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CrimsonShadow 01-13-2012 03:20 AM

I was and your welcome:)

I'd love to know! Your name is Nana?

mynanaflirts 01-13-2012 03:25 AM

My nick name is Nana... Here is how i got the name mynanaflirts...

my little sister was introducing me to some of her friends... because we had went to a school thingy for her. She was like this is My sister Nana and they all had asked why i was name nana and i told them because my middle name is Adriana and i love it but the little kids i babysat for didn't say it right so i put and N in front of Ana and got nana. So while sitting around a whole bunch of 12 year olds and their little talk about boys and stuff... meaning i was 18 and in my last year of high school lol. They had started talking about flirting and boys when my little sister said out loud. "My nana flirts. She loves to flirt." made me feel kinda weird because she said it so proud like as if i made her proud. So since then i just stuck with the name. everyone asks me does my grandma really flirt and i just can't help but laugh at the question because little do they know that Nana is me.

CrimsonShadow 01-13-2012 03:28 AM

Oh my gosh lol. That story is really funny and cute! If I were you I'd be laughing to! You have your own little inside joke lol.

mynanaflirts 01-13-2012 03:31 AM

I know lol... both my little sisters always say that now its so cute... and yes i love my inside joke. I like when they ask about if my grandma flirts and half the time i was say yes but i don't like lying so i end up saying the truth lol

CrimsonShadow 01-13-2012 03:44 AM

Haha it's a good story!

mynanaflirts 01-13-2012 03:45 AM

Yes and my true story.

Dottie Mae Evans 01-13-2012 04:06 AM

**reads nana's story** Oh, I always thought that it was your grandma that flirted. XD! Good to see ya' again. :)

Where's Kitteh anyways? I had to relink this charity in my quest thread because it had the old url. :S

Linnea 01-13-2012 04:42 AM

aw that is really cute, nana :)

Precarious Fool 01-13-2012 11:19 AM

Kitteh is... Nowhere! :0

Linnea 01-13-2012 06:41 PM

then i want to be nowhere too!

mynanaflirts 01-14-2012 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770377177)
**reads nana's story** Oh, I always thought that it was your grandma that flirted. XD! Good to see ya' again. :)

Where's Kitteh anyways? I had to relink this charity in my quest thread because it had the old url. :S

Everyone always says that... it just makes me giggle inside when they think that because its so funny... but nope My name ish nana lol.... Good to see you again LizzyCollinsDeArc


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1770377268)
aw that is really cute, nana :)

thank you... i couldn't find anything else to put as a name so i went with what i though was cute and what i love hearing from my sisters..

dragoness129 01-14-2012 02:30 AM

Sent another trade for the Laundry Basket. ^_^

Prismatic Llama 01-16-2012 02:05 AM

-sprints through- WOOOOOO~

CrimsonShadow 01-16-2012 02:09 AM

Hahah -watches Llama-

You run fast!

Precarious Fool 01-16-2012 02:11 AM

He's got to, if he wants to keep those buns lookin' nice.

CrimsonShadow 01-16-2012 02:16 AM

Hahahha good point

Precarious Fool 01-16-2012 02:18 AM

Though, I wonder if his mum ever taught him not to run with hot chocolate...

CrimsonShadow 01-16-2012 02:20 AM

Probably not...

Precarious Fool 01-16-2012 02:22 AM

A shame. Sounds like Facade: was a failure as a parent. Sprinkles can't raise children worth a damn!

Facade 01-16-2012 02:26 AM

:o I'm a perfectly good parent. :talk2hand:

-throws a brick at Llamaboy-

Prismatic Llama 01-16-2012 02:29 AM

:gonk: You're not a good parent! You never fed me, and all you gave me for Christmas was a bag full of empty snack packs. D:

SkittlesTheIcePrincess 01-18-2012 01:31 AM

Hey everyone whats up?
Im new so I figured I would roam around to
try to make some new friends. :)
how are you all? :)

Linnea 01-18-2012 02:21 AM

hey there, skittles :) and welcome to mene and to the wardrobe!

SkittlesTheIcePrincess 01-18-2012 02:53 AM

Hello there. :)
and thank you very much. n.n
how are you? :)

Linnea 01-18-2012 03:15 AM

oh i'm pretty good, thank you :)
i was just watching an episode of doctor who
how are you?

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