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Kat Dakuu 10-14-2011 04:18 AM

Koda grumbled to himself and nibbled on a chip as he thought. He needed to elaborate on his answer? Ugh, but he wasn't used to using his brain this much. "So like um...grr! How do I even say it?! It's the stuff that summarizes the like um....views of America. Before a paper, you summarize it in the intro right?"

Wings of Writing 10-14-2011 04:23 AM

Declan's smiled widened and he leaned over to pat Koda on the shoulder. "Good job, kid. I'm impressed really. You tried, and you definitely got it right. It's to summarize the argument they are putting forth. It's their thesis statement if you will to keep with the paper analogy." he leaned back in his chair, studying Koda.

Kat Dakuu 10-14-2011 04:36 AM

The second Declan touched Koda, he started to blush and jerked away. His eyes were lowered and he looked like he was trying to hide behind the bag of chips. "I-it's just simple question. Don't act like its a big deal," he muttered. He was aware that the tutor was still looking at him and it only made him more nervous.

Wings of Writing 10-14-2011 04:46 AM

Declan fought raising his eyebrows at the kid's blush, not wanting to embarrass him more, and just smiled. "It may not be that big of a deal, but it is something." he said, "You tried Koda and that's something I didn't expect this early in our sessions, which is nothing to do with you, just from experience. Either way, I'm impressed, but that doesn't mean I'm letting you off easy. We should know look at the Bill of Rights."

Kat Dakuu 10-14-2011 06:29 AM

Koda peeked at Declan, wiping the embarrassed expression from his face. He was just as embarrassed that he had actually tried for someone as he was for getting praised for it. It was a somewhat novel feeling and he was surprised to find that he kinda liked it. "Fine, fine. We can look at the Bill of Rights," he said though without a shred of excitement. "I ain't promising any more right answers though," he muttered to himself. His little act of rebellion, even if it was too quiet to be heard by Declan, made him feel better.

Wings of Writing 10-14-2011 10:33 PM

Declan chuckled softly at Koda, "Don't sound so enthusiastic." he said, lightly. As he pulled out the sheets of paper he had prepared with the Bill of Rights. "Okay, so tell me which ones you know."

Kat Dakuu 10-15-2011 01:36 AM

Koda made a sour face. "How about you tell me them first and I'll tell you after that?" He fiddled with his headphones, just realizing that his music wasn't on. He flipped through his songs, wondering what to listen to, while he thought about the bill of rights. He was pretty sure he knew some of them, but that was it.

Wings of Writing 10-15-2011 02:51 AM

"Because that would be spoon-feeding you answers. Plus, most Americans now at least one." Declan sighed "They complain about it being abused enough anyway. Or try to stop it from being used." He watched Koda fiddle with his music, a part of him mildly curious what the kid actually listened to. And if the music belied his appearance or went along with it.

Kat Dakuu 10-15-2011 06:03 AM

Koda sighed and started to list off what he knew. "Let's see. There's freedom of speech, the right to have a gun, erm....and no cruel punishment....." He trailed off, trying to think of the rest. There were like ten of these right? He could only think of three right now.

Wings of Writing 10-16-2011 03:07 AM

Declan smiled wider and handed the list of amendments to Koda. He was really wondering if what he said to the kid had actually gotten through to him. It would be kind of suprrising. Though it would certainly make their sessions easier. "Why don't you just read over those real quickly, see you understand why they are the first ten amendments and if any of them seem null and void in present day. Then we'll call it a day." Declan figured he could reward the kid, show him that he was happy he was doing well.

Kat Dakuu 10-16-2011 05:49 AM

Koda's face brightened at what proved to be a short lesson. He took the peace of paper much more enthusiastically than usual and started to look it over. He tapped his finger in time to his music, a rather lively beat. As usual, Koda read slow, probably a side-effect of never reading, but he eventually finished it without falling asleep. Quite the feat for him. "Kay, I read them all...." he muttered, looking back at the paper with a muddled expression.

