than certain he could--and probably would--die. He licked his lips and brought the gun up, flicking the safety off. Before he got to the top of the stairs he motioned for Percy to come stand beside him. "We may as well shoot at the same time and run," he whispered. That wasn't really what he was thinking though, but he wasn't about to admit what he really was thinking of. If someone's beside me we'll have a better shot of not getting shot, or at least only one of us will be the main target.

Kat Dakuu 02-25-2015 04:46 AM

Percy felt his own heart quicken hearing Kallen say he wasn't afraid. Then he really couldn't say he was either. With a jerky nod, he stepped up beside the other boy, his gun held ready in a hand that he forced not to tremble. "Y-yeah...that's a good idea. Are you ready?" He glanced past the corner to where he heard voice, now much louder than they seemed at the bottom of the stairs. He guessed at least five nearby. After gathering in a deep breath he started counting down again, but this time from ten because he needed the few extra seconds to collect himself. If they ran fast enough...yeah, maybe they'd come out alive. Crud, he was going to pee his pants if they waited any longer.

"One!" Percy choked out, saying the last number far faster than the others. With that, he skid out into the hall, letting Kallen lead the way. His sneakers squeaked on the linoleum tile of the floor and he heard the voices pause. He could just imagine someone asking, 'did you hear that?'


Naruto forever 02-26-2015 11:52 PM

Kallen had started running the second Percy had said one. At first he was happy to notice there wasn't anyone around them, even though he knew that as they got towards the doors they'd come across some people. Still, he held the gun with tense hands, ready to shoot at whoever came.

When he heard the squeak, he had assumed it was someone coming towards them, and nearly turned and shot without a second thought. But it clicked that the squeak came from almost directly beside him. His eyes widened as he heard the buzz of chatter quiet down and his eyes widened while he looked at Percy. He had half a mind to just hit the other boy and leave him, but he knew that it wasn't on purpose, nor was there anything they could have down to prevent it. Biting his lip hard enough to nearly draw blood, Kallen stopped suddenly and spun on his heels harshly.

When the first man turned the corner, Kallen didn't hesitate to shoot him right away. A loud pop filled the room and echoed, and Kallen could basically hear the shouts of the other men by now.

He spun to face forward again and began to run faster, grabbing Percy by the wrist so that he could keep up. "At the end of the hall we'll turn right, not left. There'll be a few more people. After we get to the end of that room turn left, then just keep heading straight. It's not the main entrance, but it's a side door. An alarm will probably go off once we exit it 'cause no one really uses it, but don't worry about it," he said.

Kat Dakuu 02-27-2015 01:03 AM

Percy jumped as Kallen's gun went off not far from his ear. It got the gangsters to fall back a little though since they didn't expect the escapees to have guns. It gave them time to set off running again. He didn't even think anything of Kallen grabbing his wrist. His heart pounded too fast to think and the feel of another person grounded his head, made him run with purpose. Otherwise he might have disregarded Kallen's words and just run straight until he hit a wall.

The sound of another bullet echoed behind them and plaster flew off the wall feet away from where the two boys ran. It went far wide, but it had Percy flinching anyway. Shit, shit, shit. The mantra continued to repeat in his head as he pushed his legs harder. They reached the turn in the hall with a few more gunshots peppering the walls around them. Percy skid to the right and bumped into the wall. He glanced back and poked his gun around the corner, firing off a few shots in hopes it would get these creeps off their back, even if he didn't aim. He could hear a few more people running toward them from the front now. Images of kill boxes flashed in his mind.

Naruto forever 02-27-2015 01:26 AM

Kallen found himself slowing down slightly as he tried to think of what to do next. There were people coming from behind them and people coming from in front of them. Quite frankly, they wouldn't be able to fight everyone off without getting hit with a bullet. His grip against his gun tightened. He wasn't about to let himself die in his own home while being known as a traitor. Actually, he didn't want to die here period.

As they ran down the hall Kallen tried to think of all the possible outcome. Somehow get out without a scratch? Probably not. Have a few bullets scrape them? Maybe. Get shot? Probably. Get shot fatally? Hopefully not. It wasn't until they came to the end of the second hallway, ready to turn left and make a fast break, that a group of men came before them, all holding up guns, or at least some sort of weapon. There were five men in front of them, and two of them. "Get ready to shoot and be shot," he mumbled with a half hearted laugh.

