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Dystopia 07-12-2015 05:28 AM

... That's pretty intense. Maybe I should find one to work at here. xD

Veno 07-12-2015 05:45 AM

Lol not that I'm one to judge people, and everyone needs a job and whatnot, but it's hard working with some of these people that currently are employed. Shotty vocabulary at best. example "what yo digits?", "where do you stay at", "your total is fo' fitty one" I mean sure talk like that all you want outside of work or even not on the phone. no craps given by me, but this is how they talk to customers on the phone!! Like holy moly. And then always trying to sell drugs and whatnot in the parking lot and even sometimes in the bathrooms at work...yeahhhhh not exactly the best place I work at. and then people who are just plain lazy, like the revolving door employees that abuse the training/hiring/two week notice system, and the people who will disconnect their headsets to not get calls and IF they get caught "oh man that explains why Iw asn't getting calls. Shoot! I'm sorry" and the people who just transfer every caller "I'm sorry I can't help you in this department, let me transfer you to them" Which I mean my department does do a lot of transfer since were "new" and only handle new installs and setting up tech visits not bill paying or whatever, but yeah. if someone is calling to change their installation date, DO IT. don't transfer them to another department that's just going to transfer them back to us. That makes angry customers and whats the point? It takes like 2 minutes tops to handle that customer.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 05:48 AM

.___. People. /People./ I think that's a perfectly good reason to judge people- If they're taking advantage of policy or equipment to halfass their jobs as much as possible, then I think its perfectly reasonable to think of them as fuckfaces. Everyone needs a job and everyone needs money, but that's no reason to do the shittest job possible and expect other people to pay you for it. A shame they manage to get away with it.

Veno 07-12-2015 05:55 AM

Well it's not as if the management at the facility is ANY better. It might actually be worse. I'm pretty sure they are the ones who tell them the loopholes in the system. Wouldn't surprise me. It took me MONTHS to get all my paper work filed for maternity leave. And that's after them LOSING it like...twice? I finally just took it upon my self to fax, e-mail and snail mail all my paperwork into head quarters. I figured 3 ways of me sending it would make sure it got to them. But the pay is decent, I can't complain about it, they reimburse me for school and other benefits but it's just a headache most days.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 06:00 AM

People. /People./ This definitely includes management. :I

ugggh. I hate it when I follow the procedures and turn in all the paperwork and whomever is responsible for the next step manages to fuck it up. Just, I did my damn job, why can't you do your damn job? This has happened to me a lot, and I just can't trust anyone with anything.

Veno 07-12-2015 06:04 AM

Yeah, I almost didn't get my maternity leave in on time because of everything. Which I mean it's not like I couldn't of gotten my job back or anything so I mean it's not that I was stressing about that really, but I like to have my ducks prepared and in a row before anything. Like I'm still finishing up applying at the college here and jumping through all their 999 hoops and I have 10 days before everything has to be submitted/okayed and financial aid applied/paid for >.< And of course I'm due with my son in a week. It's been hell trying to get back into school here. Like totally bonkers stupid.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 06:16 AM

Oh man. Its always hard to be expecting and attending college at the same time. What a fucking nightmare. [gonk]

Veno 07-12-2015 06:25 AM

Lol well I don't have too much of a choice, I have to take pre-reqs this fall semester because the radiology/sonography program only starts in spring, so if I don't take my pre-reqs and pass them I have to wait ALL the way until the program starts again in 2017 [gonk] I was suppose to take my pre-reqs in spring, well they had issues getting my high school transcripts and so I ended up not being able to register because it was past the dead line, THEN the summer semester I was trying to get into the college wanted 3 LEGAL ties to the state. But they had to of been in your name for the past 12 months. I had my drivers license, and my voters registration so that was 2 *like car registration, mortgage title etc* well living with my parents and everything being in there name. I had to jump through a ton of hoops to get an exemption to enroll in the school under in-state tuition instead of out of state. well that didn't clear until a week after the last day of registration. That was a nightmare. I almost gave up. My hormones were insane and I was ONE pissed off hormonal mommy-to-be. Well now that is all settled, I just have to sign up for my classes *hope that the online classes aren't all full* and then get the financial aid payments through before the 22nd. So Monday I'm meeting with the advisor to settle all that so there shouldn't be any more issues. And I've even asked my parents to upfront pay for my classes this semester IF the financial aid decides to be a butthead issue, they said yes of course. I mean it's not like financial aid wouldn't reimburse me, or my work, and I have a job. Lol I just don't have that kinda money in my account right at this moment since I just bought all the baby stuff and paid off my car this past month <3 YAY. Least my medical bills for having my son are taken care of. Thank god for insurance through my work.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 06:31 AM

