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Whimzica 09-26-2012 11:57 PM

Haha i feel you there Jez.

Jezriel 09-27-2012 02:42 AM

Aaaaand, I'm back from work. Too bad I have to open the store tomorrow or I'd have more time online tonight. XP

Whimzica 09-27-2012 03:26 AM

Same boat! Only opening at my work isnt too early, but I still have to be up for other things.
Still.. -avoids sleep- >>

Jezriel 09-27-2012 04:26 AM

Well, we're on page three! Not too bad for an absentee landlord, lol. At this point I may just do some random prize giving the next time more than three people post on a page.

Whelp, time to find a snack before bed. I forgot to eat dinner... >.>'

Whimzica 09-27-2012 04:38 AM

We shall keep on the chatting quest for stars! Among other things.
Awh, hope you find something tasty. I went to our local japanese restraunt for dinner. Mm. <3

Jezriel 09-27-2012 04:51 AM

Haha, what a coikidink! Well, a package of Instant Udon with some roast chicken thrown in isn't really on the same calibur - but still.

My small town had a Japanese style restaraunt for a brief time. Their problem was that they tried to do the 'steakhouse' image, without the fancy cooking tables. So you paid as much, for less. This isn't such a big town, and filled with lower income people. It's now a 24hr Burrito drive-thru. Doing much better. >.>'

Whimzica 09-27-2012 05:21 AM

Haha, its all still delicious. x3

Ohh. Yeah, unfortunately thats what a lot of places around my town are doing too, closing/changing. Actually my previous job closed because the rent was too high for the income they were getting. That however is not the case with our Japanese restaurant, theyre doing extraordinarily well. They started out in this tiiiny little corner shop, but they now have their own building almost 3 times the size, and still packed every night.

Jezriel 09-27-2012 08:48 PM

That means they're doing it right!! XD
Seriously, good food, good service, good atmosphere, and prices that aren't so high that you just sigh as you drive past the place on the way to Wendy's is all a restaurant needs to stay open! But for some reason many places just can't do all of this at the same time.

Whimzica 09-28-2012 04:03 AM

Their main courses are still a special-occasion event, but whats nice is they do a lower-price lunch, so if you can make it in thats always a treat. But yeah, a lot of places dont get a good balance between them. Not just food places, really true for any business.

Jezriel 09-28-2012 05:50 PM

Yeah, lunch specials are the way to go in most nice places. There's a Thai place in the town over that's amazing, but soooooo expensive. But the lunch special is very nice. Slightly smaller portions (which just means no leftovers to get strange) and a little bowl of soup. Ahhhh. Too bad I can't get my fiance to go there anymore. He's allergic to fish, and we had a bad date when I convinced him to take a bite of my lunch, not knowing it was heavily laced with fish-sauce. He just about barfed, kind of ruined the mood.

Whimzica 09-28-2012 09:59 PM

Whoops! Thats never good. I always feel bad for food-allergic people.. Possibly because I eat so many things. x3

Jezriel 09-28-2012 10:10 PM

I've never had any serious food allergies. I'm allergic to some kinds of melons and commercially prepared guacomole. The theory from the nutritionist is that it isn't the food I'm allergic to, but the chemicals sprayed on them as they grew. Melons and avacados just happen to suck them up more than other foods I eat. I also eat (or used to) these things in larger quantities all in one sitting. Gives me light hives on the inside of my mouth, mostly. Although one honeydew half actually made it hard for me to breathe. I've stopped eating more than a bite or two of melon since then.

But those are small minor things to me. Not being able to eat FISH in much of ANY form is kind of.... limiting!

Whimzica 09-28-2012 10:28 PM

Wow. I'm not allergic to any food myself, just dander dust and pollen. Hilarious, since I've always lived with dogs and cats, currently live in a dusty old ranch house, and work at an indoor garden store with lots of flowering plants. :D The pets & job are by choice at least though, hah.
Have you ever grown your own melons/avacados so you can avoid the synthetics?

Jezriel 09-28-2012 10:38 PM

I am so terrible at growing things. And it's been bad weather the last couple of years. This year I didn't even try, beyond the potted cherry tomato on my porch. It was sooo hot this summer, most people's gardens didn't do so well out here.

Whimzica 09-28-2012 10:49 PM

That is true, I was watering my outside stuff 2-3 times a day. x.x
It was awful trying to keep the heat out in the indoor gardens, too.

Jezriel 09-28-2012 10:58 PM

I'm hoping next year we won't have drought level conditions. I won't be in management training (and if lucky, will have a new job entirely by then) so I'll have more time to fuss with plants.

I tried so hard to get simple Morning glories to grow on my yard's fence. But only a couple sprouted, just like last week and started to take over their section of the fence. I guess it was just too hot for them. Which is sad, because they won't have much time left now that it's fall.

Whimzica 09-29-2012 11:16 PM

If you have a hydroponics store in your area, theyd be able to steer you towards plant nutrients thatd really make your garden go crazy. Although really I'd look for a mykos/mychorizae product; it helps plants deal with any kind of enviromental stress.

Jezriel 09-30-2012 12:17 AM

Eh, maybe. I live in the middle of nowhere kansas, so it's hard to find fancy stuff here. XD

I'm wondering if this thread is even going to reach it's fifth page before the end of the event. Although I really appreciate you helping me keep it alive!

Whimzica 09-30-2012 02:03 AM

Well, maybe you have a gardening store with it. xD

And no problem! WE shall make it! -dashes off towards #5-

Jezriel 09-30-2012 02:08 AM

I guess the one good thing about not having to keep track of a lot of prizes and games this time around is that I've got more time until next year to set things up properly, lol.

Like the addition of the crown to your outfit! It fits perfectly. ^_^

Whimzica 09-30-2012 08:33 AM

That is very true. I know for me personally running events can get really hectic, even if it doesnt seem like it should be complicated.

And thankyou! I love these EIs.

Jezriel 09-30-2012 08:37 PM

It's so weird. I couldn't find this thread for anything this morning! I was afeardeded that it had gotten deleted for some strange reason. *whew*

I wasn't going to change outfits again, but... had to try out the EIs. I'm hoping to pick up a couple of spares, but we'll see. I'm not the worlds fastest poster.


And Sabiir wins a prize for being awesome.

Whimzica 10-01-2012 04:27 AM

Ooh, I like your new avi! I didnt get any spare EIs, but a few commons instead this time around. I couldnt be on as much this event.


Jezriel 10-01-2012 04:55 AM

Ha, I've been through so many outfits this event. XD

I've just spent all my gold on commons, so do you want the Starfruit basket or the Star Eater's Wig?

Whimzica 10-01-2012 04:57 AM

I'm honestly shocked that I kept one avi this whole time!
I'm usually the person changing outfits everyday.

The starfruit, thankyou. <3

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