Kat Dakuu 02-27-2015 03:50 AM

They'd kept running and no one had gotten shot yet, but it didn't seem likely to stay that way. If Percy had the time for it, he would grab his cross that he come out from it's spot under his shirt and now swung freely. Instead, he just thought a quick prayer filled with emotion rather than word. "Not ready!" Percy exclaimed back to Kallen's question. But whether he was or not, they'd reached the end of the hall and he saw someone raise their gun. Percy fired, startled when he saw the guy crumple, and darted out of the way of the return fire, which ended with him tripping onto his knees even as he shot again. Strangely, falling must have helped. A bullet cut his shirt sleeve, but he didn't feel any sting, or was that his adrenaline ran too high to feel pain. Ah, who cared.

"Left! We're going left right?!" he squeaked as he staggered to his feet again. Maybe if they just ran like hell, they'd get through. Better than just standing still and waiting to get shot. With that thought in mind, he took off in what he thought was the right direction.

Naruto forever 03-03-2015 09:44 PM

Kallen held his gun tightly, firing shots at people who used to be considered comrades. Well at least they considered me one, he mentally laughed, They were just bothersome to me. He kept moving forward as he shot more and more people, steadily avoiding their shots. Honestly, he had been in this for long enough that he at least knew how to not get shot. For the most part at least.

He glanced over at Percy and nodded, "Yea!" he shouted back. He gave a few more shots before grabbing Percy's wrist once again and shoving past people. When they were mid-way down the hall, he let out a sigh and pushed Percy forward. Somehow, Kallen didn't exactly feel like trusting the other male's clumsy shots. "Keep going straight then just head out the door, I'll be there in a sec," he mumbled. Remind me why I'm not just running and leaving him behind? he mentally sighed. It was exactly uncharacteristic for Kallen to help someone, but it didn't mean that he didn't get annoyed at himself for doing so. He gave out more shots, taking slow steps backwards as people advanced on them. He had felt a few bullets graze his arms and legs earlier, but to be honest Kallen had expected more injury.

As if answering his thoughts, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He bit his lip, trying to ignore the pain and went to shoot again.


Kallen paused. He looked down at the gun and cursed. "Fuck, fuck, fucking hell right now?" he yelled as he spun and started to run towards the door. Of course it ran out of bullets. Of course. He held his shoulder to try and somehow ease the pain, as if just having his hand on the wound would be able to make the pain stop. When he got to the door, he swung it open and slammed it shut. He looked over at Percy and smirked, "Now we hide until they've given up...or we keep running 'till we get out. One or the other."

Kat Dakuu 03-04-2015 06:32 PM

Kallen's words sent a shock through Percy, calming some of his panic. Did he just tell Percy to run for it, as if he intended to cover the exit for him. Strange, strange. These sorts of things shouldn't happen between should-be enemies like them. Percy had just enough presence of mind to realize that, but he didn't pause to think then. He just ran. Somehow he made it out the door, skidded and scraped his knees until they both bled, but he'd take that over being shot any day.

More than a second passed. Percy glanced back at the door, worry overriding some of his own distress. Strange as it was, and maybe he should blame it on the situation, he felt like he should run back in and make sure Kallen got out. Before he could move though, the other boy staggered through the door and slammed it shut. Percy saw blood and his eyes went wide. "Oh shit! You got shot!" he exclaimed before even thinking about what Kallen said. Run? Hide? He grabbed a fistful of his hair and cursed again. "Of course we should hide! We've got to do something about...that!" He waved a hand at Kallen's shoulder. "Otherwise, how can you fight?"

Naruto forever 03-05-2015 08:18 PM

Kallen blinked at the surprise in Percy's voice. He hadn't really expected any reaction. "It's not that bad," he mumbled, a hand still covering the wound, "I was expecting it anyways." Nonetheless, he nodded at what Percy said. Hiding probably was the best option for now. He didn't exactly fancy getting shot at again.

