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Nova_Alchemist 07-06-2011 08:11 PM

Ren managed to calm herself down enough to sit up. She looked at Nariko and shook her head before going over to Nariko and pulling her close. "You didn't drag me into anything.. It was my idea to follow you into this mess." Her voice was a soft caring tone. "Hey Nari, come to my place tonight..." She said, glancing at her classmate who was probably scared for life..

YumeBott 07-06-2011 08:25 PM

[[ I feel like a failure. Didn't realize that there was a 3rd page until just now ;D~ ]]

Nariko's tears were about dry by the time she heard Ren try and deny the blame that Nariko had placed on herself. Her face had two red streaks down her cheeks. If she wanted to, she could make money by acting like a joker/acrobat just by crying a bit. However, the streaks were starting to fade into the faint blush that appeared on her face as Ren pulled her close. The soft violet eyes that Ren possessed seemed to almost say "It's okay" without any words spoken otherwise. Nariko felt a bit at ease, a bit safer. Her thoughts returned to what Ren was saying quickly, though. "O-okay.." She answered, considering turning away since she was starting to feel the heat of her own blush.

Nova_Alchemist 07-06-2011 08:43 PM

[[ hehe, that's okay :3 the same thing happened to me :D ]]

Ren smiled sweetly and pulled out her cell before dialing a number. "Hey dad, a friend and I need a ride home..." Her voice was small and could barely be heard. The closed her phone and seconds later a man in a awesome looking car skid across the parking lot before coming to a complete stop. Ren slowly stood and had an apathetic look on her face before holding a hand out for Nariko to take. "Ready to go...?"

[[ her dad: ]]

YumeBott 07-06-2011 08:54 PM

[[ Whoah, he looks epic. Like he could be her older brother in a way xD;... I think I'm going to try a polar-opposites kind of thing, so for a lot of things Ren has in her history, Nariko will have almost the exact opposite ;o ]]

Nariko tilted her head sideways towards the car. Her emotions were absolutely scrambled. She felt another wave of confusion hit her as this person appeared out of completely nowhere. She hugged her shoulders as she stood up, trying to figure out where this car had come from. Nariko could see little resemblance between the sweet-looking Ren and this somewhat devilish-looking man. Either way, she knew that her family would be okay with her leaving. I wonder if he'll notice the dust from the rubble... I don't want Ren to get in trouble..., she thought. Was he here this entire time..?

"...Sure," Nariko said, before taking Ren's hand. "I'm ready."

Nova_Alchemist 07-06-2011 09:10 PM

[[ hehehe, thanks! <3 uh.... how does that work? *confused* ]]

Ren smiled and gently pulled Nariko to her feet before walked towards the car. The man looked at the two of them but remained silent as he unlocked the doors. "Get in." He said in short. Ren always felt small around her dad but could never figure out why.. She opened one of the doors for Nariko before going on the other side and slipping in behind her dad's seat and buckled her seatbelt.

YumeBott 07-06-2011 09:16 PM

[[ Mm.... Like- For starters, Ren is pale with white hair and violet eyes and looks nothing like her dad. Nariko is tan with dark hair, green eyes and looks like everyone in her family, except she had a genetic flaw that caused her eyes not to be brown. Ren called her dad in for help, whereas Nariko would go get it herself. The way they were raised would be almost completely different. To be honest- I think this might be one of my OC characters that I use in new RPs. She hasn't failed that badly yet D;! ]]

Nariko had to resist her own natural resistance to people as Ren pulled her, even as gentle as it was. Her shock was scrambled with the rest of her emotions, so her instincts were threatening to pull through. She didn't hesitate to get into the car, though. Nariko was somewhat happy that she wasn't directly behind this man, because she felt uneasy. It wasn't a bad uneasy like with the teachers, it was just... She felt like she shouldn't try and do anything "smart". With a small click, her seatbelt was buckled just as Ren's was. For a moment, Nariko even forgot where they were going. She took a deep breath and tried to think again. ...Right, Ren's house..

[[ No, really, I forgot where they were going and had to throw it into the plot ; w;" ]]

Nova_Alchemist 07-06-2011 09:28 PM

[[ ohhhh, i get it! and i like it <3 ]]

"Brace yourself Nari..." Ren whispered quietly so only Nariko could hear her. When both girls were buckled in and the doors were closed the male took a single glance at them before hitting the gas and taking off down the street like he driving a race car or something. Ren's eyes went wide and she held onto something that kept her from peeing her pants. "D-dad! Slow down before we get into a wreck!" She yelled. The man shot her a dark glance and she sank in her seat, saying nothing more.