Wings of Writing 10-19-2011 11:07 PM

"Are you confused by anything?" Declan asked. "Or do you basically get what each one is outlining. In fact, let's look at each one and you tell me what it's saying. Well, the first is free speech. The second is to have a gun. What is the third? And why do you think this one would be included?"

Kat Dakuu 10-21-2011 11:57 PM

"uh...I guess I'm not confused...." Koda said in a voice slightly less sure than it should be to make it believable. He thought about the third amendment for a few seconds before speaking again. "No wait. What does it mean by 'a soldier can't be quartered'? Is that like sleeping quarters or something?"

Wings of Writing 10-24-2011 06:03 PM

Declan didn't even try and stop the smile that spread on his face when Koda asked and he then replied, "Basically. During the time before the Revolutionary War British soldiers would have the right to demanding "quartering" at a civilians house. This meant that those civilians had to supply a place to sleep, food, and any other necessities like that for the soldier. It was a huge point of contention for the Americans."

Kat Dakuu 10-29-2011 12:44 AM

"Wow, who would really let random ass people stay in their house? That just ain't right!" Koda snapped, looking a bit surprised at this fact. "They even had to feed them?!"

Wings of Writing 10-30-2011 10:57 PM

"They did, and no it wasn't right. The American Rebels thought so too, which is why it was placed in our constitution. It's one of the basic laws of our country." Declan said, chuckling a little bit at Koda's reaction at least he seemed to find this interesting. This lesson really was going better than he had expected it too.

Kat Dakuu 11-01-2011 06:14 PM

"But it's not really relevant now is it?" Koda asked, still obviously interested in the discussion. "Cause no one would ever let anyone do that now whether it was law or not."

Wings of Writing 11-02-2011 03:44 AM

"You would follow the law if meaning you didn't could get you killed, yes?" Declan said tilting his head to the side. "That was a possibility if you refused to follow this law at the time. It could be a possibility again. And have you ever considering that maybe it seems like it is no longer relevant and it wouldn't happen is because it is in our Bill of Rights? It's sitting right there at the top of our laws of things you cannot do. Plus, it's nice to know we have that protection." Declan looked at Koda for a few moments, "But think of all the times are Rights according to this list are compromised. Censorship is a prime example."

Kat Dakuu 11-06-2011 08:09 AM

Koda shook his head. "It still feels weird though because it feels like that law doesn't matter...." He pouted and twirled the wire from his headphones around his finger. "And I don't really care about censorship. It doesn't bother me."

Wings of Writing 11-07-2011 06:53 AM

"Laws are there as preventions, but they are also reactions. So there are plenty of useless laws. Like the one here in Texas that states 'it is illegal to sell one's eye' or 'it is illegal to shoot a buffalo from a second story window of a hotel.' But those are laws because somebody has attempted them at some point. So maybe it seems pointless and will never be used again, but it's nice to have that reassurance. We never know when there will be another war on American soil. We've been lucky since the Civil War; I believe we are due for another major war here in our nation." Declan paused, trying to decide if Koda would keep listening to him, but decided his point was important to make as well.

So he continued, "As for not caring for censorship, I don't know if I actually believe that. Maybe, you don't care for it in the sense of relating to books. I doubt if To Kill a Mockingbird or 1984 is removed from your curriculum. But censorship is so much more than that. Have you ever wondered where this idea of being 'politically correct' came from? It starts in censorship. This idea that we have to be careful of what we say. We let ideas like that go far enough and we won't be able to express any of our beliefs. The definition talks about it being the suppression of that which is offensive, but that is a broad definition. And what is offensive over time changes. For now, we censor cuss words and being unkind. But what if it became offensive to express your emotions: to be happy, sad, angry, in love. Plus, have you considered how censorship has affected some groups of people in the past, or even currently? The blacks weren't able to speak out for so long because they were censored. Same goes for the gay rights movement. Why do you think we are so active now? It's because we finally aren't being suppressed, censored, and we can speak out." Declan stopped suddenly realizing what he'd just implied. He stopped, studying Koda, wondering if the boy would catch it, wondering what he would say.

