Menewsha Avatar Community

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Vickyll3 12-26-2011 03:12 AM

Thank you Jelly, thats really great news

Shadami 12-26-2011 03:15 AM

oh Jelly. I have an item question. But not really event question...

though it came up because of the event's avatar contest. The male items can be previewed and are shown worn, but when bought say they're for the other sex. . .(at least that's how i understood what my fiance told me) Does that meant the items should be able to be worn? Cuase it showed up in the shop for him and he bought a bunch of stuff that went with the avi he was making. and than discovered that they wouldn't go on even after previewing them.

jellysundae 12-26-2011 03:17 AM

What male items? :? There aren't any male only commons in the event store =O


Oh! You mean in general? You can't equip an item that isn't for your gender, no. If you want to wear it you need to switch to that gender, equip it, then switch back.

Shadami 12-26-2011 03:22 AM

So can you buy female items as a male than?

Vickyll3 12-26-2011 03:27 AM

First you have to be a female
It wont show in store if your not that gender

jellysundae 12-26-2011 03:32 AM

Yeah, the stores work by gender. Which is why new people who haven't created an avatar yet can't access the stores. So no, you can't buy clothes for the opposite sex.

Shadami 12-26-2011 03:38 AM

that's so wierd...

He just bought a ton of items. male avatar. and it let him try them on. buy them. than while in his inventory couldn't be worn. (i was looking over his shoulder) the message "can only be worn by opposite gender" or similar to that popped up.

star2000shadow 12-26-2011 03:59 AM

'peeks in' Hi 'waves' Star is so very proud of herself. she got a suggestion used, made a actual perma thread people can come to came up with a game 'hide and seek' and how to play it even if she doesn't have the bored set up.. its totally sweet.. and hi 'waves again'

Shadami 12-26-2011 04:09 AM

hide and seek? do tell. Sha is curious :]

Seiki Nova 12-26-2011 04:20 AM

Thanks for that. I just didn't want to go through the store and buy all of the commons if they weren't all there for fear of missing anything. I'll just buy what's in there now and be on the lookout just in case anything else is added.

And also, why is the sellback store closed right now? I only just noticed it when I went to sell back a duplicate item that I have.

Iro 12-26-2011 04:31 AM

Sellback stores have been set to close during event time so people won't gain gold by selling back what they bought in tokens. :yes:

And the previews for the first EI have been added!

Seiki Nova 12-26-2011 04:36 AM

Why would people sell them back during the event and get only a quarter of their full value? I always wait until after the event to sell back the commons I buy with my excess event currency to make back some of the gold I spent on items >>

Iro 12-26-2011 04:38 AM

I have no idea but apparently some people do! :o

Seiki Nova 12-26-2011 04:41 AM

Ah. Well thanks for the information Iro. I'll just wait to sell back this mask : )

Shadami 12-26-2011 05:46 AM

your outfit is very cool seiki

Fauxreal 12-26-2011 06:02 AM

*looks around for the sleeping car* Oh sorry, I think I'm in the wrong place.

Cherry Who? 12-26-2011 06:10 AM

It's the event items that cause the problem with the sellback store. The first one costs 3,000 gold, which is a hefty chunk, but only costs 35 tokens, which you could make in a day or two with some hard work. If you bought it with tokens, you could sell it back for 1,500. That's quite a lot. After the event, the EIs are completely removed from the shop and then cannot be sold back, so the sellback store can be reopened.

List the item you're looking to get rid of for half price in the marketplace and you just might make someone's day!

fireprincess 12-26-2011 06:43 AM


*grabby hands*

Facade 12-26-2011 06:49 AM


-steals it and runs for the hills-


CK 12-26-2011 06:49 AM

I have a pair of ankle boots I didn't color for the event, but I don't think I'll be adding anything new items to the store (may as well save them for another event!). Now, I might add a recolor or two of the Lucia/Saint stuff, but only if I decide to do it tomorrow. If I don't, then I feel it's better to let people do their shopping in peace without worrying about items showing up later after they've stopped looking in the store. xD;

Also, can we keep off-topic chatter to a minimum, please? Talking about the items is totally on-topic! But talking about your thread or saying high is off-topic and I will start deleting or at least removing offending posts here! Thanks!

Antagonist 12-26-2011 06:51 AM the event shop fully stocked by now? :O Will there be more items appearing? (if so, then yes please for the Lucia/Saint items! :eager:) I'm waiting for the shops to be fully stocked before buying, to prevent accidental duplicate-purchasing. :sweat:

fireprincess 12-26-2011 07:03 AM

Nooo!!!! Not my Yan Yan! :gonk:
*follows facade to the ends of the earth to get Yan Yan back*

So am I
I want to make sure I can get all the stuff I want the most so I'm waiting a bit to use my tokens

CK: and jellysundae:
I know you guys were a little worried about the commons you created and if people would like them.....well, I just wanted to tell you both that I absolutely love them! You did an amazing job on everything!!!

CK 12-26-2011 08:23 AM

飛段: I don't know if Jelly has decided whether or not to 'sit' on the other items she's playing with, but if so, the only thing likely to happen is a few recolors. xD Maybe Jelly will say tomorrow. But I'll post tomorrow to let people know if I've added more recolors of my things tomorrow. If I don't post here, then that means I've decided not to, and won't add anything for the rest of the event either. xD

Also - thank you, fireprincess. :) If I hadn't had wishie's help, I would have had fewer items to share. I'm not good at shading yet. xD;

Lush Cutie 12-26-2011 08:23 AM


Antagonist 12-26-2011 08:26 AM

@CK: Ohh, awesome! Thank you~ > w <

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