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Shadami 12-23-2017 10:01 PM

i shouldn't give my opinion about which since i'm a judge huh xD

star2000shadow 12-23-2017 10:02 PM

the light blue looks a tad better 'nods'

ghostPastry 12-23-2017 10:05 PM

ohhhh hmm, now that i see it i do prefer the darker blue. it just looks more like the original doll to me? but i guess it depends on what picture ref you're gonna use.

star2000shadow 12-23-2017 10:09 PM

this is true 'blinks sleepily'

Suona 12-23-2017 10:13 PM

I think the dark blue looks more recognizable but I prefer the style of skirt for the light blue. But the darker blue doesn’t have nice fluffy skirt options. :x

And so many of the references have red bows on her apron, but the waist bow layers underneath. The bow belt kind of looks okay.

ghostPastry 12-23-2017 10:16 PM

yeah, i agree. that sucks about the layering! but i think you made it look really good.

Shadami 12-23-2017 10:31 PM

Oh hey look, Cessy popped in and put her own contest in!

Suona 12-23-2017 11:02 PM

I...I don't know how to decide :gonk:

bloodstainedwings 12-23-2017 11:27 PM

the nose is needed. right off the bad. it just really sells it IMO.

i like the lighter coloured dress better. but as for with or without the red bow... i dont know...

star2000shadow 12-24-2017 01:19 AM

Cessy let's play!
Story: I would so Make a Bond fire like i do with my roommate and enjoy the night air. roast hot dogs over the fire and listen to some tunes and or swim .. we would so have to bring a big bouncy ball that we could hit back and forth in the ocean because come on I've never done that and that sounds so very fun.

Nephila 12-24-2017 01:57 AM

Ahh Cessy has her contest up. fun!

Suona 12-24-2017 02:00 AM

Thank you for your feedback, BSW! [hug] I was worried the nose was too creepy/weird xP

Neph, at what time do these actually end? I see the days, but I was wondering time and timezone

Nephila 12-24-2017 02:02 AM

We never talked about that, so I just assumed it would be based off when the event started.

Lemme talk to Shadami about that first. :)

Suona 12-24-2017 02:10 AM

I'm not sure what time that was :x
I'll have to check the FAQ

Shadami 12-24-2017 02:35 AM

The event started around 3Pm Eastern so we're about 30 hours into the event :]

Suona 12-24-2017 02:36 AM

Okay, I think Eastern is 5 hours ahead of me. I'll try to keep track. [yes] Thanks, Shad.

So the first avi contest ends tomorrow at 3pm EST?

ghostPastry 12-24-2017 04:46 AM

Cessy let's play!
Username: ghostPastry
Story: ah! there's nothing like a nice jog along the beach and a refreshing drink on a nice day like today!

Kiari 12-24-2017 05:44 AM

I need to get working on my entries for this!! <3

star2000shadow 12-24-2017 06:02 AM

i wanna join my avi on the beach she looks so toasty warm and IM SO COLD

Velvet 12-24-2017 06:11 AM

Aww, working on the beach one. I didn't see it at first. @_@

star2000shadow 12-24-2017 06:19 AM

that's cause its a bonus round 'blinks sleepily't hey pop up and offer bonus points or something..

Velvet 12-24-2017 06:24 AM

Cessy let's play!
Username: Velvet
Story: Cessy and I would search for seashells! The beach and the shallows will have plenty to discover! Just take a bag out with us and we can fill it full of pretty shells.

hummy 12-24-2017 08:49 AM

I thought this was me =3 and I didn't remember entering!


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1774011852)
Cessy let's play!
Story: I would so Make a Bond fire like i do with my roommate and enjoy the night air. roast hot dogs over the fire and listen to some tunes and or swim .. we would so have to bring a big bouncy ball that we could hit back and forth in the ocean because come on I've never done that and that sounds so very fun.

Nephila 12-24-2017 09:08 AM

Great looking entries so far guys! keep em' coming. :D

bloodstainedwings 12-24-2017 10:31 AM

omg! cessy is doing basically a panties contest! *is so excited* [squee]

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