YumeBott 07-06-2011 09:44 PM

[[ Dx note to self don't close tabs. You lose track of forums ; -; ]]

Nariko stared at Ren for a split second, wondering what "brace yourself" was supposed to mean. She found out soon enough, because she felt the momentum of the car speeding up. For a second, she thought the G forces would crush her. She needed something to hang onto, just as Ren did. That something Nariko held onto was Ren's arm, again, like she had clung to in the air vents. That and her seatbelt. Nariko closed her eyes when she noticed Ren's father turn around and shoot a dark look at his daughter. Nariko could feel it, even though she wasn't the one it was aimed for. She let out an almost inaudible whimper, just as she had before. All she was right then, was scared.

Nova_Alchemist 07-06-2011 10:06 PM

[[ ? ]]

Ren stared at the flooring of the car, little tiny tears started to form from the corner of her eyes. He knows... A voice that was her thought whispered. She closed her eyes tightly and lifted up her legs onto the seat so she could hug her knees. There's not a thing he can't pick up... Her thoughts whispered again. She refused to cry in front of her father so she buried her face within her knees. "Chin up Ren, you can explain what happened when we get home." The man spoke without looking at her. He kept his eyes on the road.

When they reached the house he pulled into the driveway and came to a cold stop before turning off the car and getting out, closing his door. Ren straightened herself out and took a deep breath before opening her door, she looked at Nariko with soft eyes. "I'm so sorry Nari... I-I don't know why he's acting like this..." Her voice was shaky from refusing to cry.

YumeBott 07-06-2011 10:18 PM

[[ Rofl, I closed this tab of the forum, and since it wasn't in my long list of tabs, I forgot about it for a second and was like "WAIT A MINUTE D;!" T_T;; ]]

Nariko was somewhat dazzled by the fact that this man could drive so fast. She tried to keep her thoughts off of being able to crash, since that would be instantaneous death. Ren's dad is a good driver, she reassured herself. Her expression turned worried when she watched Ren ball up the same way that Nariko had when they were at the school. She really had no idea what to do next. Her ears were startled by the voice of the man speaking to Ren, and most likely her thoughts.

It was almost a repeat event of what had happened at the school. People were quiet and someone was crying. Unfortunately, it wasn't Nariko. But...... Thoughts of selfishness verses selflessness crossed Nariko's mind. I -am- selfish... So why is it a bad thing if i'm not crying...
"You don't have to be sorry, there's nothing wrong," She said to Ren, leaning towards her and giving her a hug. I guess today was a bad day...

Nova_Alchemist 07-06-2011 11:43 PM

Ren blinked a few times when Nariko hugged her and she smiled a little. "Yeah... I guess you're right... C'mon, let's go inside." Ren smirked lightly before releasing Nariko and slipping out of the back seat, leaving the door open for Nariko.

YumeBott 07-07-2011 12:17 AM

[[ AMG the clouds look like they're rotating. *watches lightning* ;D If I go afk for a few hours its cause there's a tornado. <3 I'll be back though, they're never big. We're too close to the mountains. ]]

Nariko smiled, too, somehow liking the hug she gave out. She was never one to hug anyone, and the people she did hug were family members. Those hugs were usually dull and emotionless since Nariko could care less about those cockroaches. Her family was nothing but huge, and she could usually guess the names on both sides of her family by looking up "most common hawaiian names" and on occasion, "most common japanese names." This hug seemed to fill her with warmth, leaving her slightly stirred when it was broken.

"Alright," she said, following quickly behind Ren. She was somewhat relieved to leave that car behind.

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 12:44 AM

[[ a-alright :3 ]]

Ren led her inside where they were greeted with a sweet smile and a warm hug from her mother. "Oh I'm so glad you girls are alright! When you called I got so worried..." Her voice as soft as silk as she spoke in a caring whisper. The women soon released and kissed them both on the forehead before wandering into the kitchen to finish dinner. "You girls best get your booties upstairs before Nathan comes back inside." Nathan was the name of her father, her mother's name was Yuuki. Ren gave a small nod and glanced at Nariko before leading her upstairs to her room.