Biting his lips he looked around. There really wasn't anywhere to hide. It was a long dark ally though, so maybe if they went far enough back that would be enough? Or maybe they could round the corner and hide somewhere from there? He sighed as he looked down the ally, and trash bin catching his eye. "Well I's cliched, but it's a good enough spot to hide if we hurry," he pointed over to the bin, already walking towards it.

Kat Dakuu 03-05-2015 08:37 PM

Didn't Kallen sound a little too cool and badass? Not that bad? Percy figured being shot had to hurt like hell, so why didn't Kallen just admit it. He just seemed to be that kind of guy though. "Just don't bleed out on me," he muttered before following the other boy's finger to the trash bin. He shrugged and ran over to it, kicking the thing just far enough away from the wall that he could wedge himself unseen from the door. "Fine, we're hidden now. You need to...cover that wound or something." Percy would be the first to admit he knew nothing about first aid, but they needed to keep the wound from bleeding, obviously. Staring down at himself, he realized he wore a light jacket still, an easily dispensable clothing item. He shrugged out of it and passed it over to Kallen. "Can you use this?"

Naruto forever 03-11-2015 02:09 AM

((sorry it took me a while to reply))
Kallen hummed and made his way to hide behind the trash bin as well. He crouched down, letting himself slouch against the wall and let out a sigh. His hand was still over his wound and he honestly didn't want to look down to see how much blood there was. Adrenaline was still pumping through him, but he knew that as soon as the adrenaline wore off he would feeling the intense pain of being shocked. That was something he wasn't exactly looking forward to.

He looked over at Percy and nodded. "Yea, I can," he said, grabbing the light jacket from the other boy, "Thanks." He took his hand off of his wound, still not daring to look down at it, and rolled up the sleeve of his shirt so he could gain access to the wound. He wrapped the jacket around his shoulder tightly, wincing as he did, and then let out a sigh. "I wonder if the bullet went right through or if it's still in there," he muttered to himself. He'd have to get to a doctor at least to get it checked out. Shaking his head he mumbled to himself again, "First things first, get out alive."

Kat Dakuu 03-11-2015 05:49 AM

Percy on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off of the wound. It wasn't that he hadn't seen anyone shot before. He was a gangster and family to the brutal gang leader, familiar with seeing punishment and the results of turf war. He however did not often see a living person bleeding so close to him and a someone he knew the name of at that. Finally he tore his eyes away. "P-probably a through and through. Bet it'd hurt more if the bullet got stuck," he said like he had any real idea. Just then, the back door opened and he shut his mouth.

Three men ran out the back door, shouting as they went, trying to figure out where Kallen and Percy went. Another came out as they ran off and he paused to look around the area. Percy's heart froze in his chest. His adrenaline never slowed from earlier and it just continued to rush through him until he felt lightheaded with it. Before he could die from not breathing, the last gangster ran past, saying they must have run to the road. Finally, Percy let out his held breath. "Damn..." he said in a shaky whisper.

Naruto forever 03-16-2015 02:20 PM

Kallen hummed, shifting a bit in his spot as he kept an eye on the door. "You're probably right," he spoke to Percy, keeping his eyes on the door. It was better if it just went through. Then maybe he could just leave it, or at least stop off at some sort of walk-in doctor who would stitch it for him. He knew a few of those around here, and he was even close to a couple of them considering how much he got hurt.

He watched as the men ran past him and Percy, and right down the street, a couple of them going in each direction. "Just wait here for a moment, so we'll have enough distance," he mumbled, more to himself than to Percy. After a few minutes had passed, Kallen stood up, giving a small stretch as he did. He looked down a Percy, giving a small smirk. "Seems like we're great partners in crime," he gave a small laugh.

Kat Dakuu 03-16-2015 05:45 PM

Percy's own laugh was weak in response. "Yeah, real great partners. Who would have thought." Now that the coast was clear, he stood up, but still with hesitation. He glanced around and saw for himself that no gangster shaped shadows lurked around the corners. It's not that he didn't trust Kallen, but that he felt wary enough to check himself. Probably if his head were on straighter, he'd find it surprising that he did trust Kallen in this situation.

"Want to head off that way?" he asked, pointing to another little street that ran parallel to this one. The guys hunting them had taken the main roads, so it seemed smarter to avoid those. "What are we going to do now? Try to get that fixed? Damn...we need somewhere to lay low for a while, but this is all your gang's territory. I know of some perfect spots, but we'd have to cross over into Dragon territory."

