Menewsha Avatar Community

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Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 01:53 AM

Crow-sama if you want I can make you an animated banner for you(for a small monetary price)

Motoko 11-27-2009 03:28 AM

*comes tumbling in squeezing crow's thread with love* xDD

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 03:33 AM

Hello Motoko ^_^

Motoko 11-27-2009 03:51 AM

Hi Naoto xDD

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 03:52 AM

Motoko:How are you?

Motoko 11-27-2009 03:53 AM

Naoto - I am well and you?

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 03:54 AM

Good made it through the worse embarrassment in my whole life ><

Motoko 11-27-2009 03:55 AM

o.o ... Well that is always a good thing ^_^

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 03:57 AM

Yes it is...:lol:

Motoko 11-27-2009 03:58 AM

I'm looking through the fresh meat and seeing who i can recruit here lol

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 04:00 AM

Oh thats a good Idea hopefully you'll find someone

Motoko 11-27-2009 04:01 AM

yeah I hope so also ^_^

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 04:02 AM

Then it isn't just oldies here:lol:

Motoko 11-27-2009 04:08 AM

lol yeah... well I am quit tired I think I am going to sleep now it was so nice talking with you ^_^

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 04:09 AM

Nice talking to you too night night and sleep well

M i n u x e 11-27-2009 04:16 AM

Good luck with your charity! I hope new members can find this place. ^^

@Naoto: Pardon me, what about oldies? My old ears don't work like they used to.

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 04:19 AM

Uhh people who have clothes.....

Pandur 11-27-2009 05:33 AM

Hallo. (:
Curiosity, technically I joined this site a while ago, I don't remember when, but I just started today.
Like, I just activated it and everything.
Do I still qualify? :O
Post count; 1

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 05:35 AM

A NEKKID PERSON!!!!*runs around flailing* here I was gonna take my clothes off just to be the resident Nekkid person ><

The_Crow 11-27-2009 05:36 AM

Of course you qualify! Welcome to the new user's first stop! The newer and poorer you are, the more qualified you are to be here. Just don't forget to number your posts, okay?

You can use the pink rubber eraser button to 'edit' your post if you need to.


Originally Posted by Pandur (Post 1765739912)

Hallo. (:
Curiosity, technically I joined this site a while ago, I don't remember when, but I just started today.
Like, I just activated it and everything.
Do I still qualify? :O

Naoto-chan22 11-27-2009 05:38 AM

Crow-sama:Can I still be the resident Nekkid person....*climbs in lap*

Kai La Morte 11-27-2009 05:42 AM


Fellow Menewshans!! ^^ New Users!! Sweet people who keep our menewsha up and running!!

hehehe Hi everyone! -waves-

Pandur 11-27-2009 05:43 AM

@The_Crow: Okiee, thank you! :D
I'll remember the number them. (:
So how is everything? :3
Post count; 2

The_Crow 11-27-2009 05:45 AM

Pandur- I think you skipped a number in there. WHen things get crazier I have another super secret ninja way of checking posts... but since five is such a low number that can be achieved in one sitting, numbering can suffice.

Naoto-chan- I'm not stopping you, but I think I'd rather you not

Aoekae 11-27-2009 05:46 AM

I shall point lots of new people over here from now on. *nodnod*


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