[[ her mother, only human instead of elven: ]]

YumeBott 07-07-2011 12:55 AM

[[ Okee its all over. No tornado, just lotsa hail. <3 Dude, her mom looks like Inoue from bleach ; w; ]]

Nariko followed Ren inside, where they were hugged and kissed by Ren's mother. She noticed only after that embrace that she liked hugging Ren just a tinge more. Nathan, Yuuki and Ren... Just those three., she thought. Nariko was somewhat jealous that Ren would get hugged when she came home to one of her parents. This thought was destroyed with nuclear fusion inside of Nariko's mind by how torn she waswith the differentiating personalities between the parents. In fact, she was surprised that Ren wasn't bipolar.

"Your mom seems nice, like... Really nice," Nariko whispered to Ren once they were somewhat out of earshot of her mom and heading up the stairs.

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 01:08 AM

[[ like who from bleach? O.o ]]

Ren waited till they were in her room before closing the door and sat on her bed. "Nari, can I tell you a secret about my parents? I-it's nothing bad... But.. It is shocking and we've both had a rouge day..." She was kinda muttering quietly but made sure Nariko could hear her.

YumeBott 07-07-2011 01:13 AM

[[ Orihime xD; The girl with the biggest chests :L Second only to Rangiku, the chest god =x= here; i'll edit my post after i reply and find a pic thats pretty normal. -.-;; ]]

Nariko was still somewhat not moving even though she thought she was. She took a few steps after she heard Ren starting to speak. Partially because she heard the word "secret," but also because she was having trouble hearing Ren, even in the silence. Her mind was too loud for life. Nariko started to stare past Ren for a moment before snapping her vision back.

"Nope. Nothing could be more rough than today," she said, before looking down and muttering to herself something about how the only thing worse lasted much longer than a day. "You can tell me. I keep secrets."

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 01:25 AM

[[ orihime? i never thought about that xD the other one i don't really remember from the series ._.'' ]]

Ren gazed at Nariko, letting her eyes lock onto her. "My mom and dad are opposites because mom's a pure-hearted human women and dad's a pure-blooded demon." She stopped muttering and relaxed a little, but not much.

YumeBott 07-07-2011 01:46 AM

[[ Bleach has like 400 episodes. Dx! I stopped watching after they rescued Rukia, cause to me that's what Bleach was about ; w; - btw, this is the most sane picture i could find. There's another version, but like... It's got them in swimsuits and i don't trust swimsuits ;D ]]

Nariko had just managed to sit on the edge of the bed, turning to listen to Ren, when the words hit her ears. She blinked once and looked away at the ground, where her focus stayed for a while. She wouldn't call Ren a liar, but she couldn't pull herself to believe this. Something inside of her knew that Ren really wasn't lying. Nariko just needed to think for a few seconds. It all made sense, Ren's mom was sweet and gentle and kind whereas her dad gave off cold vibes that made Nariko want to curl up in a corner and die. Since when did she know I was thinking about opposites...? It COMPLETELY made sense after that point. Everything that Nariko had thought up until that moment was somehow read by Ren and then spoken about. Also, certain things that Nariko hadn't quite figured out were instantaneously answered by this mysterious girl.

Her eyes wandered up to look at Ren's face. "That makes sense," was all she could say.

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 02:10 AM

[[ ohhh, those girls <3 haha woow... i should probably start watching it again :3 ]]

Ren blinked a few times and her eyes flickered around the room and stopped on her window. Now Nariko knew about her family, whether she believed it or not, and Ren was a little bit more comfortable. Her gaze switched back to Nariko and she smiled lightly before she started to run her hair through her fingers, she played with her hair when she was nervous.. Ren thought about how she left her bag at the school in her locker and jumped to her feet, she tightly closed her eyes when the feeling of dizziness hit her like a bat in the back her head. Something important was in her bag in that locker and needed it.. ASAP! The next she knew, Ren was on her floor staring up the ceiling.

YumeBott 07-07-2011 02:20 AM

[[ Rofl, they're all getting bigger ToT Rukia is gonna have a chest soon >:L That little flat girl. </3 ]]

Nariko was still somewhat in her own little trance, for all she could do was try and think. The only things that came to her head were nothingness and more nothingness. Her attempted thoughts were interrupted when she noticed that Ren looked somewhat uneasy. Nariko found herself watching Ren's long, silky hair, but Nariko ended up freaking when Ren started to fall. She reached out for her friend, but was too late.