Kat Dakuu 11-07-2011 07:56 AM

Koda blinked and stared at Declan. He cracked a smile at the dumb laws as if they proved his point, but the smile quickly fell away as he stared in utter confusion. Well, shock more than confusion. Declan was totally a nut. Seriously? another war in America?! He wasn't sure he believed it. The nightmare of words was far from over though.

"I-don'...don't really....." He started part way through declan's second speech and then quickly stopped, not knowing what he was trying to say. he really didn't intend to open this can of worms. He just wanted to say something, anything to Declan and he had muttered something about censorship without thought. Now he was listening to the effects.

Half of the speech went in and out his ears and his face told it. but the time it was over, Koda was completely shell-shocked. Something about the end of that speech was nagging at him, but he brain had seized up for the moment. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't, so he slowly reached for his chips again and shoved hand full in his mouth. After a few seconds, he suddenly jumped up.

"I'm going to the bathroom!!" he shouted before running off down the hall.

Wings of Writing 11-07-2011 08:04 AM

Declan blinked after Koda and reached to push his glasses up his nose, before remembering they weren't there, so he settled for running his fingers through his hair. He had apparently scared the poor kid, "That did not go well," he muttered to himself. Before sighing, he'd basically just told the kid he was gay, if Koda caught Declan's use of first person. That could go over really badly, and Declan seriously hoped that wasn't why the younger male had run off. He leaned back in his chair and waited for Koda to reemerge.

Kat Dakuu 11-07-2011 08:16 AM

For once, Koda was glad his mom wasn't home or she'd question him for hours about him rudeness during a lesson. He sunk to the floor of the bathroom, running both of his hands through his hair at once. come on tiny brain, work! he yelled at himself and slowly it started to function again. A few minutes passed and he was working his way past the censorship part of the speech when he suddenly went still.

"Why do you think we are so active now?" We.....

The revelation would have floored Koda if he weren't already sitting. Declan was gay. Even his tiny brain could understand that. What should he do? nothing. It wasn't like he could do anything about it. He shouldn't suddenly freak out and throw Declan out....right? It didn't matter....right? He wasn't really sure about it. But it didn't mean anything! Just because Declan was gay didn't mean anything in relation to him so he should just keep his mouth shut and pretend he didn't hear it.

finally settled on his choice of action, Koda slipped out of the bathroom and slowly made his way back to the table. He realized a bit too late that he should have looked in the mirror and fixed his hair. He shook his head to let it fall more naturally and finally gave up. He sat back down, never making eye contact with Declan.

"U-um...what were we talking about?" he asked in a small voice.

Wings of Writing 11-07-2011 08:43 PM

Declan calmly, at least by appearances, sat at the table waiting for Koda to return. However, if you looked at the young man closely you could notice his his foot shaking slightly and that he kept shifting. Declan couldn't remember feeling this uncomfortable since he'd come out to his friends. Why did this aspect of himself always lead to him feeling so damn uncomfortable? It's because of societies feelings, he thought somewhat bitterly.

He looked up as he heard Koda approaching. Damn, the kid looked downright stressed out. That was definitely not Declan's plan for the day. Oh, well. "Umm..." Declan sighed shaking his head, "I believe we were discussing censorship, but if you don't have more questions or anything. I believe I told you we would end the session early. So how about we do that?" Declan's voice shook a little bit, he definitely wasn't sounding as confident as he usually did.

Kat Dakuu 11-08-2011 03:20 AM

Koda blinked, stealing a quick glance at Declan. The teacher looked just as stressed as his student. Koda felt a bit bad about it which really surprised him. He didn't really understand why he should care even the slightest bit about some random private tutor of his. He went though enough of them after all that it wasn't worth getting close to one. He was dragged out of his thoughts when Declan spoke.

"Wait, what?" Koda said in surprise, finally looking right at the tutor. He glanced at the clock and saw they were only two-thirds of the way through the usual lesson time. "Uh...I don't have any questions I guess," he muttered. "Are we really done with the lesson?"

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