ugh. I hate it when classes are only offered during certain semesters! What do they expect people to do in the meanwhile? One or two years is a big deal, when its something as big as your degree on the line!

Veno 07-12-2015 06:45 AM

Oh yeah. I would go to the university here for the same program, but they don't offer it online but they offer it every semester. *don't want to be away from my son more than I have to be* and it's almost a 40 minute drive to the campus one way. At least if I have to go for any or all my classes at this college it's literally a 10 minute drive max from me. So jump through hoops and everything I must. At least 3 of my pre req classes *thankfully because i have a full semester this semester anyways* are exempted because I took them in high school, and took them at the college. Lol I basically did a happy dance. Otherwise it would of been a 2017 spring semester for me for sure.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 06:53 AM

Ah jeez. I don't want children in general, but I definitely wouldn't want one while I was still in school. Both demand so much time and money, and even focusing all your efforts on one is sometimes not enough! Good luck bro.

Veno 07-12-2015 06:57 AM

Lol well it's not like he was planned being single and lesbian. *short story - got too wasted on Halloween and somehow ended up in the bed with my best guy friend...yea anyways*

But it's okay. :} I've come to grips and reality about everything. And plenty of other mothers have done it. XD I never wanted kids either, well more along the lines of never saw myself having kids and much less raising them. LOL

I'm going to need the luck so thanks.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 07:02 AM

... Oops. [gonk] Did your best friend want the child or no?

Veno 07-12-2015 07:13 AM

Nope. From the day I found out and told him, until about a week ago, didn't even talk to me. And now he's not wanting anything to do with me or our son. Yet is throwing a fit because I'm giving him my last name instead of his...anyways yeah. If he had been totally civil from the beginning and all that jazz I was willing to work with him and everything. Seeing as how he lives 3 hours from me, works 4 weeks on an oil rig, back for 2 weeks AND currently doesn't have a car because he wrecked his and since he isn't home for most of the year anyways, just borrows his dads when he's home. I was going to request he pay child support, because it's the right thing to do, but I wasn't going to make him pay the amount that the courts are going to make him pay. They base it off of the income and since he just got a raise last year and is making about 75-80,000 a year the courts are going to drill some money out of him. I know that making 20,000 a year usually they make you pay between 275-350 a month. I don't necessarily want all that money, just enough to help cover expenses ya know? But he wants to be a dick and play this game. Gotcha. THEN come to find out a couple weeks ago from his mom *who I took the liberty of telling his mom and dad they would be grand parents* they were like "yeah he already made us a grandparent like 7-8 years ago. knocked up some girl while yall were in high school. Of course we kept it hush hush. - he hasn't seen the kid since right after it was born, pays child support religiously and currently lives int he same city and still doesn't give two shits. What kinda kills me about this is the fact that I've known him longer than he's had his other kid and as much as I knew about him NOBODY every told me about him having a kid. They kept it super hush hush, even paid the child support for him until he turned 18. Then the really sad part is his parents - who I thought the world of - don't give a rats ass about the other kid, or mine because it was "born out of wedlock and really doesn't matter anyways" So yeah. For my sons sake I hope I can talk him into just signing over all his rights period *which means he then wont have to pay any financial support - unless the court still orders him to do so, which usually doesn't happen* and then I don't have to jump through hoops anytime I want to do something...there's a lot bigger story to all this...but yeah.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 07:31 AM

That's... pretty stupid?

I think that a man should have the option to accept or refuse parenthood without consequence within a certain time frame, the same way a woman has via abortion. But once he makes his choice to opt out, he's got no right to be giving you grief about what you name a child that's YOURS and ONLY yours.