It was a matter of seconds, literally, before Nariko was on the ground next to Ren, trying to snap her out of whatever unconsciousness or trance she may be in. "Ren, Ren!" Nariko continued to say, trying to keep it down to a whisper since certain things like this tend to freak parents, but she was worried! It didn't matter!
"R-... You're okay, are you okay!?" She asked when she realized that Ren's eyes were open again. Nariko found her hand hanging onto Ren's wrist for dear life in her fear of something bad happening on the worst night ever.

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 02:46 AM

[[ noooo Rukia-sama can't have a chest >.< ]]

Yuuki looked up at the ceiling when she heard a thud followed by a second one in Ren's room. Her gaze flickered to her husband and when he stood Yuuki stopped what she was doing and went over to him, holding him back. "Let them be..." She whispered in her silky tone. Nathan kept himself from resisting her and just stood there, perfectly still.

Ren's heart echoed in her ears, her breathing was anything but steady. It actually painful for her to breathe but she didn't let it show, was she having a panic attack? Her thoughts were scattered so bad she couldn't gather them. She could faintly hear Nariko's voice but she couldn't find any words to speak.

YumeBott 07-07-2011 02:59 AM

[[ Ikr? Dx The fans are making their fanart give rukia chests T_T;; ]]

Nariko started to panic herself when she felt the pulse in Ren's wrist continue to beat erratically. Nariko could feel her own mind turning to instinct like a wild animal. Or, at least, complete mush. She leaned over Ren and placed her free hand beside the girl's body. Her brown hair obediently rested behind her shoulders as she tried to get Ren's attention. "Ren!" Her mind ran across all the possible solutions. One of which was a seizure. What kind of parent lets their kid close their door ANYWHERE if they have seizures!? Either way, lifting Ren up would have been a bad idea. "Can you hear me?...! Nod if you can, even blink if nodding doesn't work!" Nariko's words were becomming less of a whispered hiss and more of confused and angered speech.

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 03:22 AM

[[omg noo~ Dx they're gonna ruin rukia-sama >.< ]]

Ren locked eyes with Nariko and gave a slow nod. She could hear her, more clearly she got her mind to focus on just Nariko and nothing else. A jolt ran through her body and she pushed away from Nariko with fear in her eyes. "Stay... Away..." She managed to whisper with a short breath. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse they do! Her thoughts yelled at her.

That's when Nathan pulled away from Yuuki and rushed outside to get into his car, slamming the door closed and racing off into the darkness of the night when the car started. He was headed towards the school. Yuuki shook her head and ran upstairs. "Ren, Nariko!"

YumeBott 07-07-2011 03:33 AM

[[ ; -; Ikr. I lieked et when she was flat. >:L It makes her look better. Idk why xD; I can't see her as a big, tall, busty girl. It would look bad T_T!! ]]

As Ren started to nod, Nariko smiled and noticed that her vision was getting blurry. A tear started to trickle down her cheek, and the blurred images in her head started to clear up. "I thought that.. You know- something bad had hap--" was all she managed to say before Ren pushed away.
Nariko's eyes showed exactly what was inside of her. Crushed hope. An inexplicable expression, the loss of hope. She was just about to reach out to Ren once more when she heard Yuuki running up the steps, calling their names. Nariko didn't move one bit. She just waited.

[[ May I ask what's happening to Ren? D; She totally turned against Nariko. >w< Is Nathan a good guy or a bad guy? ]]

Nova_Alchemist 07-07-2011 03:50 AM

[[ *shakes her head* she's didn't turn against nariko, she doesn't wanna hurt her. ren's having a panic attack and she doesn't exactly trust herself because her father's demon blood runs through her veins... nathan's a good guy with a mixed perso ]]

Ren shook her head and curled up, she was terrified that she was going to hurt her new friend and she wanted anything but that! No... Nariko was more than just a friend... She meant something to Ren that Ren could comprehend. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Yuuki reached the room and opened the door, he first thing she did was come in then close the door behind herself and knelt before the girls, she didn't know what to do; she was only human, but she wasn't going to just sit there. She had to think of something and quick.

Nathan pulled up to the school and technically broke into the locked school, finding Ren's locker before opening it and grabbing her bag. He closed the locker and rushed back out of the school, re-locking it before getting into his car and driving back towards home.

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