Naruto forever 03-23-2015 08:23 PM

Kallen gave a small hum. He wondered if he and Percy should even stay together beyond this point. After all, he was really only staying with him so he could get out of the jail without being killed. Then again, Percy did have a point about needing to lay low, and Kallen wasn't about to split up from the one person that could potentially give him up.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn't thinking straight. None of his thoughts were even making sense to him. Kallen felt as if his head was spinning as fast as some sort of ride at a carnival. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. "If you know some places, I say go for it. Even if it's in the Dragon territory, it's better than being here where everyone wants to kill us or whatever," he said.

Kat Dakuu 03-25-2015 02:17 AM

Percy gave a terse nod. It surprised him that Kallen agreed so easily, but he wasn't thinking straight either. He just accepted that as a good enough answer and moved on. After a shuffle of a step to the right, the started off in the other direction. "Then we'll keep to these back alleys. Lux can get your wound fixed up real quiet like so long as we cough up some money or better yet, some info. I figure between us, we've got plenty of that," he explained as he walked. Lux was on nobody's side. It's why he dealt mostly in secrets, not caring which side he helped or hurt. Irreputable maybe, but he had his uses.

At least the streets were clear of enemies now. Percy glanced back over his shoulder and for the first time wondered why he was sticking close to him. It was logical...yeah. It was since Percy failed at life and Kallen a little less so. But he was wounded now. Maybe Percy felt a little guilty about that since he managed to come out with only scrapes and tears in his clothes and Kallen covered the exit. "You sure you can make it there?" he asked, trying not to chew on his lip.

Naruto forever 03-30-2015 12:06 AM

Kallen followed Percy down the back alleys, deciding to trust him on this Lux guy. He shuffled his feet against the ground, and gave a snort when he heard the price of the Lux guy's services. Information was practically his trade after all. "I'm sure," he mumbled with a hint of sarcasm. He had enough secrets on multiple gangs--mainly his own of course--and he was sure that he could find something worthwhile for the guy who was going to fix him up.

Kallen rolled his eyes at Percy's next comment. He realized he was starting to show more of the bad side of his personality, but he honestly couldn't care less. His shoulder hurt, and quite frankly he felt like sleeping right now. "It's not like I haven't gotten shot before," he scowled, ignoring the fact that Percy was probably only asking out of worry.

It was true though. While he hadn't gotten shot often, this wasn't his first time. In fact, he was sure there were quite a few scars just from getting shot. Usually he was shot because of his idiocy though, not because he was escaping.

He gave rather loud sigh and ran a hand through his hair. Honestly, he had wished they had both emerged unscathed. If he hadn't been shot he'd be able to think clearly right now, and he wouldn't need to go get patched up or whatever. However he didn't wish that Percy had gotten shot instead. If that had happened Kallen had no doubt in his mind that he would've ended up feeling guilty about it. "So how far away is it?" he asked Percy, putting all previous thoughts away.

Kat Dakuu 03-30-2015 03:47 AM

"You've been shot before?" The question popped out before Percy could stop himself. He hadn't been shot. They were young. Sure they were gangsters, but it didn't mean they needed to go and get shot up. Besides, most people didn't get a chance to survive a second gunshot around here. Images of a fourteen year old boy flashed in his head--black hair, lifeless blue eyes. That was reality.

Percy glanced over at Kallen, not for the first time wondering about the other boy. What other secrets did he hide? And was he really okay. He glanced another three times before Kallen asked his question. Percy had to clear his throat as they'd been walking in silence for longer than probably both of them realized. His voice sounded odd in the quiet night air. "Not far. Two more blocks, on the edge between our two territories," he explained.

Steeling himself to be brave and not break down just because Kallen got injured, he continued walking. Just like he said, they found the place before too long. It was a strip club set in the back of a dingy alley with even more dingy people walking it. The smells of drugs and alcohol drifted out onto the street and the red neon sign somehow didn't light the darkness in the least. Percy hammered on the back door. "Two pigeons are about to fly!"

All times are GMT. The time now is 11:29 PM.