But it sounds like your best friend- ex-best friend I hope?- in general is a walking cunt. I understand that birth control isn't perfect and that it can fail on the most responsible of partners, but it sounds like he doesn't even try to be responsible. I don't have the hateful words to express what I think of people like him.

It doesn't particularly sound like his parents were good parents who taught him about respecting sex and birth control and sexual partners either. God, its people like them that make me support eugenics and regulated reproduction. I would never vote for it because there's no moral way to enforce such a law without encroaching on bodily autonomy, but I wish it was something every adult had as a personal moral cornerstone.

Veno 07-12-2015 07:46 AM

That's the first time I've had sex with a guy. ever. I never intended to and honestly that part of the night is pretty hazy but I'm not going into those details.

I agree with you, that men should have that right, I totally and 100% do and if he chooses to sign over all legal parental rights, and the courts do choose to "make" him pay. I can actually drop the child support orders. State that I do not need them, nor do I want them. And I plan on doing so. I've even told him that. Of course no response other than I am a horrible person for giving him my last name and not his. -WHICH my actual reason behind that is my son will be the only person in my family that will be able to pass on the name and genetics. If not that bloodline/name ends with me and my brother *my brother is sterile so yeah*

And yes very much so ex best friend. Which hurts a lot because we've been through some major major major crap together over the past almost decade.

His parents are very much so the people who financially support but nothing further than that. It's always been "oh I missed your birthday? heres a new bike" "I'm sorry darling, I didn't show up to your football game - here's a new stereo for your car" kind of parents. So far as they are concerned "oh just cut the kid a check, it's all he needs anyways"

The way the world is today is precisely the reason I would of decided to probably never have kids. And if this hadn't been a total -whatever the hell it was- and I was sexually active with opposite gender I would take any and all precautions. I've fought with myself and been angry with myself for bringing another child into this world, and into such chaos, but in the end my "everything happens for a reason" motto won.

Dystopia 07-12-2015 07:52 AM

Yep. The dude's a total self-entitled cunt. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. You think you know a person, then they surprise you. And not always in a good way.

Iunno. I don't care too much about my name or my genes. But you should damn well be able to name that child whatever you damn well please, and to hell with cunt. If cunt thinks he gets a say in it, then he isn't only a cunt, he's a complete fuckin' nut job.

Eh. His parents sound like a fuckin' work of art, too. :I

Veno 07-12-2015 08:02 AM

yeah it's a big huge giant pile of worms. But that's the hand I was dealt and that's the hand I will play and make the very best of.

Who knows maybe my son will grow up to be the man who saves the entire planet from extinction. <3
I use to not care about my genes and family name and all that, but I mean that's our story, our history, and everyones journey to how they got to where they are now. ^^

Dystopia 07-12-2015 08:08 AM

Iunno. I guess I can understand why its important to some people. But to me, its just letters and biology. It doesn't really concern me how I got here, I think it matters most what happens from that moment onwards.

Veno 07-12-2015 10:27 AM

I'm kinda the same way in some aspects. It's just really cool to see how families moved from one country-state etc to another throughout history.

I'm just a history nut. Lol and science freak <3

Dottie Mae Evans 07-12-2015 04:23 PM

I'm well, Roachi. Just logging on for the day. [:D]

Roachi 07-12-2015 09:48 PM

That's good Lizzy <3
Cute avi lol.

Sorry I haven't been on much guys, been busy as usual lol
Needa get more people in here! :D

Dystopia 07-12-2015 10:38 PM

rofl. I like history like stories, but I was never very good at memorizing events or people or dates. I also had a pretty bad run-in with one of my history professors- He was a likeable enough person if you were willing to do things his way, but I didn't really ant to work with him after he made me take my notes in pen. Anything I turn in, I'll turn in to your specification, but my notes are for my benefit and should suit my taste, not yours.

Elirona 07-13-2015 01:57 AM

Yo, friends! Happy meneversary/birthday, Roachi! My, how the time flies!

Nephila 07-13-2015 04:08 AM

*arrives stylishly late*

Woot! What's up party people? :D

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