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Cami 10-31-2009 03:02 PM

I woke up about nine too. Didn't go to sleep until after two. I've been sleeping significantly less, lately.

Chi 10-31-2009 03:02 PM

I got up at 10, but I went to bed around 2:30.

I have to go get some crap for my husband, so I'll be right back. 9_9

And Sil, I don't care. I'm not running the giveaway past Sunday due to school, so do what you want. :P

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:03 PM

My sleep cycle is definitely off. I've been up later of late, for no real reason, but I still wake up early. Sleeping in for me is 9:30. x_x; Anymore, I wake up at 8am if I'm in bed by midnight.

Izumi 10-31-2009 03:04 PM

I must be honest, Kin...I don't know if I like how the event currency works or not. I'm glad the common EIs can still be bought with gold though.

Cami 10-31-2009 03:05 PM

Which I think is a normal amount of sleep. XD

I don't get what you guys don't like about the event currency. XD I's like exactly the same as every event ever.

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:06 PM

The multiple currency confuses me, but I think the goal is to make it easier to get stuff without just giving it to use with no effort. It's interesting.

Normally there's only one type for the EIs and one type for the store (if any), so I'm intrigued to see how well this works out. :3

Chi 10-31-2009 03:07 PM

I think it's the potential "mix and match" that appears will be needed. xD They added another element to it. I'm interested in seeing how it works out once the EIs are released. :3

Izumi 10-31-2009 03:07 PM

I dunno...just more involved I guess. As long as I can get one set of EIs I'll be satisfied though. This might give me the ability to still get some event commons while keeping my gold for my dragon helm. Hmmm.

I'll need to post my ass off though... :XD

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:08 PM

Your poor ass, Izumi. ;-; It might run away. xD

Izumi 10-31-2009 03:09 PM

I know Anthy, I know.... :cry:

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:11 PM

At some point, I need to wander out and set up a screen and my PS2 for scary movie day. We were going to carve pumpkins, but Kroger ran out of them, as apparently have most of the stores around here. :/ Not that we could go anywhere else as our PA was specifically for Kroger. I'm really disappointed though.. I've never heard of pumpkins selling out before Halloween.

Chi 10-31-2009 03:15 PM

Yeah, that still surprises me... :/ It's weird.

Izumi 10-31-2009 03:16 PM

Unfortunately, we did the pumpkins, 2 weeks ago, and they've already started to go all mushy and rotten. We wanted to make sure the kids got to carve pumpkins with us and since we only see them every other weekend it had to be then. We could of tried to fit it in this weekend, but we got enough stuff going on with it being halloween.

Cami 10-31-2009 03:16 PM

One of the EIs is already out.

Mmmm. Someone make me lunch.

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:17 PM

Brunch doesn't even open until 11 on the weekends. :(

I'm hoping to not have a busy Halloween. If I'm busy, it means my residents are being stupid. x_x I do not want to deal with stupid residents. ;_;

Yeah. I'm disappointed. A lot.

Izumi 10-31-2009 03:21 PM

Yah I saw. I need to collect the ribs for it first. Looks really cute though, and I love the other EIs that are basket like so I'm excited to get it.

Cami 10-31-2009 03:21 PM

Anthy: Well, your city doesn't do halloween, though. It makes since they wouldn't still have pumpkins.

Chi 10-31-2009 03:22 PM

I really want a pumpkin pie... /random

I'll have to go peek at the item once I get done setting up. xD

Cami 10-31-2009 03:23 PM

No reason to set up. That's just silly.

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:24 PM

Actually, everyone I've mentioned it to around here seemed confused by it. But, it's rained a lot, so I think much of the pumpkin crop was ruined due to being rotted. :/

I am excited for the EI sets. I've come to rather like the EIs that we get here. xD

Some Random Randomness 10-31-2009 03:25 PM

Heya y'all.

How it going down hur?

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:25 PM

Hi Rando. x3 How goes it with you? :3

Izumi 10-31-2009 03:26 PM

Ohhh anthy I love that EI!! Looks adorable! I love the EIs they do here too. The pixelists are awesome.

Hi rando!!! :D

Anthony Darkyn 10-31-2009 03:27 PM

It is quite an adorable bag of candy. >w< I'm impressed with the jack 'o lantern on it. >w<

..But it makes me hungry. :gonk:

Chi 10-31-2009 03:28 PM

*snuggles ninja-looking Rando*

Hiii. xD

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