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Shadami 12-23-2011 10:50 PM

I hope you're not in public :O


Do we count as public?

Star Valo 12-23-2011 10:51 PM

Then Luci knows how Star feels?

KatMagenta 12-23-2011 10:51 PM

I hope no people of a sensitive disposition are looking through the train windows.

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 10:51 PM

Flish accused me of stealing pink frilly ones and wearing them...

momochan 12-23-2011 10:52 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if mayor stole panties...
he did tell iku he'd make him some turnip butter and stand over him while he ate it...
-whispers- creeeperrrr

hummy 12-23-2011 10:52 PM
Sir Lance says Mr.Mayor likes reindeers.
happy holidays ♥ !

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 10:52 PM

And what's wrong with turnip butter!!

momochan 12-23-2011 10:53 PM

mayor: nothing. But the kind you're talking about is....indecent and vulgar!!

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 10:53 PM

And what type am I talking about, hmm???

If I wore glasses, I'd be looking at you over the top of them right now...

Star Valo 12-23-2011 10:54 PM

~sat awkwardly on the floor~

momochan 12-23-2011 10:54 PM

Mayor: the kind that's small and purple!
those are the worst turnips! D<

KatMagenta 12-23-2011 10:55 PM

I always get confused about which are turnips and which are swedes.

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 10:57 PM

Swedes are generally tall, and blonde.

Dystopia 12-23-2011 10:57 PM

/thoroughly confused

Whimsical Sadist 12-23-2011 10:57 PM

Then what are Turnips?

Star Valo 12-23-2011 10:58 PM

~giggles at Luci~

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 10:58 PM

Small and round!

momochan 12-23-2011 10:58 PM

mayor: swedes have accents.
turnips scream. 8D

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 10:59 PM

Hello there! X3

Whimsical Sadist 12-23-2011 10:59 PM

Small and round?
Were you talk about the turnip that's purplish and the vegetable? :XD

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 10:59 PM

I shall grow extra turnips next year, just for you, momo ; )

Zephi 12-23-2011 10:59 PM

Wahoo, nice digs... *looks around for an empty seat*

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 11:00 PM

Whim, we often have absolutely no idea what we're talking about in here *smiles*

KatMagenta 12-23-2011 11:00 PM

Hee, I sort of walked into that one.

I think the ones that are orange in the middle are swedes and the white ones are turnips. Or the other way round. Eek.

momochan 12-23-2011 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Mayor (Post 1770215495)
I shall grow extra turnips next year, just for you, momo ; )

...mmm yummy.
-gets my dog ready for next year-

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